
The Prideful Wizard in MHA.

After meeting Voldemort at the end of his first year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter dies. But because he shouldn't have died so early, he was returned to the world of the living. . . Three hundred years later. Everything has changed quite a lot and now, instead of Wizards, about eighty percent of the population have special powers. And Harry had only one question: who started calling them Quirks? The first couple of chapters are information dumps about MHA, FMA, and HP worlds. The story will move at a slow pace because I don't want to jump into a canon that hasn't changed a bit. The main pairing is Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood. Also, he gets his magic back in later chapters, just bare with it. I do not own My Hero Academia, Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, or the cover art. But I own a cute cat, her name's Tosya.

Simple_Russian_Boi · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Halloween beatdown.

As soon as Sirius and Luna returned home, they immediately got down to business. They expanded the basement with runes, and the Witch added her touch by enchanting the ceiling to show the sky outside - much like the main hall at Hogwarts. So now in the basement, there were rooms for Alchemist experiments, for preparing Potions, and a separate bedroom.

Sirius was now sorting out the stolen ingredients and putting them on the shelves. Whatever one thought of him, he was quite good at making Potions, so sorting the ingredients fell on his shoulders.

"Werewolf claws, Hippogriff blood, Death flowers, Thestral bone, is that Goblin blood? How the fuck did they get Goblin blood?"

"Siri, you are looking like Professor Snape right now."

Black's eye twitched at the mention of the hated Professor but he ignored his girlfriend's words and continued working.

"Your bedroom is in the basement, you are good with Potions and are preparing to become a teacher."

"I'm going to bite you if you don't stop it."

"But am I a cat? Shouldn't it be the other way?" She tilted her head in confusion.

"Yes, but I'll bite you anyway."

"I wouldn't mind."

This made Sirius stop for a second, but he continued to put the ingredients on the shelves. After a few minutes, he finished his task and frowned.

"We are missing Newt spleens and Asphodelus root for our Potion. And I highly doubt we can find Newt spleens anywhere, they need to be harvested fresh. Why didn't I think about this sooner?"

"So no Aging Potion."

"No Aging Potion." Sirius sighed heavily and sat down on the sofa, completely drained.

Permanent Aging Potion was considered a dark piece of magic because it took years of life from the drinker. After all, who in their right mind wants to live less, right?

Luna sat down next to him and rested his head on her lap. The catgirl put her tail on his chest and Sirius's hand began to stroke it.

"You know there are other ways Siri."

"Yes, I can cast Glamor on myself and support it, but if someone has a Quirk that allows you to see through disguises, then I fucked. Human transmutation sounds even worse, it feels like molten jelly. I'd give my left leg for the powers of Envy right now. . ."

Black learned about Envy from the memories of Selim Bradley. A homunculus called Envy could take the appearance of any living creature. Something like a stronger version of Metamorphmagus. Unfortunately, Sirius received the Stone of Pride. Perhaps this was due to his pride when he was still Harry Potter.

"Well, there is no point in thinking about it now. What are my chances of meeting Envy and devouring him?"

"I think your Potter luck can help you. Didn't you say FTF can lead you to trouble? You just need to start thinking of it as a problem."

Sirius hummed back and proceeded to stroke Luna's tail.

"Hey, Luna. What do you want to do in the future? I wanted to ask you about this before, but it completely went out of my head."

"I don't know. All Magical Creatures are most likely extinct by now, so I won't be able to prove their existence." She answered with sadness in her voice. "Maybe I will start to study Quirks, they still came from magic. Maybe I will start creating new spells like my mother, but this cannot be called a job if there are no Wizards left in the world except for us. Maybe I will become a doctor, I have always been good with the Healing Spells."

"But it's still a good choice. If you want, I can teach you a couple of spells in Parseltongue. We are considered the best in Healing Magic after all."

"That would be great. Do you think I can understand snakes if I learn Parseltongue?"

