
The presidents return

Calvin was wounded to his heart when his son dies and wife illegally divorces him for another man because he is poor, his mother in law, treated him like a slave and out of this death, Calvin gets chosen by a universal system force as he decides to inherit even his father's wealth, just so he could take his Revenge on all those that hurt him, and it gets more interesting when Calvin discovers he is an Elite owning countries with information that he still has a child that is still alive but in danger.

DaoistpaI7jP · Urban
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49 Chs

Chapter 8

Even though Calvin was not really his true father... He still loved him so much because all he see was his son and no one else.

The room's door gets opened and the housekeeper runs In, placing Calvin over his laps while he cried like a child over his laps.

"Calvin, young master, please cry no more, I know you are really hurt but you can pass through this phase and then we can ensure that whoever played with your life regrets it for the rest of their pathetic lives." He says using his handkerchief to clean off Calvin's rolling tears.

"Housekeeper, how would you feel to know that the only person you have ever really loved, died when you had all the money in the world to save him and still discover that he wasn't really your child... More like your wife is a golddigger who rejected you and refused to save her child as well because of a man for the same money that you had already available?" He said to the housekeeper turning his head to look as his face to see him crying too.

"Well young master, I would have cried and scream my lungs out in that pain because that is a state where one is overly broken to the core but let him tell you something young master..." He says cleaning his tears.

"Whatever problem little money has caused, you should never forget that the richest man in the world has money to change the damage of money itself, so cry no more young master." He said to him as He sat up staring at him.

"But I do have a question for you though?" He says to him in return.

"What's that?" Calvin asked him in return.

"Strategies and plans run in your veins, so my question is... What are your comebacks, how to fo you teach them a lesson?" He said to him as Calvin got up on his feet thinking deeply about the matter.

"We will start the deployment of these following plans to avenge the death of my son, that way I will be able to deal with them." He said to him.

"I don't understand young master." He says in-between his thoughts.

"I want them to know how bad what they did to I and Austin was, so maybe even after I am done with them... They will be careful next time about their greed." He said to him before looking away sadly.

"Your will, will be done on earth young master." He says to him as though Calvin was a god and Calvin smiled back at his housekeeper, as he was as outraged as he was too.

Then Calvin got into the toilet, locking the door.

Everything in his toilet was made of gold.

He knew what gold looked and felt like.

All of a sudden his life has become a luxury at a time when He faced the greatest of loss and it seemed like a miracle but more of a sad miracle instead.

The wife he wished he could love and would love him, wasn't with him, nor does she even love him to start with, she has her heart and love all directed towards Pete and those two monsters watched Austin die.

She never confessed either.

There was more for him to know concerning them as well and at this point there was nothing that He could not dig out at all... He just needed to ask for it.

As soon as he was done refreshing, He walked out of the toilet, wearing a nightie warm dress as He entered the room to see a hot looking lady staring at me.

She was dressed in a suit and staring at him with a document in her hands.

"Greetings!" The lady says to him with a bow.

"Nice to to meet you sir." The lady brilliantly says as she stares at him in the night warmer man gown which He was putting on.

"And who are you?" He asked her in return.

"Oh you can call me Hilda, I'm the acting CEO and representative of your incorporation, your father's company." She says to him swiftly and nicely.

"Nice to meet you Hilda, how can He help you?" He asked her back in return.

"Well, I wanted to give you information regarding you taking over your father's company as the CEO by tomorrow." She said to him and He smiled back at her.

A knock occurs over the door again and He answered for whoever was there to come in... Definitely it has to be the housekeeper and He was indeed right.

"Housekeeper." He said as he walks in.

"Yes young master, He was about to introduce her to you but It seems you both had already started a conversation." He said to him and he stood back.

"Oh well, I think she has said the exact reason why she came here today." He said as housekeeper stared at her.

"So what do you say?" He asked.

"I am not running away from his responsibility... But I am Calvin, the nobody days ago, the poor good for nothing man, kicked out from his wife's home and the same father who isn't a father as his child is now dead... with the wife who divorced him... Is now the richest man in the world?" He stated.

"Well, if you could tell us exactly what you truly wish for us to do, we will immediately take actions to ensure that the thing you want is done securely." Hilda says.

"Yes, it's true." Housekeeper responds too.

"Good, now here is what He want."

"You Hilda, you will remain the boss of the company, I don't think He am interested in becoming one yet." He said and the housekeeper got worried immediately.

"But Calvin." He interrupted him.

"I am not done talking... Am I?" He said to him and he kept quiet in return.

"Hilda, while you keep your boss position as the secretary, please announce to the world that the only heir of our incorporation has taken over from the family okay?" He said to her and she nodded in acceptance.

"I have his reasons to remain anonymous as I do not want anyone to know who is the boss yet, my reputation and my current situation will be a terrible bomb so I can't let his new reputation ruin me... I want to ruin all those who played with my heart and my son's life." He said looking at housekeeper who began clapping.

His phone rings and he pick it up.

It's Sunil's mum.

"Hello?" He said, waiting for her response.

"Oh Calvin, common! You good for nothing man... You know... Somehow I feel a bit relieved that you're off my daughters life."

"What? Is that what you should be saying now that my son is dead, your own grandson?" He said back to her.

"How dare you have so much courage to talk to me in such a manner! A life gone is lost, my and that of Pete corporation are going to now be working on bigger projects worth Billions of Dollars as we heard the Rians Incorporation has a new superior, it's their families tradition to launch a project soon when such happens and it's just kinda sad that you're stinking in some rot hole." She said to him, getting him pissed.

"And so? What's my business with what you have to do with money?" He said back to her.

"Oh... It seems you're beginning to think you're somebody, tomorrow Pete will be headed to drop a greeting there for the new president of their company so I was thinking you could apply as a toilet cleaner and you know, get some little pennies to buy some dirty donut or so." She said and He laughed back in return.

"So you called me to spite me." He said laughing some more.

"Oh yes! And to warn you, to carefully stay away from my daughter, as you can see, she's happy now with a wealthier and more powerful man with prestige... Because if you don't... I hope a poor man will still have his life to even think of getting closer to her." She says before she cuts the call on him and Calvin slammed the phone over the floor.

Atleast, he could afford a good phone now!

"Also Hilda, announce tomorrow that Rian Incorporation will be launching its new years project according to its family business traditions... A project worth one hundred billion dollars in building the biggest settlement in the country." He said as the housekeeper and Hilda looked at him.

"Seriously?" Hilda says in-between.

"Yes, we would build it to disgrace their hotel company business and when they come to get a slot to offer a contract concerning our billion dollar project, give them the biggest disgrace in their life on live Tv by cutting off all ties our company has with them... Then kick whoever is representing them out." He said like a demon.

"Do you all concur?" He asked them like the boss that He had now become.

"Yes!" Both Hilda and the housekeeper bows.