
The Primordial Legacy System

3,000 years ago an alien race called the Utros tried to invade earth. They broke the barrier around the earth to let their ships through, but an unplanned element occurred as different types of Universal energies enter the earth giving humans the power to fight back. The Utros underestimated the human's power while being attacked by other alien enemies which caused their defeat in their conquest of 200 years and had to retreat back to their territories. Oliver is a boy who has lived 12 years of his and passed the prime age for gaining these superpowers. Giving up on the dream of every awakening he steals an item hoping to let his sister who means the world to him awaken, but it cost him his life. Coming back from the dead he ends up with a system and the legacy of an ancient being. Watch as Oliver grows stronger, and learns about himself while uncovering the secrets his mother hid from him. ----------- I don't own the pic I will try to post one chapter every day

J_Morgan052 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

My fault

"What happened here?" Oliver said with a look of astonishment as he saw the left side of his living room.

Oliver's living room was rectangle in shape. Oliver's back was against one of the long walls on the right side of the entrance. In front of him was the other long wall which had decorative furniture and a HoloTv (Futuristic tv).

What caught his attention though was that on the left side of the living room, half of it was fully covered in ice. Some parts of the sofa, the dining chairs, and table, the windows, floor, and ceiling of that whole area were covered in ice.

Now that he was focusing on it, he realized that he felt cold because all the ice around him made the room temperature low.

'Is there someone else here?' Oliver thought and quickly got up which woke up his sister. He looked around more and saw ice statues behind the couch so he went closer to take a look.

As Oliver passed the frozen sofa, what he saw would scar him for the rest of his life.

The spot he was looking at had 13 ice statues with frozen people inside them. Most of them were on the ground in a crawling position looking toward the window with expressions of fear. Some statues were broken but revealed human insides which meant a human was trapped there, but the ice broke.

Even with all of this gore Oliver's expression never showed disgust. For some reason, he couldn't understand he felt nothing when looking at a corpse, unlike the first time when he killed Joe.

However soon the emotions of anger, guilt, and sadness made their way to his face.

His anger came from the people who he recognized inside the ice. His ex-gang members, some of who he thought were his friends and turned on him. Although he knew he was in the wrong when he stole the orb, they didn't have to beat him till he was crippled or come to his house as they did.

Then there was Carol both of his arms were missing and if anything his expression was the most fearful of the group as if he saw the devil.

What caused him to have guilt and sadness though was the woman who was on the floor away from the statues. A spot where the ice didn't touch.

"M… mom," Oliver croaked while walking toward his mother's body in shaky steps. The ice cracked as he stepped toward her body, but he still kept his balance.

"This... isn't... real.'" Oliver said in disbelief as he dropped to his knees and looked at his mother's corpse.

"Yea, this isn't real maybe I'm in hell and it's making me see things I don't want to."

"Maybe everything is a dream, dying, the system everything yea I should wake up about now right... right."

Oliver kept on muttering random thoughts as he couldn't accept the fact that his mother was really dead.

He couldn't take his eyes off her violated body and even with the facts in front of him, he wouldn't accept it.

Her clothes were ripped apart revealing her naked body. There were new cuts and bruises on her body and face meaning she put up a struggle before she died, but it made no difference as she was still violated harshly before dying.

The dried white substances covered her body while some leaked from her mouth, vagina, and asshole. Her eyes were wide open and dried tears ran down her face.

Oliver slowly reached out his shaky hand and touched her neck for any signs of a pulse, but he couldn't find one.

'Mom is dead

'She's really dead and it's my fault.'

'No, I'm not responsible it was them who did it.!'

Oliver turned to the frozen statues with bloodshot eyes.

"ARGHHHH" Oliver screamed as ran towards the closet statue.

He punched the nearest statue breaking it into pieces. Blood flew everywhere as he punched the statue dying the floor and arms red.

He couldn't care less about his smell or looks as he just felt pure rage.

He went to the other statues and crushed all of them even the ones that weren't intact.

His anger knew no bounds and the only thing on his mind was venting all his pent-up frustration on the culprits.

