
The Primordial Legacy System

3,000 years ago an alien race called the Utros tried to invade earth. They broke the barrier around the earth to let their ships through, but an unplanned element occurred as different types of Universal energies enter the earth giving humans the power to fight back. The Utros underestimated the human's power while being attacked by other alien enemies which caused their defeat in their conquest of 200 years and had to retreat back to their territories. Oliver is a boy who has lived 12 years of his and passed the prime age for gaining these superpowers. Giving up on the dream of every awakening he steals an item hoping to let his sister who means the world to him awaken, but it cost him his life. Coming back from the dead he ends up with a system and the legacy of an ancient being. Watch as Oliver grows stronger, and learns about himself while uncovering the secrets his mother hid from him. ----------- I don't own the pic I will try to post one chapter every day

J_Morgan052 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Pride Or Arrogance

(POV: Oliver)

I watched with cold eyes as flare burned every living thing in a 20-meter radius. Taking the opportunity of my height I could see a red marker somewhere west of me.

I frowned when I saw it not moving. It was Elizabeth. This was the confirmation I got once I finished the motivation quest. Her location, and condition. The skill would only last for 6 more minutes as that's how long I had to survive.

I didn't know what would happen once the timer hit zero, but I was starting to trust the system a little more after everything it's done for me.

I know it needs me for something, so I doubt it would do anything to hurt me, but I still felt the need to keep my guard up.

I fell down from the sky landing on my feet before going to my knees and coughing out blood.

'Damn, my limit for level 2 flare is 8 seconds.' I thought before listening to the systems notifications.


[+3,600 XP for killing 36 Rank 0 Meta human]

[+5,000 XP from Bonus Rewards | 25 kills]

[+5,000 XP from Bonus Rewards | 25 kills]

[57/300 Hostiles eliminated]

[+2 levels]

[+2 Attribute point for all stats.]

[+2 Free Attribute Point]

[+2 Free Skill & Ability Point]

[Low on ESP]


'Well damn, I guess coughing up a little blood is nothing compared to the deaths of 36 Metahumans.' I chuckled. I felt no remorse for them as they attacked me first.

I got up from my kneeling position and wiped the blood from my mouth.

My landing had created a crater that I need to get out of.

There were still around 200 more hostiles in this dome with me and couldn't see anything because of all of the smoke.

I knew I wouldn't be able to get the 100,000 XP as killing over 200 people, who were spread throughout this area in 6 minutes would be impossible, but at least I would be able the get the bonus rewards if I went on another killing spree.

I spread out my perception and found no living things within 10 meters of me.

I thought about going into one of the AVX12s near me, but I didn't know how to drive so I just checked my data.

'System pull up my data.'


Name: Oliver Hayes

- Rank 0

- Level: 7

- XP: 610/12,000

- HP: 100/100

- ESP 10/80

- Mana 1


- Constitution: 10

- Strength: 9

- Dexterity: 8

- Speed: 15

- Agility: 8

- Perception: 13

- Intelligence: 15

Free Attribute Points: 2

{Abilities & Skills}

>Enhanced Speed - Level 3

>Enhanced Strength - Level 1

>Solar Manipulation- Level 1

>Weapon Creation - Level 1 | (1 Creation)*

>Spatial Manipulation - Level 1

>Flare - Level 2

>Sword Creation- Level 1

>Spatial Mark - Level 3

>Sovereign's Punishment - level 1 (New Skill)

Free Skill & Ability Points: 2


'It was the right decision to use my free attribute points for speed and perception and my free skill points for flare and spatial mark.' I thought while walking out of the 5-foot deep crater.

I briefly looked at my new skill before using my perception to lead me through all the rubble.

'Hey, system. Why is my mana still at 1?' I asked.

I noticed how every time my intelligence leveled up I would gain ESP, but my mana would never change.

[The host has to nurture his mana core on his own. Any interference from the system would damage it leaving the host crippled.]

'I see. Will you be able to teach me how to nurture my mana core then?'

