
The Primordial Legacy System

3,000 years ago an alien race called the Utros tried to invade earth. They broke the barrier around the earth to let their ships through, but an unplanned element occurred as different types of Universal energies enter the earth giving humans the power to fight back. The Utros underestimated the human's power while being attacked by other alien enemies which caused their defeat in their conquest of 200 years and had to retreat back to their territories. Oliver is a boy who has lived 12 years of his and passed the prime age for gaining these superpowers. Giving up on the dream of every awakening he steals an item hoping to let his sister who means the world to him awaken, but it cost him his life. Coming back from the dead he ends up with a system and the legacy of an ancient being. Watch as Oliver grows stronger, and learns about himself while uncovering the secrets his mother hid from him. ----------- I don't own the pic I will try to post one chapter every day

J_Morgan052 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The End

Once they were out of sight Harold looked down at Oliver and started checking out his body examining the damage the group had done. Once he finished he had a hard time keeping tears from coming down his face. He looked at Oliver whose eyes were barely open.

"I don't understand how they can do this to a kid," Harold muttered as he understood the conditions of Oliver's body. It horrified him to know that grown men had done this to a child and he just watched.

'Would I have done something if it were my children?' He thought guiltily thinking about if it were his son or daughter in Oliver's position.

'I owe him a choice after everything don't I. It's not like they will ask for a body I'll just make an excuse.'

"Oliver... I know you are in a lot of pain. You have a lot of willpower to be conscious after everything. I know I failed you so maybe for some selfish reason I feel the need to give you a choice to rid me of my guilt. I know it's selfish, but what can you expect in this shitty world controlled by fucking Metahumans... hahaha." He said with a laugh of mockery. He calmed down and stared at the boy who looked at him blankly

"You have two options, I can help you survive, but you will be a cripple for the rest of your life. You wouldn't be able to walk, barely move your arms and at most live for 10 years. Or I can end your pain here and now." Harold knew that Oliver could hear him because the dead look in his eyes gained vigor.

"Bink once if it options 1, to survive, but leave the slums forever and you would have to stay on life support or blink twice for me to end it," Harold said waiting for Oliver's answer.

- ( Oliver's Pov)


To be honest, I'm not ready to die I have too many regrets.

I never knew my father. He left when I was three and my mother was pregnant with my sister.

I remember life was hard as it was with just me and my mom, and my sister being born made life become harder. My mother could barely bring enough food to the table as it was and having a hungry newborn didn't help.

At first, I hated her I mean all the attention I had was suddenly gone giving to my sister, but as I watched her grow I came to love her.

Although I was young I had already been stained by the dark side of the world.

My sister on the other hand seemed so pure and innocent. She always brought joy to my shitty life. So I always tried to let her grow up better than me. Giving her some of my food playing with her trying to teach her, you know little things.

A year after Ellie was born my mother decided that living off of scraps wasn't what she wanted her kids to grow up on so she made a sacrifice for us.

She became a prostitute. I was five at the time and my sister was just learning how to talk. I'll admit I was pretty smart for my age. I knew the multination table from 0 to 20 and my vocabulary was comparable to normal 10 years old's. My mom made sure to make sure I grew up smart teaching me at a young age while I was also an extremely fast learner.

I might have been a little cocky from her praises, but she always made sure to humble me when I got ahead of myself.

Anyways I didn't know much about her job at the time, I just remember her going on her knees and saying.

'Please never be disappointed in the things I do for you. Just know that you and your sister mean the world to me so it's fine if I have to sacrifice myself so that you can live the life I never had.' I didn't understand what she meant at the time so a few weeks later I asked a buddy of mine in the slums and I found out.

She was selling her body for money. At first, I was embarrassed and disgusted. I mean I always heard gang members in the slums talking about how they fuck women and now I learned that mother was being fucked by random men and that she was letting herself too.

That was until I remember what she said which made me cry with guilt. She was doing this for us. Just so we could have a better life. My emotion was conflicted and I didn't know what to feel.

One part of me felt useless. What was the point of being her little genius if I couldn't use any of my skills? Another part of me felt shame. I mean my mother was sleeping with guys for money and people in the slums who knew would call me the son of a slut.

That always made me angry. I mean they were jealous because even with my mother's job as a proustite, she was really beautiful. Unfortunately for them, she did her job in the main part of the city where there were high leveled metahumans and rich people were at.

I remember the first time I saw her dress up before leaving. She dyed her hair blonde and wore blue contacts. I asked why she changed herself and she told me.

'If one day you guys grow up and are popular I don't want your reputation to be affected because of me.'

