
The Pirate Saiyan

Eto Shapan suddenly woke up in the body of Goku. He was excited to be alive in the world of his favourite anime. Things however were not as they seemed. This was a world of Pirates and great adventures on the high seas. This is the world of One Piece. [Disclaimer: I do not claim any sort of ownership to any character or plot or world regarding either the Dragon Ball franchise or the One Piece franchise. Any and all related copyrights belong to their respective owners. This is simply a fan fiction of one of the best and most popular anime franchises on the planet]

thesaiyanprince99 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

15. Commodore Don Krieg


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the calm waters of the East Blue, the Going Merry was a hive of activity. The newly assembled Straw Hat crew gathered on the deck, the excitement palpable in the air. Sanji, the latest addition to their ranks, leaned casually against the railing, a cigarette dangling from his lips. Beside him stood Zoro, arms crossed, his usual stern expression softened by a hint of curiosity. Nami, ever the navigator, spread out her maps on a wooden barrel, her eyes flicking over potential routes. Usopp, with his ever-present enthusiasm, sat cross-legged, fiddling with a new gadget. Johnny and Yosaku, the bounty hunters who had accompanied them this far, observed quietly, their eyes scanning the group.

"Alright, now that we have a cook," Nami began, glancing at Sanji with a mix of skepticism and approval, "we need to discuss our next move."

Sanji exhaled a plume of smoke and grinned. "Wherever we go, just make sure there's a decent kitchen."

Zoro rolled his eyes but couldn't hide a small smile. "We're heading for the Grand Line, right? It's not going to be easy."

Nami nodded, her expression serious. "Exactly. We need to be prepared. The Grand Line is known for its unpredictability and danger."

Usopp, ever the storyteller, leaned forward. "I've heard tales of giant sea monsters and treacherous weather. We'll need more than just a good cook."

Johnny and Yosaku exchanged a glance before stepping forward. Johnny, the more talkative of the two, cleared his throat. "We've been thinking about our future too. As bounty hunters, we have our own path to follow."

Yosaku nodded in agreement. "We've enjoyed our time with you, but our job is to catch pirates. We've got a reputation to maintain."

Sanji raised an eyebrow. "Bounty hunters, huh? Never would have guessed."

Johnny pulled out a bundle of wanted posters from his bag, spreading them on the deck. "We've collected these over the years. Some of the most notorious pirates in the East Blue."

The crew gathered around, examining the posters. Usopp's eyes widened at the sight of the infamous faces. "Wow, you guys have quite a collection!"

Nami picked up a poster, her eyes narrowing as she recognized the face. "Arlong..." she whispered, her voice tinged with a mix of hatred and sorrow.

Johnny noticed her reaction. "He's got the highest bounty in the East Blue. Dangerous man."

Nami's demeanor shifted, her usual confidence replaced by a cold, distant expression. She clutched the poster tightly, her knuckles turning white. "I'll take this one," she said quietly, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

The crew exchanged concerned glances but respected her silence. Especially Goku who felt something familiar about her expression. He remembered Nami and Along was the arc he watched but then the fight was already in full swing. He didn't remember much of why the fight began in the first place. Usopp, sensing the tension, tried to lighten the mood. "How about we get some dinner at the Baratie? My treat!"

Johnny and Yosaku nodded eagerly, their eyes lighting up at the prospect of a good meal. "Sounds like a plan," Johnny said, slapping Usopp on the back.

Nami shook her head, her voice distant. "I'll stay here. Got some planning to do."

As the others headed off to the Baratie, Goku lingered behind, a thoughtful expression on his face. Zoro noticed and approached him. "Something on your mind?"

Goku glanced at him, his usual carefree demeanor replaced by a rare seriousness. "It's about Ria. She'll be trouble in the future."

Zoro frowned. "Should we tell the others?"

"Not just yet," Goku replied. "But we need to be prepared. There's a lot at stake."

Zoro nodded, his trust in Goku evident. "What about Sanji? Think he'll be a good fit?"

Goku smiled. "Not just for his strength, but for his personality. Trust me on this one. He might be a bit pervy, but he's got a good heart."

Zoro sighed, scratching his head. "If you say so. What about supplies? We're leaving tomorrow, right?"

Goku nodded. "We'll need to stock up on everything. Food, water, medical supplies. The Grand Line is no joke."


Meanwhile, on the Going Merry, Nami sat alone, her eyes glued to the wanted poster of Arlong. The memories it stirred were painful, but they fueled her determination. She wouldn't rest until he was brought to justice.

Usopp, Johnny, and Yosaku returned from the Baratie, their bellies full and spirits high. They found Nami still engrossed in the posters. "Find anything interesting?" Usopp asked, trying to sound casual.

Nami looked up, her expression softening slightly. "Just... planning our next move."

