
The pillager

the destroyer of worlds , the evil god of the ninth heaven , demon lord of the underworld he is the pillager, the overall king of doom Okay this is my first time writing a novel so I apologize if this novel isn't intriguing enough for you but I bet you the story line is amazing and I know you would love the future of this book so pls just be patient and there .might be some mistakes at first but pls know that they are typos I hope you enjoy it Pls note that this book has some mythology characters

Infinite_0ne · Action
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46 Chs

Chapter 44 : Intrusion

Waking up Mawson stood up as he stared at Denver he wasn't sure why Denver would kill him but that wasn't the top of his problem right now he needed to feed before he goes out of control, Walking past the two people in front of him Mawson sat down as he stared at the meal that had been placed on the table and none of them looked satisfying enough for him when he suddenly heard Denver's voice calling for the maid

"what are you doing?" he asked staring at him

"you are hungry you should feed" Denver replied

"well that was what I wanted to do when you snapped my neck" Mawson replied

"I only did that because you wanted to pounce on her and with your strength you would have snapped her neck easily" Denver said

"well fine I won't kill her you two can leave now" he said as stared at the maid who stood in front of him

"what "Josie asked as she walked towards him "I am not leaving here you are about to drink from her neck and the way you are acting I don't trust you not to kill her" she replied

"fine then I would drink from your neck maybe then you would trust me to stop" he replied "I said leave!!" Mawson yelled as his eyes turned red making Josie to take a step back as she turned and left the room leaving Mawson alone with the maid letting him bury his fangs into her neck as he kept drinking from her neck, there was one part of him that didn't accept the blood and that was a huge golden core that had bloomed inside of him and this core had shielded Itself from the darkness of Mawson's body the core was located in his thorax and it had formed a large barrier around it so as Mawson drank her blood it never reached the core.

"I hope he doesn't kill her" Josie said as she stated at the screen in front of her which displayed Mawson as he sucked the maids blood

"don't worry he won't he might be wild but he doesn't drink much" Denver replied and as he said it Mawson brought out his fangs from her neck as he stared towards the entrance a fiery look was plastered on his face as blood trickled down his fangs which made Denver wonder what Mawson was worried about as he too stared towards the entrance and soon he understood what troubled him as he got up but it was already to late as the door was blown away making way for the swat team that immediately entered the house aiming their guns at Denver and Josie.

"on your knees on your knees right now" the man screamed as he pushed Denver to his knees aiming the gun at his head

"search the house go "another order came from him as five men headed upstairs and the rest searched the bottom floor.

"your hands behind your backs now" he yelled again

"we are already on our knees" Denver replied he had willingly knelt down since this guys where earths legal officials and he didn't know how to handle them left for him he wanted to rip their heads of but he didn't do that so as to not escalate whatever troubles they were in. As he was still lost in his thoughts he saw two men walk into the dining hall which made him shake his head.

The two men had entered the dinning hall and immediately raised their guns seeing the girl that laid in Mawson's hands and the old trickling down her neck and Mawson fangs which were covered in blood as he released the girl from his grip before getting up from the chair and walked towards them like a predator who had cornered his prey his blood red eyes shone brightly as a wide and freaky smile spread across his face the men wanted to speak but it had seemed like they couldn't as they couldn't open their mouth but as soon as they did open their mouth a loud and terrified yell escaped as Mawson had buried his fangs into ones neck while breaking the others his movements were swift and on point as he killed the two men. Hearing the scream of the men Denver knew that Mawson had killed them and now he was free to kill these men

"check what happened there" the man yelled as five more men headed towards the dining but as they left Denver immediately took action as he grabbed the legs of the man closer to him and dragged him with an awful amount of force and swinging him through the air above his head and bringing him back to the ground as the mans head was smashed on the ground shocking everyone that where there giving Denver enough time to get up and snap the neck of the other one bringing the men out of their daze as they started shooting at Denverbut soon they didn't have any gun as Denver had destroyed all the guns that they held .

Back at the dinning hall the five men that where sent to check what had happened where already dead as Mawson was now absorbing their energy turning each of them to dust which had never happened before making Mawson realize that his energy absorption was already a bit different and was now stronger than ever as he felt a huge amount of energy pulse through his veins. before he got up and headed into the parlour where he saw Denver about to stab his hands into the chest of the last man.

"wait" he briefly spoke as he approached them

"why are you guys here?" Mawson asked looking at him

"we where sent to arrest the occupants of this house" he stated as his hands shook and his body quivered he had just watched most of his friends die and he didn't want to die he wished he had never been on the squad so he wouldn't have come here when he had left on this mission he thought he was just arresting a bunch of thugs who sold illegal weapons but now he wished he didn't even leave his bed

"why and on whose orders" Mawson asked

"we recieved information that there is an illegal sales of dangerous rifles " he cried as he held his hands high above his head

"who was your informant?" he asked

"I don't know only the detective in charge of the case would know "he replied

"who is the detective in charge" Mawson fired

"detective Eugene" he responded

"your precinct?" Mawson immediately asked

"yes" he replied

"you can go "Mawson said as he turned and walked towards the bodies on the ground leaving the man as he stood up and ran out.