
The Primordial Truth

In the Divine Era of Gods and Mystical beings, how hard is it to become an Atmasar? Shrouded in the veil of Forgotten history and darkness, what or where lies the lurking evil that threatens to devour us all? Waking up to find himself in an eerie situation, Vijay finds himself reincarnated as Dhruv Brahmaputra in a Fantasy world of the Divine, where he sees a world filled with high-tech sci-fi technologies coupled with ancient mystical knowledge, supernatural beings capable of manipulating the various laws of Universe, divine and evil rituals, potions, Heavenly Mantras, Mystery Artifacts as well as the Heavenly Legacies of various Gods..... Follow Dhruv and the others as they find themselves chosen as the new inheritors of the Heavenly Legacies, and as they slowly develop newfound Godly powers to manipulate the various Laws of Universe by ascending further in the Heavenly Pathways of the their inherited Legacies. This is the Legend of the Inheritors of the Heavenly Legacies and their journey in uncovering the various secrets hidden within the mysterious fabric of the Universe and seek the Ultimate Primordial Truth of existence----

Kasimo · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 05: The Mirror Asura I

At the moment near the mountain where the time-space resonance was sensed, a group of 5 people donning an overall black full-body armor which included a sturdy black helmet made from Raghis an extremely tough and durable metal alloy that can withstand load up to 1 tonne without breaking or shattering with the impact strength of 3.45 GPA (giga pascal).

It had a black glass protective screen in the front, and the shape of the helmet was very streamlined and aerodynamic with lots of tiny runic lines drawn on the sides which started from the back of the helmet where a circular circuit-like formation was drawn and connected to the rest of the runic lines which glowed in a golden hue.

The rest of the armor set included Chest/back armor, Arm and leg guards as well as stealth armored shoes with the same streamlined design and covered in golden runic lines and formations like the helmet. On the inside, they wore a black elastic body suit made from sheya silk which was silk fabric 15 times stronger than steel and was thin and elastic enough to be seamlessly and comfortably worn over the armor.

This group of people was from the Brahmaputra Black Ops team and were here to investigate the sudden time-space resonance sensed near the mountain area which was located on the outskirts of Vishwakarma where the Brahmaputra clan's core clan members lived in the SwarnaBhavan (Golden Palace).

When they reached the foothill of the mountain, they split up to carry out their investigations.

"Let's keep in touch through the Akasha Terminal in case something unexpected happens," said Marakh the team leader.

"Copy that" replied Swara,

"Sure thing capt" replied Anand,

"Hmm" replied Parekh,

"Yes" replied Ritu,

After that Marakh the team captain proceeded towards the mountain area where the underground cavern was located, Marakh was a big guy with a height of 6 ft 10 inches and with a muscular build, he had a light brown skin tone, rugged facial features, a thick mustache, a pair of brown eyes which depicted the Integrity of an unshakable mountain, his long black hair were tied into a small bun behind his head. His looks were enough to intimidate any grown man.

While Marakh was approaching the mountain cavern entrance, the hooded psychopath was busy cursing Birju while checking every corner of the underground cavern for any "Lost Lambs", after a while of finding nothing in the cavern he decided to call it a day. "Such a bad day, such a bad day, this is all that bastard Birju's fault!!….. I'm going to kill him for sure this time!!

Does he dare mess with me? Angara the most devout devotee of Matalikha!!" spat Angara the psychopath in frustration, "Dont worry master, last time he got lucky because the head pujari (Hindu priest) intervened, otherwise we could have captured his soul and-" Rupal suddenly paused, "I just sensed someone rapidly approaching the cavern entrance" said Rupal solemnly.

"Must be the Clan dogs, they must have caught the whiff of the other asuras, we gotta get away quickly! I don't want to get in the eyes of the Brahmaputra Clan!!" hurriedly said Angara.

Just as they were going to run away through one of the tunnels leading to 3 different places, the entrance of the tunnels suddenly got sealed by huge rock walls.

"He's here," said Rupal while staring at a rapidly approaching figure, clad in high-tech black full-body armor with many glowing lines all over the armor "Shit!! My luck is really bad today! first I wasn't able to find a decent lamb today! Then that bastard Birju put some dirt on me, and now I have to handle the clan's dog!! I'm getting really pissed off right now!!" cursed Angara while nerves started bulging on his forehead and his body started releasing a sinister black aura.

