
The Primordial Legacy System

3,000 years ago an alien race called the Utros tried to invade earth. They broke the barrier around the earth to let their ships through, but an unplanned element occurred as different types of Universal energies enter the earth giving humans the power to fight back. The Utros underestimated the human's power while being attacked by other alien enemies which caused their defeat in their conquest of 200 years and had to retreat back to their territories. Oliver is a boy who has lived 12 years of his and passed the prime age for gaining these superpowers. Giving up on the dream of every awakening he steals an item hoping to let his sister who means the world to him awaken, but it cost him his life. Coming back from the dead he ends up with a system and the legacy of an ancient being. Watch as Oliver grows stronger, and learns about himself while uncovering the secrets his mother hid from him. ----------- I don't own the pic I will try to post one chapter every day

J_Morgan052 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

They're Not Enforcers



"Shit of course they come now," Oliver cursed while running out of his room.

He jumped down the stairs and headed towards the living room.

The stench of death made the area smell terrible, but Oliver looked completely fine in that environment.

He entered the living room and saw his mother encased in a thin layer of ice and his sister meditating next to her body.

'So I was right she did awaken, how did Harold overpower her then.'

Oliver had so many questions to ask Elizabeth, but they would have to wait till later.

"Ellie let's go." Oliver voiced out when he saw Elizabeth not moving from her spot.

"No, I'm not leaving mom." She replied leaving no room for negotiations.

Oliver frowned at that response and looked at his mother's body. He didn't want to leave her either, but he knew that right now his sister took priority.

[The Host can store his mother's corpse with his inventory skill.]

Realization appeared on Oliver's face after hearing the system and he didn't hesitate to touch the corpse and store it in his inventory.

'I promise to give you a good burial, mom.'

"What!" Elizabeth exclaimed after seeing their mother's corpse disappear.

She tried looking around the room for the body, but she couldn't find it. The only corpse around was Harolds, so she stared at Oliver in annoyance and confusion because of the arrogant smirk on his face.

Elizabeth knew that their mother's disappearance had something to do with him after seeing the body disappear at his touch, but the arrogant smirk on his face made her hesitate to ask what happened to the body.

"It's one of my skills, don't worry mom's body is safe." He said with his nose pointed high. He had to repair his reputation as a big brother after crying earlier and this was the perfect time to showcase his skills.

Unlike what Oliver thought would happen Elizabeth started questioning him instead of praising him.

"How did you get a skill if you didn't go into a dungeon."

"Are you sure that mom's body is safe?"

A vein appeared on Oliver's face and he had to grab Elizabeth's shoulders to stop her questions.

"We both have questions for each other, but now's not the time. Remember the enforcers are outside."

Elizabeth stopped her questions before looking down with shame. She forgot that they weren't in a great position right now and let her curiosity get the better of her.

"You remember what mom told us if we ever have a run-in with the enforcers right," Oliver asked while letting go of her.

Elizabeth looked up and nodded.

Oliver took the lead and held her hand as they left the living room.

He walked slowly which gave Elizabeth time to take a deep breath to calm her nerves.

She silently thanked him for that because she was scared.

Everything that happened last night felt like a nightmare for her, but she knew she was awake.

Elizabeth wanted everything to just be a bad dream.

She wanted to wake up and be able to run into her mother's arms and cry out all of her bottled-up feelings, but she knew it wasn't the time for it now.

'Everything will be over soon, hopefully.' Elizabeth sighed while walking behind her brother towards the front door.


When Oliver was in the living room he could vaguely see that there were 3 AVX12 (an armored truck that has a mounted cannon on top of it with two blasters on both sides.) and that the sky was covered by a dark blue colored dome that still let in sunlight.

Oliver paused 3 meters away from the door when he saw that the 3 cannons were aimed at it.

'Wow, what the fuck happened for these lazy asses to bring AVX12s and then surround the whole area with an energy dome.' Oliver was baffled.

AVX12s were normally used for barricading and were only used if they were dealing with Metahumans. Though they had a weakness of being very slow.

Then energy domes were used to trap enemies in a certain area, however, they had 2 big weaknesses. The first was that they had a long setup time and the second was that they couldn't stop enemies from going underground.

These weapons were created and used by the military before, however, they became obsolete over time and were handed to the enforcers.

Oliver couldn't stop his lips from twitching as he walked closer to the door. It made no sense for the enforcers to bring this much firepower for 2 kids.

"HOLD YOUR FIRE THEY ARE COMING OUT." A man who was standing on the middle AVX12 said into a speaker. He was the commanding officer for this group and was standing next to the black cannon with dull blue engravings. He was 6 feet tall wearing a dark blue uniform and a black helmet

The man looked towards the door and nodded which didn't pass Oliver's sight.

'What did that mean… oh I see.' Oliver thought stopping right before the doorway.

He stared blankly at the commanding officer for a few seconds not moving.

"IF YOU DON'T COME OUT RIGHT NOW WE WILL SHOOT." As the man said this the engravings on the cannon started to glow with a light blue color and Oliver's instincts screamed danger.

"Ellie remember our secret spot we used to go to every time we got bored at home. Go there then escape and don't look back I'll be fine." Oliver said before turning around and pushing Elizabeth back.

