
The Primordial Legacy System

3,000 years ago an alien race called the Utros tried to invade earth. They broke the barrier around the earth to let their ships through, but an unplanned element occurred as different types of Universal energies enter the earth giving humans the power to fight back. The Utros underestimated the human's power while being attacked by other alien enemies which caused their defeat in their conquest of 200 years and had to retreat back to their territories. Oliver is a boy who has lived 12 years of his and passed the prime age for gaining these superpowers. Giving up on the dream of every awakening he steals an item hoping to let his sister who means the world to him awaken, but it cost him his life. Coming back from the dead he ends up with a system and the legacy of an ancient being. Watch as Oliver grows stronger, and learns about himself while uncovering the secrets his mother hid from him. ----------- I don't own the pic I will try to post one chapter every day

J_Morgan052 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


(Pov: Jason Blake)

As my death was coming near, I watched as my whole life flashed before my eyes and only one word came to mind.


First I remembered myself when I awakened an ability.

Back then I came from a small town where even getting an F grade ability was rare not to mention my D grade Ability.

My parents were normal humans who didn't have any abilities and they as treated me well.

Their affection and attitude towards me never changed even after knowing how talented I was, unlike like everyone else in my life.

They were simple loving parents who did anything they could for me, but I let the praises get into my head.

You would think that after everything they did for me I would always have their back and protect them.


As soon as I turned 16 and became an adult I abandoned them.

That was my first regret.

Thinking back on the reason I can't believe how stupid I was.

I thought of them as a stain on my reputation.

How could I, the great Jason Blake have powerless parents with a D grade ability?

That was the thought process of a young arrogant and naive fool who didn't know that in this big world a D grade ability was less than average at best.

I learned that the hard way when I moved to a big city.

Not to mention D-grade abilities, but even people with C and some B-grade abilities were everywhere.

There I realize that I was just a little fish in a big world.

Insignificant in the whole picture.

In the city, I was broke, I had no fans, no friends, and no family.

I was all alone and poor, but I could only blame myself.

I can still remember it like yesterday, getting those disdainful looks as I begged for money in the street. I lived in alleys with nothing, but a thin blanket to cover me.

Sometimes even little bastards used me as target practice for their abilities and I had to sit and take it because they had hunters, mages, warriors, and espers guarding them.

Every time I went to sleep at night just full of regret. I wanted to go back home. Apologize to my parents, eat my mother's apple pie and drink some hot chocolate, but I couldn't.

I used almost all my money to take a train here and I couldn't walk back as the trip was too dangerous.

My life continued in that manner for 3 years until a mysterious man came to me with an offer.

I can still remember the lies he told me like it was yesterday.

He told me that I was talented.

He told me that high leveled metahumans are the reason for my state.

He told me that he was a part of an organization whose goal was to make the world a better place for those who had been wronged by them and I believed him.

I always felt wronged by my situation and taking it out on the young rich kids, who had high talent, and used me for target practice in the streets would be a way to get revenge on them.

After joining this organization I loved being a part of it.

I felt like I had power again.

I did missions targeting Metahumans who had high potential and finally got a taste of revenge.

That was until 2 years later I heard something I shouldn't have.

This organization that I was working for.

The people who finally gave me a home and purpose were working for the Utros.

I wouldn't say I cared about the rest of humanity because I didn't, I am a selfish man and I know that.

However, the Utros race scared me to my core.

The cruel acts the Utros commit on other species and planets after conquering them would put fear into the fearless.

I didn't need anyone to tell me what to do because I knew I didn't want that to happen to me or my family.

I thought I could warn the military or enforcers, anyone who would listen to me about this organization's plans, and become a hero.

Be praised again like I was back in my hometown, but this time I wouldn't abandon my parents.

I would go back to my small town, and apologize then everything will be the same again.

I would share my wealth and fame with them and we could become a happy family again however, I was too naive.

I was caught by the men having a conversation, but they didn't even glance at me.

