
The priest

"The Priest" is set in modern-day society where sin has plagued mankind and demons stalk the night. It follows a young boy by the name of isaac Yahshua Dimitte. The Boy isaac is the son of a well-known priest. isaac falls victim to the evil sinful entities and loses his family in the battle to survive. He is taken in by a secret organisation that aims to stop the destructive rampage of demons. This organisation utilises the power of those who are born with a special connection to the Holy Spirit. These people are known as priests. Their aim is not to extinguish all of demonkind but to ensure the prophecies of the bible are fulfilled without delay in order for God's word to be said.

Killxcage · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Life within truth

As time passes, Isaac prepares himself for the night with his friends at their occupation. Whilst he prepares himself, he starts thinking about what his friends' occupation could be.

Isaac: Mmmm, I wonder what their jobs could be. I mean, it could be anything ,well, not anything exactly. Shiki has always been the chill type,he could be a personal trainer or a-a, uhm, a bartender, maybe, yeah, nope. Vanessa, yeah, she is definitely a model, no doubt, yap.

As Isaac is mummering to himself, Sister Lily respectfully knocks on his door.

Sister Lily: Hello Isaac, may I come in?

Isaac(shocked): Huh! Yes, of course, Sister Lily!

Sister Lily(humorously): Oh my, such urgency. It's good to see you're still high on your toes.

Isaac: Uhmmm, thank you, ma'am.

Sister Lily: Ma'am? Isaac, I'm not that old ,I'm only 42.

Isaac(nervously):Y-y-yes, I apologise.

Sister Lily: Isaac, you can put your mind at ease, I only came to see how you were doing, not ask why you skipped the church ceremony...again.

Isaac: Oh, thank you, Sister Lily, I'm doing alright.

Sister Lily: You know I was friends with your mother back in our youthful days.

Isaac: Really? I didn't know that , Father barely speaks about her to me.

Sister: She and I were as close as sisters. She was such a kindred soul, kind, and naturing. It was depressing when she passed, but God clearly had bigger plans for her and you, too. Isaac, I only came here to tell you to stay strong and that the Holy Father will be with you even in the darkest times.

Isaac, in that moment, could not help but shed tears as he was moved by the words this wise woman had installed. Isaac had not known a mother's love, but it did not matter, for he had found it in the warm, compassionate arms of Sister Lily.

Sister Lily: Please, child, do not cry ,you and orphans have brought so much happiness to me. To see you cry makes me feel with tears, too.

Father Jacobs standing next to the door ,feeling nothing but admiration for Sister Lily and her kind soul.

Father Jacobs: Thank you, Lilith. May God bless your pure soul.

Night became to descend, and Isaac had gotten ready to go, but before he could leave, he told his father he was going to meet his friends.

Isaac: Hey dad , I'm gonna meet up with my friends tonight.

Father Jacobs: Again? Well, don't stay up too late and be back ny 9pm, okay?

Isaac: Sure, that's alright.

Father Jacobs: Okay, have fun.

Isaac: Man, I got the best dad, the best friends, just the best life. Wish this life could last forever,mmm

Shiki: Hey Isaac!

Isaac: Oh hey guys, how you doing?

Shiki: Don't worry about us ,we ok, are you ready though?

Isaac: I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

Shiki: That's the spirit, Let's go!!!

Isaac: Hey Vanessa, you ready for this?

Vanessa: What?.....I mean sure ,yeah, let's go.

Isaac: What's wrong with her?

Shiki: She's probably just tired. She'll be fine. Let's go now, don't wanna waste more time.

Isaac: Alrigh, sure.

Isaac: So what type of job do you guys work.

Shiki: We're more in the entertainment business.

Isaac: What type of entertainment?

Shiki: You know the bright lights, loud music, just making sure people have fun.

Isaac: Wait, you mean a club?

Shiki: Right on the money.

Whilst they were walking ,Isaac noticed Vanessa had not said a single word on the way to their occupations.

Isaac(in his head): Why hasn't Vanessa said anything this whole time?She doesn't like getting left out anything. Is there something going on with her?

Shiki: We're here Isaac, say hello to "Crucifix Night Club"

Isaac: Wait, I've heard of this place. Isn't this the place with a high crime rate?

Shiki: What? No ,it's just guys brawling.

Security Guard: Get out of here, you bastard, filthy animal.

Shiki: Ignore that, just a drunk dude.

Isaac: Hey, shiki looks like the line to the entrance is to long.

Shiki: Bro we work here ,we got special access. Hey, big guy, let us through.

Security guard: Shiki, Vanessa, long time no see you two.

Shiki; You know hustling on the streets takes time and effort.

Security Guard: Whose the newbie?

Shiki: Just a friend, he wanna joins the business, ain't that right Isaac?

Isaac(nervously): Yeah, I'd like to work here.

Security Guard: Got no problem with that ,you can talk to the boss about it .