Sirius said nothing.

"Siri?" She looked at the Wizard on her lap and smiled. Sirius fell asleep.


Sirius, Luna, Azumi, and Izuku sat at a table in the living room. There were dozens of bottles of alcohol and snacks on it. The reason for this gathering? Halloween.

Sirius, when he was still Harry, found his father's diary where he wrote about how the Marauders got together and got drunk every Halloween. It was more of an excuse to drink, but for Sirius, this day meant so much more. So he decided to continue this tradition and get piss-drunk.

Karin, on the other hand, took Gin along with her trick-or-treating, so no underage drinking for the crazy mechanic, no sir.

"So we just get drunk. That's all. Just a lot of alcohol to. . . Why are we doing this?" Izuku looked at the bottles doubtfully. No way only four people can drink it all, right?

"Because every Halloween shit happens and it's much easier for me to just spend the day drunk and deal with the consequences after. The last time on Halloween, the head of the Department of Mysteries blew something up in the basement of the Ministry and leveled the whole building. And a week later I was shot in the back of the head by my ex-wife."

"You've been married?" Azumi asked with interest.

"Not by choice, but yes. The bitch drugged me. Okay, let's not talk about the sad things, this day is complete shit already. Let's start drinking."

Four people raised their glasses.

"A toast so that I don't remember this fucking day tomorrow morning!"

As soon as the first shot of alcohol was in Sirius's mouth, the whole world went black.


Envy walked the corridors of the hospital in search of his goal. After All for One gave him this strange stone, he only followed his orders. The only reason why he still has not left the submission of the half-dead bastard was his sadistic nature. As long as he can kill people, he will be fine, but if he is also shown places where it can be done unnoticed? Well, you can say that he liked where he was.

At least he has a better position than Greed. The memory of his unlucky brother made him laugh, drawing the attention of the passing nurses.

'Dr. Fushihara Namo is always so serious, why is he in such a good mood today?'

But Envy ignored them and moved on. He was in the hospital helping children with their awakened Quirks. Some of them were difficult to control, and some just harmed their owners. This place was sponsored by the state and many Heroes who wanted to increase their popularity.

His final mission was to steal a couple of brats and lead them to the All for One hideout so he can take their Quirks. Almost everyone here was useless, but he will take a couple of hidden gems with him.

For example, the kid whose Quirk allowed him to shoot air from his hands, Air Cannon. Unfortunately, after each shot, his arms broke to pieces, so that it could be called the Glass Cannon. All for One with his Strengthening Quirks will have no problem with this, so the kid was the first choice for kidnapping.

Envy entered the room where he saw the boy sleeping and smiled viciously. Nobody said that the target should be in perfect condition. But as soon as he wanted to take a step, he was interrupted by a voice from the side.

"Little moon was right! Hic-! You came here brother! Damn it, I'm so happy to see you!"

Envy turned around and noticed an unknown person who was sitting in the corner of the room with a half-empty bottle of whiskey in his hand. He was definitely drunk and only now did Homunculus notice a strong smell of burnt wood.

"Brother? I am the only child in my family. And you are breaking the law by being here. Leave my patient's room before I call security."

Envy didn't drop his act and mentally cursed. He didn't expect this kid to become a target for someone else.

"Security? But you shouldn't be here either, Envy."

The homunculus was shocked that someone could recognize him in this form. The unknown man got up from the chair and Envy could finally look at him. Long black hair, dark green eyes, and this look. The look that he saw only from one of his Brothers.

"Pride? But he said you were lost to the family of the Alchemists-"

"Flamels, right? Can you imagine Father's face if he saw me now?" The shadows around Pride shook with his laughter and Envy felt a chill run down his spine.

"You know Father is gone. He was killed by the elder Elric."

Pride waved his hand dismissively as if it didn't bother him at all.

"I know that very well, but can't a man dream?"

