
The presidents return

Calvin was wounded to his heart when his son dies and wife illegally divorces him for another man because he is poor, his mother in law, treated him like a slave and out of this death, Calvin gets chosen by a universal system force as he decides to inherit even his father's wealth, just so he could take his Revenge on all those that hurt him, and it gets more interesting when Calvin discovers he is an Elite owning countries with information that he still has a child that is still alive but in danger.

DaoistpaI7jP · Urban
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

Chapter 7

He couldn't hold the pains rushing through his chest, He really loved his son like it were his.

And He didn't want anything bad to happen to him either, He was his everything.

The room door opened and He looked to see Sunil and Mr. Pete coming in.

"Sunil..." He said full of pain towards her.

"The blood matches." The doctor says bringing in a new sample.

"Who does it belong to?" He asked.

"Mr. Pete." The doctor replies to him.

"Save Austin then... Please." He begged as he walked out of the room watching little Austin begin to struggle for life.

He started jerking like he was struggling to breathe again all of a sudden and it got him so scared to lose him for anything.

"Austin..." He cried as He watched him struggle till he stopped and the heart metre machine by Austin's side stopped.

"Ahhh!" He cried more.

He was breaking with heartbreak and the reality that He had lost his son.

"It can't be true, nurse, please tell him he's okay?" He asked as he rushed back into the room carrying him in his arms as he cried bitterly trying to revive him.

he was getting cold and colder.

He knew his son was gone.

"I love you so much Austin, I am so sorry I wasn't wise to know who you needed or what I was supposed to have been for you, I am sorry your mum was so selfish to ignore your needs." He cried into his neck.

He looked up to see Sunil and Pete.

"This is what you both caused, He's dead, take him, he's your son now... The Austin I knew was always alive and happy before you came in Pete, take him!" Calvin cried, dropping Austin over Pete's arms as he walked out of the room.

His phone rings and He pick up discovering that it was the housekeeper.

"He heard the sad news, my condolences for the deceased, a car is parked outside for you, the driver will take you to a new house I bought for you, it has everything you need to get back on your feet." He spoke to him and Calvin couldn't say much to him.

"Can you come over there too? He need someone to talk to, nothing feels okay for me right now, I wish things were different but they had to be so backstabbing and wicked." Calvin said to him.

"Young master Calvin, sometimes things are not always in our favour or how we wished they could be, you need to heal over it, they are something's that even money cannot heal." He says to him.

"I will be on his way there so we can see and talk more about it so you can feel even better at least." He replies to him.

"Thank you housekeeper." He said to him as he cut the call.

As soon as Calvin reached outside, he could understand how much he had been betrayed to the core as nothing seemed to be making sense anymore.

So Sunil's child was never his?

She lied to him for all these years when the father was Pete all these while.

How could she be this wicked?

So this was the reason why she was disrespectful to him, and acted how she wanted and gave Pete rights to have talks in their family matters.

She did all that because she loved him at that time? Or was it because she thought He was rich at that time cause he used to live a quiet spoilt life before he disconnected myself from his father's wealth.

Sad if she loved him all because of money, and too bad she lost it all over again.

He walked down to the car parked below as the guard standing by it signalled for him to get in, He looked at his suite to see his father's company logo over it and that made him trust entering the Benz tinted luxury car.

He was ready to become who He was meant to be, the cold hearted Octillionaire CEO.

"She let Austin die like that." Calvin said to his housekeeper who was a good time keeper.

"We would be taking you to your new home young master." He heard the housekeeper's voice say as the car drives off.

Calvin was lost and almost insane throughout.

How did Pete manage to love a woman so heartless... She never said a word about him being the father till Austin gave up.

Both Pete, Sunil and her entire family are responsible for the death of his son Austin and He will deal with them in the language that they would understand.

Soon he reached a mansion.

Housekeeper took him to his room where he asked him to shower and have a coffee before he took a quick rest before we talked.

Calvin really had so many things on his mind.

Austin especially bothered him a lot.

His memories kept brushing through his eyes as He sat over the bed staring at the window that was just beside the room.

"Daddy, I'm sorry I couldn't make it." He heard a voice say to him as he was breaking down in tears from hearing that.

"Austin?" He said in silence.

"Daddy, be strong for me." Austin says, raising his head to look into his fathers eyes.

"Ah." Calvin gasp in pain.

Those were the words he would tell him when we was still alive and now he is gone.

"But Austin, you shouldn't have left daddy." Calvin said, staring into his adorable eyes.

"Mum doesn't like us, she likes uncle Pete and Money, so I just left daddy, but you're here dad... Daddy be happy." Austin said to Calvin, his father, as Calvin tries to caress his cheeks.

"But you must not be weak! Show all those who have hurt you how powerful you are!" Austin screams at him and a powerful wind blows his face sending him to the bed crying bitterly for his son.

As much as Austin wasn't his... He missed him.