
The Princess & The Ruthless of a Wolf King

Princess Selene's perfect life shatters as the Wolf tribe conquer Brookshire. Now a slave in the brutal Wolfwood kingdom, she faces the ruthless Wolf King Dangel. Repulsed by his savagery, Selene discovers a hidden depth beneath his warrior facade. Forbidden attraction simmers, but Dangel hides a dark secret that could shatter their fragile bond. Meanwhile, a power struggle within the Wolfwood threatens to consume them all. War looms as a rival kingdom seeks vengeance, forcing Selene and Dangel to choose: love or duty? Can their forbidden bond survive as the fate of kingdoms hangs in the balance?

Pantheress_Leon21 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


The next day, I woke up in a cozy and warm bed. I don't know how I ended up here or how I ended up in these animal skin sheets. I wake up and look at my surroundings. I am currently still inside his room. Did he do something to harm me while we were together last night? I am expecting to feel a lot of pain in my private area, but it has not happened.

I feel better now.

As I remove the thick fur covers from my body, I realize that I am not wearing many clothes. The fabric doesn't cover up my chest or protect my legs. I know it's very warm here, but to dress this way is completely inappropriate. If my father saw me like this, he would be very upset.

Someone knocked loudly on the door and it startled me. He confidently walks into the room, only wearing pants made from bear fur and a loincloth made from deer skin. He puts bones on his neck and has feathers in his long braid. He has red patterns and black lines on his face as if someone drew on him.

I glance at his hands to see what he is holding. It's a dress that is made of transparent gold fabric. He looks at me with anticipation, offering the dress. I slowly move out of the bed and cautiously pick it up with my hands. He quickly moves away when I grab it and then he sits in his seat.

Should I change in front of him? I go to the corner of the room and take off my shirt slowly. He quickly looks at me while drinking his wine, his dark eyes moving across my light skin. I make a little noise to show my disapproval. He laughs and looks back at his wine.

He sings in a deep voice, "You feel unsure about yourself. " "I am familiar with the woman's body. "

I am surprised and my face gets red. As soon as I take off my shirt, I put on the dress. It's pretty, but also shows a lot. I have two pieces of gold material covering my chest, and the see-through skirt doesn't hide my legs very well. If he didn't have the gold underwear, I would have been walking around with only half of my body covered.

He stares at me after I'm done. "He says that the first meal will begin soon. " He looks at my body with his beautiful eyes. I put my arms in front of my body and he laughs once more. "Hello"

I stare at him, feeling shy and my face turns red. I don't even know the man's name, but he wants to have sex with me. "What is your name? "

He takes small sips of his wine, and occasionally looks at her and then at the wall. "You shouldn't be asking that. "

I feel like someone punched me in my stomach. When I was in Brookshire, people there treated me with a lot of respect. Guys would come up to me, telling me their names so that I would remember them and possibly be interested in dating them. But now, in this place, I felt like the dirt on the bottom of someone's shoe, a weight.

I place my hands on my sides and make an unhappy face at him. "You want me to do whatever you want, without even telling me your name. That's disrespectful," I say angrily. "That's amazing. "

He raises his eyebrows when I comment, and his black eyes show that he finds it funny. "You are trying to challenge me," he said. "Three Horses was correct. " You are a powerful woman.

He gets up from his seat in his large chair made of bear skin. He puts his hand in his pocket and takes out a long chain that is golden in color. This is the prettiest piece of jewelry I have ever seen. He puts it on my head and moves my brown hair out of my eyes. "Is that a present? " I inquire

He agrees and his smile slightly lifts on one side. Yes, Tiger Claw. A present from someone called Dances With Wolves.

I am surprised and my mouth opens a little bit. I still remember the story Cassandra told me in the harem. It was about a king called Dances With Wolves who was very angry all the time. I'm a little scared to look at him, but I still do it. He is here, he is real, and he is standing directly in front of me.

"I softly say the name you go by. "is it the movie Dances With Wolves? "

He happily agrees.

I gulp down the big feeling in my throat. "Are you the leader of the barbarians? "

"Sure," he starts, taking his glass of wine and sipping the red drink while focusing his gaze on her. I am the ruler. But, if you want to, you can refer to me as Dangel. "Rewrite this text in simple language. "

I close and open my eyes quickly. "Dangel That's a name that regular people often have"

He raises and lowers his shoulders without any expression or emotion. When we are born, we are given two types of names: ordinary names that everyone has, and names that some people might consider as strange or uncivilized. For example, one of the horses in Three Horses is named Daniel, and a horse in Drinks of Waterfall is named Tristan. We like to be called by barbaric names because those names describe us well. Tristan's father drank a lot, so when Tristan was born, he was given the name "Drinks of Waterfall" to try and break the family pattern of drinking. And Daniel's father sold him when he was a child in exchange for three horses. That's why he got the nickname Three Horses.

I'm astonished. "I didn't know. "

Dangel feels tired and puts his drink on the table made of cherry wood. "But," he starts. "If you use my regular name or anyone else's in public, there will be bad outcomes. "

He quickly turns around and leaves. "Hold" I shout"My name is Selenebella, not Tiger Claw. "

Dangel does not seem happy. "We have to go. "