The situation didn't look good for Envy. The door and windows were completely covered by shadows, so he could not escape. But the worst thing was what Pride said.

'Dreams? Pride didn't give a damn about it before. And why does he look like that? Has he found himself a new body? He has changed. This is bad. This is very very bad. If this shadow bastard finally goes crazy, then he will create problems for us.'

Without thinking for a second, Envy jumped on Pride and wanted to blow off his head with one hit. But he did not have time to do anything as he was completely tied in place by Pride's shadows.

"Is that how you welcome a family member? I'm disappointed in you." Pride said with a sneer. "But I have to thank you, dear brother. After all, you will be a part of me."

Dozens of shadow mouths opened on the shadows and began to tear the captured Homunculus apart in search of his stone. Envy screamed and trashed around, but could not break free from the grasp of Pride. He was about to return to his true form when he suddenly felt like his heart had been grabbed.

"Found it~!"

Envy's death was not poetic. Sirius had no pity for his "brother," nor did he learn any life lesson from his murder. But this was life, not every death taught you something important. Especially the death of the enemy.

Sirius consumed his "brother's" Stone and watched as his body turned to ash. His body burned with the pain of consuming another Stone, but he refused to scream. The Silencing Wards fell as his body began to assimilate Envy.

His drunken brain decided to have some fun and play the role of Homunculus. Completely unknown to Black, hidden microphones were installed in the room that recorded their conversation.

Sirius glanced at the child on the bed and shook his head.

"You should be grateful to me, kid. This idiot was most likely going to break you and only then. . ." Sirius stopped, remembering that he had no clue why Envy was here. "Oh, I shouldn't have killed him. Well, it doesn't matter anymore. If any of the Homunculi come here again. . ." He laughed viciously and Apparated home.

On this night, Sirius Black acquired the Third Philosopher's Stone.


Sirius woke up with a hell of a headache. His throat was dry, the light was too bright and his body just felt wrong. But he had no recollection of yesterday at all, so it was a fair price to pay. He struggled to get out of bed only to fall to the floor. He didn't feel his legs.

Panic swept through his mind and he opened his eyes to look at himself and he was not disappointed. Instead of legs, he had a two-meter black snake tail with a wide white stripe in the middle, and this was far from the end of his changes. He was completely naked and therefore immediately noticed the disappearance of a rather important part of his body and the appearance of two - very - heavy breasts on his chest.

Sirius has become a Lamia.


He immediately wanted to return to normal and red lightning ran through his body, changing his appearance. Within a second, he was fine, but his mind was still screaming bloody murder. At this point, he thanked himself for adding Silencing Wards to his room. Otherwise, his naked arse would be visible to all the inhabitants of the house who would come running to examine his screams.

But the door to his room flew open anyway and Sirius groaned. He forgot that he had installed a sound indicator that would tell Luna when it got too loud in his room. His nightmares never left him alone after all.

And as Sirius thought, Luna entered his room. Her hair was disheveled from a long sleep and one of her ears was still not fully straightened. She was dressed only in pajamas with pink elephants and would have looked pretty cute if her eyes weren't full of worry.

She immediately looked in his direction and one leap was next to him.

"Siri! What happened!?"

The girl helped him to sit up and looked at his face trying to find signs of distress there. Sirius smiled faintly and kissed Luna.

"Thanks for worrying about me, but I'm fine. I just woke up a little. . . Different."

Luna narrowed her eyes and her usual pale silver pupils became feline. They always became that way when she used Mage Sight.

"Your soul has changed. It used to be a little pink, but now it's bright pink. The color is similar to the skin of a newborn unicorn, you know."

Sirius chuckled and patted Luna on the head. The girl just now noticed that he was completely naked and her cheeks turned a little red but she continued to look at his lean body.

" I see that not only your soul has changed. Your training with Bang is helping you." She licked her lip and Sirius suddenly felt naked. More than he already was.

