
Support Shop.

After the first lesson, Sirius found himself in the Support Shop. He came here to annoy Maijima but saw a familiar face. Gin stood next to a pink-haired girl with yellow eyes and tested her invention - boots that floated in the air. So the annoyance target changed dramatically from Maijima to Gin.

"My, oh my! Gid did you make a new friend or is that another robot?"

Two pairs of eyes immediately snapped towards Sirius, silver, and gold. The girls' eyes were strangely matched, he noticed. The pink-haired one suddenly turned to Gin and grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Can you make a robot out of me?! Do it! No, stop! Better make a cyborg out of me! Flesh is weak!"

Gin removed the girls' hands from her shoulders and held them in her hands.

"No, I won't make a cyborg out of you, I'm sure it's illegal."

Power Loader wanted to say something, but Sirius got ahead of him.

"The laws are just recommendations, but I can say that being a cyborg is very, very sad. I walked with a prosthesis instead of an arm for a couple of years, it was uncomfortable. Not to mention the lack of sensation in my hand."

The pink-haired girl tilted her head and smiled a million watts.

"So I need to make a baby that can feel like a normal limb! Majima Sensei! I found myself a project before the end of the year!" She turned to Sirius and poked him in the chest. "And you will pray to get at least a finger from Hatsume Industries!"

Power Loader groaned and walked over to the workbench.

"I'm Maijima, Hatsume. Why is it only you two who call me that?"

""Have you ever been to Kabukicho?"" Sirius and Hatsume answered at the same time.

The troubled teacher and the troubled student looked at each other and smiled like madmen. Moonbean wisely jumped onto Gin's shoulders to be as far away from the two idiots as possible.

"You just have to walk the streets of Kabukicho!" "There are so many shops that your eyes'll run dry!" "And what kind of bars are there!" "There's even Majima's bar there!" "Nice bloke, but a little crazy, I made him an eye baby." "He was much nicer a couple of years ago."

Power Loader and the rest of the 1-H students could only watch the verbal ping pong between Black and Hatsume. Neither of them wanted to stop, so Mei Hatsume worked on her baby, Gin made sure she didn't blow up anything, and Sirius leveled the heavier parts to those who needed them. All this with endless dialogue about the Kabukicho - sometimes called Kamorocho - and the warring Yakuza gangs.

It was weird to listen to since there was a local Villain? Hero? Vigilante? in a white two-piece suit that helped people in need. And kicked the shit out of the street thugs. Yes, how can you forget about that?

"There was even some kind of zombie fest once! Kiryu-chan was so annoyed after that!"

Their conversations were interrupted by a siren that sounded in all the corridors.

[Securety Level Three has been broken. All students, please evacuate in an orderly fashion.]

Someone dropped their instruments in surprise and Power Loader had to stop an explosion that could kill half of the students in the room. Sirius immediately felt Moonbean jump onto his shoulders. He turned to Maijima and started giving orders.

"Stay here, I will check what caused the alarm and send a Patronus with the result." Having said this, he Apparated away.

Sirius was above the U.A. building and tried to find the reason for activating the alarm. But as soon as he saw the cause, his irritation levels went up to the extreme. He Apparated a second time and silently appeared behind Aizawa and Yamada.

"Give us All Might! He's here, right?!"

"He's out today!"

Mic tried to calm people down but was ignored.

"Just give us a comment! That's all we want!"

"A comment you say?"

If Shota was a little surprised at his appearance, then he hid the surprise behind his scarf. But he could not hide his surprise when he heard how much anger was in Sirius's voice.

"It's easier to just wait for the police, we don't want to have a slander on live TV."

The smile on Black's face didn't help the situation in the least.

"Eraser, have you forgotten who I am? I don't care about slander, the press can't get me."

Instead of a gateway to the U.A. now only shards of metal lay at the entrance, and reporters tried to break through the hole in the school's defenses. Black immediately casted Protego and pushed everyone out of the school property. Eraserhead and Present Mic nodded their thanks.

Someone tried to protest, but Sirius's mood was already spoiled.

"You fucking bastardsss!" Sirius hissed with such hatred that even two Heroes flinched. "At firsst, you harasss kids who are just trying to learn like everyone else, and now you're breaking and entering?! Want some juicy newsss?! I'll fucking give you some juicy news!"

