
The priest

"The Priest" is set in modern-day society where sin has plagued mankind and demons stalk the night. It follows a young boy by the name of isaac Yahshua Dimitte. The Boy isaac is the son of a well-known priest. isaac falls victim to the evil sinful entities and loses his family in the battle to survive. He is taken in by a secret organisation that aims to stop the destructive rampage of demons. This organisation utilises the power of those who are born with a special connection to the Holy Spirit. These people are known as priests. Their aim is not to extinguish all of demonkind but to ensure the prophecies of the bible are fulfilled without delay in order for God's word to be said.

Killxcage · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Devil may come

Mysterious figure: Well, then boy, what are you doing here?

Isaac looked at this mysterious figure with curiosity and fear. The mysterious figure didn't pose a threat, yet, but Isaac couldn't shake the feeling this was an individual not to be messed with.

Shiki: Hey Isaac! There you are, you can't get lost in a place like this, man.

Mysterious figure: Oh Shiki, you know this boy?

Shiki: BOSS!,Ehh, yeah, his is my friend.

Mysterious figure: Care to introduce us to each other?

Shiki(lightly coughs): Uhm, of course, this is my friend Isaac Dimitte and Isaac, this is my boss, Loraine Asuka.

Isaac: Nice to meet Ms. Asuka.

Loraine: Please, no need to be so formal, sweetheart, you can call me Lory.

Isaac: Well, okay.....Lory.

Loraine: So than Shiki, did you just bring this handsome boy here to join the fun or something else?

Shiki: Yes!, Uhm Isaac would like a job here if that's fine.

Loraine: Oh a young man tryna make ends meet also, that's fine with me, how old is are you?

Shiki: He's like my age.....

Loraine suddenly appeared in front of Shiki's face, looking at him dead in the eye, as if she was trying to intimidate him.

Loraine: I'm asking him a question, not you, you get that straight?

Shiki(fearfully): Yes, ma'am, I understand.

Loraine: Good, now than Isaac how old are you?

Isaac; Well, like,....I'm,....like what Shiki said, I'm 16 years old.

Loraine: Mmm, okay, that's fine, you don't look 16, but hey, we all come in different shapes and sizes, hahahaha.

Loraine: Alright, why don't you come into my office for a proper interview.

Isaac: Sure, I'll be there.

Loraine: Good, Shiki, u can take him there, whilst I attend to business.

Shiki, Yes, ma'am.

Loraine: If you keep keep working this hard, I might give you a raise.

Shiki: Yes ma'am, thank you ma'am. Alright, Isaac, let's go.

Isaac: Hey Shiki, that chicks your boss huh, she was getting a little bit close with you.

Shiki: Uhm, yeah, it's complicated.

Isaac: I mean, I've already seen some complicated stuff here,so.....

Shiki; Huh, okay, fine, I banged her.

Isaac: Wait... you said what?

Shiki: Huh, you're such a child, Isaac, I fucked her, I sticked it in, she and I had sex.

Isaac(flabbergasted): What type of employee-employer relationship is that?!

Isaac: I know your not religious, but your damn boss, bro?l You really desperate for money aren't you?

Shiki(annoyed): Listen, it's not like that! Its just , I had to do it, okay.

Isaac: You had to?!

Shiki: If you want to work here, Loraine first has to fuck you.

Isaac: Why in God's name would she do that?!

Shiki: I don't, maybe to prove dedication or maybe she's a sex addicted whore. Second one sounds real.

Isaac: So every employee has....

Shiki: Yap, she got every employee.

Isaac: So Vanessa.....has

Shiki: Yes even Vanessa, well I don't know about the female employees, I've seen them come out of Loraine's office with a face filled of disgust and shame.

Isaac: I don't think I can do this.

Shiki: Isaac can you just-

Loraine: HEY BOYS!, You ready for the interview.

Isaac looked at Shiki for a second, but was pulled into the office by Loraine. As this was transpiring, Father Jacobs was still I'm in shock of the supposed devil lurking in town.

Father Jacobs: I'll go find the demon, and end it.

Luke: Jacobs wait, this is no normal demon, its a devil remember? At least let me come with you.

Father Jacobs: No, you stay and call the organisation and get reinforcements.

Luke: Why not wait for reinforcements? It's a devil ,that would be suicide, dammit!

Father Jacobs: My son and his friends could be with that thing, I'm not risking it. I can't ask Lilith to fight, she is not in the right state of mind after those orphans were....


Father Jacobs: LUKE!, Listen, you remember our training. If a devil is around, it's most likely has demon minions around it. In this town its probably in a club, thats were you find most demons anyways.We need all the help we can get, I'll go only because my son is out there and he may be with that monster, it's not a tactical decision but it doesn't matter.

Luke: Fine than, I understand, I'll call for reinforcement and stay with Lilith and the child.

Father Jacobs: Thank you, Luke.

