
The possessive moon

Alex_Moses26 · Action
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7 Chs


Alex froze again from seeing the guy, there was something about him that seemed to scare the teen whenever he senses or see the guy, Liam ball his fist as he glared the guy up.

"I'm Nathan Black by name", the guy introduced himself, before he could continue with the introduction the door open up and a man in his mid thirties with brown hair walk in.

"Sorry for my lateness Mr Black, I had to attend to them you know", he apologized.

"It's alright coach Fraser", Nathan smile.

"okay people, this is Nathan Black, a very skilled basketball player, he will be joining me on coaching you guys from now on, he has an intelligence and knowledge when it comes to basketball, so, make him feel welcome ", coach Fraser said and the team nod," I leave the rest on you, I have to see the principal".

"thank you sir ", Nathan said as the coach left," who's the captain of the team? ", Nathan ask.

" That would be me ", Ethan step out.

"I want the details of every players before school ends ", Nathan said.

" Roger that ", Ethan replied.

" To know what you guys are good at and what you aren't we will have to head out to the court ", Nathan informed them.

" Hey, excuse me assistant coach ", Noah called out to Noah," if you don't mind me asking how old you are cuz you are like eighteen ", Noah said," I'm just curious ", he added.

" I will be twenty soon, and if that answer's your question, let go ", Nathan said.


At the basketball court a few students were on the bench watching the players whose about to train," this new assistant coach look really young and super hot ", Pamela said to Camille.

" Seriously?, Mela?, I thought you were into Ethan? ", Camille ask.

" Just because I said the coach look hot doesn't mean I'm interested in him okay ", Pamela admit.

"why are you so into Ethan, that guy is a trash, he's an asshole who can't keep his dick in his pants ", Camille hiss.

" He might change, nobody knows ", Pamela said.

" No he won't mela, stop deceiving yourself and look for a better guy ", Camille said.

" Better guys like who? ", Pamela squeak an eyebrow at her friend.

" I dunno, maybe uhmmm ", Camille started looking around the basketball players and her eyes land on Alex who was dressed in a basketball kit," maybe Alex, he has everything a girl is after, he look gorgeous, he has muscle and abs from what we're seeing right now, and he's super smart and intelligent ", Camille explained.

" Super smart like in nerdy smart? ", Pamela ask and Camille frown at her," c'mon Cami, I don't even know anything about him, so, no ", Alex was kind of disappointed since he was hearing them from his position, Noah nag his shoulder snapping him back to reality.

Noah nod his head to the front and Alex look over to the coach," I ask if you're new here ", Nathan repeat what he once said which was unheard to Alex.

"Yeah", Alex answer slowly.

"Okay, so we have two new players, Alex Morris and Liam Wood", Nathan said.

"That's it", Anthony who was the co captain respond.

"Okay boys, show me what you got", Nathan said, he divided the team in two, one under Ethan and the other was under Anthony, Alex, Noah and Liam were all in Anthony's team.

" Who's team do you think will win? ", Pamela ask Camille.

" It team Anthony ", Camille informed," what about you? ".

" You know it's team Ethan, cuz he's the best in the whole team ", Pamela said with a small smile.

" LoL, I pick team Anthony cuz Alex is there, and check out that blondie, he's really gorgeous and hot", Camille said while eyeing Liam, Pamela eyed her friend before giggling at her," do you know him? ", She ask Pamela.

" Liam Wood, he's in my chemistry class ", Pamela informed.

" He's so dreamy ", Camille said like a fan girl.

" This humans are already falling under Liam's charm", Ivy chuckles, she and Jaxon were sitting on the upper seat behind Pamela and Camille.

" You can't blame her, it's not her fault that Liam is a charming prince", Jaxon said and Ivy laugh.

" He will only toy with her if he meet with her cuz I know the only one he want to spend his life with is his soulmate ", Ivy said.

" Yeah, our soulmates are our everything ", Jaxon kissed her cheek making her to giggle, "if you don't mind me asking, can we take this Alex out after their practice?".

"Maybe, if Nathan doesn't show up", Jaxon said.

