
The Prideful Wizard in MHA.

After meeting Voldemort at the end of his first year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter dies. But because he shouldn't have died so early, he was returned to the world of the living. . . Three hundred years later. Everything has changed quite a lot and now, instead of Wizards, about eighty percent of the population have special powers. And Harry had only one question: who started calling them Quirks? The first couple of chapters are information dumps about MHA, FMA, and HP worlds. The story will move at a slow pace because I don't want to jump into a canon that hasn't changed a bit. The main pairing is Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood. Also, he gets his magic back in later chapters, just bare with it. I do not own My Hero Academia, Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, or the cover art. But I own a cute cat, her name's Tosya.

Simple_Russian_Boi · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

The Time Lord and The Fish Lord.

After a long two minutes of waiting, Luna and Azumi finally left the house. Sirius was able to relax a little when he saw that he was not alone with this bloody box, but he immediately tensed when he saw Luna's gaze. She stared in shock at the blue police box and didn't even blink - not that she blinked often - as if afraid to miss something. Her eyes turned feline the moment she left the house and remained so.


"She is dying." She said, making Black frown.

He looked at the box again and peered inside through the open door. The smoke obscured his view, but he could see that the booth was much larger on the inside. He also sensed a powerful source of energy within which was very similar to magic but different at the same time. And was slowly fading away. Or as Luna said, she was fading away.

"Her soul is slowly depleting. I saw this only when my mother. . ." The girl couldn't continue and fell silent.

Sirius lowered his Wand and went to his girlfriend to hug her, Luna immediately buried her face in his chest. He knew that she had come to terms with Pandora's death a long time ago. But the sight in front of her eyes made her relive the worst day in her life. The fact that the police box was dying slowly did not help the situation at all.

"Hey! Is there anyone outside?! I can hear you talking! Can you get us out of here? My friend hit his head on landing, he needs help!"

A woman's voice was heard from within. She spoke in English, but none of the former English people present paid attention to it.

"Azumi, can you get them out of there?"

The woman nodded and walked closer to the police box. She used her Quirk - telekinesis - and pulled two people from within. The teenagers were too busy to look at newcomers.

"Huh. That works." The woman said in surprise but immediately remembered about her friend. "Can you help him?! Do you have a first aid kit or something else?! The bleeding won't stop!"

Azumi glanced at the man's state and frowned. She won't be able to mend his wound, but she knows who can.

"Sirius, I'll watch Luna, and you heal him. I doubt he'll make it to the hospital."

"No problem. If he's not dead, I'll patch him up."

Luna was given to Azumi and Black finally turned around to look at the new arrivals.

The dyed blonde sat next to the man and held his head off the ground to prevent dirt from getting into the wound. She had brown eyes and a rounded face. She was wearing a leather jacket, a red sweater, and light-colored jeans. She looked like any other girl but the man who was lying on her lap. . .

"You," Sirius spoke coldly and raised his Wand towards the woman. "Get away from him."

"What? Why?"

"Because I'm going to blow the fucking bastard's head off. I thought only the noseless one had Horcruxes, but I guess I was wrong."

On the blonde's lap was Barty Crouch Jr. Alive.

A bloody rolled-up coat under his head. Short brown hair, a straight nose, and all the same face that he saw in nightmares after the last task of the Triwizard Tournament.

"He will die so if no one helps him! And what are you going to do with this stick? Stab him in the eye?! Help him!"

Sirius silently moved his hand to the tree to his left and a bolt of lightning flew out of the Wand that blew the tree apart. The girl was shocked but still didn't move.

"I'm giving you one last chance. Get away from him or die." Sirius pointed the Wand at Barty.

The girl pursed her lips but shook her head.

"As your wish."

Black was about to kill both of them when he was stopped by the shaking Luna.

"This is not him. His soul is different. He doesn't bear the Mark."

Sirius looked at the man's hand and was shocked. There was no Dark Mark on the right hand and Barty Crouch Jr. Black silently stared at his hand for a couple of seconds until Luna released him.

The catgirl approached two people and the blonde tensed.

