
The power of control

A young man far from home finds himself in a world of heroes and villains, and is granted the power to control all...

DaoOfPusy · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

chapter 14: limitless power, limitless lust

Girls. Gorgeous women. They were everywhere. Never before had I seen something like this.

It was a beautiful Monday morning in the final week of February. The sun shone brightly in the sky, reflecting off the colossal H-shaped structure: U.A High School. A large group of students walked towards the iconic building that watched over Mustafu city. Naturally, my brother and I were within this crowd. It was the day of the infamous U.A. entrance exam, after all, and there was no way we were going to miss it.

As we walked towards the entrance of the building, I noticed something peculiar. It was shocking enough that I had to stand still and look closer, letting Izuku continue on his own. I studied the large group of students slowly pouring into the building and noticed that every one of them was attractive. Every girl I could see had a cute face, voluptuous body, and was simply stunning, and even the more 'inhuman' girls had a certain charm to them that made them very beautiful. The more women I saw, the happier I became with my choice of school.

'I guess it's true,' I thought to myself. 'Only the best come to U.A.'

It was weird. These girls were only around the age of fifteen, just like me, yet their looks far surpassed those of fully grown women from my old world. As I thought about this, still standing in front of the main entrance, I started to feel conflicted. Was it wrong for me to have such thoughts about fifteen-year-old girls, no matter how good they looked? When I died, I was technically underage, but my mental age has progressed far beyond my current peers.

As I thought this, I chuckled, garnering the stares of the people around me. I was about to undertake one of the most difficult entrance exams in the country, one that would decide my future. And here I was, thinking about the morality of lusting after teenage girls. If anyone here could read my thoughts, they might think of me as an insane man. I then realized that I lived in a world where this was possible, so I hurriedly walked towards the entrance.

As I caught up with my brother, I saw a girl wave at him before making her way towards the main building. She was good-looking as well. It seemed everything was truly possible here at U.A. Who would have thought that Izuku Midoriya would talk to a girl and a cute one at that? Though, knowing him, I doubted he did anything besides incoherent mumbling. Still, it was a momentous occasion (at least for him, as I had always been popular with the ladies). So I did what any good brother would do and interrupted his standing around like an idiot and gave him a fistbump before entering the colossal building.

Looking at the building made me excited. It reeked of money, and one could tell at a glance that this academy had a monstrous budget, perhaps that of a small country if you believed the stories. Since this was a school for heroics, it was likely to withstand the power of most quirks.

How exciting. It seemed the restrains would finally be gone, and I could truly let loose.

A.N./// with great power comes great horniness or whatever uncle Ben said.