Shiki: That's what's up, big guy. Alright, Isaac, prepare yourself, your about to enter a whole new world.

As the friends walked through the door, Isaac was blinded by obscenely colourful lights, and his ears were blasted with outrageously loud music, Isaac " a church boy" had never been to such a place, his eyes peaked of curiosity.

Isaac(shouting): Shiki, this place is so cool!

Shiki: I know, right?

Isaac: Ayoo, where is Vanessa at?

Shiki: She probably started her shift.

Shiki shows isaac around the club. Whilst he does that, Isaac quickly gets lost in the crowd.

Shiki: Hey, here is the fountain of....., wait, Isaac!, where are you? Damn he got lost in the crowd.

As Isaac gets lost in the crowd of the club, he begins exploring the club on his own. As he explores, Isaac sees things he had never even thought of seeing. He sees many people engaging in lustful activities, and he sees men engaging in sexual activities together, women brutalising each other, human orgies everywhere, and people intoxicating themselves with drugs and alcohol. Isaac had only seen these in horror movies. He was baffled by how he saw it all clear in real life. Isaac, a Christian boy who believed in Jesus Christ as his saviour, felt as if he was he was in a new world. He sense felt paused, and he just stood there amidst the sea of lustful sinners looking confused. As Isaac was standing there, a partier bumps in Isaac.

Random partier: What the hell is this? Watch were the fuck your going kid.

Isaac: Wait, you b-b-bumped into me.

Random partier: You accusing me of something shitstain?! Huh, answer the question, you little shit.

Isaac, feeling nervous and fearful, decides to run away from the partier.

Random partier: What are you running away from, you little shit? I'll find you !

As Isaac was running away, he saw a glimpse of something he could have never expected. Nothing could have prepared him , Isaac had found his friend Vanessa, but he found her stripping on a pole, with grown men throwing money at her and women throwing filth and drugs at her. Isaac could not believe it ,the girl he loved was engaging in prostitution. This alone sent Isaac spiralling around club like a lost soul seeking refuge until he saw Shiki. Isaac walking to Shiki in search of answers, stops, and then decides to slowly follow Shiki. As he follows Shiki, he sees Shiki holding a small bag of powder, he sees Shiki dip that powder into someone's drink, causing them to be intoxicated. Isaac stood there perplexed, but weirdly was not suprised, as if he was expecting it.

Isaac(depressed): I see, so this is Shiki and Vanessa job.

As Isaac was seeing this revelation, his father and Sister Lily were in for an unwanted suprise. Isaacs father was paid a visit from a old comrade known as Luke. Luke was Priest and if he was here the only logical explanation was that there is a demon near.

Father Jacobs: Luke, no ,If your here does that mean-

Luke: Yes Jacobs.....I mean Father Jacobs.

Father Jacobs: No, address me by my name, we were comrades once ,you've earned that right.

Luke: Thank you Jacobs, I come bearing bad news.

Father Jacobs: Let me guess, a demon is here in this town?

Luke: Not just any demon ,but a devil.

Father Jacobs: A DEVIL?!, HOW?, I haven't sensed anything of that evil.

Luke: Its possible the creature must have conceled itself from you by disguising itself a human.

Father Jacobs; That maybe possible.

Luke: Also Jacobs , we have been tracking the devil, and evidence states its been through your church.

Father Jacobs: WHAT?!, That's impossible.

Sister Lily( screaming):AHHHH!!

Father Jacobs: That sounds like Lilith's voice! Let's go fast!

As Father Jacobs and Luke rushed to see what happened, they were not prepared for grotesque image waiting for them.


Father Jacobs(urgency): Lilith what happened here?!

Sister Lily: I d-don't know, I came to check on the orphans a-and, I FOUND THEM MASSACRED!

Father Jacobs: This can't be right, it's impossible for devils to walk into Holy churches, unless-

Luke: Unless someone let them in , Jacobs it seems the devil has a human partner here.

As all of them were trying to process what happened, a small noice occurred alert ling all of them.

Luke: What's that sound? I'll bring out my weapon.

Father Jacobs: Luke wait! let's go at it slowly ,it sounds like crying.

As they creeped towards the sound, they found one orphan hiding in the closet with up most fear in its eyes.

Father Jacobs: Child are you okay?! Child, child ,child can you hear me?!

The child was not responding, all that could be seen from the child was frozen face of fear ,with her eyes crying tears, but the child did whisper something.

Orphan child(whispers): M-m-monster, a monster ate all my friends.

Father Jacobs: There's actually a devil here ,this poor child, the horrors it must have witnessed, her innocent is probably gone forever.

Father Jacobs: WAIT! Isaac, Shiki and Vanessa, where are they!

Back in the club, Isaac bumps into this mysterious figure. This figure is eminenting a dark presence not felt before, and isaac is aware of this.

Mysterious figure: Oh, what is such an innocent kid like yourself doing here? Very interesting.