His human form started undergoing some terrifying changes, his height started increasing from 5 ft 7 inches to 7 ft 8 inches, his green hood was torn apart and his body underneath was revealed.

His entire body appeared like a shattered mirror, his skin was now replaced by numerous mirror fragments of varying sizes pierced together on his body like a mosaic from head to toe.

He had a terrifying Asuraic face with a pair of 2 curved sharp mirror horns jutting out from his forehead pointing upwards, a pair of 2 narrow slanted eyes that were completely glowing red, he had a massive maw stretching to both sides of his head full of sharp long pointy fangs of mirror shards which could crush and tear apart anything that enters his maw.

Seeing such a terrifying transformation happening in front of him, Marakh quickly notified his team through the Akasha terminal about his findings and his current location.

Then he proceeded to approach the Asuraic creature cautiously, even though he was a strong 6th-stage Atmasar of the Pruthvi Margh of Matter, he had faced various Asuraic Atmasar in the past, and each and every one of them was an unpredictable lunatic with equally unpredictable terrifying abilities which he had to be careful with.

As he cautiously approached the mirror-like Asura in front of him while keeping a distance of 100m from it, suddenly a mirror rapidly flew towards him at a terrifying speed, he instantly created a thick rectangular stone shield in front and transmuted it into the metal of his armor, soon the sound of metal colliding with metal could be heard, He started retreating rapidly while trying to control the mirror, but it seemed like the mirror was not made out of any kind of matter but something entirely different, like a spiritual entity, otherwise he would have been able to take control over it.

This discovery made him even more solemn and cautious, he tried to keep the Asura in his sight, but it started becoming more and more difficult as more mirror shards started coming out of the Asura's body and started attacking him on their own.

He tried creating stone hammers and fists then transmuted them into metal the same way as the shield, and tried to crush those mirrors with them, He was able to crush some of the mirrors which then exploded into tiny fragments while releasing a burst of dark smoke that consisted of countless distorted faces of screaming and cursing people of all ages like their souls had been trapped inside the mirror shards for ages...which was a very eerie and terrifying sight, but the next thing that happened was even more terrifying, as all the distorted eerie faces started rushing towards Marakh as if wanted to tear him apart and devour him.

He knew his shield wouldn't hold spiritual entities, so he took out a human skull from his spatial pocket attached to his armor, the skull appeared old and was inscribed with numerous runic lines written in ancient Sanskrit all over the surface, on the top of the skull was a circular runic array seal which could be undone with little bit of death aura, for that he quickly took out a long boney finger of some unknown creature which was continuously releasing death aura, and tapped the finger over the skull, then he threw the skull towards to rapidly approaching evil spirits, as soon as the skull reached near the evil spirits, the numerous inscriptions all over the skull started glowing in an ominous black light which seem to absorb all the light around it and then suddenly opened its boney jaw and started sucking all the resentful evil spirits around it like a black hole.

The skull then started floating by itself and sucking all the evil spirits around it, when there were no more left it appeared beside Marakh and started sucking his spirit energy. Marakh quickly deactivated the skull by sealing it with his spirit energy.

The entire series of actions happened very quickly within a few seconds within which he had to forcefully divert his sight from the Asura to the evil spirits, but that mistake would now cost him dearly as the Asura had already disappeared.

There were no more signs of him anywhere near. Which disturbed Marakh even more, a grave look appeared in his eyes and he frowned deeply and tried observing his surroundings with his keen sharp eyes, but to his dismay, he couldn't find anything, not even his spiritual senses could sense the Asura anymore as if he was never there to begin with.

The numerous mirror shards were now lying on the ground like any normal pieces of broken mirror. He wasted no time and started crushing them with numerous metal hammers and fists, he took out the skull again and unsealed it to suck all the evil spirits which were being released from the crushed mirror shards.

While he was trying to observe each and every mirror shard to find any abnormalities in them, at the same time among the mirror shards which got crushed and exploded into tiny mirror fragments, within a tiny 4 mm mirror fragment an extremely tiny figure of the mirror Asura appeared with a creepy grin on his hideous face.