Alchemy tattoos appeared on Sirius's hands, he hit the floor with his palms and another barrier rose in front of the destroyed gate. Even in his rage, he was smart enough to leave the crime scene intact.

Moonbean jumped to the ground and transformed into a catgirl in the air. Shota just blinked at her unexpected appearance, while Hizashi shrieked in surprise. She ignored their reactions and ducked over the collapsed gate. Luna took the shard of metal in her hand and immediately hissed as if it were hot. Sirius stood up to his full height and walked over to his girlfriend.


'Luna's frowning. This is not good.'

"There is an aura of death and decay around the shards. Whoever did it, he was not a simple reporter."

"Can we use the gate shards to Scry the idiot's location?"

"No, he had too little contact with the gate for that."


Sirius felt a tap on the back. He completely forgot that Shota and Hizashi were behind him. Well, now there were Midnight, Thirteen, Nezu, and Recovery Girl. He stared at the gathering of heroes behind him for a moment before turning back to Luna.

"Why do they look like they're going to shove me into the basement and pump me up with truth serum until I start crying with it?"

"Maybe they missed lunch? I heard Luch Rush has some good pudding."

"He has. But now our problem is not the pudding." Nezu said. "Mr. Black, do I correctly suspect this is Miss Lovegood?"

Luna walked over to Nezu and lifted him like a plush toy.

"I'll be Luna Black in a couple of weeks, but now I'm Lovegood."

Now even Sirius was staring at her strangely.

"What? It's true."

Black sighed heavily and took Principal out of Luna's arms to get him back on his feet.

"Luna, I can easily prevent this prediction by marrying you tomorrow."

"No, Mister, you won't. Have you forgotten your first wedding?"

Sirius and Luna shivered at the same time, his first wedding was the horror he dreamed of in his nightmares.

"On the second thought. . ."

Midnight finally recovered enough to start talking.

"First, congratulations. Second, I'm offering my candidacy to help with the guests. Third, has sweet Moonbean been human all this time?! I told her too many secrets!"

Luna wasted no time and hugged the woman.

"Don't worry, Nemuri, now I can tell you secrets too!"

She clung to the Heroine's ear and whispered something to her. Nemuri's eyes immediately found Sirius and her jaw dropped to the ground. Sirius could only groan, he knew that introducing Luna to the Heroes was a bad idea.

"He can do WHAT?!"

"He's a shapeshifter, he can do that and more! Ooh! I have to tell you what he does with his tongue."

Sirius abruptly walked over to Present Mic and grabbed him by the shirt.

"Either you scream so loudly that I'll go deaf, or we both end up on Everest right now."

Hizashi screamed.


Bakugo was having a bad week.

Scratch that, he's having a bad month.

You see, it all started when he received a letter from the U.A. with the exam results. The problem was that he came second in the exam. Second!!! In the first place was the bastard whom he never wanted to see in his life. Izuku Midoriya with 128 points.

It didn't make any sense to Katsuki. Why were they given points for saving other participants? Weren't the Heroes the kind of people who always win? That is why All Might was so cool, he always won, no matter what. Those who could not even defend themselves are not worthy of being called Heroes.

Then there was class 1-A, full of cannon fodder. But here's the problem, Deku ended up in the same class as him. And on the next test, he found out that Deku was considered more skillful than him! And that the useless bastard had a Quirk!!! The freak can call these flashes of lightning a science as much as he wants, if it could be learned, then Katsuki Bakugo would already be a master.

With the test came the realization that he might not be the strongest in his age group. It was a bad night for Katsuki.

He didn't kill Deku on the spot just because he would likely be expelled - if anyone noticed the disappearance of the useless shit at all.

Then there were two-on-two battles and there Bakugo exploded - literally and figuratively. He expected that by the end of the battle Deku would be lying in front of his feet bleeding, but in the end, he spent all the time avoiding the traps. And in the end, he lost! Him, Katsuki Bakugo! He didn't like it one bit.

This is why Bakugo decided to wait for Deku outside the school exit every day to beat the shit out of him. Unfortunately, the explosive teenager didn't know that Izuku was using a Portkey to get home.

Bakugo waited in vain. But he does not know this, so he can only wait.

So, Sirius' getting married. I think he is...

Simple_Russian_Boicreators' thoughts