
The Prideful Wizard in MHA.

After meeting Voldemort at the end of his first year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter dies. But because he shouldn't have died so early, he was returned to the world of the living. . . Three hundred years later. Everything has changed quite a lot and now, instead of Wizards, about eighty percent of the population have special powers. And Harry had only one question: who started calling them Quirks? The first couple of chapters are information dumps about MHA, FMA, and HP worlds. The story will move at a slow pace because I don't want to jump into a canon that hasn't changed a bit. The main pairing is Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood. Also, he gets his magic back in later chapters, just bare with it. I do not own My Hero Academia, Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, or the cover art. But I own a cute cat, her name's Tosya.

Simple_Russian_Boi · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs


All four teens returned to the observation room following Toshinori's announcement. Izuku and Ochako smiled softly at their classmates who tried to stay away from the green-haired trapper.

For obvious reasons, Izuku became the MVP of this match.

The rest of the battles were a little faster than the first. Of course, Sirius had to quickly fire an overpowered Repairo to the building before they could proceed, but still.

Shinso and Yaoyorozu easily defeated Ashido and Aoyama's team. The purple-haired teen just talked to them and made them give up.

Todoroki and Shoji - Todoroki mostly - finished their battle against Hagakure and Ojiro the fastest. Toru was able to escape the first wave of ice that froze the entire building and broke Shoto's nose with a surprise attack. Of course, she was frozen after that.

The rest of the teams were about the same level - except for Tokoyami and his unusual Quirk.

Sirius looked at his watch and sighed heavily, that was his only lesson today. So as soon as the bell rang, Black Apparated to his home. Someday he will start driving a car like a normal person, but not today. So Sirius just landed in his backyard.

At that moment, only Luna was on the street, the catgirl lay on her stomach in the grass and looked at the ladybug that landed on her hand. Sirius slowly sat down next to Luna, so as not to frighten off the ladybug, and scratched her ears.

"Where's Eri?"

"Azumi and Karin decided that she needed to see the real world and took her with them to go shopping. I- I couldn't go with them. I already love the girl with all my heart, but it hurts so much to look at her. . . Every time she asks something ordinary kids should know at her age, my heart screams."

The ladybug flew off her finger and rose into the air. Sirius pulled the emotional Witch into his arms and sighed heavily. Luna didn't cry often, but when she did it was for a good reason. She didn't even have a hint of her typical aloof and dreamy personality, now the girl was showing her defenseless side.

"Shhh. . . We will not allow anything to happen to her. Chisaki and almost all of his people are dead, and anyone who knew of Eri's existence wouldn't be able to find this place."

Luna nodded softly at his chest and squeezed his shirt. After a couple of minutes, she started to giggle.


"You're cold. I made you a protective amulet against the cold and completely forgot about it. The unicorn occupied all my thoughts. The Magizoologist is still alive in me."

Sirius kissed the top of Luna's hair and patted her shoulder.

"You shouldn't have."

"How can I snuggle with you without freezing without it?"


Luna took a silver chain with a dried flower in a transparent stone from her pocket and slipped it around Sirius's neck. Black immediately felt warmth in his body and smiled with all his teeth. He lifted the catgirl in his arms and carried her back to the house. She deserved rest after all this.


The next day, Sirius Apparated in an alley next to U.A. - Moonbean on his shoulders and a necklace on his neck. There was also a small cafe with perfect coffee where Black always took the bitter drinks.

Today he was able to put on a black tank-top, sunglasses, and black pants, his non-removable coat was now hanging at home. The scars on his arms attracted attention, especially the inscription {I will not tell lies}, but he felt too good and warm to care.

Young - well or old, it depends on the perspective - sensei took a dozen cups of coffee and leveled them to the school entrance. Imagine his surprise when he saw a crowd of reporters in front of the school entrance.

"Parasites. . ." He muttered and began to levitate the coffee over the heads of the people so as not to spill it.

"What do you think about All Might?!" Some reporter asked suddenly, pointing a microphone in his face.

Sirius stopped and thought about how to answer him.

"I stole his coffee on the second day of his arrival. For the Number One Hero in Japan, he's pretty bad at keeping track of personal belongings." Yeah, that'll do.

Reporters and cameramen looked at the madman who stole from All Might. They refused to believe what he said, it was simply impossible!

Sirius didn't care about it, he just pushed people out of the aisle and entered the territory of the U.A. He walked past Aizawa and leveled a mug of coffee into his hands, Shota grunted instead of thanks and continued trying to drive the reporters away.

Black made a small loop and visited Kayama, Maijima - he called him MAJIMA-SAN! Despite the protests from the man - Toshinori, Yamada, Ishiyama, Snipe, and Kan. A couple of General Course teachers got coffee and Nezu got perfect boiling water for his tea. The sly overgrown rat preferred his animal form and until now no one except Sirius had seen his human face. Not that he minded.

