
The presidents return

Calvin was wounded to his heart when his son dies and wife illegally divorces him for another man because he is poor, his mother in law, treated him like a slave and out of this death, Calvin gets chosen by a universal system force as he decides to inherit even his father's wealth, just so he could take his Revenge on all those that hurt him, and it gets more interesting when Calvin discovers he is an Elite owning countries with information that he still has a child that is still alive but in danger.

DaoistpaI7jP · Urban
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49 Chs

Chapter 9

Calvin with his Housekeepers motivation sits up.

"As planed by your grandfather, you're to get married to a lady called Chloe Uzaron, hence with you hiding your wealth, I doubt you will have any chance at getting her." The housekeeper tells him.

"I am single and handsome remember, even so my firsts wife ditched me for money, it doesn't mean Chloe will do the same to me, I will give my contract marriage a shot." Calvin said to his housekeeper.

As predicted by his Housekeeper, Calvin visited the family and was grusomely rejected.

Hence, his words came to pass that his contract wife who was even way beautiful than Sunil did not reject him but something else shocked Calvin to the core.

The same Mr. Pete Peterson was the same bastard coming for his contract wife too.

Calvin wasn't going to take it lightly with him this time.

He musts have thought he won in the firsts round but not on Chloe.

Hence he was even more shocked that Chloe happened to be his firsts girlfriend in highschool whom he loved so much and they was nothing that was going to make him lose her this time.

Calvin then headed from his contract wife's house before he is kidnapped.

"Boom!" Calvin wakes up with a plank hit to his head.

"Who are you?" He asked as he received another punch to his face!

"Calvin, endure this torture to level up with powers to scan and identify secret or masked persons." A voice in Calvin's head tells him before Calvin gets held by his throat.

He was frightened to hear his mind talk to him in such vivid manner.

Was the punch getting him drunk or something?

Oh wait... It was the same voice that saved him during his son's murder.

He was so tempted to use his powers but it was important that he obeyed his system to level up.

"You must sign the divorce papers and leave Chloe when you head back! Is that clear?" One of the masked men threatened Calvin.

"What? Lose Chloe to that same bastard that...." Calvin was about to lament more before he shuts up.

"Or is it that you don't understand?" The guy asked again, provoked as Calvin carried a straight face, then he landed a slap over Calvin's face.

"Leave Chloe alone or the next time, you won't be spared so easily!" The guy said.

"Seriously?" Calvin's mind linked his system.

They haven't even finished torturing him, yet they have already concluded what they wanted.

So amateur.

"So that's it!?" Calvin asked and another guy came using a tape to cover his mouth.

Calvin guessed his words were getting to them.

"How dare this goat!" Another one said hitting Calvin's face with an iron rod and then Calvin's system made him fake bleed with his blood leaving his mouth through the tiny spaces of the tape over his mouth.

They turned to discuss and Calvin used his powers to scan through the individuals.

It was Pete peterson and Chloe's cousin Olivia with two other security men from the family, the main people who were trying to rig the marriage between him and Chloe after he had visited.

Calvin couldn't believe the extent they could go to hurt him

Especially with the security man whom he called Brother, cause he knew him years ago.

They turned back to look at Calvin.

"The last thing you must do is for you to leave and never return, you know it's obvious you don't deserve her." Pete peterson said to him.

Petes' face was masked but Calvin's powers made it seem as though he had nothing worn.

"Or do you love her?" Pete asked him.

"You know his mouth is covered." Chloe's cousin Olivia, the masked female, said to Pete.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Pete replied and he rolled his eyes in frustration.

Pete then removes the tape on Calvin's mouth.

"I love her from top to bottom." Calvin said and Pete looked at him and then laughed evilly.

Then Calvin sarcastically laughed with him as well.

Then Pete lands him another punch.

"How did that feel!?" Pete screams.

"Well, it hurts a bit." Calvin said, shocking him.

"You know what?... Let's beat him up!" Pete said to Olivia and the rest came dropping different punches over Calvin's face as he spat out blood.

Calvin could now see more reasons to have Chloe.

He would make sure Pete doesn't win again!

Calvin indeed loved Chloe after he met her again and he didn't want to lose her, she was the perfect woman he wanted, he knew she wouldn't fall for Pete's trap.

How could the idiot ruin his family and still think he can ruin his new love with Chloe.


And Calvin hoped she could love him back too.

Although Pete Peterson did not know Calvin's true identity at all, as Calvin's meta force changed his looks.

Mr. Pete hated him more because Calvin had the same name of the man he ripped of his son and wife.

"He would soon die." The security man said and stopped before pushing Calvin to fall to the ground.

"We should free him from the chair." The second security man said.

"How dare you tell me what to do?" Pete asked, before giving the security man a hot slap.

"Is that what I paid you to do!?" Pete peterson roars at the accomplice.

"Sir. Please take it easy." The second security man said but then Olivia landed him a slap too.

"It seems you two want me to fire you and do the same to your families as well?" Olivia said to them and they immediately went on their knees.

"Sorry ma." They immediately apologized.

"Fools! Get up and let's leave here... In Fact you are both fired!" Olivia ordered and the men immediately stood up and left.

Whilst Calvin remained tied to the chair.

Pete peterson and Olivia were monsters.

How could they compel those innocent security men to do such a thing to Calvin?

Calvin felt drugged indeed.

He slept for a while before waking up again.

Then Calvin uses his powers to burn off the robs and freed himself.

Calvin staggered to where his bike was.

He drove, doing his best to avoid accidents, until he finally reached Uzaron's mansion.

His plan was to Expose Pete and Olivia.

He parked his bike and staggered into the house.

And his heart beats when he saw Mrs. Uzaron.

She was confused as she stared at him.

She then walks closer to him.

"Calvin... What happened?" She said, almost sounding concerned for him.

She manages to hold him as she looks at his eyes, watching his system glow off from ur.

"You?" She said shocked.

"What are you?... You're taking drugs?" She said and the rest of the family members began to gather at the scene.

"I am so disappointed in you, Calvin." She said thinking whatever she wanted to think.

"Aside from being so poor and so useless to this family, you decided to also take drugs! You're indeed a disgrace." She said, looking at him.

"So you left this house on a mission to get high with drugs!... So this is the real you, is this how valueless you are!?" She roars.

"I was attacked and drugged… I feel weak, where's My wife Chloe." Calvin asked her before she called for help.

"Well you better not die in his household, if taking drugs distracts you from your poverty then you shouldn't have come here, I think this fool got high and was robbed!" She said, still holding on to me.

Mrs. Uzaron couldn't help but feel empathetic.

Calvin reminded her of her husband, Mr. Uzaron.

"Security! Take this worthless thing to the hospital, he's drugged." She said as she released him and Calvin fell into the security men's arms.

Calvin's eyes were closing and opening again.

His system was also combating the drug too.

He saw Chloe staring at him concerned.

But his eyes closed again and when it reopened… He could see Pete peterson devilishly smiling.

With Olivia standing beside him, as the security men rushed him to the hospital.

Calvins eyes closed once more and when it reopened he saw that he was in a hospital.

His eyes cleared and he soon saw a nurse.

Only her shape alone got his dick hard!