Johnny and Yosaku exchanged a glance. "We've got plenty more where these came from," Johnny said, spreading out the remaining posters. "Take your pick."


The sun rose over the East Blue, casting a warm glow over the calm waters. High above, Goku hovered, his eyes scanning the horizon. The vastness of the ocean stretched out before him, a reminder of the challenges that lay ahead. He closed his eyes, calling on his instincts and memories of his past life on Earth as Eto Shapan to fuel his determination.

As he opened his eyes, he noticed a small shadow in the distance. It grew larger as it approached, revealing itself to be a massive galleon. The Jolly Roger of the Krieg Pirates flew proudly, its design striking fear into those who recognized it.

Goku quickly flew down to the deck of the Going Merry, his urgency evident. "Everyone, wake up! We've got company!"

The crew stumbled out, their faces groggy except for Nami, who remained below deck. Usopp rubbed his eyes. "What's going on?"

Goku pointed towards the approaching ship. "A massive pirate ship is headed our way. We need to be ready."

As they gathered on the front deck, the galleon loomed closer, its damaged appearance a testament to the battles it had faced. The figurehead, a fearsome beast, added to its menacing presence.

The patrons of the Baratie noticed the ship as well, panic spreading among them. "It's the Krieg Pirates!" someone shouted. "They hourglasses represent the countdown to doom. Beware of their false surrenders!"

One patron, an older man with a weathered face, spoke up. "Pirate Commodore Don Krieg is known for his ruthless tactics. He often raises the white flag, only to attack when his enemies let their guard down."

The crew of the Going Merry prepared themselves, the tension thick in the air. They knew that the road to the Grand Line would be fraught with danger, but they were ready to face it together. As the massive galleon bore down on them, they steeled themselves for the battle ahead, their resolve unwavering.

Panic erupted among the patrons. "It's Don Krieg's ship!" someone screamed. The cooks, tough and battle-hardened from years of defending their floating restaurant, braced themselves for an epic fight.

From the deck of the galleon, a tall, gaunt figure was being helped down the gangplank by a muscular man. The once-feared Pirate Commodore Don Krieg appeared a shadow of his former self, his armor hanging loosely from his weakened body. His first mate, Gin, supported him, the strain evident on his face as he half-carried, half-dragged Krieg towards the restaurant.

As they reached the entrance, Krieg's legs gave out, and he collapsed to the floor, gasping for breath. The cooks, including the burly Patty and Carne, stepped forward, weapons at the ready. Patty's voice boomed, "What the hell are you doing here, Krieg?"

Krieg lifted his head weakly. "Food... please, we need food," he begged shamelessly, his pride long since swallowed by desperation.

Gin, eyes pleading, added, "Our crew... they're starving. We just need some food to survive."

The cooks laughed, a harsh, mocking sound. "The mighty Don Krieg, begging for food?" Carne sneered. "You've got to be kidding."

Sanji watched silently from the shadows, a cigarette dangling from his lips. With a sigh, he lit it and turned to walk away. "Where do you think you're going, Sanji?" Patty demanded.

Sanji paused, his back still turned. "I'm going to get started on the cooking," he replied calmly.

"You can't be serious!" Carne shouted. "You know what he'll do if he regains his strength!"

Sanji's eyes darkened with a distant memory. "I'll never let anyone go hungry if there's food around," he said softly, recalling the time he and Zeff had been stranded without food for months. The other cooks, sensing his determination, raised their weapons at him.

"You're crazy!" Patty yelled. "Krieg will destroy us all if he gets his strength back!"

At that moment, Goku arrived at the scene, his red shirt and blue pants, paired with a straw hat, making him stand out. He walked up to the kneeling Krieg and Gin. "Is this the same guy who lost in the Grand Line?" he asked Gin, his voice curious but unyielding.

Gin nodded. "This is Don Krieg, the Pirate Commodore."

Goku studied Krieg intently, taking in every detail of the weakened pirate. "Are you going to destroy this restaurant if you regain your strength?" he asked bluntly.

Krieg, eyes hollow with hunger, shook his head. "No... I just want some food," he insisted.

Goku contemplated for a moment before standing up and walking to a nearby table. He returned with a plate of food and handed it to Krieg. The pirate took it desperately, muttering thanks before devouring the food with ravenous speed.

Ignoring the shocked and angry mutters from the other cooks, Goku turned to Sanji. "We'll be leaving soon. Are you ready?"

Sanji nodded. "Just need to take care of a few things."

Krieg, having finished his meal, stood up with renewed strength, stretching his body and feeling the power return to his limbs. He smirked, a glint of his old menace in his eyes. "Thank you for the food," he said, his voice dripping with newfound vigor. "Now, get off my new ship."

The air grew thick with tension as everyone realized that the real battle was just beginning.

[A/N: Read 10 chapters ahead available on my patreon right now. patreon.com/saiyanprincenovels