
The Pokemon World by RD. Mohib

rd_mohib_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 3 What? Ashh's plan?

[Prof. Oak's lab. Around 4 O'clock]

(Ashh and his team return after winning the 'Noodle Stall Gym' badge *unofficial. After that they spend their time playing with each other. Once it's Charizard's back, sometimes it's Swellow's legs. Ashh and his Pokemons enjoy riding each other. Aipom also seems to enjoy his new life.)

( As Ashh said, he was going to start the second phaze* of his Pokemons' training. Let's see how it goes.)

[4:30 O'clock]

(After playing with his many Pokemons, Ashh takes 5 Pokeballs with him. Pikachu accompanies Ashh.)

[Somewhere in the Western Rocky hills]

Ashh:- Now we have come around 3Km away from home but I'm sure we'll get back easily. Come out–

Bulbasaur! Totodile! Squirtle!

(What do we have here. It seems Squirtle now stays at Prof. Oak's Lab. Now we are only left with 1or 2 Pokemons until Ashh's team is complete.)

Ashh:- Do you know why I brought you all here?


Ashh:- It's so that you can all evolve!!!

"Pika! Pika?? pika pikachuuu!!"

Ashh:- Ah Calm down Pikachu. I was not talking about you. You have already become stronger than most Raichu.

".. Pika~ Pikachu~"

".... Bulba Bulbasaur?"

(Ah oh! What about Bulbasaur? Do you think Bulbasaur will evolve? He didn't want to evolve before we have seen it, but will he still reject?)

Ashh:- Ya we are good. All of you have already grown as strong as you can. Any further training in this form will only stop your progress.

(Bulbasaur has mature and dignifying character. Thats why he refuses to believe that he can't do something until he tries it. But he also knows that limits become visible the more one trains and who would have trained more than Bulbasaur and Pikachu in the same form?)

Ashh:- The first phaze* of your training is over. We will move on to the second phaze* today itself.

(With a bright face and confident face Pikachu says something.)

" Pikachu!!*

Ashh:- I brought you three here because only you three can evolve at the moment. Aipom needs training and Corphish is fighting constantly with Kingler to master all his attacks....

And she is waiting for Bulbasaur to evolve.

(Oh it seems a Pokemon is waiting for Bulbasaur? Will they be at the same evolution stage if that happens? There are some who can be suspects.)

Ashh:- You didn't want to evolve at that time because you thoughts that you were not strong enough as a Bulbasaur. After that I told you not to evolve because there was much more you could learn. But all of those goals are now accomplished. Thats why Bulbasaur.... You can begin.

(Suddenly Bulbasaur's bulb starts glowing. It was as if he was evolving though there was no stimulus to cause it. Turns out due to training beyond the realm of his form and becoming stronger than most Ivysaurs, Bulbasaur's bulb had so much energy that he had to always forcibly stop his evolution. Just removing the constraints was enough for him to evolve.)

* Shooooo~~! *


Ashh:- Woah you evolved Bulbasaur! See you evolved! So big maybe I should call you big Bulbasaur.

"pika? pikapi! Pikachu~!"

Ashh:- Huh? You want me to call him Ivysaur? But Bulbasaur suits him much better.

"...Ivy! Saur~"


"Ivy? vesaur?!?"

(Oh no! It looks like Ivysaur can't say his name anymore though his name is Ivysaur now.)

Ashh:- See Bulbasaur also wants to be called Bulbasaur. But you shouldn't try that Bulbasaur.

"Ivy~ ⁰–⁰"

Ashh:- Don't be sad you can still say it.We can ask for Meowth's help. Maybe he will teach you how to speak say 'Bulbasaur' if we give him a present.


(It seems Bulbasaur, I mean Ivysaur doesn't care that Meowth is an enemy. Such is the desire to say his name."

Ashh:- Since Bulbasaur can still say 'saur', should I name you Saur?


(Pikachu is not the only one to deny, the others are also against this Idea.)

Ashh:- Then I should call you Bulb since that flower on your body won't disappear.


(Again a no!)

Ashh:- I have decided!

(☉。☉)! (Everyone is looking at Ashh.)

Ashh:- We will go with Ivysaur!!

(눈‸눈) —( Pikachu and the other Two).

(╥﹏╥)—( Ivysaur)

(Now Ashh with a straight face says.)

Ashh:- I have decided. Let's do our best Ivysaur.


(Ashh didn't change his expression.)

Ashh:- You have to say it a bit louder and with excitement.


(Ashh's expression changes and he smiles.)

Ashh:- That's more like my Pokemon.

Who is next?

(Ashh asked with alot of hope..... but the reply didn't come.)

Ashh:- Don't worry guys. I know you can't evolve just like that. Thats why I have brought the perfect Pokemon to help you.

"Squirtle? ghagah! "

Ash:- Come out Snorlax!

(Ashh has brought Snorlax to fight Totodile and Squirtle so that they can evolve more easily. But will this work? Snorlax might have grown stronger than both of them in this period of time but 2 v/s 1 isn't very helpful for these ones.)

Ashh:- Squirtle, Totodile, go and stand 20m away.

Now you just have to use Hydropump and block Snorlax's Hyperbeam attack.

"....Squirtle! Squirtle!"

" Ghagah! Gah!"

