
The Primordial Truth

In the Divine Era of Gods and Mystical beings, how hard is it to become an Atmasar? Shrouded in the veil of Forgotten history and darkness, what or where lies the lurking evil that threatens to devour us all? Waking up to find himself in an eerie situation, Vijay finds himself reincarnated as Dhruv Brahmaputra in a Fantasy world of the Divine, where he sees a world filled with high-tech sci-fi technologies coupled with ancient mystical knowledge, supernatural beings capable of manipulating the various laws of Universe, divine and evil rituals, potions, Heavenly Mantras, Mystery Artifacts as well as the Heavenly Legacies of various Gods..... Follow Dhruv and the others as they find themselves chosen as the new inheritors of the Heavenly Legacies, and as they slowly develop newfound Godly powers to manipulate the various Laws of Universe by ascending further in the Heavenly Pathways of the their inherited Legacies. This is the Legend of the Inheritors of the Heavenly Legacies and their journey in uncovering the various secrets hidden within the mysterious fabric of the Universe and seek the Ultimate Primordial Truth of existence----

Kasimo · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 06: The Mirror Asura II

While Marakh was busy crushing all the mirror shards and feeding all the evil spirits to the mystical skull, somewhere among the crushed mirror fragments the image of a tiny asura appeared to be passing through them from 1 fragment to another smoothly. When he reached the area near Marakh he decided to stay hidden and wait for the perfect opportunity while manipulating Marakhs negative emotions.

Soon enough after crushing all the mirror shards and feeding all the evil spirits to the skull, he cautiously surveyed his surroundings for any signs of abnormalities.

But sadly he could not find any, eventually after seeing no signs of the asura he started thinking that the asura must have fled seizing the opportunity as it was only natural for it to do so if it didn't want to be chased after by the Brahmaputra clan, he suddenly felt that the asura must have been intimidated by him and his display of strength and resilience.

While observing the surroundings, he started communicating with his team members about what happened just now and how the asura had fled from him. 

While he was talking, an extremely small mirror fragment of about 1.5 mm in size suddenly appeared behind Marakh's back, and before he could even react, the asura was already behind him.

He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest area so when he looked down, he saw a gaping hole in the left side of his chest area where his heart was supposed to be, he felt a bone-chilling sense of dread dawning upon him.

He quickly retreated to some distance and covered the gaping hole of a chest with his hand to stop the excessive bleeding, when he looked in front of him he saw the dreadful mirror asura grinning at him while playing with his still beating heart like a ball.

Then he took a bit out of it, "AAHH!! What a wonderful taste!, the taste of an Atmasar's heart is the best with all the nourishing heart blood and prana(life essence) it contains!!" said the accursed mirror asura in a loud guttural voice which sounded like horrifying roars of creatures from the very depths of hell, he continued eating the heart like the most delicious fruit while blood started spilling from his asuraic maw which drenched his neck and chest.

Marakh had never felt so enraged before in his entire life, just looking at the scene made his mind go berserk, all the negative emotions started consuming his mind, just as he was about to go crazy and attack the bloody asura, "Captain!!" he suddenly heard the voices of his teammates from the entrance, he suddenly felt a bit of clarity and instinctively retreated far away from the asura and put all his strength to create a formidable shield around him, then he took out a bronze pendant from his storage space and placed it on his forehead and instantly the pendant started glowing and he started feeling his mind getting clearer and completely free from the negative emotions which must have been the asuras doing. 

Meanwhile, the mirror asura was very infuriated by the intervention of the other team members in his hunt, he really wanted to taste the soul of this 6th stage Pruthvi Atmasar which was not easy to come by, but he was a cunning asura, and thus chose to retreat before things get's out of control quickly. "You were lucky this time my friend, but you won't be so lucky next time," said the mirror asura in a low guttural voice and with a bloody grin on his hideous face.

Then he vanished, after making sure he couldn't see the asura anymore marakh fell to his knees and started coughing a large amount of blood, his body started turning pale and colder by the second. He started feeling death creeping on him, and he used up all his willpower to stay awake, as a 6 th stage Atmasar he could survive without his/her heart for up to 1 hour so all he had to do was to stay conscious, because he knew the moment he loses his consciousness he might not wake up again. So he took out all the healing potions he had and started drinking them with his shaky hands.