Luke: Hey Jacobs! Don't die.

Father Jacobs: I don't plan to.

Father Jacobs was prepared to go through hell if needed to protect his son. He grabbed a shovel, and began digging the ground. As he digged , he found a large locked case. Father Jacobs used the key found in his Christian necklace and opened it in order to find his old priest weapons. A sword and priest clothing. He knew what he had to do.

Loraine: Wow, aren't you a handsome boy.

Isaac(nervously): Wha-a-t me? No , i'm not even average looking.

Loraine: Oh no, I know beautiful people when I see beautiful people, and you're beautiful.

Loraine gets close to Isaac, wraps her arms around him, and whispers a very uncomfortable question to him.

Loraine: Hey Isaac, are you a virgin

Isaac falls down on the floor in shock and looks into Loraine's eyes as they glow red. Out of fear, Isaac rushes out door whilst Loraine glares at him silently with sickening smurk. Shiki sees Isaac running out of the office and decides he confronts him.

Shiki: ISAAC! What are you doing?!

Isaac: Shiki, I can't do this, Shiki. I just can't.

Shiki: Isaac, this is an opportunity. This job pays well, really well. We can save enough money to help the orphans, clothes, fancy food, we can give them a better life.

Isaac: Shiki, I already know what Vanessa does here, than there's you. What do you do, Shiki?

Shiki: I told you already I make sure people have fun.

Isaac: How? By drugging them?

Shiki: Wait-

Isaac: That's right, I know, this is you're job you drug unsuspected people, so they blow their cash here.

Shiki: Huh, Isaac I wouldn't expect you to understand, I had to do it.

Isaac: What do you mean " you had to do it", your drugging people!

Shiki: Like I said, I don't expect you to understand, everything that me and Vanessa are doing is for the orphans.


Shiki: She made that decision by herself, it was for the orphans.

Isaac: All those teachings at church, just cut out, Huh?

Shiki: What part of " I don't believe in god" did you not understand yesterday?!

Isaac: We were doing fine all this  time. My dad would even take almost all the offerings from the church and give it to the orphanage. Every penny he ever made, he shared it with the orphanage.

Shiki: Well, it was never enough , all I'm trying to do is give those orphans a better life than I had!!

Isaac: LIKE THIS?!

Shiki: In life you have to do what you have to do in order to SURVIVE!!

Isaac: Well, thanks if that's how it is, I'm out of here.

Shiki(disappointedly): Fine than go back to your make-believe religion.

Isaac(seriously): What did you say?

Shiki(seriously): You heard me straight.

Isaac, out of anger, fights with Shiki, and both of them start fighting around the club, gaining attention from other people. As they're fighting, Isaac is pushed into an individual. Little did he know the man he was pushed into, was the man Isaac had a previous encounter with. This man was hiding a ungodly secret.

Random individual: Huh, get the fuck of me you asshole. Oh its you kid, they messed you up.

A small light began glimmering in Isaac's eyes, which caught the individual attention.

Random individual: Wait your eyes.....are you a-a-a-a-a priest. HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA HA.


Other random partiers: A priest, a priest is here, I'LL DEVOUR HIM.

Sudden out of nowhere, people randomly turn into grotesque monsters that feed on human flesh. Isaac horrified by these creatures tries to run away. The monsters go on a killing spree, devouring the humans there. Some try to escape, others randomly transform into these demonic entities as if they were possessed. Isaac looks at Shiki out of fear.


Shiki(fearfully): I-I-I don't know Isaac.

The demon: I'll eat the priest first,he's mine.

Other demons: No he's mine, I'll devour him first.

The demons all attack each other so the one of them can get a chance to eat Isaac. As Isaac is witnessing thus horror, he sees Loraine amidst the bloodshed smiling at him.

Isaac: Loraine, why aren't they attacking her?

Shiki: Ma'am what's going on here?!

Loraine: You will soon understand Shiki, for now I think you'd look good in demon skin.

Out of nowhere Shiki begins transforming into a demon, his transformation is taking place slowly.

Isaac: SHIKI! NO!

Loraine: You're special Isaac, you have a special connection to the Holy spirit, you have divinity inside you, I'll devour and evolve from a devil to an arch devil.

Loraine transforms into devil of power, black wings , torn horns ontop her head, black as night skin and tail as sharp as a sword.

Loraine: In this state I am SEOPHERIA!,-ISAAC!

Other demons: Its Seopheria, a devil , hold back!

Seopheria rushes through the other demons towards Isaac, no demon stands in her way, for they know they'll get killed. As she rushes to Isaac, Isaac's life flashes before his life feeling helpless, but his father out of nowhere just in time stabsSeopheria, injuring her.

Father Jacobs: Get the hell away from my sons ,YOU DAMN DEMONS! Don't worry Isaac I'll end these monsters tonight, in the name of the Lord

Seopheria: Another priest, things are getting spicy now.