"And who are you? You want to take his head off too?" She sneered.

"No, I want to help him. Siri wanted to help him too, but he just can't look at his face. It's a killer's face after all."

"He's not a killer!"

"Maybe. But he's not the killer Siri thinks about." Luna sat down next to the unconscious man and slowly pulled out her Wand so that the blond girl could see her movements. "May I?"

She just nodded in response and the catgirl began to mutter incantations to herself. Slowly, the wound on the man's head closed and the bleeding stopped. Luna took a bottle from the bag on her belt and poured the contents into the man's mouth.

"What was that? It smells awful."

"And tastes too. That's a Blood Replenishing Potion." Sirius answered, looking at the man's pale face. "In a couple of hours, he will be as good as new, if not better."

"Oh, so now you don't want to kill him? What's wrong with you?!"

"Too many things to count."

Finally, the blonde's brain began to work and she looked with wide eyes at the Wand in Luna's hands.

". . . You're Wizards."

This time, all three inhabitants of the House of the Rising Sun tensed. No one - except three other people - in this world should know this!

"Luna and Sirius. . . Lovegood and Black. . ." She continued to mumble in disbelief. "Oh Lord, where are we?"

Azumi, as the only one who could speak now, answered her question.

"Welcome to Japan, darling."


After Azumi carried the Doctor - as Rose Tyler called him - on the sofa in the living room, everyone waited for him to wake up. The blonde said that only he can clearly explain what happened, so now everyone was sitting in silence. But soon Sirius had enough.

"I don't know about you, but I'm taking out whiskey."

"Aren't you too young to drink?" Rose asked.

"Do you care? I think I'll explode as soon as I hear his voice, so I'm not going to talk to him without a bottle of whiskey."

"Siri, you'll become an alcoholic like that."

"I'm already an alcoholic."

Black returned to the room with two bottles in hand. He put one bottle of regular whiskey on the table, and opened the Firewhiskey himself, and began to drink straight from the bottle. As soon as half of the drink was in his stomach, the Doctor sat up and groaned.

"Anyone got the license plate on that lorry?"

"Doctor!" Rose screamed in relief and hugged him.

"Ow ow ow! You'll break my bones!"

"I'm so glad you're alive!"

"What happened? Where are we?"

"You are where you shouldn't be." Luna said seriously, drawing the Doctor's attention to herself.

"And you are. . ?"

"Luna Lovegood."

Sirius simply stared at the now conscious Doctor and nodded to himself. If this is Barty, then his acting skills are much better.

The corner of the Doctor's mouth twitched upward.

"Either your parents were terrible Potterheads, or I missed something."

"You missed a lot. My name is Sirius Black and this is Azumi Sato."

The Doctor looked at everyone in the room with a smile on his face but when he saw the serious atmosphere he immediately frowned.

"You're not kidding. This is bad."

"They are THE Luna Lovegood and Sirius Black. Doctor, what's going on?"

The man frowned and began to think.

"Remember that huge fish that swallowed the TARDIS?" Rose nodded. "I got a strange scan from its body, there was a huge amount of energy inside it. Apparently, when I decided to travel in time to escape, this energy pushed the TARDIS out of our universe here. . ."

"Thank fuck, I didn't steal it."

"Wait. Where is my ship?!"

The doctor wanted to jump to his feet, but Rose's grip was stronger, so he remained seated.

I would advise you to stay seated, I still don't know if you got a concussion. And about your ship. . ." Tears appeared in Luna's eyes. "She is dead."

The Doctor slouched helplessly on the couch and stared at the ceiling.

"TARDIS is dead." He muttered.

"What? How is this possible? Isn't this just a ship?" Rose asked in confusion.

"She takes energy from the universe in which she was built to travel through time and space. And since we are now in another universe, she has nowhere to take it from. TARDIS will never move again."

"Her soul did everything it could to get you here and was too weakened to survive. I am sorry for your loss." Luna said sadly and leaned against Sirius.

"In the books, you were of different ages, why are you the same age now?" The Doctor looked at the teenagers who were sitting opposite him. "Are we in a parallel universe other than books? The tech is too advanced for it to be the nineties."