[The system will give the Host the basics of nurturing his mana core. However, whatever path he takes next is up to him.]

'What do you mean path?' I asked confused. I never knew there were different paths to nurturing a mana core.

[Of course, there would be. With how many different species are in this universe how could you think there would only be one path.]

'Your right. I forgot aliens since all this crazy shit happened.' I laughed while pulling myself out of the crater.

"System, what path do you recommend I take?" I asked as exited the smoke and looked around.

[The host should wait until his bloodlines are unsealed until choosing the path to nurture his core.]

"Alright, I'll take your advice."

I felt a chilly breeze on my lower body and looked down to find myself naked.

'This is going to be a problem for the future.' I thought before going into my inventory and taking out a new pair of black sweatpants and a red-colored shirt.

I was worried about changing in the open so I went back into the smoke to use as a cover.

As I finished pulling up my pants I went outside the smoke and not even a second later I sensed something approaching my head.

Tilting my head to the side I watched as a blue light went over my shoulder passing me.

'Another sniper?'


I was blasted forwarded as the sniper bullet exploded behind me.

The explosion couldn't match up to the size of my flare or cannons, but if it exploded inside me I knew it was over.

Not knowing where the sniper was, I turned and ran.

I didn't have much ESP left after that stunt and was in a terrible position as there was nothing I could use for cover.

whoosh boom!

Another bullet was fired at me, but I dodge it completely by jumping to the side.

A second later, I sensed 120 bullets behind me, in the perception domain I created which covered a 10-meter radius around me.

'System add 2 ability points to enhanced speed.' I thought calmly.

My attributes and skills were way higher than before so I knew dodging the bullets would be a breeze. However, I didn't want to take chances with how many were being fired.


[+2 A&SP to Enhanced Speed]

[Enhanced Speed - Level 5

[Ability: Can increase host maximum speed by 9 points.]


[Enhanced Speed]

I used enhanced speed after upgrading it, putting my speed at 24 plus the speed that the system didn't count.

I easily dodge the electro bullets behind me while running down the street.

I quickly outran them by running through houses and ended up in the middle of a street.

I sensed something interesting near me so I turned to my left and entered an alley.

I had to stop because it was a dead-end and deactivated my enhanced speed.

The alley had enough space for me to run to the other side and the wall was a little over 2 meters in height.

I took two quick hops before running towards the wall and jumping over it while doing a front flip.

I landed gracefully on the other side and then I bent down taking a bow for my performance before looking up towards the group of 4 in front of me.

I noticed some distinct differences between this group and the others in the building.

First, they weren't wearing helmets.

There were three men and one woman.

Then their weapons.

They weren't using firearms, but cold weapons.

The woman who I assumed was the leader was in front holding two short swords while examining me.

In the back were two men.

One of the men was dressed in a white robe holding a thick book in one hand while his other was holding a staff with a clear crystal at the top of it.

Then the man next to him was dressed in a black cloak with a quiver on his back. He was aiming his bow at me, but nothing was drawn in it.

The last person was in front of the mage and hunter/archer and behind the woman.

He was around 7 feet tall and was shirtless revealing his bulky muscles which had a metallic appearance. His arms were crossed over his chest and he looked at me with disdain.

[The host should be careful. He is up against a warrior, mage, hunter, and hybrid.]

I took a brief look at the system's words before ignoring it and putting my attention on the shirtless man who was the hybrid.

For some reason, I couldn't take my eyes off him.

Ever since becoming a Metahuman, I gained some type of pride. No, I always had a large amount of pride even before becoming a metahuman.

I could blame the system because my pride increased with its's influence, but I knew deep down this was who I am.

Gaining powers just revealed my true nature.

Pride could have been something I was born with or gained after always being compared to others, but I always took pride in everything I did or had.

Pride on my intelligence, because I never went to school and I was smarter than adults.

Pride in my strength, as It could match or beat grown men.

Pride in the fact that I had a mother who I could rely on.

When I came back from the dead and found out I was a Metahuman my pride subconsciously grew.

