
The Primordial Legacy System

3,000 years ago an alien race called the Utros tried to invade earth. They broke the barrier around the earth to let their ships through, but an unplanned element occurred as different types of Universal energies enter the earth giving humans the power to fight back. The Utros underestimated the human's power while being attacked by other alien enemies which caused their defeat in their conquest of 200 years and had to retreat back to their territories. Oliver is a boy who has lived 12 years of his and passed the prime age for gaining these superpowers. Giving up on the dream of every awakening he steals an item hoping to let his sister who means the world to him awaken, but it cost him his life. Coming back from the dead he ends up with a system and the legacy of an ancient being. Watch as Oliver grows stronger, and learns about himself while uncovering the secrets his mother hid from him. ----------- I don't own the pic I will try to post one chapter every day

J_Morgan052 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

I Killed A Man

Oliver watched as Joe's lifeless body fell right to his feet.

He looked down to see Joe's lifeless body and his blood-stained hands.

His eyes moved between his hands, Joe's body, and the knife he used to kill Joe which he dropped after Joe fell.

Oliver threw up after realizing he took a life.

He was just a 12-year-old boy and although he had seen a lot of things in the slums, he has never seen a dead body before and he was the one to kill Joe.

When he thought back to what happened all he remembered was that he felt immense rage at that moment when Joe talked about his mother being a slut and raping his sister.

He always kept the knife on him for protection after getting jumped once, but he only used it to threaten robbers or kids who thought he was a punk.

He has always been one to get into a fight whenever his mother or sister was involved and when he thought about Joe raping his family he snapped.

"I killed him. I really killed." He muttered in a daze forgetting about the men surrounding him.

Surprisingly though, Oliver didn't feel bad about killing Joe. He was emotional, yes, but the only thing his focus was on right now was the repercussions of his action.

First Joe was the son of Carol.

Carol was the leader of one of the biggest gangs in the slums. Although Oliver never met the man he knew that if someone killed one of his family members he would get revenge.

The second was that he might go to jail.

Although the enforcers rarely went into the slums 19 witnesses saw him kill a man which is a crime. Even if he was a minor they could manipulate the story making him seem like a cold killer instead of a victim. He could spend a lot of years in jail leaving his mother and sister on their own.

His father died when he was 3 and his mother always had to leave the house to make money sometimes not coming home for days. Although he didn't live in the slums anymore he always wanted to earn money so that his mother could relax and his sister could live like a princess.

He lived in a low-class area right next to the slums and was left alone in the house taking care of his sister most of the time which caused him to have more mature thoughts than a normal 12-year-old.

"Well, what do we have here." Everyone froze and started shaking as they heard the ruff male voice, knowing who the man was.

He had midnight blue hair with black eyes. A face that wasn't too ugly, but wouldn't be called good-looking and a height of 8-feet on a body that had muscles as big as Oliver's head.

He was Carol, Joe's father and the leader of the 'Blood Hawk' gang. Of course what Oliver and the rest of the men feared weren't his big muscles, but the fact that he was a Skill Metahuman.

Every since he was 5 Oliver wanted to become a Metahuman so he researched about them and learned a Metahuman was a person who could use supernatural powers. They were 5 different types of Metahumans.

The first type was the Bloodline Metahumans (Hybrids).

They were people who could tap into their alien or beast bloodline to do supernatural feats like grow wings or use special powers that derived from their bloodline.

The second type was the Mana Users Metahumans (Warriors/Mages).

They were people who manifest mana cores which allowed them the ability to use and interact with Mana. Mana could be used to strengthen the body of warriors and used to control one of the elements for mages.

The third type was the Skill Metahumans (Hunters).

They were people who could not awaken powers, manifest mana cores, or have any special bloodlines. They were normal humans who went into dungeons that manifest after the great collision (When the Utros attacked the barrier) and gained skills they had compatibility with by killing monsters.

The fourth type was the Artificial Metahumans (Soldiers).

They were normal humans who couldn't awaken powers, mana core, and bloodlines while also not having any compatible with any skills or just not going into a dungeon to try. They were given artificial mana cores by the government however they couldn't compare to the naturally formed ones and they would have to serve for 4 years.

