

Zainab looked between all three people before stepping towards Tristan who looked like he’d just seen a ghost

“Hey” she tapped him bringing color back to his face

“What are you doing here?” he asked Anu ignoring Zainab’s greetings at first, he looked angry, and surprised all at once

Anu turned to him and ran to hug him but he didn’t hesitate in shifting away from her and her face held slight worry over his actions “Tristan, babe”

“I asked what you are doing here Anu?”

“I have missed you, and I also have something to say” she grabbed his hand stunning everybody but Zainab felt the plunge in her heart the most

Tristan tried to pry his hand of but Anu held on, placing the hand on her belly

“What the hell, Anu” he took his hand back

Adesua walked to Zainab and stood beside her, probably for support

“Tristan, don’t you get it?” Anu asked excitedly

“What do you mean?” he asked confused at her excitement