She was always thinking of our future. A smart five-year-old and a little one-year-old and you were still thinking years ahead of us. There was always the possibility of us not awakening too, but she always seemed so certain of it like we would become amazing metahumans.

The only positive part about her job is that not even 2 weeks after becoming a prostitute we moved into a good house out of the slums, but still close to it. We could have moved into a better house, but mom said she was saving up money for something really big. The downside was my mother's mood. I still remember her crying herself to sleep or putting healing cream over bruises.

After a year I couldn't take it and I yelled at her to stop being a hoe and hurting herself for us. It was at this time I joined a gang and was making money. Nowhere close to the amount my mother brought home, but still enough to put food on the table.

For the first time in my life, she slapped me. I didn't cry or scream I just looked at her in amazement as she seemed to become someone else. No not someone else, but I felt like I could feel her resolve which made it seem like someone else.

An Unmovable wall of determination to take care of her children no matter the cost was the best way to describe the feeling I got at that moment.

'Oliver it's a parent's job to sacrifice for their children, I'm ok, remember mommy is always the strongest.' She told me with tears streaming down her face, but she still had a smile.

A year later she came back excitedly and said she quit her job as a proustite and that she was working on a big project and if it was successful in a few more years we could move out of the area and live in a rich area.

I didn't understand how we could move from basically the bottom class to the rich class, but I didn't bother with details. My mom looked happier than ever and her happiness was all that mattered to me. That day she brought home a cake for me and my sister.

She took us to the roof where we could see the stars and moon. Some of the towering buildings from the city blocked our view, but it only added to the beautiful view. I remember our mother telling me and my sister about her dream. One that I think both of us inherited and wanted to fulfill.

'When I was young I always had a dream of awakening powers and journeying through space. I mean I'm too old now, but I still wish to do it. Visit new planets different species and try new food.' She was drooling when she talked about food, she liked eating new things. 'Although it has been years since our family has awakened power since like my late great, great, grandfather or something I don't know. Once you guys awaken if you ever go to space make sure to bring me a snack from different planets.'

That day after my mom went asleep, me and my sister made a promise to both awaken and eat every type of alien food with our mom. Although normally a 7-year-old and 3 year old making a promise would be weird I had to admit that my little sister and I were way smarter than normal kids. Her being even smarter than me at the same age.

Years passed and I never awakened. It was known that people awakened around the age of 4 to 10. I knew my chances of awakening were pretty low and to be honest I gave up on the dream of awakening. My mother told me to be patient, but I believed she was trying to make me feel better. However, I couldn't give up on my sister. I didn't want her dreams to be crushed like mine so I did something to make sure she could awaken. I stole the rumored orb from my gang in hopes of helping her dream and you know the rest.



'It's still beautiful.' I thought while looking at the sky. The countless stars littered the night sky with the moon in the center making a beautiful picture.

'Sorry Mother, Elizabeth. I just wanted to prove my worth one way or another, but it seems I just fucked up. Mom was already making enough money I didn't need to stay in the gang. There's no reason for me to stay alive. Even if nothing happens to you guys I'll just be a burden.' I thought while blinking twice. As I watched the knife come down towards my heart my life flashed before my eyes. The knife slowed down and memories of my life came flooding in.

'Ahh, still lying to myself in the end. Accepting death is just a way of running away from my responsibilities and mistakes, mom was right. Inside I'm still a naïve, an arrogant quitter.'

The knife plunged into Oliver's heart killing him instantly. The last bit of light in his eyes died out and his breathing stopped. Harold took out the knife and threw it at an abandoned hut.

"AHHHHh" He screamed with tears falling down his face. He hated this world and how Metahumans could tell him to bark and he would bark like a dog just because he was weak. Now he killed a child and although he said he was going to give Oliver an option he was just trying to buy time so that he wouldn't have to kill him. There was no way he could disobey a Metahuman.

Harold calmed down and looked at Oliver's body for one last time. A confused expression was on his face as he saw a beautiful necklace that had a white sun attached to it around Oliver's neck. The white sun hung right above the black orb which was dyed red from Oliver's blood.

'Was that there before? Whatever.' He shook his head thinking that he might as well leave the jewelry with the boy. He took his eyes off the body and looked towards the sky. He saw the moon looked livelier today so he decided to speak to it.

"Rest in peace kid. If your family is still alive, I'll do my best to take care of them." Harold sighed before going on a knee and shutting Oliver's eyes. He walked away from the sense and towards his house, looking for comfort from his family.

What he didn't realize was that the black orb started melting covering Oliver's body and filling all his wounds with a black liquid.