They just continue their conversation while casually mentioning that the tattoo that every person gets when they join the organization is a curse that will kill anyone who mentions the connection between the Utros and the organization.

I didn't want to believe them, but my safety came first. What if it was true? I knew everyone had the same tattoo on their right shoulder, but I thought it was just for design, not a curse.

They turned to me after that and laughed in my face while walking past me like I didn't even exist.

I felt my world crumble and fell to my knees.

I was in an even worst position than before. At least on the streets, I had some type of free will, but now I was a dog for the Utros.

I stopped doing missions for a month after that.

I wouldn't be their dog if I didn't do any missions for them.

However, life never got better for me after I left my small town.

I got a message saying that if I don't do at least one mission every month I would die.

I was trapped.

My guilt and shame never allowed me to visit my parents again and I have been working for this organization for 10 years.


Today there was a huge mission. Which included 3 individuals.

The assassination of Jessica Hayes. The mysterious new up incoming CEO of one of the large companies in the world.

Then the capture of her two children.

Although her death wouldn't be an easy one seeing as she is the CEO of a large company what surprised me was her children.

The mission priority was them as they were graded X level threat which was the highest mission level. However, it stated that the siblings just awakened.

This created a big alarm in the organization as the last time a grade X threat individual was born was 22 years ago and that woman could be ranked second on my biggest fears with the Utros being first.

I didn't know why it was me, but I was assigned to this important mission.

There were 500 of us which I think is overkill, but I listen to my commands like the good dog I was.

I was the leader for the Rank 0 Metahumans as I was one of the strongest and at the peak of Rank 0.

There were 300 Rank 0s, 150 Rank 1s, and 50 Rank 2s.

The mission should have been easy, but no.

Everyone Rank 1 and above suddenly disappeared leaving only us low-Rank 0s behind.

Knowing this mission could not be failed I continue the mission without them.

Whoever or whatever made them disappear wouldn't be something I could handle and I knew if I returned without completing this mission I would die.

I thought it would be a simple mission even without them.

I mean two newly awakens against 300 rank 0s there was never a chance for them.

However with my experience on the job I knew that random shit can always happen.

I set up a perimeter using an energy barrier and everyone moved in with is AVX12s. All the civilians were evacuated as we couldn't have any witnesses and killing everyone would be a hassle.

I left some men and AVX12s at some block just in case they escape and then continued towards their location.

We moved in and we're finally in front of the house.

I didn't know why such a big shot would live in such a small city and poor area, but I didn't care. I wanted to capture the children let my men kill the mother and go home to sleep as if nothing happened.

That is what I would do every month once I finished a mission. It helped me deal with my guilt.

The saw how the door was kicked down and it looked like there's been a fight in the house so I used it to my advantage.

Since we were dressed as enforcers to not seem suspicious I used the enforcer's name while telling them to come out of the house or else we would fire.

I wasn't going to order my men to fire at the house as we needed to capture them, but I wouldn't hesitate to use the cannons if they resited.

I watched as the boy and his sister came into the hallway before stopping.

I felt some anger building up in me as I looked at the boy.

He looked just like the children who used to me for target practice.

Handsome, prideful, and arrogant. I felt less guilt now and gave the man by the door a signal which meant get ready.

We planned to knock out the first child who walked out the door as it would catch the other one-off guard, letting us capture them both.

We could have gone inside the house, but then we wouldn't be able to use the AVX12s to our advantage.

The plan almost worked until the boy stopped walking.

My rage increased as he stood at the door and looked at me like I was an idiot.

I gave him one last chance to come out while telling the man next to me mounting the cannon to get ready to fire.

I watched in shock as the boy turned around and pushed his sister before coming out of the house.

He came outside, dodged the man's attack at a speed faster than before then disarmed him and fired.

I was shocked at how a child could kill someone that easily and didn't hesitate to give the command to fire.

I heard him reveal our identity as imposters to his sister after the cannons fired, but I didn't care as it was over for him.

He might be in a near-death state after getting hit, but we have healers and positions to patch him up.

