
The Pokemon World by RD. Mohib

rd_mohib_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 2 That's our dangerous cuties!

(After Ashh came running from Prof. Oak's lab, he grabs Cyndaquil and hugs him hard. Seeing how happy Ashh is, Cyndaquil also bursts with joy and of course fire. After this firey🔥 hug they want to have a battle. But who'll fight Ashh when currently there is no trainer in the lab? let's find out.)

Ashh:- who do you want to fight Cyndaquil? you can even choose more than one Pokemon.

(Though Cyndaquil is eager to show Ashh his grown strength, he wants to fight a different Pokemon. Cyndaquil expresses his request.)

Ashh:- You don't want to fight them? Maybe because you have already fought them many times. Then how about asking for Tracey's help?

"...pika! pika pi!"

Ashh:- What are you saying Pikachu?

".. pipika! pikachu!"

(Pikachu tries to tell Ashh that Cyndaquil has fought Tracey's Pokemons many times that's why he wants to choose another opponent.)

Ashh:- Who can we ask for help? Should we go to Mr. Mime?


(What was that sound? Oh it's Bulbasaur's Vines.)

Ashh:- What is it Bulbasaur?

(As expected of Bulbasaur, he immediately finds an opponent for Cyndaquil. Bulbasaur draws an old man's face who lives a kilo meter away from Ashh's town.)

Ashh:- That's Grandpa noodles right? How do you know him? Did you go there for noodles?

"..Bulba Bulba Bulbasaur!" (With this he describes that the old man's Pokemon once challenged it. After that whenever Bulbasaur met the old man, he always spent some time with him.)

Ashh:- Then let's go !!


(A loud shout came from all the Pokemons present there. Will Ashh bring so many Pokemons to that place? Let's hope we get to see some more adventures today.)

Ashh:- You all want to go? Ok then Cyndaquil,Totodile and Primeape. Return!

(Since Pokemon Trainers are not allowed to carry more than 6 Pokeballs with Pokemons, Ashh brings only six Pokeballs with him.)

Ashh:- Charizard will you let me ride your back?

"..Khaa!" (He smiles and gives a positive response)

" MOAAA!!!"

(Who was that you might wonder, it's non other than Ashh's one of the so many Tauros, you can't even tell the difference between them as all of them are almost identical in shape and strength. Though the leader whom Ashh chose during Orange Island has grown a bit stronger.)

Ashh:- Do you want me to ride you?

"..pi– pika? piiii !?

Ashh:- You can't recognise him? Well ofcourse since he is one of the friends of Tauros that you are close to. But you should get close to him as well since I am going to make it mine completely.

( After hearing this Tauros gets very happy and starts dancing like a horse would.)

Ashh:- ?!!

(Ashh seems to be surprised by something.)

Ashh:- Hey Tauros, did you think I won't train you? If so what was I doing for the past 4 years?

(Ashh sits on the ground as if he is apologizing.)

Ashh:- I am very Sorry for not training you all personally every now and then. I could only train you when I came back from my journeys. Sorry!


(Tauros gets very confused and tries to ask Ashh what happened. It tells him to not get so sad. Afterall it was also connected with Ashh by the bond of Pokeball as his Pokemon though not as much as others.)

(The other Pokemons also try to make Ashh more positive and smile. But he was still down and thinking that he is guilty.)

Prof. Oak:- What happened Ashh? You look sad.

Ashh:- That's because I didn't train all the Tauros properly. Even the Tauros I cought with red Pokeball mostly spent his time training the other Tauros and leading them.

Prof. Oak:- If you say that it sounds like you caught all the Tauros with normal Pokeballs. The Green Pokeballs are used to catch Pokemons who can be used in farms, fields and such places. 'They are not very loyal to the trainer and only do minor and simple tasks that are too easy for them. When need arrives they go in the Pokeballs. The trainer can't control the Pokemon that's why they are not allowed to take part in official Pokemon battles.' >>>>>>>>>> ' As far as it goes for your leader Tauros, the training method you chose is actually the best. Tauros are Pokemons who live in big groups and the leader always stays the leader due to training more than the others. If your Tauros is leading the other Tauros, he'll make sure to very best. '

Ashh:- Maybe I shouldn't have thought about it that way. Sorry guys I made worry.

"Pika pi~"

""" A looong looud Shhooooouuuuut!!!!""""

(The shout was so loud that the whole town probably heard it.)

