
The possessive moon

Alex_Moses26 · Action
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7 Chs

who's the assistant coach

The school bell erupt through out the whole building, Noah and Alex were walking down the hall. 

"OK, you are saying everything started changing since the night you got bitten by a weird look creature? ", Noah ask. 

"It was a wolf, the size of a bear or even bigger with crimson red glowing eyes ", Alex corrected. 

"Did you hear yourself?, there's no way a wolf will be as big as a bear ", Noah gave Alex a weird look. 

"I know what I saw Noah, it was a fucking wolf and I know that's what it was cuz I was the one it attacked ", Alex said and Noah knit his eyebrows at Alex. 

"No you didn't, cuz you can't see without your glasses, Jesus Christ, how are you even been able to see me when you aren't wearing it?, now how many fingers am I holding out? ", Noah ask practically trying to figure out the truth about Alex's sight. 

"I told you everything changed ever since then Noah, and you are holding out two fingers, take them off my face ", Alex adjusted his backpack on his shoulder. 

"Wow, lucky guess ", Noah said and Alex shook his head, "so?, how many things changed?, other than you seeing without your glasses ", they continue walking.

"I can zoom into things even at night my vision are better, sometimes I hear things pretty loud, like in super loud, my sense of smell, well my body became a little muscular and thick, hair appeared in my once skinny body and ", Alex stop and turn around, Noah wasn't walking with him anymore, he was standing a few feet behind, "what wrong? ", Alex was pretty confused. 

"Dude you need to stop watching werewolves movies, and also you have to check in on your doctor, cuz I suspect you hit your head on something really hard ", Noah said scrubbing his nose. 

"I know what I'm talking about and ".

"Hi ", a girl smile at Alex as she passed by.

"Dude?, what just happened, what in the hell was that? ", Noah point at the retreating figures of the girl. 

"Some girls have been acting weird since I arrived at school today, it's not like it matter though ", Alex said like it was nothing. 

"Dude all these girls are eyeing you cuz you no longer wear that dumb glasses of yours anymore ", Noah reminded him. 

"And do not forget that dumb glasses was the thing that kept me going ever since I was ten ", Alex said sternly.

"And don't forget it also made you look like a duck, that's why Pamela didn't see you ", Noah said to his friend.

Alex was about to fire back but stop when he felt all the air in his lungs running out of him, his heart then accelerate to overdrive, his breathing was now coming out slowly and shaky, he was statue-steel for a few seconds. 

"Hey, Alex, are you okay? ", Noah ask, Alex remain silent for a while before he slowly looked behind him and saw a boy who seemed two years older than he was, the guy has midnight black hair and grey eyes, he was wearing a white hoodie, a blue jean jacket and dark grey jeans, he was also wearing a fancy boot. 

The guy was standing in front of a locker while staring at Alex, Alex was staring back but not as bold as the guy, Alex was staring at him with fear written all over his facade.


"dude you almost shit your pants and you are telling me it's nothing, c'mon man", Noah grumble.

" relax Noah, I told you I was spacing out ", Alex said, he was hiding it from Noah.

" spacing out my ass ", Noah scoffed as they walk into class.

"you are late, both of you", the teacher said to the teens with a frown showing that he isn't happy.

"hey Mr Lee ", Noah crack a smile.

"what's your reasons of coming late?", Mr ask with his hands crossed in front of him.

"we were uhmm", Alex started.

"taking our stuff from our locker", Noah said.

"the hallway was kinda crowded so it took much time to get to our locker".

"and when we were coming we ran into the principal who asked us to help him out with something".

"yeah yeah which he totally forgot to write us a note to you saying he was the one who got us late", the teacher continue giving them a look as he didn't buy their story.

"you just expect me to easily believe you two", Mr Lee point from Noah to Alex.

"but it is the truth", Alex said.

"it's not like we're going to cook up some lie and use the principal in it, right?", Noah ask.

"just get to your sit, next time it's detection for you",Mr Lee said angrily.

"sorry but they won't be a next time", Noah smile and spread out his hands.

"there's always a next time", Mr Lee assured him, they took their sit and Alex was a bit uncomfortable from the look everyone was giving him, Jaxon was among the students watching Alex, but their moti of doing so was different from the others, "Mr Morris".

"yes", Alex look up at the teacher.

"where's your glasses?".

"they are at home , sir", he said slowly.

" I thought I have told you several times to always use your glasses, it for your own good ",Mr Lee point out.

" I know, but my sight are getting better and better so I decided not to use it ", Alex said.

" are you sure? ", Mr Lee ask and Alex nod, the teacher then decide to let it slide and continue the lesson for the day.

soon Alex started hearing faint sounds which started getting loud, the struck of the marker on the board, the sound of gum been chewed, people whispering, footsteps outside the classroom and lots of beating drum.

"hey", Noah shook Alex making him to snap out, "are you okay", Noah ask in a whisper.

"everything is freaking loud it's like they were all in my head", Alex said and Noah frown in confusion.

"do you think it has to do with the bit?", Noah ask.

"absolutely", Alex breathe out, Noah was about to say something but was interrupted.

"Mr Morris and Mr Johnson, what is it that you guys are discussing about that is more important than maths?", Mr Lee ask.


"a lot of things", Noah countered Alex.

"it seems you guys already knows everything about maths, so, I would be pleased if you continue the lesson for me, Mr Morris?", Mr Lee ask and Alex instantly shook his head.

"am good sir".

"Mr Johnson?", Mr Lee called out.

Noah scoffed before getting up, "I'm about to prove to you guys that teaching isn't that hard", he got to the board and started staring at the maths question on the board.

"go on black porch monkey, woo hoo", Ethan cheers.

"dummy", Alex cursed underneath his breath.

"c'mon Noah, what are you waiting for, a permission?", Mr Lee ask.

"there's something wrong right here", Noah said.

"then make it right, that's exactly what I asked you to do, beside it's not like teaching is that hard", Mr Lee said.

" I know, but I just can't place my finger on this one ", Noah said and most of the students laugh.

Alex turn to the side and Pamela was sitting there, her face was calm as she watches the teacher in front of them, a folded paper hit Alex on his head and he almost jump out of his seat, he picked the folded paper and look around the class, his eyes then settled on a giggling white haired girl.

Camille stop her giggling and nod her head to the direction of Pamela, Alex flushed red a little and look away, when he look back at Pamela their eyes meet, after a short seconds of staring at each other the brunette turned her attention back to the board.

Noah said something and create lots of laughter, "idiot".


"you just left me out there, you could have at least give me a hand", Noah complained.

"you were the one who said teaching was easy, and it's not like I should get myself into trouble all the time just because of you Noah.

" oh, great ", Noah nod his head," and what's all this stuff about joining the basketball team, you hate basketball ", Noah reminded him.

" yeah I know, but Pamela love it ", Alex said.

" oh, so you're doing this for her? ", Noah ask.

" something is off", Alex said.

" what do you mean? ", Noah question.

" I don't know everything just changed, including the feeling I have for Pamela, when I saw her today I just know I won't be able to stay away from her ", Alex explained.

" must be the bite thing ", Noah suggested.

" I guess so, it sucks ", Alex said and they laugh, they were in the locker room dressing up for training, they were all moving around, Liam was also dressing up while listening to the conversation going on with Alex and Noah," I heard they will be a new coach, who is he? ", Alex ask, Noah was about to answer when the sound of a whistle went off.

" hello guys ", the guy who has been stalking Alex greeted, he was wearing a jacket with the name coach written on the back boldly.