
The Primordial Legacy System

3,000 years ago an alien race called the Utros tried to invade earth. They broke the barrier around the earth to let their ships through, but an unplanned element occurred as different types of Universal energies enter the earth giving humans the power to fight back. The Utros underestimated the human's power while being attacked by other alien enemies which caused their defeat in their conquest of 200 years and had to retreat back to their territories. Oliver is a boy who has lived 12 years of his and passed the prime age for gaining these superpowers. Giving up on the dream of every awakening he steals an item hoping to let his sister who means the world to him awaken, but it cost him his life. Coming back from the dead he ends up with a system and the legacy of an ancient being. Watch as Oliver grows stronger, and learns about himself while uncovering the secrets his mother hid from him. ----------- I don't own the pic I will try to post one chapter every day

J_Morgan052 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


Even after all his preparations, Oliver was still frozen in place as he looked at his house. He wanted to go inside, but he couldn't. The door had already been pulled off the hinges which only a Meta-Human could do making him know that Carol had been here.

He wanted to go inside, but his feet wouldn't move. If he went inside and anything happened to his family it would be his fault. He was the one who took the orb, but his family would have been the ones to be punished for his mistake.

"Monster!! Monster!!!! You're a Monster!!!!" The screams of a male voice from inside the house brought Oliver back into reality. He prepared himself mentally for anything before slowly walking in.

Before Oliver died when he was just a powerless human his mind was more advanced than normal humans, but he could sense his limit in everything. His strength, speed, and mind everything would have a limit. That is just how it is for normal humans, however ever since becoming a Meta-Human, he felt all of them being lifted like they were never there.

He loved the feeling and he would enjoy it right now if he wasn't worried about his family. Not wanting to make any mistakes he used his advanced mind and created a layout of his house in his head. He marked the area where the scream came from which was the living room while also making red areas for places where someone could hide and sneak attack him.

He might seem paranoid to some, but seeing how a man screamed monster in his house and knowing that a group of guys were going in to his house he wanted to be prepared.

He passed the door famed and the familiar smell of blood and death entered his nostrils giving him a chill. He walked through the hallway the layout in his mind changed from the original to match what he saw.

In his original layout, after opening the door he would find himself in a hallway. The walls of the hallway were grey being 5 feet wide and 3 meters in height.

A few feet away from the door on the left side of the wall, there was a console table. On it was a family picture which was in between two clear vases with water, both having three red scented flowers each. The flowers gave the hallway a strawberry aroma which his mother loved because they were one of her favorite fruits.

The picture frame was made out of black-colored wood and had a picture of him when he was 8, and his sister when she was 4. That day his mother took them to visit a festival in another city.

On the right side of the wall near the door, there was a 2-meter tall wooden coat rack, and underneath it was a shoe mat.

The hallway was 8 meters long and at the end of it were the stairs leading to the second floor which was where the bedrooms were at. In the middle of the stairs and door on each side of the walls were the entrances leading to the living room on the left side and the kitchen on the right.

Oliver walked in cautiously and frowned as he saw the damage in the hallway. The table and coat rack were broken into many pieces all over the floor. Some sharp parts of wood had blood at the end of them.

'Mom probably used this to defend herself and she did some damage.' He thought while running his hand across the wall.

Parts of the walls were ripped out and there were multiple finger size holes in the floor, walls, and ceiling.

"This is Carol's Skill." He muttered while picking up the broken picture frame. He took the picture out and asked the system to store it in his inventory which it did.

Oliver walked carefully towards the living room he heard a man muttering. As he got closer to the entrance he could finally hear the words the male voice was saying.

"You! You!You Meta-Humans!! You people only create destruction wherever you go!!!"

Oliver frowned when he heard that and just when he was about to turn the corner to speak up until he heard the screams of a little girl who he knew was his sister.

'System use sword creation skill.' Oliver commanded while turning the corner and running into the living room.

[Skill sword creation has been used]


[Ability will end in 5 seconds.]

[Ability will end of Host wills it.]

A plain white sword appeared floating in front of Oliver. There was nothing special about it besides the whole weapon being white.

He grabbed the sword with his right hand and didn't even process the rest of his surroundings. The only thing he focused on was the cute little girl who looked similar to him with shoulder-length straight black hair and big lavender eyes that had tears in them.

She was crying and screaming as her black hair was being harshly pulled by a man who Oliver recognized as Harold.

'Although, I don't know the reason for you doing this. Anyone who hurts my SISTER WILL DIE.'

This thought appeared in Oliver's mind and he crossed the 2-meter distance in a second appearing behind Harold who looked back at him with wide eyes and an expression of disbelief.

Oliver stared into Harold's eye coldly before driving his sword into his body.

Harold coughed out a mouthful of blood which landed on Oliver's face and made it even more menacing.

"I… though you… died." Harold said as his body grew weaker and he died.

[Sword creation has been canceled by the host.]

Oliver watched as the sword he created turned into thousands of white particles before pushing Harold's body away and hugging his sister.

Oliver started to hear the sounds of notifications popping up so he told the system to silence them. He could look at another time, right now all he wanted to do was make sure his sister was alright.

"It's ok Ellie, big brothers here everything will be fine." Oliver comforted Elizabeth as she still cried and tried to speak.

"They… they said… big brother… was dea… dead. I knew it… they were lying,… but mom, mom she… she told me to hid… and press the the… secret button." Elizabeth said in between sniffles while nuzzling her head against Oliver's chest.

"Shh… let it all out now you can talk later," Oliver said while patting her head. He realized that after using a sword creation his body felt very weak and his vision was getting blurry. Lucky the system soon told him the reason for his condition.

[Host only has 1 ESP left.]

[Host will be in a state of weakness until ESP energy is gained.]

'Shit… system why didn't you tell me before.' He internally screamed while trying his best to stay awake.

[Host shouldn't complain. A normal Meta-Human would have passed out from having almost no energy. However Host has two energy sources so unless you run out of Mana too, you will not pass out.]

'Ok, your right… can you tell me how to regain my ESP energy back my condition is terrible right now.' He asked while carrying his sister and walking to a wall.

His vision was still blurry so he stumbled a bit, but he eventually found a wall and later his back on it. Elizabeth had already cried herself to sleep so he placed her head on his lap and started playing with her hair while listening to the system's explanation.

[Host can gain ESP energy in a few ways.]

[A passive way is for the Host to gain 2 ESP every 5 minutes if not Full]

[A manual way is for the Host to meditate and gain ESP.]

[A manual way is for the Host to eat cooked Esper meat.]

Knowing that waiting 5 minutes just to gain two points of energy would be a waste of time and not having Esper meat he decided to meditate.

He closed his eyes so that nothing would distract him and started to calm his heartbeat and breathing. He matched them at the same pace and started to fill up his Esper energy.

The way he started mediating was so natural if someone saw him they would think that he's done it before which wasn't wrong. Ever since he was seven his mother taught him how to meditate.

It helped him calm his mind and relax his body while also strengthening it. This was one of the reasons that he could outrun grown men and stay calm in difficult situations.

He stayed like that for a few minutes before opening his eyes feeling refreshed. If it wasn't because of his sister's peaceful sleeping on his lap he would have got up and jumped in excitement. He loved the feeling of being strong and that state of weakness was extremely uncomfortable for him.

"System what's my energy… what." Just as he was about to check his energy levels he finally saw the state of his living room.