Prof. Oak:- Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!.....

It's been a few days since they shouted like this. It was on the day you came right?

Ashh:- Yes, and some of them were extra happy since I promised them I'll begin the next 'phaze'* of their training.

Prof. Oak:- I hope to see it's results soon.

(Now Cyndaquil is getting restless inside the Pokeball. He wants to quickly fight the Old man's Pokemon.)

Ashh:- Ah Sorry Cyndaquil! we will go immediately. Bye Professor!

Prof. Oak:- Bye Ashh! Be safe! ?!??

(Ash on Tauros' back and the rest on their feet leave the lab.)


Prof. Oak :- !! Waiiiit! Ashhhh!!!!! How can you just take all of your Pokemons with you? Thats more than 20 Pokemons!!

AH~ What do I do about my recharge on his flying type Pokemons? It seems he also has 6 of his Pokeballs.

(We move forward leaving Prof. Oak with his work and find out how beautiful young Trainer Ashh's Town is.)

( No one can explain how Intriguing this place is. It has many colors side by side making it a masterpiece. The river that flows Three Km to its East, the plateau like land to its North, rocky hills on its West and A vast forest protects it's back that shelters many amazing Pokemons who often enter the town for fun.)

(Ashh and his big team is going to the west rocky hills to meet Grandpa noodles. In the next scene we will se an interesting fight between a Cook Pokemon and an oven Pokemon, Cyndaquil.)

Ashh:- Thats Grandpa noodles' house and shop. Let's go. Cyndaquil you want to challenge Grandpa noodles' Pokemon right? Then let's do it.


(That was a sound battle challenge. It almost sounded like a declaration of war. But will the old man accept Ashh's challenge, we'll see in this chapter soon enough.)


Grandpa noodles:- Ah Ashh?!! I didn't get the chance to meet you ever since the day you came. come inside. Come inside.

Ashh:- No I can't come inside!

Grandpa noodles:- Why? The house isn't so dirty.

Ashh:- No it's because your 'Noodle Stall Gym' isn't big enough for the fight.

Grandpa noodles:- What do you mean? !!Ah! How come so many Pokemons come out of the Forest all the way here?

Ashh:- No no. They are my Pokemons. You see, we came here to challenge you for a battle. I can't wait to fight your Pokemon. So they tagged along to see it. Actually my Cyndaquil is very excited about this battle so please accept my challenge.

Grandpa noodles:- I am more than 87 years old now and still no one ever challenged me like this. I am so happy.

(With a more bold voice he says)

Challenger Ashh Ketchum, since you said it is a 'Noodle Stall Gym', how can I let a challenger go without a fight. I accept your Challenge. As a proof of your victory, I will give you this 100 years old badge made by with a metal button.

Ashh:- Woahh!! I don't think I have ever received a badge that has never been won for hundred years. I will make sure to win this.


(The old man who is pretending to be gym leader and Ashh move hundred metres away from the house.)

Grandpa noodles:- Go Granbull!

Ahh~ I wanted to say this for so long.

Ashh:- Oh a Granbull! Go Cyndaquil!

(Cyndaquil is very happy after entering the battlefield. Oh but Granbull's scary face still scares it.

"....Pika!!!" (Pikachu became the referee.)

Grandpa noodles:- Roar attack.

( Granbull's Roar had a real effect. What will Ashh do?)

Ashh:- Cyndaquil flame wheel attack. Just focus on hitting it's belly.

(Cyndaquil fastly approaches)

Grandpa noodles:- Granbull, use dig!

(Granbull uses dig and Cyndaquil hits the spot just after Granbull disappears in the ground.)

Ashh:- Woah~ Cyndaquil! look what you did. Thats the biggest crater you have made.

(After seeing this, Cyndaquil's confidence again gets recharged. It seems Ashh's strategy worked.)

Grandpa noodles:- So Ashh was trying to bring up this little guy's morale. Not bad challenger. Not bad!

Granbull use hyper beam.

Ashh:- Cyndaquil Flame Wheel!! Dodge the attack. Go farther away from there.

(From inside the ground Granbull fires hyper beam. The ground is not completely destroyed but a large area is. Cyndaquil evaded the impact by skin of his teeth.)

Ashh:- Cyndaquil now you really have to burn your fire. Get ready for a Flame thrower.

(With flame on his back, Cyndaquil attacks with a furious and super strong Flame thrower.)