His team members arrived quickly and were shocked to find him in such a sorry state, "Are you okay captain? OMG, there is a hole in your chest!!!" exclaimed Swara

"STFU Swara! this is no time for asking questions, Anand you carry him quickly we need to take him to Docter Shreesha, meanwhile I'll call for reinforcements, whoever did this to him must have not run too far….we need to catch that bastard," said Parekh in a chilling tone,

"Yes, I'll take him to Miss Shreesha as soon as possible, you guys be safe," said Anand

"Wait I'll come with you, we don't know if we'll face any more dangers while returning," said Ritu

"Okay let's go" Anand replied, as he lifted Marakh on his back while taking out his vimaan, soon he started flying towards the city followed by Ritu.

"I hope nothing happens to Captain," said Swara in a worried tone,

"Don't worry, once they meet with Dr Shreesha everything will be alright" replied Parekh after he reported everything to the headquarters and called for reinforcements.

Meanwhile, at some unknown location in the mountain, there was a small mirror shard lying on the ground hidden between strands of grass, suddenly the surface of the mirror shimmered and in that instance, the figure of an asura creature whose body was covered with mirrors appeared from the mirror shard.

"Phew! That was close, it's quite regrettable that I wasn't able to take his soul in time, but his heart was absolutely delicious! Makes me want to slaughter them all!" said Angara in a crazed tone, "Let's get away from here master, before the reinforcements come searching for us" said Rupal in a solemn tone.

"Ohh you're no fun Rupal, sometimes we must learn to let go of all the restraints and enjoy life to the fullest!!" replied Angara in a carefree tone, "Forgive me master for my ignorance" replied Rupal, "No worries you'll come to learn many things with me, now we must get the heck out of here before the Brahmaputra clans decides to send their elites after us" said Angara in a solemn tone, Rupal: =_=

Meanwhile, Anand and Ritu reached the headquarters quickly without facing any obstacles, the Headquarters was a large modern building with 500 floors its height was a towering 3 km and spanning across 5 km, it had a cylindrical shape with slightly bulging sides, and from the outside, it appeared to be made out of dark blue glass, there were more than 1000 high-tech modern antigravity elevators the whole building housed countless art of the state offices, halls, cafeterias and a large hospital built specifically for operating on injured Atmasars.

They quickly entered the building and proceeded toward the Hospital, their arrival caused a bit of commotion but it was not a new thing for the people working there.

They quickly arrived at the hospital and informed the receptionist that they needed to meet dr Sheesha urgently as it was a medical emergency, the receptionist quickly contacted Miss Shreesha and told her of the emergency for which she quickly got permission to lead them to her office.

As soon as they reached the office with the receptionist in the lead, they were greeted by a beautiful tall lady of height 6 ft 4 inches with a radiant ivory skin tone, long brown hair cascading like a waterfall, and tranquil golden amber eyes paired with a curvy graceful figure. Miss Shreesha carried a tranquil and calm aura around her which made others who saw or met her feel at peace.

Her office was large, consisting of her personal cabin, a lounge area for receiving people, and a medical facility where 10 beds were placed along with many high-tech and magical medical equipment and machines.

she observed those 2 as well as the sorry state of the captain, she quickly told them to lay him on the bed in the medical facility, after which she started checking on his body and vitals, soon she found out the situation appeared to be grave as he was slowly dying without a heart.

"I need you all to go and wait outside, I'm going to start treating him and I need this place to be isolated without anyone near," she said as she started preparing various mystical artifacts and ingredients. Before they both could say anything the receptionist replied "Yes mam" as she quickly asked both of them to follow her.

Once outside they all remained silent, "I hope everything goes fine" said Anand, "You don't need to worry now, once in Dr Shreesha's care everything reverts back to how it was, she's not the grand-daughter of Director Spandan for nothing" replied the receptionist with great confidence.

After hearing that both of them relaxed a little bit and crashed onto a sofa nearby, after relaxing for a while they started reporting to the higher-ups of their current situation while waiting for further orders. "You both can retire for today, I have sent the reinforcements which must be reaching there at the moment, further process will be handled by them, inform marakh to personally report to me after his full recovery," said their supervisor before cutting the call.

They both decided to wait till the treatment was over While wondering about the situation in the mountains and who could be the culprit behind their captain's critical state.