"Oh, it's the nineties now. It's 2293, November 1st." Azumi answered.

But Sirius was worried about something else.


"Well, yes. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone," "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets," "Harry Potter and-" well, you get the idea. There were seven of them written."

Sirius groaned and drained the bottle completely.

"There are books written about me even in another universe. Why couldn't I just die in a room with Quirrell?"

Understanding lit up in the Doctor's eyes.

"You are Harry Potter! Oh, wow! But why are you here? Shouldn't you be dead already?"

"I go by Sirius now." Black's eye twitched. "Someone in higher place didn't like the fact that we died ahead of time and we were sent here. So my advice to you, do not die before your time."

". . . We were pushed into the neighboring universe where the Wizards are reality. And we have no way back."

Rose said the fact more than asked, but still got a nod from the Doctor. The girl looked at all the people in the room and took a bottle of whiskey from the table.

"I'll need this."

The doctor did not stop his companion from drinking, he understood how she felt. Cut off from her home and completely alone. He had felt the same way since the fall of Gallifrey.

". . . You may have a way." Luna began uncertainly and the gazes of visitors from another universe immediately fell on her. "Was the fish that swallowed your ship in the North Sea?"

"Yes, but how are you-"

"Oh no." Sirius dropped his head into his hands.

He wanted to destroy something right now. Badly.

"What "oh no?" Did you understand something?" Karin asked while looking out of the doorway.

"Karin! I told you to stay in the room until we check out everything." Azumi immediately got up and lifted her daughter in her arms.

"But it's so boring! And you're talking about something interesting. Why should I sit in a room when this happens? It's much more interesting than the Heroes vs. Villains fights on the news!"

Azumi took the girl back to their room and said something back to her, but they were out of the earshot.

"Heroes and Villains are on the news? Why? Isn't this just movies?" Rose was confused again.

Sirius rubbed his temples to relieve the headache. He was pissed but answered anyway.

"These days Heroes and Villains have become a reality, as well as superpowers. A couple of centuries ago - after our deaths - Magic decided to say "fuck all of you" and changed. At least I think so, I never found out the exact reason."

"It sounds cool and all, but what about our fish?" The Doctor put the conversation back on track before they got too far.

"This fish most likely contained a piece of the Dark Lord's soul. When we were killed by the explosion at Hogwarts, our souls were pushed out of our bodies. My soul was taken by the Grim Reaper, as well as Luna's soul later. And Tom's soul- "

"-got into our universe and possessed a fish." Doctor finished.

"Sounds. . . unbelievable."

"Lucky for you, it's true. Now, all we have to do to send you home is to shove you down the Fish Lord's throat and hope for the best." Luna nodded to herself and her eyes finally changed to human ones.

"Aren't we going to have to travel back in time to do this? We did that last time."

"I can give your ship enough energy to start. I just have to Apparate from the board before it's too late." Sirius scratched his cheek but remembered that he had already changed from his "adult" form and had no beard.

"So this means we can go home whenever we want. . ?" Rose asked with a strange look on her face.

"What did you expect? A crack in reality that will destroy everything if you don't come back in time? Not all life is a race, luv."

Sirius got up from the couch and red lightning ran through his body. An aged Black appeared in front of the shocked time travelers.

"How did you do that?" The Doctor took a Sonic Screwdriver from his pocket and began scanning Sirius's body. "Can you repeat the transformation? I've seen the Mimics before, but none of them have transformed like you. These are not the powers of the Metamorphmagus, they were not described that way. Is that also magic? Human Transfiguration?"

Sirius put the Doctor's hand down to stop the scan.

"Tech and Magic hate each other. So if your - whatever it is - has no protective runes, then I suggest that you stop trying to do what you trying to do."

"This Sonic Screwdriver was created by my ship in the heart of which is a reactor created by a black hole. I doubt that Magic can destroy it."

The sonic screwdriver made a strange sound and caught the attention of two men. Smoke was coming out of it which made Doctor frown.

