
The priest

"The Priest" is set in modern-day society where sin has plagued mankind and demons stalk the night. It follows a young boy by the name of isaac Yahshua Dimitte. The Boy isaac is the son of a well-known priest. isaac falls victim to the evil sinful entities and loses his family in the battle to survive. He is taken in by a secret organisation that aims to stop the destructive rampage of demons. This organisation utilises the power of those who are born with a special connection to the Holy Spirit. These people are known as priests. Their aim is not to extinguish all of demonkind but to ensure the prophecies of the bible are fulfilled without delay in order for God's word to be said.

Killxcage · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Death to loved ones

The bloodshed had temporarily ceased as the demons were in awe that a human was able to lay an attack on a devil.

Seopheria: Who knew that this lame boring town had you two beautiful gems.

Father Jacobs: No talk, just fight, you devil.

Isaac(fearfully): D-d-dad, is that you, what are you wearing?Why do you have a sword?

Father Jacobs: Isaac...I didn't want to tell you like this, but

Isaac:DAD, what's happening to Shiki?!

Father Jacobs looks at Shiki and is shaken to the realisation that Shiki was transforming into a demon.

Father Jacobs: SHIKI!!, what have.....have you done?

Seopheria: Why I only granted poor Shiki's wish.

Shiki: L-l-lies

Shiki slowly arises whilst he transforms into a tedious monster of evil deception.

Shiki: You said if I...if I worked for you, I'd gain power, I'd get more money.

Seopheria: Precisely Shiki, power! That's why you're transforming into a demon. it's the only way an ordinary person like you will  ever get power.

Isaac(fearful): Shiki! get up man, your not a demon yet!

As Isaac was trying to help Shiki, out of nowhere, Isaac's body was radiating a blue light that was harming the demon side of Shiki. Isaac's newfound power seemed to be triggered by his intense meeting with these other worldly entities. This baffled the demons but made them more excited knowing there was a wannabe priest unable to control his power. They would see him as easy prey.


Isaac(confused): O-okay, what's going on, dad? What's happening to me....to Shiki?

Father Jacobs( in his mind): The exposure to this demonic influence is causing Isaac's powers to burst out uncontrollably. If this goes on, his powers could explode and severely injure him. I need to finish this now.

Seopheria( menacingly): You just gonna stand there human, or you'll do something. If you keep me waiting, I'll command all my demon soldiers to attack you and your sons.

Father Jacobs: Fine than, it's been a while since I killed a demon, so let's find out if I still have my edge.

Father Jacobs takes out his sword, and Seopheria stretches out her metal like claws. They both run head first into each other, showing their resolve to end each other. Seopheria tries to slash Father Jacob's face, but he counters it with his sword and proceeds to turn his blade around and slash Seopheria in the middle of her face. Seopheria, after having her face slashed, falls into a fit of rage.


Seopheria out of rage summons her devils curse. A power utilised by demons. She grows bigger in size. A giant mouth of raizer sharp teeth bursts from her stomach, her claws merge on her left hand to form a blade.

Father Jacobs: Well, well, is this your devils curse. You've seen my moves, let's see yours.

Seopheria(annoyed): Shut the FUCK UP U PIECE OF SHIT!!

Seopheria jumps at Father Jacobs, her strength increased tremendously. Seopheria throwing a flurry of attacks at him, but Father Jacobs dodging every last one of them. He was able to dodge because her speed had decreased slightly, but as Father Jacobs closed in for the attack, his attack bounced of her skin, It was too tough. This moment hesitation left Father Jacobs open, and Seopheria proceeded to hit Jacobs with her forearm, sending him flying into a wall.

Father Jacobs: Her skin is more resilient now. It's like clashing with solid steel. Fine than I have no choice,  I'll show you my Divine Dominion.

Out of nowhere, Father Jacobs burst into a flame of blue fire. The demons, Seopheria, Isaac, and  a struggling Shiki watched as Father Jacobs had somewhat a mystical aura around him. He wasn't holding back anymore.

Seopheria: You think a little bit of fire will harm me, you must be a fool priest....

Father Jacobs: Divine Dominion- Holy fire, scorching land.

Just then, Father Jacobs had ingolfed his sword with holy fire and laid an attack on Seopheria's left arm and sliced it off. No one had seen it coming, almost as if he had teleported.

Seopheria(screaming in pain): MY ARM!!! YOU FUCKING MONKEY...I KILL YOU, KILL KILL YOUU!!!

Father Jacobs: I told you I'm not holding back, now that we're clear all you have to do is let my kids go...


Seopheria regenerates her arm and charges at Father Jacobs, both of them throw a flurry of attacks at each other. Seopheria was stronger, but her speed had decreased. This with Father Jacobs skill with his sword was pushing Seopheria back. Seopheria demon underlings could not believe a mere human was going toe to toe with a devil. As the battle raged on, one of the demons keeping an eye on Isaac couldn't contain himself, his instincts pushing to kill the boy. He tries to attack Isaac,  alerting Seopheria and Father Jacobs.


Father Jacobs: ISAAC!!

Seopheria(annoyed): YOU DAMN FOOL!!

Seopheria abandons her fight and instead attacks the demon, ripping him apart limb from limb.Her demon underlings watch her in fear as she decimates a demon to assert her authority.

Seopheria: You idiot I told you all the boy is mine. I want to kill his father so that he may lose hope and I can devour his soul slowly as he crys for mercy. Human misery is such a tender thing.

Seopheria said this all whilst looking dead into Isaacs eyes. Somehow Shiki gets back on his feet to confront Seopheria.