Grandpa noodles:- Fire won't hurt us. Granbull use Fairy wind.*

(A strong fairy gust against a strong Flame thrower. The outcome wasn't clear for a long time. They fought using the same move for 3 minutes before Cyndaquil started reaching its stamina limit.)

Ashh:- Now smoke screen!

(The battlefield got covered in smoke. Cyndaquil's movements were not clear.)

Grandpa noodles:Hehe! Challenger your little Pokemon can't fight on an uneven land, can he?

Granbull, Rock Smash.*

(The rock smash causes the land 4m away to get smashed. But Ashh is not surprised or troubled by this.)

Ashh:- Now Cyndaquil. Amber!

(The attack hits on target. The many small bullets of fire hit Granbull's body like raining stones.)

Grandpa noodles:- That's some damage but, use Protect!

(The protective cover was talking damage but Granbull was safe until...)

Ashh:- Now Cyndaquil!! Show your power!!!

Grandpa noodles:- !!!!!

(Cyndaquil suddenly uses Double edge to damage Granbull. The old man thought the attacks were coming from a far but actually Cyndaquil was launching them in air then at target, meaning attack took time to hit. Before the last attack hits Granbull, Cyndaquil used Double edge attack.)

Grandpa noodles:- I didn't expect that to happen. Granbull, use Brick Break!

Ashh:- Swift attack!

(Granbull couldn't advance due to Swift attack.)

Grandpa noodles:- The smoke screen is over. Granbull use Hyper beam!

Ashh:- Dig!

Grandpa noodles:- That won't save you, destroy that area.

(Area destroyed! Cyndaquil lost? No...)

Ashh:- You lost!

(Cyndaquil uses Flame thrower at full strength from below Granbull. Granbull takes a huge blow.)

Grandpa noodles:- Nooo!!

Ashh:- No finish it with flame Wheel!

(The Flame thrower caused Granbull to end up in air with several weak points, biggest movement. The Flame Wheel hits Granbull on already broken battlefield won by Cyndaquil and Ashh.)

REFEREE:- Pika, pika pi. Pika Chu!

(Pikachu in its Pika langauge declares Ashh as the winner.)

[The Fight Is Over]|[Outside The Battlefield]

"....Thank you young man! I relieved my fighting life."

(These words of relief come from the Old man. He used to be a normal Pokemon Trainer too.)

Grandpa noodles:- It's been a while since I enjoyed doing something this much. I had lost the perfect taste of my food but maybe I know how to regain it.

Ashh:- No I should thank you. I don't think Cyndaquil has enjoyed this much in any battle. He might even evolve from excitement.

"Pika pi!"

( Ashh turns and notices that Cyndaquil is evolving. There it goes, now a Quilava!)

Ashh:- Wow~!! Let me check.

(Ashh as per his habit, checks his Pokedex for info on his evolved Pokemon.)

Pokedex:- Quilava, the evolved form of Cyndaquil. This Pokemon has a tendency to pick a fight with bigger and fully evolved dangerous Pokemons. But you won't find a hint of proud and haughtiness.

Quilava occasionally fights Typhlosion or other such Pokemon for traing purposes and evaluating itself. It is always eager to evolve.

Ashh:- Oh! Eager to evolve even though it just evolved?.

(That's not it. But anyways, their aim for the fight is a success.)

Grandpa noodles:- Ahem!! Challenger Ashh take your badge.

Ashh:- Thanks Noodles Stall Gym' leader.

Grandpa noodles:- Hahahah! Now the gym thing is over. Come inside I will serve you my healthy but super tasty World-class Noodles.

Ashh:- There is actually no need for that. I just ate alot of Snacks. We still have a lot of training to do.

Grandpa Noodles:- Don't worry, you can eat a little bowl. And besides I have a lot of them today. Let me bring them outside for your Pokemons.

Ashh:- Thank you Grandpa noodles.

(Ashh and his Pokemons enjoy a bowl of noodles which was actually prepared for the old man's acquaintances in the town. Unaware of the fact Ashh and his team ate all of it and the town's people didn't ask.)

[|] Answer last quiz[|]

Squirtle sure is in the lab with Ashh's other Pokemons, but can't say much about Pidgeot.

maybe wait..?

[|] Quiz![|]

Which Pokemon of Ash definitely won't be evolving during this stay of Ashh in his town?

a) Bayleef

b) Bulbasaur


Thank you! Peace!
