

Mother and daughter looked at him before Zainab replied “Yes daddy”

“Get ready to move back to the house, we have to start preparations for your wedding”

“Baba Laide” her mother turned to him with surprise in her eyes

He looked at her “once you marry him, my wife and I will no longer be responsible for you and your welfare” he walked out leaving his wife with “Tete will be back to pick you up”

Zainab’s mother stared at her husband intently as if she was planning to pounce on him but she sat down instead and asked her daughter “do you want to eat Amala and Ewedu abi I should prepare rice and fish pepper-soup?”

Zainab shook her head “mummy, I’m okay”

“The doctor said you were stressed, is anyone bullying you in that house? Tell me the truth Laide”

She opened her mouth to tell her mum what really happened earlier today but decided against it “no one is bullying me”