His next actions baffled me as I saw him create a small item out of thin air before throwing it. He disappeared from the spot and then appeared next to the item which let him escape from the cannon's blast and shockwave.

I couldn't even give my men orders as that was the craziest shit I've ever seen.

I knew he had a speed ability so he could have easily dodged the blasts. He would get hit by the shockwave of the attack, but it was a guaranteed safe option.

It took me a second to regain my composure and once I looked back at the lunatic I saw him give me a wink before charging toward one of the AVX12s.

I cursed before shouting his powers and ordering the men hiding behind the AVX12s to shoot.

I couldn't help, but insult their aim as the brat dodged every single one of their shots.

I then gave the command to fire the cannons.

He ran into a building to dodge, but I could finally have some good news as one of my snipers got a shot on his leg.

I knew the AVX12s would take a while to surround the building so I sent an elite team of 20 with extra gadgets and equipment to go and capture the boy while sending out a search party to look for the girl.

Everything was quiet for four minutes and by that time more troops had arrived making it impossible to escape. 4 man squads surround every corner outside the building and I had 4 snipers at each angle.

I got a call from the elite squad telling me they capture the boy with only 1 loss and 1 injured.

I thanked the heavens that this mission was almost over and told them to ask the boy for his mother's location.

Everything was going right until the surrounding temperature started to heat up and I lost connection with the Elite squad.

Before I could find the reason for the sudden increase in temperature the sound of an explosion went off in the building and the life signals for the elite squad turned red.

Signaling their death.

My men had to back away from the building as the heat was too strong. No one knew what happened until we got confirmation about ESP being used which made everyone in the area break out in cold sweat.

At the same time, I couldn't help but be jealous of that brat for having such an overpowered ability. To be able to kill 19 Metahumans at once when he just awakened seemed impossible to me.

I realized then, that if the boy could do this much when he just awakened then he would be a problem for the Utros in the future.

Some part of me felt shame for trying to take out someone who had the powers to push the Utros back even further, but I didn't want to die.

Pushing my guilt aside I decided to send another team inside the building to take out the kid since I doubt that he would have any ESP from that attack.

However, the heat inside the building was too hot for my men to enter. So, I order two more AVX12s to come to our location and made a plan to destroy the whole building.

I can't remember the amount of time I cursed as we were giving the boy a chance to regain his ESP, but I had to wait.

After 3 minutes, everything was in place and we were ready to go. Just as we were about to shoot random items started falling from the building. Sofas, chairs, tables, etc.

Knowing that the boy was up to something I gave the order to fire.

There might have been a chance that the boy could die, but doubted that someone with an X grade potential could die that easily.

All seven cannons shot at the same time from different angles of the building making it collapse.

We moved in closer to the building and as we got closer our surroundings got hot again, but this time it was faster and hotter as the building couldn't contain the heat.

The temperature of the area jumped from 60 degrees to 160 in seconds.

I felt my mouth dry and was sweating bullets just after 3 seconds as the temperature continued to rise.

I knew this had something to do with the boy's powers so ordered everyone to retreat to a safe distance. I didn't know the range of his ability so we moved to a safe distance around the area of the furniture.

Once arriving there the temperature cooled down. I could still feel the heat coming from the rubble, but it was bearable now.

The furniture did cause us to slow down which made me think the boy used it to stop our escape, but that all changed once I saw the light trapped under the rubble disappear and reappeared above a sofa.

That's when I knew his ability wasn't to just teleport to things he created, but to anything he touched.

Nobody could react fast enough as the bright light teleported 3 times melting everything near it before disappearing

It was hot as hell and I was sweating buckets but at least he ran out of ESP I thought until I looked up and saw the miniature sun exploding above my face.

I watched as the red wave came closer and closer to me. I couldn't help but think about my whole life and I could only feel regret.

My vision finished and the wave was right in front of me.

'How beautiful.' I thought looking at the boy who was bathed in a bright white light that was surrounded by a red and orange glow.