"Huh," Elizabeth said as her body flew away from her brother who dashed outside only to dodge the back of a gun towards his head before disarming the man and shooting him twice.


"Run Ellie! They're not enforcers!!!" Was the last thing she heard before beams of blue light hit the spot her brother was at and she was pushed back by the shockwave towards the stairs.

"NO!" She screamed when saw the beams hit the spot Oliver was at, but the sound of bullets firing and the blur of Oliver relieved her of her worries knowing that he was ok.

"What!" She screamed as she saw the house was starting to fall apart.

Knowing there wasn't a lot of time she ran back towards the stairs and stretch out her hand at the wall. The space distorted before a portal appeared. Elizabeth went through it and disappeared from the crumbling house.

"Idiot! why did you leave me if I could have helped us escape." Elizabeth said as she appeared on the roof of the building 4 houses away from her home.

She caught the sight of her brother running in a building before she started to stumble and her vision twisted.

'Damn it not again.' She thought knowing that her ESP was low.

She heard another explosion which made her know Oliver was still alive, but she still worried about him.

She wanted to help him, but she knew her ESP was on fumes right now.

'I'm sorry for not listening brother, but I'm not leaving you.' She thought before running away from Oliver into a house and then sat down to recover her ESP energy as fast as she could.

She noticed how the explosions were getting farther away from her so she knew that her brother was going away from her position.

'Even though you are trying to protect me I can't lose my last family today.' Elizabeth thought strengthening her resolve.

She covered her ears with ice to not let any of the explosions distract her and hoped that her brother could run away until she could help him

She got up after 10 minutes and dashed that in the direction of the explosions. She noticed how there were more explosions now and how they weren't that far away at least less than 5 minutes.

'They have more than one cannon and they probably want to trap big brother near the barrier. Seeing as they aren't using the full power of the cannons they don't want us to die.'

Elizabeth came to that conclusion after seeing the damage left behind by the cannons. She passed over men that were trying to look for her, but whenever they got too close to her she made a small portal and stayed hidden waiting for them to leave until continuing her pursuit.

Worries kept appearing in her mind, but she suppressed them knowing that she needed to put her full focus on finding her brother and escaping.

Elizabeth wasn't naive enough to believe it would be that simple, but she had too little information to make a real plan.

She dashed from roof to roof and realized that she didn't see anyone else inside the dome beside the fake enforcers.

It was around 7:20 and although it was normal for kids in this area to school at this time adults wouldn't leave till later.

'Who are these people to be able to evacuate this many people that fast. Then they have advanced weaponry.' Elizabeth tried to figure it out while closing in on the pursuit.

Some ideas came to mind however she had to discard them because she knew that they were in something bigger than those.

When she was only 3 blocks away from Oliver she narrowed down a few reasons for them being chased however, she eventually crossed those ideas out too.

They had too many flaws and could only come up with one conclusion which would make sense.

'Mom what else were you hiding from us.' Elizabeth thought while in the air.

From her position, she could see Oliver who was hiding behind a building with two guns under his arms.

He was being pinned down by electro bullet by over 50 men who were on mounting 3 AVX12 that were slowly moving towards him while hovering a few feet above the ground.

They weren't using the cannons on the top of AVX12 and only fired with rifles or the side blasters.

'My guess was right there trying to capture us.' She thought while looking at the damage the bullets were doing.

From her knowledge, she knew there were three switches on energy rifles.

There was the safety that didn't shoot.

The second was the taser or electro bullets. They didn't do terrible damage as it would only paralyze and leave burn marks.

The third was the energy bullet which was made to kill.

However, what confused her was why this group was using these weapons. It was known that these weapons were only used on metahumans, monsters, etc. If even the weakest one hit a normal human 90% of the time they would die instantly.

'How could they have known we became Metahumans.' However, before she could do anything else she saw her brother do something crazy.

She watched as he threw the guns he had into the middle of the street while throwing a white flag there too. The group stopped firing and waited to see what the boy was up to.

Elizabeth watched as her brother walked from behind the wall, towards the AVX12 with his hands in his pockets.

For her, this was already baffling as she knew her brother wasn't one to give up that easily.

What caught her off guard was the smile on his face. She has seen her brother's smile before when he was happy, excited, or even sad.

However, after turning eleven she could always tell something was missing in every one of them.

'Is it because of his awakening, no that wouldn't make sense he could die why would he be happy?' She frowned while making a portal to one of the 5 story buildings in the area to get a better view.

Once she came through the other side she could finally see all the damage Oliver and the group did and she couldn't hide her amazement and horror.

Some buildings were crumbling while smoke rose into the air.

Blood painted the streets as mutilated corpses dyed them with their blood.

Big craters filled the ground from AVX12 cannon attacks.

Then two AVX12 were flipped over while men were still trying to get out of them.

'There's at least 60 of them here and more are coming.' Elizabeth thought while trying to find a way to help Oliver escape.

She could see from her position at least 4 more AVX12 coming toward them.

However, she was brought out of her thoughts when she felt a gaze on her. She looked around only to find Oliver staring at her.

She gasped in amazement at how he could see her from that far, but his attention went back to the troops surrounding him.

Just as Elizabeth saw Oliver about to make his move she saw something she would never forget for the rest of her life.