
The priest

"The Priest" is set in modern-day society where sin has plagued mankind and demons stalk the night. It follows a young boy by the name of isaac Yahshua Dimitte. The Boy isaac is the son of a well-known priest. isaac falls victim to the evil sinful entities and loses his family in the battle to survive. He is taken in by a secret organisation that aims to stop the destructive rampage of demons. This organisation utilises the power of those who are born with a special connection to the Holy Spirit. These people are known as priests. Their aim is not to extinguish all of demonkind but to ensure the prophecies of the bible are fulfilled without delay in order for God's word to be said.

Killxcage · Fantasy
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12 Chs

True colours

Shiki: I don't believe in God, Isaac.

Isaac: Oh yeah, I didn't know that.

Shiki: Why wouldn't you know that you should pay more attention to things around Isaac.

Isaac: Sorry, it's just that you have always looked happy at the church with everyone.

Shiki: Sorry , I shouldn't have said that. Yeah, I've always been happy at church, but it was never thanks to some God we can't even see.

Isaac: What is it then?

Shiki: It was the orphans Isaac it was always been them,me and Vanessa are the oldest at that orphanage, I got the chance to see all those kids grow. I saw them fall, I saw them cry, I saw them play . I witnessed everything.

Isaac: Yeah, but...

Shiki: If there is a God, he would have atleast done something for those kids ,not for me but them instead, but no it's never that easy.In this life the only thing to believe in is yourself otherwise failure is inevitable.

A boundless silence scattered between Shiki and Isaac. Isaac thinking as to why his friend despises Christianity but still tries to be an understanding friend. Whilst Isaac is with his friends , Father Jacobs attends to something mysterious with his associate sister Lily.

Sister Lily(annoyed): Did those kids skip the church service again?

Father Jacobs: Now, now, sister, they're only children in the eyes of the Lord. The spirit of youth will always be rebellious until it finds a place in the world.

Sister Lily: Maybe you're right, Father. Mmmmm

Father Jacobs: Why is there something troubling, sister Lily?

Sister Lily: Nothing much, it's just that boy Shiki, I do not trust him that much.

Father Jacobs: Oh my, has Shiki done something wrong?

Sister Lily: No, he is such good a respectful kind boy ,but he always sneaks out into the dead of night.

Father Jacobs: Very interesting indeed.

Sister Lily: Even the girl, too, I've seen sneak out also.

Father Jacobs: Wait, you mean Vanessa? but she is such a kindred soul.

Sister Lily: She doesn't do it as much as Shiki but is quite suspicious.

Father Jacobs:  Sister , those two kids were the first orphans we took under our care , I'm sure they would not stray away from the path of peace.

Sister Lily: Maybe you are right ,I hope I'm worried about nothing.

Sister Lily: Father, if i may ask , how is isaac?

Father Jacobs(enthusiastic): The boy is growing more mature every day.

Sister Lily: Pardon my abrupt questions, Father ,but has Isaac felt the present of the Holy Spirit yet?

Father Jacobs tone turns into ine of serious dark intent.

Father Jacobs: No, Sister, he has not, and I intend to keep it that way.

Sister Lily(bewildered): But Father, it is his birth right to know the truth. He carries the prestigious Yoshua name. A name that is -

Father Jacobs: I know! A name that is related to Jesus Christ himself.

Sister Lily: Then why withhold the truth from the boy?

Father Jacobs: You know why Lilith, it's the exact same reason we left the life of a priest.

Sister Lily: Oh yes.....I see.

Father Jacobs: You still remember why we left that life right.

Sister Lily: Yes, I remember it all too well. It was a treacherous life , always having to face death and seeing your loved ones perish.

Father Jacobs: Exactly, I can't let Isaac go through all that. He's too young to even fathem what it takes to survive demons.

Sister Lily: But it is inevitable he will meet a demon someday.

Father Jacobs: Not whilst I'm here , I made a promise to Isaac's mother before she passed away that I would protect him all costs.

Sister Lily: I see than. What is your plan for him?

Father Jacobs: I'll tell him of his heritage when he's at a more mature age. Right now, we just have to make sure nothing triggers his powers.

Sister Lily: Very well, Father , I trust in your judgement.

As Father Jacobs and Sister Lily were having their imperative discussion, Isaac was about to be shown something by his friends that would leave him utterly shocked.

Shiki: Hey, Isaac, tomorrow night you free ?

Isaac: Sure,  I have nothing to do , I'm free all day.

Shiki: Good ,how about it's time I showed you my job.

Isaac: Wait, really?! , that's even Vanessa's job?

Shiki: Yeah, sure ,we work the same job anyway.

Isaac: Why all of a sudden do you do you want me there? I thought you said I was too young.

Shiki: I thought you were too young, but after telling you about my atheism, I thought you would take it the wrong way, but you're more mature for your age, Isaac.

Isaac: Whoa! I mean, I wouldn't say I'm mature ,but hey, I try.

Shiki(laughing): Nah, you mature bro, Sister Lily would have blew a lid about my atheism.

Isaac: Hey, is Vanessa an atheist, too?

Shiki: Well, I don't really know. Every time I ask her, she never answers me.

Isaac: It really doesn't matter, though if you guys don't believe in God, you guys will always be my friends no matter what.

Shiki(smiles): With friends like you, who needs family right.

Shiki and Isaac start laughing together as if they were long-lost brothers. Night became to descend, and friends decided to go home.

Shiki: Well, I think it's time to go home.

Isaac: Yeah, it's been a long night, right?

Shiki(Shouts): HEY VANESSA! Time to go!

Vanessa(half-drunkly): Wha-a-t? Fun is over, ooh okay.

Shiki: Well, see ya tomorrow night, bro.

Isaac: See ya guys , I'll be sure to make it on time.

Shiki: Yeah, let's go Vanessa.

Vanessa: Hey Shiki ,did you tell Isaac about our....about our jobs.

Shiki: No, not yet ,I'll tell him tomorrow.

Vanessa: Shiki, we can't let Isaac work such a terrible job .It's not right ,it's....

Shiki(cold stare): It's fine, Vanessa . Remember, Isaac is our friend ,we can trust him, with him on the job with us ,we'll reel in more money.

Vanessa(disgusted): I hate that job ,I hate it with all my being. It makes me sick to my stomach. I don't know how long I can do this for.

Shiki: You do for it as long as you can , remember we're doing this for the orphans to have a brighter future than us.