"When you look at me like that I feel a little scared. Like a mouse in front of a cat."

"That's silly, you're not a mouse. And I'm just looking at you."

She poked his abs several times until he stopped her hand.

"Please stop, this tickles."

"Good to know."

Finally, Luna got up and Sirius was able to cover himself with the blanket. He looked down at his hand and it was covered in snake scales making him smile like an idiot.

"I found another Philosopher's Stone. I should get drunk more often, maybe then my luck will be better."

Black considered looking at his memories with Occlumency but decided against it. He did not want to remember this day, he had enough stress in his life, thank you very much.

"So now you got Envy? I would become a real cat if I had that Stone. Maybe my Animagus form is a cat, I have never tried to become an Animagus before."

"Considering that you are already partly a cat, this is highly possible."

Sirius created a Transmutation Circle on the floor of shadows and a mirror appeared in front of him. Red lightning covered his body and he instantly changed.

Black has grown to one hundred and ninety centimeters. His shoulders become slightly wider and his muscles more pronounced. His features became sharper and he grew stubble. But the strangest thing was that he was wearing black pants and a T-shirt. He scratched his cheek and frowned, seeing that his hair had grown even more untamable, but remained at shoulder level.

"Gotta work at that."

"Now I'm jealous. You look like that, and I'm still a teenager."

Sirius paused and turned to Luna.

"Do you think I can change you with my Stone? In theory, if I can influence your soul, then I can change your body to make you appear twenty-five years old."

Luna thoughtfully tapped her chin with her finger.

"Normally it would be quite dangerous. If you change my body without an external source of energy, then you will just kill us both. But you have three Philosopher's Stones. So the chances of our death are rather small, but not zero."

"So we need to look at other methods, but this one sounds better than the rest at the moment. How long do you want to wait before using this method?"

"Mmm. . . Two more mansions. If we don't find the ingredients for the Potion in there, then we'll try it. Maybe then I can attract enough Fingerbiters to brew the Melting Potion."

Sirius returned to his usual appearance again but remained in his clothes. He was not going to stand naked in the room again while Luna was still here.

"You just thought about something strange."

"That I did."

"Well, since you're okay, I'll go make breakfast. And water. Lots, lots of water. I think Izuku has awakened a Quirk that allows him to create a desert in his mouth. Seriously, I think he'll start coughing up sand."

Luna shook her head and left Sirius to play with his new ability.

Black left the basement only in the evening and Karin immediately jumped on him and hung on his neck.

"Siri, do you know how many people are wearing suits? There were so many! I've never celebrated Halloween before! Did you know our neighbors were giving away candy for free?!"

Karin still looked like a small red-eyed vampire and wore a dark cloak that billowed behind her with every step. Sirius wondered if she somehow had found Snape's spell with which he had done this to his cloak.

"Really? Maybe next year I should go collect candy too?"

Black changed his eyes to red and grew fangs, making the girl in his arms gasp.

"You're a vampire!" She squealed.

"Ha-ha-ha! Let me drink your blood!"

Karin broke free from his grasp and ran into the street, Sirius hot on her heels. But as soon as they went outside, they found an old blue police box. It was lying on its side and white smoke was pouring out of the open door.

Sirius and Karin exchanged glances and the girl silently slowly walked back into the house to alert the others. She knew perfectly well that it is better not to approach such things, life taught her that pretty quickly.

Sirius removed his red eyes along with his fangs and walked closer to the strange box with the Wand at the ready.

". . . I really hope I didn't steal it."

Envy was here. And then he wasn't.

Honestly, of all the Homunculi in FMA, he is my favorite and I wish I could write more chapters with him. But his abilities are simply too useful for Sirius to keep him alive.

I could've write Luna's ritual/change in this chapter, but who in their right mind would do such a thing without preparation? Between the chance of death and the loss of ten years of life, I would choose the latter.

And yes, I pulled the TARDIS out of another universe just for fun.

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