Shiki(tired): Loraine....what is this? All this- this demonic stuff, all these people dead. What's happening ? Is this real?

Seopheria(smirking): It's as real as it gets darling. Didn't you want power?

Shiki: Not like this, all I wanted was money, not any of this demon shit! I didn't even know anything about this, weren't we dealing drugs?!

Seopheria: Well that's a shame darling, we had a deal anyways.

Isaac: You made a deal with the devil Shiki?

Shiki(confused): A deal? but I only...

Seopheria: You signed a contract remember, it stated if you worked for my brand, I could get whatever I wanted from you.

Isaac: Your kidding me Shiki, how can you sign a contract like with terms like that?

Shiki: I'm sorry Isaac, I was desperate for money, it sounded like a good idea at the time.

Isaac: Did Vanessa sign it too?

Shiki(shamed): Yes...she did, we both did.

Father Jacobs: What did you take from the boy, it's clearly not his soul, since he still has his personality.

Seopheria: Oh I took soo much more.

Father Jacobs: Did you....yeah, the orphans, of course you'd be evil enough to do it.

Shiki: The orphans, wait no, please no.

Father Jacobs: Shiki, all the orphans are dead, every single one of them.

Shiki(In disbelief):.....no

Seopheria: Don't believe him, here see em for yourself!!

Seopheria summons a scene of horrorific intent. She summons 29 stakes with each orphans head on each stake. The demons celebrate in praise of their masters work.

Demons: What a work of art boss, its soo magnificent.

Shiki falls I to a blind rage and his demon side spirals out of control, almost overtaking his body.


Isaac watches as his best friend spirals out of control. Thankfully, Father Jacobs knocks Shiki out and he falls onto the ground.

Father Jacobs: Shiki.....I failed you and Vanessa, I only wonder if you'll forgive me one day. I've let many lives slip through my fingers now.

Seopheria: Enough with this bullshit, I'm tired of this fight, demons attack all them!!

Seopheria orders every demon in the club to attack Father Jacobs.

Father Jacobs: Stay away FROM MY SONS !!!

Father Jacobs uses his holy fire to burn many demons to ashes, unfortunately he is overwhelmed and Isaac is exposed.

Father Jacobs: ISAAC RUN!!!

Isaac: But dad-

Father Jacobs: JUST RUN OR YOU WILL DIE!!!

Isaac tries to run carrying Shiki, as he runs away he trips and sees a very familiar face.

Isaac: Vanessa.....my God

Isaac sees Vanessa's lifeless body been eaten half way by a demon. Isaac freezes in fear and just stands there in a state of shock. Seopheria walks slowly to him.

Seopheria: A very beautiful girl right, I had so much fun with her, it's a shame her fate is her being demon food.

Seopheria had stood right infront of Isaac. No chance of running, hiding or begging, isaac had fallen onto his knees as if he accepted his fate.

Seopheria: I love it when they give up themselves.

Out of nowhere, Father Jacobs had emerged from a group of demons and stabbed his sword in Seopheria's chest. It isn't enough to kill her, and she stabs him in his stomach and pushes him off.

Seopheria: You think that's enough to kill me, I'm a devil , I'm more powerful than you can imagine human.

Father Jacobs: I know, that was merely plan A.

Seopheria: Plan A?

Father Jacobs: Here's plan B , Divine Dominion-ignite.

The sword through Seopheria's chest burst into blue flames, burning her in the process, making her feel agonising pain.

Seopheria(Screaming): AHHHHHHHH!! IT CAN'T BE!

The demons surrounded Father Jacobs and Isaac. It felt as if death was waiting for them, but Father Jacobs decided it was time for the ultimate price.

Father Jacobs: Isaac, I'm sorry i couldn't save all of you, I was too weak.

Isaac: Dad, God will save us....right?

Father Jacobs: He will, my boy, that's why I'm here.

Father Jacobs body started to radiate holy fire.

Seopheria: What are you doing?! You fool, you'll kill yourself too!

Father Jacobs: No problem at all.

Seopheria: There's no guarantee your suicide attempt will even work, if it fails you'll leave your son wide open!!

Father Jacobs: Than let's find out together.

Isaac: Dad your going to die?!

Father Jacobs: The truth is Isaac, I'm a warrior priest, we're tasked with preventing demons from harming humanity.

Isaac: A priest?

Father Jacobs(coughs): Yeah, a priest, sorry, my boy, but you're gonna be alone from now on.


Father Jacobs: You do what you have to for the people you love. Also, Isaac promise me one thing.

Isaac(crying): What is ....it?

Father Jacobs: Please forgive Shiki.

Isaac: WHAT?!

Father Jacobs: To truly ascend to heaven, you need to have forgiveness in your heart. I know he messed up, but you two are as close as brothers.

Isaac: Forget Shiki dad, you have to live!

Seopheria: I always underestimate these priests, apart from god and angels, they are demonkinds greatest enemy. They'll do anything to kill, even it means sacrificing themselves!!

Father Jacobs: Isaac...

Isaac: Dad

Father Jacobs: Goodbye....Divine Dominion-

Isaac: DAD WAIT!

Father Jacobs: God's flame

Seopheria: NOOOOO!!!

A massive, huge explosion of holy fire covers the club, burning every demon there. Sadly, that technique burnt Father Jacobs himself turning him into ashes. Seopheria and Shiki both disappeared after the explosion, both probably suffering from severe burns. Isaac, maybe because of his humanity or his dormant powers was unaffected but stood there with the ashes of his father all over him.

Isaac(in his mind): Shiki, I'll never forgive you....never.