So, when this man looked at me with disdain I couldn't help, but think he needed to be erased from the world.

It wasn't about trying to prove something, but about who he reminded me of which caused me to be angry.

That was the same look Joe always gave me and I always hated it.

I could take pride in the fact that I killed that worthless human being with my own hands and now that I was getting a reminder of that look, my pride wouldn't allow me to let him survive.

I ignored the rest while looking at the man.

"I'm going to leave you for last then kill you using my newest skill," The man didn't react to my taunt and the fight started.

The woman in the group started walking toward me before speeding up and going into a charge at me.

Her speed surprised me as she was a little faster than me.

There was a blue-colored membrane covering her body and it extended to her blades.

'System what's my ESP at.' I asked while getting into a fighting position.

I never learned hand-to-hand combat so I just got into a position where I could be comfortable while being able to attack and defend.

[The Host has 4/80 ESP]

I frowned at that number.

It meant in this fight I couldn't rely on my skills.

'How is she getting faster!' I thought while narrowly dodging the woman's slash toward my neck.

My instincts screamed after dodging and I didn't hesitate to tilt my head to the left as I heard the air whistle beside me.

I took a quick look behind me and saw an arrow in the wall.

'He has a skill which can make his arrows invisible?' I thought while ducking the woman's other blade.

That was a bad idea as I couldn't react fast enough when her foot appeared in my face kicking me back a few meters.

I quickly stood up only to be greeted by another invisible arrow. Focusing on my senses I quickly reacted and caught it just before it reached my face.

I didn't get time to have a break as the arrow exploded causing me to shut my eyes.

Once I opened them my eyes shrank as I saw the huge man appear in the corner of my vision.

"Your all talk boy. Just a brat who's been lucky enough to get good abilities. Without them, you're just an arrogant brat."

I didn't get to dodge as the earth below me trapped my feet in place when his fist came towards me.

Knowing I was stuck I crossed my arms in front of me and waited for the impact.


His punch sent me flying through the alley wall, across the street, and into a building on the other side of the street.

'How the fuck are these guys so strong!' I internally screamed.

[They were never weak, it's just that the Host has always relied on his skills to fight. Now that he can't rely on them he's having a hard time.]

[The host's arrogance has led him to be overconfident in his fighting capabilities.]

For a second, I couldn't believe what the system said until I thought back to how I defeated every single person.

'I'm always using my powers.' I realized.

I always used my abilities and skills to fight, but now that I can't use them, I'm the weak one.

I coughed out blood while climbing out of the building.

It was a three-story apartment and was now starting to collapse.

'I didn't even realize how the pride I had for my strength turned into arrogance. I keep on making the same mistakes.' I thought while looking across the street at the group.

They kept a distance from me which was probably because of their fear of my flare skill, but I could tell they were ready to attack at any time.

'My arrogance is what lead me to steal from Carol and my arrogance is what led me to think that everyone I would fight is weak.' I thought while quickly going over the exchange.

'That woman is a little faster than me and my instincts allow me to keep up, but she has weapons which give her an advantage over me. The mage and archer attack me whenever I am about to counter and the man is stronger than me.' I took a deep breath and came up with a plan.

'I won't be able to reach the mage and archer until I defat or injure the warrior or hybrid.'

I closed my eyes while limiting my perception to a 2-meter radius around me. The smaller my perception was domain the more detailed information I would get.

'My early actions were reckless and I know I should run and hide to regain my ESP, but I can't.' I thought before opening my eyes.

The warrior was charging at me, the mage had 3 earth spears in the air pointing at me, the archer was pulling back on his bow, and the hybrid was looking at me with contempt.

A slight smile appeared on my face as I ran out of the crumbling building to meet her.

'It might be my pride or arrogance, but I won't allow myself to back down from this fight.' I thought and a change occurred within me as we began the second round.



[+2,000 XP]


<57/300 Hostiles eliminated> (10,000 XP gained)

<10/15 minutes survived> (4,000 XP gained)


Author Note: How do you guys like the pace of the story so far?