(Totodile and Squirtle agree to this but will they be okay. Snorlax has just woken up and is full of energy. Let's hope they evolve quickly.)

Ashh:- And Squirtle use Hydropump in the second form in which water comes out of only neck-hole.

Snorlax use Hyperbeam on those two.

(Snorlax seems to be in good mood after that long sleep. His attack was certainly without much constraint. As expected, he also believes in his team's capabilities.)

(The first two rounds end well. But in the third round Squirtle and Totodile had to use Skull bash and Head-butt respectively against Snorlax's Takedown. Snorlax won this round.)

( Ashh says to himself ..."Now is the chance." and commands the little ones to anyhow survive three consecutive Rock smash. Thats a dangerous one as Snorlax can even destroy a house that way.)

Ashh:- Listen carefully, if you can't push back Snorlax in one go, Snorlax will win. So it's better to not pass out while taking his attack than to attack him head on.

(What is Ashh thinking, let's find out by reading his thoughts:

Ashh:- Squirtle's attacks are already super strong and that is not much related to his evolution. What Squirtle should have cared about by nature was defence, which will be his stimulus for evolution. As for totodile, he is by nature playful and quick. But the thing that causes him to become a little careful is the want to not get defeated. If he dislikes getting defeated, he'll opt for a stronger and faster body.)

(Totodile and Squirtle use Hydropump to protect themselves against the suppression. But the suppression is very unique as it appears just a few feet above them. Two attacks were as much as they could hold with Hydropump. Squirtle decides to rely on his shield and uses Withdraw.* Totodile accepts fate and decides to attack and win or stay and loose.)

(We have seen what these two are going to do but what are Ashh's thoughts?.....

Ashh:- Although those two want different things now but their goal is the same, winning this round. Why might be a question. Answer is they will take different routes to accomplish their tasks.)

(Well that was Ashh's thoughts on this. He gave his Pokemons the same task knowing that they can't do it the same way so teamwork wasn't what he wanted. Ashh's goal was letting them win this round individually in their own way.)

Ashh:- Get ready for the last round, Snorlax win this round and I guarantee one apple tree for you.

(The last attack of the seemingly last round begins. Squirtle stays where he is and resists the pressure with all he has got. It's was good enough to damage him seriously but he believed in his strength and continued to invest more strength in defence. Totodile decided to launch a Head-butt which seems to be impossible as he got trapped in the suppression. But he had come so close to the exit that falling wasn't an option.)

Ashh:- Hey Squirtle and Totodile do something! You are not focusing on what you are doing. Totodile! Don't just stand there move your feet. You can't just smash things by head, try to increase your speed.

And Squirtle! Remember how amazing Protect is? It is one Attack that can most easily block Rock Smash. Don't think about evolution, do the things you always did.

(After the few words of advice Squirtle and Totodile performed better. They did what Ashh asked them to do. But there is one confusion, how can the effect of Rock Smash be maintained for so many seconds?)

Ashh:- Ahhh~.....

(What is happening? Their bodies are glowing. We know this is evolution. Squirtle evolves into Wartortle and Totodile evolves into Croconaw.)

Ashh:- Good job guys. Now show me a new move!

"Pikapi! Pika~"


(After their evolution, Croconaw scapes the suppression and attacks Snorlax with a Skull bash. Wartortle uses Protect and shows us his grown purple body. A sudden attack like that, Snorlax gets hit by Skull bash and is pushed back by Croconaw. Wartortle uses Aqua Tail after protect and gets rid of the suppression.)

Ashh:- Oh wow!! You did it! And both of you already used new moves as well. I am so proud of you two.

"Wartortle Wartortle!"





(Ashh's mission was complete. With this they could begin their second phaze* of training. Ashh's long companions Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Totodile and Cyndaquil have evolved into Ivysaur, Wartortle, Croconaw and Quilava respectively. Their evolution was amazing and long awaited. We also found out why Ashh hadn't evolved these Pokemons even though his Pokemons evolve in just a few months. It seems this was a preparation for the long run. Ashh sacrificed his wins so that his Pokemons would become the best eventually. It seems the few people in the start of his journey who thought Ashh is a fool were wrong. But the question 'Why Ashh didn't do it the straight way' still remains. But hint is given in-' Ashh always looked after his Pokemons. Even when far away, he gave them encouragement and derived training methods. Ashh's Pokemons didn't slack off specially during this year.')

[|] Answer last Quiz [|]

Now that you have seen who evolved, the correct answer is Bayleef. Maybe Bayleef was the one waiting for Bulbasaur...

[|] Quiz [|]

'How did Snorlax maintain the effect of the last Rock Smash for a longer duration?

a) He just mastered the move.

b) The move's effect isn't that. It was his other move.

c) The move wasn't Rock Smash but another Pokemon's attack.

d) Everything happened very fast and the move was normal Rock Smash of Ashh's Snorlax


Though some might think Bulbasaur doesn't want to evolve, but I don't think so. Bulbasaur can pretty much defeat all the opponents that are in their second evolution but not every Pokemon who have fully evolved. Take Charizard and Sceptile for example. You'll also see something amazing about Pikachu as you might remember from the anime. I'll tell you the story how Pikachu learns a few new attacks. A proper explanation and theory is always there to back the story so enjoy the Pokemon World.

rd_mohib_creators' thoughts