". . . Or maybe. Do you have some Zeyton-7? I need it to fix the Screwdriver and I doubt we can get to the TARDIS warehouse, it's flooded with pool water."

"Why did you put the pool next to the warehouse?"

"There's also a library there."

"It doesn't help."

Sirius sighed heavily and at that moment the door to the living room opened. Midoriya went inside, looked at everyone in the room for a couple of seconds, and then his gaze fell on the aged Black.

"Why the hell do you look like that?"

"I found another Stone and ate it."

Izuku simply closed his eyes and slowly counted to ten.

". . . No, it didn't help. I'll see you in the morning, my head still hurts."

Midoriya limped off to his room and closed the door behind him. The Doctor and Rose frowned and turned to Luna for an explanation - in their eyes, she was the local doctor here.

"We all drank too much yesterday. He's got a terrible hangover right now."

"At his age, Dementors hunted me. And he can't even drink properly." Sirius muttered and finally let go of the Doctor's hand. "You said Zeyton-7? What's its chemical structure?"

"Give me paper and a pen and I'll draw it."

With a wave of the Wand, they appeared in front of the Time Lord.


While the two men were busy fixing the Sonic Screwdriver, Rose continued to look in the direction Midoriya went.

"Why is he limping?"

"Burns. Izuku was born without any special powers in a world where eighty percent of the population is born with superpowers. Others think people like him are useless, the garbage that remained after evolution. And you probably know how cruel children can be."

"I thought that with superpowers, the world could become a better place."

Luna smiled sadly and shook her head.

"It could but most people don't want it to be a better place."


Not everything was calm in England.

Recently, in the small town of Innsmouth, near the North Sea, young girls began to simply disappear, and therefore several heroes began a joint investigation with the police. All of the disappearances happened near the sea during foggy nights, so patrols in that area intensified.

Now two young Heroes were walking along the coast in search of the one who kidnaps the girls. Their Hero names were Captain Britain and Lady of the Seas. Although they only started their work a couple of years ago, they were already in the Top Twenty in the country for their strength and popularity.

"We've been here five times already, are you sure you're not lost?" Captain Britain asked and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Don't be stupid, we've been walking in a straight line all this time, how could we end up in the same place five times in a row?"

The man only pointed to a stone in the form of a penis, which they passed for the fifth time.

". . . Okay, I admit that we might be lost. Do you think this might be the kidnapper's Quirk?"

"I think that's your shitty sense of direction. He only kidnaps girls, and I'm pretty hard to mistake for a girl, you know."

"Hmm, then why are you such a cunt?"


The girl laughed at her partner's face, but suddenly her laughter stopped. She fell to her knees and trembled with fear, a puddle formed under her. And then the Hero noticed the strangest thing.

She was looking at something behind him.

Capitan Britain who realized that there was something behind him instantly turned around only to come face to face with a huge eye that was five times larger than himself.


A voice full of hatred sounded and made the two Heroes fall to their knees from the incredible pressure on their minds. The eye slowly turned to the Heroine and narrowed.

"W̵e̵l̵l̸ ̴t̶h̸e̵n̷,̸ ̴y̸o̷u̶ ̵w̴i̴l̸l̷ ̵b̵e̸ ̵a̵ ̴g̵o̷o̶d̶ ̶s̶t̷e̸p̸p̸i̶n̶g̴ ̵s̷t̸o̴n̵e̶ ̷t̸o̴ ̵r̷e̴g̴a̵i̴n̷i̶n̴g̵ ̸m̶y̸ ̵f̷o̴r̷m̶e̷r̷ ̶s̶t̸r̶e̸n̷g̷t̸h̷."

In the morning, another patrol will find the insane Captain Britain who screamed something about huge yellow eyes and death from the sea.

Not everything was calm in England.

Heavy dialogue chapter.

I've wanted to write a meeting between Sirius and the tenth Doctor for so long. God, how I love this chapter.

And yes, I made a fucking Cthulhu out of Voldemort. I think that if he knew how to become a God of the Seas, he would have done it much earlier.

By the way, I created an auxiliary chapter in which I will upload pictures of my cats and the cats that I will find in the wild. Enjoy.

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