The last type was the Ability Metahumans (Espers).

They awakened powers like super strength, flight, or the ability to control the weather. They were the most unpredictable group of Meta-humans because unlike Hybrids and Mana Users who were mostly genetic and predictable, the Espers weren't.

Both your parents could be normal humans and you can awaken super strength would be a genetic example and an unpredictable example would be getting random powers like an Invisibility or Clairvoyance ability when your parent's ability has nothing to do with those.

Now Oliver wasn't a greedy kid. His mother taught him a lot of things about the world and he was a quick learner. However, nothing could stop his dream of becoming a Metahuman, except reality.

Although it was true he could go into a dungeon his chances of getting powers were at most 25% and dying 75%. Then there was the fact he would have to kill the monster without any help.

Becoming a soldier was out of the question for him because he wanted to join STAR HAVEN which was an organization where only the best of the best Metahuman could go.

The reason he was working for Carol at first was that he wanted the money and eventually, Carol's status as a Meta-human might have granted him an opportunity to gain powers however that never happened.

He turned 12 already which was 2 years after the prime of awakening, so his chances of having a natural awakening were minimal.

When he heard the rumor about the orb he stole being able to turn someone into a metahuman he couldn't stop his greed.

Unlike normal children who would use it for themselves, he wanted to give it to his little sister who was 8. She was a normal human like him who also had the dream of becoming a Metahuman.

Although part of him wished to use it for himself he knew it would be better to give it to her.

She was still young, pure, and a dreamer inside, he didn't want her dreams to be crushed like his. He was always tried to hide the dark side of the world as much as he could from her so that she could be normal.

However, it all seemed for naught as now Carol was here.

"Boss It was the kid who killed your son we tried to stop him but but he… ughh."

"I saw everything that happened I was watching," Carol said with a bored expression as his pointer finger was stretched and went through the man's throat killing him instantly. "Anyways it's a real disappointment Oliver, I was going to promote you too, but you had to steal from me. It's sad how that orb you stole was useless. Normally I would forgive you for this, but today's not a normal time now is it. One of my worthless children die and I got to send a message. People can't be thinking they can get away without consequences now can they. Don't worry I'll let you keep the worthless orb, oh and I'll take good care of your family. Make sure to kill him and I guess you can leave the orb with him who knows maybe it will follow him in death." Carol started walking away after that while taking out a napkin to clean his blood-stained finger.

"Wait boss I didn't ahhhhh!" Oliver couldn't finish as he was hit in the back by a wooden plank.

"Hahaha let's finish this fast maybe the boss will let us have a turn." A man said while stomping on Oliver's face.

Oliver couldn't move and his eyes looked dead. He felt himself being swallowed by guilt so much that it paralyzed him. That and the fact that one of the men broke his spine.

The beat down lasted 10 minutes, but Oliver could have sworn it had taken a year. They stripped him and found a black orb in one of his pockets. Some tried to figure out what it was, but all they could find out was that it was indestructible. A man tried bashing it with a bat and the result was that the metal bat bent surprising everyone. Soon they faced Oliver's body up while putting his hands across his chest looking like an X and putting the black orb in between them.

"Let's get this over with I want a taste of that woman, who wants to kill him." Everyone got lustful gazes after that, but none of them wanted to take Oliver's life making an awkward silence.

"I'll do it," Harold said as he picked up the knife that killed Joe. He was the only person who didn't attack Oliver. He couldn't hurt the child. Unlike most people in the slums he lived in the good parts of the city before getting into debt with a Metahuman which caused him to move into the slums. He did what he had to do so that he could survive with his family and he didn't t regret it. There were things that he didn't t like to do, but as the man of his family, he had to.

"Haha Harold just doesn't want to cheat on your wife it's good man, no one will tell if you had a taste, but since you volunteered you get to go last." A man said hitting Harold's back and laughing with the rest of the group who were secretly thanking him for taking up the task.

"Hah I'm good I'll go home after this I'll meet you guys later," Harold said as the group walked away leaving him with a barely conscious Oliver, dead Joe, and a knife in his hand.