
The Primordial Truth

In the Divine Era of Gods and Mystical beings, how hard is it to become an Atmasar? Shrouded in the veil of Forgotten history and darkness, what or where lies the lurking evil that threatens to devour us all? Waking up to find himself in an eerie situation, Vijay finds himself reincarnated as Dhruv Brahmaputra in a Fantasy world of the Divine, where he sees a world filled with high-tech sci-fi technologies coupled with ancient mystical knowledge, supernatural beings capable of manipulating the various laws of Universe, divine and evil rituals, potions, Heavenly Mantras, Mystery Artifacts as well as the Heavenly Legacies of various Gods..... Follow Dhruv and the others as they find themselves chosen as the new inheritors of the Heavenly Legacies, and as they slowly develop newfound Godly powers to manipulate the various Laws of Universe by ascending further in the Heavenly Pathways of the their inherited Legacies. This is the Legend of the Inheritors of the Heavenly Legacies and their journey in uncovering the various secrets hidden within the mysterious fabric of the Universe and seek the Ultimate Primordial Truth of existence----

Kasimo · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 04: Too Much For A Single Day

What he previously wasn't able to sense since he first woke up was a flat blue holographic screen which has been floating in front of him. When he finally saw it, his consciousness was already slipping by, but before that, he was able to read what was written on the blue screen.

"Host is heavily injured, Health = 20"

"Emergency Measures Activated!"

"Host can reverse Time within 1 KM of effective area for about 1 Hr"

"Cooldown 168 Hrs (1 WEEK)"

"Does Host want to reverse Time?"


The blue screen kept showing the same message as his Health numbers started reducing

With all the willpower he could amass before he fell unconscious he said "YES".

Just as he said "YES" which perplexed both the psychopath and his mysterious floating mirror, everything instantly became black and white, and then a golden ripple originating from him started expanding in all directions within the span of 1 KM.

Everything then rapidly started to reverse to 1 hour of the past, and all of this happened in an instant.

 When all of this was happening, In the main city where Dhruv lived, within a magnificent modern Indian-style palace, the figures of 4 Handsome and majestic men gathered in a luxurious Conference room around a round table, currently they were discussing something with each other but then suddenly they all paused and looked in the direction where Dhruv should be, they all exchanged knowing looks with each then one of them spoke, "Such time-space resonance, whoever it is must be below 5th state, hmm but the quality of the time-space resonance appears to be of quite high quality".

"Is it from among one of your brats sanak?" asked the figure to the one beside him.

"Naah mine are all useless they do nothing but fool around"

"Anyway it's not important now, the resonance may be highly in sync but that doesn't change the level it was on, so whoever it was will not be able to cause any trouble for us, lets just continue where we were" replied the figure.

"Yeah, let's just get it over with, I'm getting sick of these fanatics thinking they can do as they wish in Brahmasan," said another figure

"Yeah let's get this over with" they all agreed.

Meanwhile, in the dark cavern, Dhruv could be seen in the same position as 1 hour ago, lying on the blood altar and in front of the havan kund, after a while his eyelids started to quiver and slowly opened, He quickly got up started breathing heavily while cautiously looking around for the psychopath and his dreadful mirror, once he was sure they weren't here and he was all alone in his secret hideout he slowly began to relax but not completely.

After going through such a near-life-and-death situation he had learned his lesson not to lower his guard in this world unless and until he was 100% sure of his safety, he then started checking on his body which was previously turned into a sorry mess, but now after the Time Reversal, he had returned to his previously intact state.

After making sure everything was fine he then finally started to focus on the flat blue holographic screen that had appeared in front of him previously and which happened to be only visible to him.

He tried to summon it again by thinking about and it appeared in front of him, "Time Reversal is under a Cooldown period and it will take 167 Hrs and 15 secs for the cooldown to end" replied the mysterious voice from the blue screen inside his head in an emotionless female voice.

He was not able to pay much attention to the details of the blue screen back then, but now he was astounded to find that the mysterious blue screen could even speak to him directly inside his head,

"what are you? And why can I hear that voice inside my head?"

he asked curiously,

"I am the guide of Brahma's Legacy, I will be your guide throughout your journey and will provide the host with sufficient information to completely comprehend the legacy, the legacy has been fused with the host's soul and consciousness thus the host can hear me through the legacy"

replied the so-called guide, Dhruv was once again surprised to discover such a thing, He knew from his memories that Brahma was one of the Supreme Gods of this world, so obtaining his Legacy was a miracle in itself.

After calming his rapidly beating heart he asked the guide,

"Where did you come from? Why did you choose me for the legacy?"

"All the information related to the guide requires a higher level of Authority, the host doesn't have enough Authority. The legacy chose the host due to the host's unique soul frequency meeting the legacy's Soul Resonance requirements. " replied the guide in the same emotionless tone

"What is this soul frequency and soul resonance?" asked Dhruv curiously, the more he listened to the guide the more excited and fascinated he got.

