
The Princess & The Ruthless of a Wolf King

Princess Selene's perfect life shatters as the Wolf tribe conquer Brookshire. Now a slave in the brutal Wolfwood kingdom, she faces the ruthless Wolf King Dangel. Repulsed by his savagery, Selene discovers a hidden depth beneath his warrior facade. Forbidden attraction simmers, but Dangel hides a dark secret that could shatter their fragile bond. Meanwhile, a power struggle within the Wolfwood threatens to consume them all. War looms as a rival kingdom seeks vengeance, forcing Selene and Dangel to choose: love or duty? Can their forbidden bond survive as the fate of kingdoms hangs in the balance?

Pantheress_Leon21 · Fantasy
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13 Chs


All the girls in the harem are shocked and suddenly stop what they are doing to stare directly at me. Evalyn comes up to me and looks at me with a confused expression. Do you mean the movie "Dances With Wolves"? Are you talking about the king? Oh my goodness, this is a big deal. He rarely spends time with sex workers and doesn't have any secret lovers. I believe only two girls, Cassandra and Athenodora, have been with him in this whole room.

A weak, attractive girl with fair hair walks up front and smiles shyly. Evalyn calls her Athenodora. Her hair is very long, reaching down to her hips. Her eyelashes are black and longer than any I have seen before.

Evalyn takes a deep breath before turning to look at me. "How has he been treating you? Has he slept with you yet? "

My face turns red. "I said no to him. "

Everyone is surprised, even the sweet and young-looking Athenodora, who appears to be no older than 16. "What did he do," she asks me. "Was he mad at you? "

I move my head from side to side. No, He allowed me to sleep.

Everyone is shocked again. Athenodora is surprised and puts her hand over her mouth. Her eyes are wide with shock. Wow, that's impressive. "How did you convince him? " Sulpicia, another woman, inquires.

I feel embarrassed and my face turns red when I remember what happened between us last night on his bed. "I shed tears, and he discovered that I had never had sexual experience before. "

Athenodora looks unhappy. "Well, that didn't prevent him from having sex with me for the first time," she complains Then her beautiful pink lips curve upwards into a sweet smile, like honey. "But I wouldn't have surrendered myself to a better man. " He was a great partner in a romantic relationship.

The girls come and stand around Athenodora. "Share with us some information about him," Evalyn excitedly says. He is the best-looking man in the world. I would feel so happy and satisfied if I could be held by him, even if it's just for a short time.

I don't like all this positive talk about Dangel. He is evil, and I won't change my opinion. I don't care about sex because I've never done it before. But I still sit and hear Athenodora's tales.

She turns red and moves her hair away from her eyes. He spoke using strong and rude language. Oh, I was so overwhelmed that I almost lost control even though he didn't even touch me, I promise. " The harem girls exclaimed and used their fans to cool themselves.

Sulpicia said, "I enjoy someone who talks in a naughty or explicit way. "

Athenodora keeps going. And oh my, his private part was—"

"Wait. " I shout "I don't want to listen anymore. " I look angry and disgusted, with my face turning red and my nose wrinkled.

The girl with yellow hair moves her head from side to side. "You don't realize how fortunate you are, Selenebella. "

I cross my arms on my chest. "If this is luck, then I am in trouble. "

Evalyn stands up from where she is sitting on the ground. "Pay attention to me. Now, pay attention to yourself. " You have on fancy clothes made of shiny gold fabric and expensive gemstones, while I am wearing a simple dress made from animal skin. If that is not luck, then I don't know what luck is.

I still can't accept it. I go to a mirror and look at myself closely. I still don't think that I am fortunate. To me, luck would mean being able to escape the raid with a real home, my mom and dad, and my beloved Ulrich.

I apologize, but the text you provided does not make sense. There seem to be some random characters and I am unable to rewrite it in simpler words. If you have any other text or questions, feel free to ask and I'll be happy to assist you.

I spend the afternoon in the harem and only go with Evalyn to get meals for the other girls. Athenodora said that Dangel was trying to find me without anyone knowing all day. I cannot continue to avoid him forever because he stays in my bedroom too.

The cream that Evalyn gave me was effective in healing the bruises and reducing the pain. However, the color and handprint can still be seen. It's around 8 pm when I foolishly decide to go outside of the harem. Dangel is waiting for me. He looks unhappy and his eyes look angry.

I am shocked, but I do not start running. He holds onto my arm tightly and quickly moves me down the hallway using his feet to push us forward. I don't say no to him or have a hard time. He forcefully pushes me into his room and closes the doors. He angrily curses in his language and impatiently pulls at his braid.

"He uses a swear word," he says. I have been searching for you all day long. Where have you been?

I do not respond to him. Instead, I turn my head and face away from him. The barbarian king doesn't like that very much. A powerful grip grabs my shoulder and forcefully turns me to face him. I show my teeth to him.

He is blaming me. Don't try that with me, Selenebella. When I speak to you, you should reply to me.

He is trying to catch me again, but I quickly move aside. "Please don't come near me. Oh, please don't even think about it. " I start crying without wanting to. "You saw me being embarrassed in front of everyone at your table today. You didn't say anything. "

Dangel's voice gets higher pitched. "You didn't show him the respect he deserved, so you received the consequences. "