Eventually, Sirius sat down, leaning his back on the teacher's table, and simply stroked Moonbean's fur as he waited for the lesson to begin.

Today he was in class 1-B and everyone looked at him strangely, especially Itsuka Kendo. Although given their first meeting, this was to be expected.

Sirius looked at the faces of his students and connected them with names and Quirks. He wanted to teach ordinary Wizards now, it was much easier - at least in his opinion.

"Um. . . Black Sensei, if I'm not mistaken? Are you all right now?" Finally, the redhead decided to ask.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I'm fine and dandy, Godric chose not to kill me today, so that's a plus. Thank you for your concern Kendo."

Sirius continued to pat Moonbean on the back, letting everyone see his scars.

§I can alwaysss chhhange my desssition, Sssalazar.§ He heard a hiss from his hair.

§Yeah, sssure.§

Several students flinched, but none looked terrified. That was good, he didn't want them to be scared at the sight of him, it was too early for that.

Moonbean shook herself out of Sirius's hands and jumped onto Pony Tsunotori's table. This was greeted by aww's from most of the students. The cat got all the attention of the horned girl, so she didn't notice Sekijiro entering the class. He didn't even look at Sirius who was now playing with Ric, Kan saw shit weirder than that.

"So class, after yesterday's All Might class, I'm sure your blood is asking for more. However, today we're doing something simpler, we're electing the Class President."

Sirius heard the students muttering, but he didn't try to hear what exactly. Moments like this reminded him of his lessons at Hogwarts. Maybe he could ask the Doctor to let him travel back in time? Yes, time is a fragile thing, but Sirius is a careful person. . . When he's not pissed off.

"Sir, I don't think we know each other well enough to pick a class representative," Kendo said uncertainly. "Yes, we can choose the President based on first impressions, but this will be more like a lottery."

Monoma, on the other hand, did not have such insecurity as the others, he rose from his seat and spread his arms out to the sides as if posing as a saint.

"Haha! Well, let me submit my candidacy! I will lead this class to greatness, even if it costs your life!"

"It's. . . not very. . ."

"Under my leadership, I promise that no one will forget Class 1-B by the end of the year!"

"He sounds like a shitty politician."

"With my superior mind and Quirk than yours, I can-GAh!" Kendo hit Monoma in the neck with an enlarged hand and he fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

"Sorry, I couldn't listen to him."

"I vote for Itsuku Kendo as President." Pony raised her hand.

"I second the notion."

Sirius automatically rose from the floor and stood at the table.

"The Ministry recognizes the notion. All in favor?"

The whole class - bar Monoma - raised their hands.

"All against?"

Nobody raised their hands.

"Great, congratulations to Itsuku Kendo for being Class President. You have a week to find someone to fill the position of Vice President. Case closed, Lords and Ladies can continue their discussion."

Sirius fell back to the floor like a puppet. Kan just sighed heavily and watched as the white cat jumped down to Sirius and tried to lift him back to his feet. But he just lay on the floor and looked at the ceiling. With a couple of imperceptible movements with the Wand, they made the ceiling bright purple, but so far no one has noticed.

Sirius listened to Kan make a few more announcements and only got up from the floor when he got to the interesting part.

"I gave our strategy and tactics teacher a look at your fights. And I think he has something to tell you."

Sirius looked at the students with an accusing look for a few seconds and sighed heavily.

"For newbies, you did pretty well, but of course I have comments. Yosetsu Awase and Setsuna Tokage VS Neito Monoma and Kinoko Komori.

"Setsuna Tokage, your plan was based on the enemy and environment analysis, you did an excellent job right before Monomo copied your Quirk. The moment you panicked was the moment of your defeat. You need to learn to make decisions under pressure. I'll give you a list of reference books where you can get inspiration from."

Sirius revived Monoma so he could hear criticism, but did not explain what happened.

"Neito Monoma, stop relying on your opponent to have a Quirk strong enough to use it against them. Learn to handle non-lethal weapons or learn martial arts. You cannot continue to rely on your Quirk alone, it will lead you to your grave. You have the same problem, Kinoko.

"Awase. . . Well, I can only tell you to discuss your ideas with your allies instead of silently pursuing your goals alone. If you could capture Kinoko first, your victory would be guaranteed, but you just couldn't do that alone. I'm sure your Homeroom teacher thinks the same, so get better and don't disappoint us."

""Yes, Black Sensei!"" Four voices answered him.

"Great, now the Itsuka Kendo and Shihai Kurorio VS Yue Kodai and Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu battle. . . That doesn't sound right." He muttered and looked at his notes. "Meh, I'll call you Tetsu. Your problem was a complete lack of strategy, I saw the same problem with Kirishima from class 1-A. . ."

Some 1-B shenanigans. Did I spell that word right? Don't care.

Sirius also no longer needs to wear a hundred layers of clothing to stay warm, yey!

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