
The Princess & The Ruthless of a Wolf King

Princess Selene's perfect life shatters as the Wolf tribe conquer Brookshire. Now a slave in the brutal Wolfwood kingdom, she faces the ruthless Wolf King Dangel. Repulsed by his savagery, Selene discovers a hidden depth beneath his warrior facade. Forbidden attraction simmers, but Dangel hides a dark secret that could shatter their fragile bond. Meanwhile, a power struggle within the Wolfwood threatens to consume them all. War looms as a rival kingdom seeks vengeance, forcing Selene and Dangel to choose: love or duty? Can their forbidden bond survive as the fate of kingdoms hangs in the balance?

Pantheress_Leon21 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


I cross my arms and go after him through the long, dark hallways until I can hear people talking and dishes clinking in the dining hall. I see Dangel walk into the dining hall before anyone else.

The room becomes quiet. He lifts his arms wide and smiles, and everyone starts cheering again. He sits at the end of the table, and food is quickly given to him. I look into the well-lit dining hall from where I am in the dimly lit hallway. Some girls in the harem were sitting on their men's laps and sensually feeding them, but Michelle, Cassandra, and Evalyn were not there.

I move towards the light a little bit. Now, men can notice me. Some of them make loud noises to get my attention. Dangel looks back at me, moving slowly. "Have some food," he tells me, pointing to the seat next to him. There's nothing

I am walking slowly around the table, doing my best to hide my feeling of embarrassment while the men rudely yell at me. All of a sudden, a guy sits in my chair. I look at him angrily and then quickly look back at Dangel. He does not focus. One of the women in the harem is sitting on his lap and giving him food.

I don't know this person. He quickly brings me onto his lap and signals for me to begin eating. I don't make high-pitched noises because that is what a rude person would do. There are fried potatoes and sausages on a plate that looks similar to my mother's stolen plates. I grab the fork and poke one of the potatoes with it.

The man sitting on my lap is not comfortable and keeps moving around. His fingers keep touching my thighs. I make an effort to not let it bother me. "He wants food," he says. I tremble as I nervously bring a sausage link up to his mouth. He takes a small bite from the end of the food, looks at me directly, and makes a low grumbling sound to show that he likes it.

I am grossed out. I look away and finish eating the rest of my potatoes. "Once more," he says to me. He has hands, and he can give himself food if he wants to.

The man starts to feel annoyed or upset. Out of nowhere, he forcefully pulls my legs apart and puts his finger in a wet area of my body without any warning or reason. I suddenly shout out, quickly getting up. I hit him with the back of my hand as strongly as I could.

The room becomes very quiet when the man swears and spits out a small amount of blood from his lip. I can't believe that I just hit a wild person in the face. He stares at me with anger and suddenly attacks me by grabbing my throat and starting to suffocate me.

I struggle to breathe because there is no air. He is squeezing my throat and making it hard to breathe. My eyes get big, and my cheeks turn red. Everyone remains silent.

"How could you be so rude to me in my own house, you idiot. " he angrily shouts, squeezing my neck even harder if that was even possible. He raises me from the floor.

I stare at Dangel, expecting him to speak. But he doesn't say anything, he is looking away at the corner.

He lets go of me and I fall to the ground. I can hear myself breathing heavily in the hallway. I feel embarrassed. I feel pain. I have lost my self-esteem. He finds it amusing when I'm in pain.

I push myself to stand up, everything starts spinning, and quickly leave the room. Dangel holds his head and makes a sad sound. I don't listen when he tells me to stop. 

I am crying very hard and cannot think about anything else except the pain in my neck and the tears on my face that taste salty.

I vaguely remember the place where the harem was, as I ran towards Michelle and Cassandra for comfort. My feet were bare and the stone floors were cold, making slapping sounds. I see a very large door made of wood. It is the first one on the right side of the staircase that is made of stone.

I rushed into the room and hugged Tristan tightly, who is also known as Drinks of Waterfall. I take a deep breath and quickly dry my eyes before he notices that I am crying. He helps me stand up straight and takes a careful look at me. "He says you're crying. "

I quickly move past him and go straight into Michelle's arms. "Oh, my lady," she exclaimed, gently petting my hair.

"I'm telling her we need to run away. " I urgently say, and she sadly nods in agreement.

"You can't escape now. " Michelle quietly says, "I have become the mistress of a person named Drinks of Waterfall, and he doesn't allow me to be away from him. "

I get very scared and quickly look behind me. He is standing at the door, eagerly waiting for her. He has a happy smile on his face, looking at me from head to toe. I look at Michelle again. "Do you agree with this? "

She rolls up her sleeve and shows a row of dark purple bruises on her silky skin. "I must be, my lady. " I am very scared. She pulls her sleeve back up, feeling embarrassed and red in the face.

"Who hurt you? " I whisper angrily.

Michelle gives me another hug. "She quietly tells me not to be concerned about her. " "I am responsible for taking care of you. "

I lean or rest my weight on her. I strongly dislike him. Oh dear, Michelle, I despise him. He allowed someone to strangle me in front of everyone and he did not say or do anything to help me. I am crying now.

"She," a deep voice sings smoothly.

Michelle is feeling tired and she kisses me on my cheeks. "She quietly tells me that he is calling me. " You are powerful. You're stronger than me, so always be confident, my lady.

She moves away from me and goes to stand with Tristan by the doorway. He kisses her on her forehead and escorts her out the door, with his hand resting firmly on her bottom. I feel sick. The other women are staring at me.

I see Evalyn coming towards me happily. "Are you Selenebella. " she inquires I agree and look down at the floor. She suddenly takes in a deep breath, which surprises me. "Who caused harm to you? "

I now understand that she is referring to the bruises on my neck that look like handprints. "I couldn't breathe," I said unhappily. "Very clear and easy. "

Evalyn is biting her lip. "Oh darling," she quietly says. "That must hurt, like a big injury. " Did your boss do that to you?

I move my head from side to side. No, it was a different one. However, my owner did not speak up for me.

Evalyn grabs me and brings me over to where her bed is. She sits me down on it. She has a bowl made of wood that is filled with a strange cream that is a violet color. She picks up a little of the cream with her fingers and shows it to Selene. "She says this will reduce the bruising. " I tipped my head and allowed her to put some of the cream on. "I sometimes use it. "

I giggle without finding it funny. "I'm confident that it will be useful. "

Evalyn lifts her shoulders in a motion of uncertainty or indifference. If you aren't careful, respectful, and obedient, then no. The barbarians only hurt people if they have to, or for special occasions like ceremonies.

"I don't believe that at all," I say angrily, narrowing my eyes.

She lets out a breath and turns my head slightly to get a closer look at the bruises. "Who is your boss, Selenebella? "

I wanted to say Dangel because I was angry, but I didn't want him to come and hurt me. "I called him Dances With Wolves," I explain.