"If he does we will have to overpower him, he won't be able to handle three against one", Ivy said.

"Nathan may be young, but non of us has what it takes to beat him", Jaxon informed her, they were staring at the assistant coach.

The team were running around passing the ball among themselves when coach Fraser showed up.

"How's the kids doing?", He ask Nathan.

"I don't have any kids yet, I'm still".

"I was talking about the team Nathan, God damnit you haven't changed", coach Fraser curse and Nathan frown in confusion.

"I spit them in two to see how well they are", Nathan informed the coach.

" That's a really brilliant", coach Fraser praised.

"I learned everything I know from you", Nathan said, Anthony was able to tackle the ball and passed it to Alex who dodge pass some opponents and passed the ball to Liam.

"Who's that kid?", coach Fraser was stun with his movement.

"He's a new player and his name is Alex Morris", Nathan said to the coach.

"He's good", coach Fraser said, Liam was able to toss the ball into the hook after escaping some of Ethan's men, he received praise and a clap on his back from his team mate.

"That's Liam Wood, and he's new too", Nathan said when he saw the look on coach Fraser's face.

"That guy is good", Pamela said.

"Yeah, and I would say the same thing about Alex and the others", Camille said and Pamela turn her attention to Alex who was bouncing the ball, he tossed the ball across the court to a kid and the kids toss the ball into the air, Ethan run over to take the ball but Alex sailed past him and caught the ball in mid air before dropping it into the hook.

"Yes that's it, I want to see more of that", coach Fraser yell.

"Nice one man", Noah high-five Alex.

"Thanks", Alex smile, Ethan grit his teeth, he wasn't happy, they continue playing and Noah snatch the ball from his opponent, he dash off and leap into the air while tossing the ball into the hook.

"Yeah, don't mess with the Johnson", Noah did a silly dance.

"Nice one, keep it going Noah", Nathan said.

"Ethan seemed frustrated", Camille said while looking at Pamela.

"You can say that", Pamela breath out, once again Anthony stole the ball and passed it over to Alex who made a run for it, he was about to pass the ball when Ethan knock him off the ground, he smile mischievously before passing the ball to his men.

"What do you call that, are you going to lay there on your ass like a granny? ", coach Fraser snapped at Alex, the ball was passed back to Ethan and he toss the ball into the hook.

" Are you okay? ", Noah ask after helping Alex up.

" I will be ", Alex said, Noah knew that he was now angry, Liam pass the ball to Alex and Ethan went after him, just like before he smash his body into Alex, he fell backwards and land on his butt while Alex dodge few players and toss the ball into the hook, everyone was amazed.

"Wow, that kid remind me a lot about you Nathan ", the coach said.

"I can see it too", Nathan nod.

"I didn't know he could do that", Camille said while staring at Alex.

"Don't be surprised Cami, no one knew he could do that", Pamela said to her.

"Hmm, I can tell you are now falling for him", Camille said.

"What?, No freaking way, you must be crazy to think so", she said will getting out of her seat and Camille followed.

"No I'm not", Camille said while giggling, Alex watch as the two went off.


Alex and Noah were dressing up in the locker room when Anthony walk up to them, "hey guys".

"Yo Anthony", Noah smile and Anthony wave at him before turning to Alex.

"I never knew you could play basketball",he was still surprised.

"Yeah I do, I and my brother, every weekend, it was really annoying though, but here I am now playing for the school team", Alex said.

"I guess it totally worth it, you better thank him cuz he did a really great job", Anthony said.

"Are you leaving? ", Noah ask.

"Yeah, Elijah is the one giving me a ride home", he said to Noah.

"What happened to your car?", Alex ask.

"It's in the mechanic shop, it needs some work", Anthony explain.

"Oh, okay, we will see you tomorrow then", Alex said and Anthony gave him a thumb up and head for the door.

"Oh, Alex", Alex and Noah both look up at him, "watch out for Ethan, I think you got him mad".

"He won't do shit", Noah boast.

"I will",Alex said ignoring what Noah just said, Anthony nod and left.