When he reached the final statue which held Carol's body he kept stomping on it until there was nothing left of his body.

Once all the statues were gone he felt his body go weak and he fell to his knees.

He was still angry and had nowhere to vent his frustration. They were already dead so he couldn't get his revenge and when he thought about what they did to his mom just made his anger grow.

"Danmit! Damnit! Damnit!" Oliver screamed every time his fist hit the ground.

He kept hitting the floor which made a small crater because of his strength until he felt a pair of small arms embrace him from behind.

"Mother wouldn't blame you, so stop hurting yourself," Elizabeth said.

Although she didn't know exactly what happened, she had an idea of the events from what she overheard while she was upstairs.

From how her brother stole something, to him killing Joe, then how they beat him up until he died, and then to her mother's screams.

Her thoughts were so a mess at the time that she could barely speak until Oliver came home knowing that all her family wasn't dead anymore calmed her.

She was far from being mentally ok with her mother's death, but she had a stronger connection with her brother and it pained her too much to see her Oliver like that.

Oliver snapped out of his daze and stopped.

"It's my fault they came Ellie. I did something stupid just to prove myself and mom had to pay for my mistake. It's not fair it's just not, I never did anything good for her I... I just... I don't know." Oliver said trying to hold back his tears.

He couldn't remember one good thing that he's ever done for her. All that he could think about were the bad times when he criticized her or gave her a hard time.

"I'm so selfish. It was always about what I wanted. I did anything good for her." Oliver stated while covering his face.

He was supposed to be the big brother, but here he was crying in his little sister's arms when she was probably in more pain than him because she was in the house when the incident happened and couldn't do anything, but hear their mom's screams.

Elizabeth got out from behind Oliver and went in front of him. She crouched down to his eye level and removed his hands from his face saying.

"We were both selfish with mom, but she still loved us and she always said that we made her days happier so stop being a crybaby. Mom wouldn't want us to stay sad forever." She said with a small smile while holding his face which made Oliver go into a daze.

'She looks just like mom.' He thought while remembering something his mother told him when he was young.

* Flashback

It was around the time when I hated my sister for taking away our mother's attention I always complained to her about it and she always gave me the same response

'Oliver one day I will be gone from this world. When that happens you have to take care of your little sister like a good big brother or else she isn't going to think your cool.'


Oliver quickly whipped his tears away and started laughing.

'She was right I have to keep up my image as a cool big brother. I can't go crying in front of her now she needs me more than ever now that's moms gone.'

"Yea your right. She wouldn't want us to stay sad." Oliver said while trying to give Elizabeth a head pat, but she backed away and looked at him with a weird expression.

"What happened"

"Now that you stopped crying put on some clothes and cover your thing," Elizabeth said pouting with her hand on her hips.

"Oh, yea I forgot about that haha." Olivier laughed awkwardly before standing up and covering his goods. He started walking toward the stairs, but he stopped before he left the room.

"Thanks, Ellie, and sorry for being such a bad brother." He said before going upstairs heading toward his room.

Elizabeth watched her brother leave with a conflicting expression. Although she wouldn't mention it, a part of her did blame Oliver for their mother's death. However, although she knew parts of the story she didn't know the whole thing as she could only listen from upstairs.

'Even if it is his fault I can't be mad at him forever. Mom wouldn't want that and he is my only family left.' Elizabeth thought while looking at her mother's body.

A guilty expression was on her face as she looked around the living room and saw all of the ice.

'Although I'm also to blame too. If I would have awakened faster I could have saved her.' Elizabeth thought while going on a knee and touching her mother's forehead.

She watched as a thin layer of ice started to slowly form around her mother's body starting from her head.

Sweat started to fall down her face as the ice reached her mother's hips and her breathing became uneven, but she kept going until it was fully encased.

'Controlling the ice is still hard, but I needed to do this.

I guess I'll tell him I became a metahuman too once he comes back, but I guess he might know once he calms down .' Elizabeth thought after encasing the whole corpse with a thin layer of ice.

She then sat down in a meditating position and started to recover her all ESP energy.