"Every being in this universe that has a soul of their own also has a unique soul frequency with which their soul pulsates and transmits vibrations, the frequency of these vibrations can only be sensed by beings of a higher level of existence." replied the guide.

"Beings of a higher level of existence? What does that mean?" asked Dhruv.

"They are beings whose soul has been transcended to a higher level, host does not have enough authority to know more about beings of a higher level of existence. But according to the host's current world, such beings here are called Atmasar" replied the guide.

"Atmasar? Ohh now I remember, according to Dhruv's past memories, all the Brahmaputra clan's higher-ups are Atmasar, Atmasar is a term used for individuals who have successfully gone through their soul ascension ceremony also known as Atma-Vidhi(Atma → soul, Vidhi → Ritual)," said Dhruv while trying to remember all the memories and information related to Atmasar

"The host is also an Atmasar as the host has already completed the Atma-Vidhi (soul ascension ceremony)" curtly replied the guide which caught Dhruv off guard.

He was totally dumbfounded, but it all started making sense when he remembered how he woke up in the middle of an eerie ritualistic scene. Young Dhruv must have tried to secretly perform the Atma-Vidhi on his own and somehow must have failed to complete it and died, but if that was the case then how the hell was he alive now? How did he end up transmigrating to this world? Was this because of the ritual? Did they both die at the same time? Was this all a coincidence or once again a play of fate? 

"UGH!!, my head hurts just by thinking about it, whatever happened has already happened, no use wasting time thinking about it now," said Dhruv in an irritated tone.

So I'm an Atmasar too now huh, then why the heck I'm so weak? What does even an Atmasar do? What sort of powers do they possess? Pondered Dhruv silently.

"Hey guide tell me everything about Atmasar" demanded Dhruv.

"Atmasar are supernatural beings who have gone through 1 or more soul ascensions, but Atmasar is only a general term that relates to people who have gone through their soul ascensions, For each Atmasar has to follow their own pathway of soul ascension which helps them to ascend to a higher level of existence, as the Chosen one of the Brahma's legacy the host naturally follows the Brahma Pathway of soul ascension." replied the guide.

"Brahma Pathway? That must be the one all of the Brahmaputra clan members follow to their path of soul ascension, so I am already an Atmasar of the Brahma Pathway huh, if that's the case then what is the difference between me and the rest of the clan members of Brahmaputra clan as we all follow the same Pathway ?" Dhruv asked doubtfully.

"The Pathway that the host will follow will be totally different from the Pathway others follow, also the host has access to all the information and all sorts of knowledge stored within the legacy, as well as the assistance of the guide whose task is to guide the host in reaching the ultimate goal of the Legacy." replied the guide in the same emotionless tone.

"Ultimate goal of the Legacy huh? If I ask you about it you'll probably say I don't have enough authority to know that," complained Dhruv.

"The host does not have enough authority to know the ultimate goal of the Legacy, for now, the host's goal should be to ascend to Godhood and become a God" curtly replied the guide nonchalantly.

"WHAT!! What did you say just now? " exclaimed Dhruve with a dumbfounded expression.

"The host's goal should be to ascend to Godhood and become a God" curtly replied the guide in the same nonchalant manner that struck Dhruv like an Earthshattering lightning bolt.

"But how is that even possible for a mortal to become a god? that's impossible!!" Dhruv shouted and kept muttering to himself. It was only natural for him to be shellshocked this way as knowing such a Groundbreaking truth all of a sudden was not an easy thing to handle, and he knew it must be the truth as the guide had no reason to lie to him.

His head started spinning as his brain felt overloaded with all these sudden surprises and shocks. He decided to call it a day for now and get some rest in the dark cavern which seemed a far safer place to be, at least till the morning, tomorrow morning he'd try going out again. For now, he must try to relax his throbbing temples and tense nerves as he has experienced way too much in a single day.

While he was resting, inside the cavern where the entrance of those 3 tunnels leading to the surface was located, the silhouette of a hooded figure instantly flashed by like a shadow and he appeared in the middle of the cavern where Dhruv previously stood.

"The strange feeling is getting stronger as if there is something wrong with my mind but I can't put my finger on it... Rupal did I drink something wrong earlier that I don't remember or is it the bastard Birju's doing again!!" angrily yelled the hooded psychopath. "I too feel that there is something wrong with me master but I can't tell, it must be one of those nasty mantras of Birju otherwise I don't think there is anyone here who can affect us to this degree except for the old monsters from the Brahmaputra clan" replied rupal the silhouette of the women inside the mirror.

"Let's hope there are some more lost lambs left here, otherwise we have to return empty-handed, anyways let's get this over with quickly, I don't wanna face those troublesome time travelers"

Said the hooded psychopath before they both vanished from the cavern.