
The possessive moon

Alex_Moses26 · Action
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7 Chs

wolf bite

Anthony walk over to his brother in his room, "what's up Anthony?, not hanging around with your buddies? ", Elijah ask the moment Anthony lean on the door frame. 

"I was about to ask you the same, but never mind, my mind is occupied with something else ", the younger teen said. 

"What's the matter Anthony?, you can tell me ", Elijah got off the bed and walk over to him.

"It's nothing that important though ", Anthony turn to leave but Seth place a hand on his shoulder stopping him. 

"It's about Noah, isn't it? ", Elijah ask and Anthony sigh, "I thought this conversation wasn't supposed to come up again? ".

"Yeah I know but it just that, he needs to know, he has the right to know and he has to be among ", Anthony said. 

"I never said he didn't have the right to know, Ashley don't want him in yet, and we can't go against her ", Elijah said to his little brother. 

"You know we won't be there all the time to protect him, another pack of werewolves are now in Los Angeles with us, we don't know what they are capable of ".

"And we aren't the one to decide for him, our duty is to protect him and every other humans in Los Angeles ", Elijah said cutting Anthony off. 

Anthony was now quietly staring at Elijah, "if he was still here, you know he would have decided something better for Noah".

"Yeah ", Elijah nod, "he would have ", he said with a small smile, Anthony then return the smile, a crashing sound was heard outside followed by an ear piercing alarm, the students in the back was heard running to the front, Anthony bolt out of the room and Elijah followed. 

they got to the front of the building were students were now crowded, "my car, my fucking car ", Ethan plant his hands on his head, his car was in a pretty bad shape, someone has rode it into a street light and the bumper was now scrap.

"I kinda feel sorry for him ", Alex said. 

"Me too, but what is done has already been done, we can't change it ", Camille said. 

"So what now? ", Alex ask and Camille frown.

"What now?, we moved on like nothing ever happened ", Camille said spreading out her arms, "it was nice working with you Morris ".

"Same Jones", Alex nod with a smile. 

"Now go take care of your clumsy friend ", she said walking away to meet Pamela, Alex looked at Noah who was now sitting against the wall of the building. 


"Hey, Elijah, Anthony", Alex said heavily as he drag Noah over to them. 

"What happened? ", Elijah ask in concern as they rush over to Alex and took James off of him making him to breathe properly again. 

"Nothing bad happened, he just wasted himself, I ask him not to drink anything but he wouldn't listen ", Alex explained. 

"You just won't sizes to surprise us Noah", Anthony shook his head at Noah who was mumbling some random stuff. 

"We'll take care of him ", Elijah assured. 

"Yeah I know ", Alex nodded. 

"Wanna come inside? ", Anthony ask the nerdy boy. 

"Nah, I will be outside ", Alex said, Elijah and Anthony then towed Noah into the house, Alex sigh and walk over to lean on someone's car, he remains there for a while before he heard a rustle in the woods opposite the Martinez house, another rustle was heard and Alex looked around to make sure he was alone so no one will spot him walking into the woods.

He walked quickly to the small amount of trees, after taking in a huge breath and trying to act brave, he walk into the woods, he was looking around for the sign of what ever makes the sound, he tripped over a root that shoot out of the ground, Alex stumbled forward not being able to regain himself as he smash his head into the nearby tree and falls to the side. 

"Ouch my head ", Alex cried out, he pulled out his cell phone and flicked the light on, he touched his head and point the touch on his hand in any sign of blood but there was non, "dammit ".

He placed his hand on the tree and got up, he felt something on the tree and aim the touch light on his cell phone at the tree. 

"Holy hell ", there was marks on the tree, Alex brought his hand down to the bank of the tree and dragged his fingers along the marks, "are thoes claw marks? ", Alex wondered, "ahhhh, get off of me ", Alex fall to the ground when a squirrel jump on him.

He was now panting heavily, his heart was racing really fast and hard, he swallowed on his spit as he pulled himself off the ground and tuck his phone into his pocket. 

He was about to head back to the party but a slight growl stop him from taking another step, what ever it was it was staring at Alex with some sort of reddish vision, Alex who was now struck with fear slowly turn around, right in front of him was a very huge black wolf with gold eyes. 

"Ahhhh ", Alex screamed in horror as he dash off, the wolf leap after him and within seconds it had Alex trapped on the ground, "help me, somebody help ", Alex cried but no one came for his rescue, the wolf sink it sharp muscular fangs into Alex's shoulder without any warning, "ahhhh ", Alex screamed in pain.

Another huge black wolf came from nowhere and crashed into the one attacking Alex, two others then emerges from the woods and surrounded the first one, one of the new comer had brown fur and the other was mixed with brown and grey fur, all three new wolves has gold eyes that was glowing. 

the one that bit Alex who was probably the biggest growled at the others before attacking them. 

Alex wanted to run back to the party but to do that he would have to first race past the aggressive wolves fighting furiously in front of him so he turned to the other direction and ran off not looking back, his right hand was holding onto his left shoulder as he ran. 


Alex barged into his house and shut the front door, he leans on it and was panting heavily, an howl was heard outside so Alex pushed himself off the door and stumbled over to the stairs, he got to his room and went into his bathroom.

He took off his sleeve and gaze at the mirror but his vision was blurry since his glasses wasn't on, his breathing increased and he collapsed on the bathroom floor.


Ivy, Liam and Jaxon were running through the woods in a inhuman speed, the trees and leaves was a blur as the run, they got to a clearing and stopped when they saw a lady standing there, she was wearing a brown coat and a jean shorts, she has long midnight black hair and grey eyes. 

"I thought I asked you guys not to attack Nathan? ", she ask in a quiet but dangerous voice. 

"He was gonna create a pack, that's why we attack, we were only trying to stop that from happening ", Liam said in a tone that says he was apologizing, all three of them wore pants and Ivy was the only one wearing a sports bra, Liam and Jaxon were shirtless revealing their tone bodies and has lot of claw marks on. 

"Did he succeed? ", she ask. 

"I guess so ", Jaxon said. 

"You guessed? ", she frown at them. 

"well we tried to step in Luna, but before we could ", Ivy said not completing her words, "but ".

"But what Ivy? ", Luna glared dangerously a her.

"The boy he bit, he's a nerd, I don't think his body will be able to handle the bite ", Ivy informed. 

"Do not underestimate him cuz he's a nerd, remembered what you and Liam were before I bite you? ", Luna snarled at her making all three of them to shiver, Luna sigh and look away, "I didn't mean to be rude to you guys but it's just ", Luna didn't say more than that. 

"There might be chance that we can still kill the boy ", Jaxon said, he's in our history class ".

"There's a possibility that we may not be able to kill him at school, but there are lots of places he may be ", Liam add. 

"You can't just kill him ", Luna chuckles, "Nathan will always be around him, you should have known that ".

"Yes we do, that's why we have you right? ", Liam ask. 

Luna was quiet for awhile before looking up and a smile slipped into her face, "you can count on me ", she smiled warmly at them, the three betas look up and saw the moon that was growing slowing in the sky.