
The pillager

the destroyer of worlds , the evil god of the ninth heaven , demon lord of the underworld he is the pillager, the overall king of doom Okay this is my first time writing a novel so I apologize if this novel isn't intriguing enough for you but I bet you the story line is amazing and I know you would love the future of this book so pls just be patient and there .might be some mistakes at first but pls know that they are typos I hope you enjoy it Pls note that this book has some mythology characters

Infinite_0ne · Action
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Chapter 43 : Back Alive

'he did survive ' He thought staring into the darkness

'my plan could be endangered if he becomes to strong I would need to eliminate him once I am free so he wouldn't cause any problems for me in the future' He thought


Denver was up and was looking out of the window when he heard someone approaching at an amazing pace towards the front door, turning, he zoomed out of his room as he reached the door aiming to attack the intruder. Stephen was sleeping upstairs and Josie was at the dinning table their new maid was cooking up a meal and they where not expecting anyone and even if they were expecting someone why was the person approaching them like a missile and besides no one could move that fast. Getting ready to launch a massive blow as the intruder opened the door Denver was shocked at who the intruder was as it was already to late to retract his blow as his hands flew towards Mawson's face, luckily Mawson saw his hand as he swiftly moved aside letting the blow land on door breaking it.

"is this my welcome party or are you just wanting to destroy my property" Mawson asked dropping Iphito to the ground

"I thought you where someone else" Denver replied

"ow so you actually want to kill someone" Mawson asked walking into the parlour "help me bring her body inside" he said looking round the house

"who is she?" Denver asked dragging the woman's body on the ground

"what happened?"Josie yelled pointing to the door

"Denver attacked me and broke the door" Mawson replied

"who is she ow my god is she dead did he kill her" Josie asked walling towards the woman

"she isn't and I suggest you don't touch her tools or her at all" Mawson replied "Denver what can I use to weaken an Amazonian?" he asked

"nothing you can't take away their strength they are the daughters of Aries the god of war " Denver replied

"and I killed him" Mawson replied

"no you didn't kill him" Denver replied

"well I did kill him he was the one who attacked me back at Xintrea the one with the black hair" Mawson retorted

"I am not sure that was him that guy you killed is a youngster Aries is more of an old man so it wouldn't be him and besides if he was the person you killed why didn't his daughters feel a loss of their strength" Denver argued

"whatever if I didn't kill Aries who was that guy then" Mawson asked as he crossed his legs

"maybe another god of war" Denver replied

"just lock her up in one room" Mawson said standing up and walking towards Josie "Denver you might want to come compel her to forget what she just heard" Mawson said pointing towards Josie

"what you can't compel me I already know" Josie retorted

"Denver told you hmm he has a wide mouth" Mawson replied "fine is there anything to eat in this house I am hungry" he added walking into the dinning seeing a maid set the table .

"who are you?" Mawson asked taking a sit

"her name is Arianna she is our help I am looking to hire another cause only she can't handle this whole house" Josie replied sitting next to him

"why is she young?" he asked

"is there an age variation" she asked

"well she is around my age "he replied "don't bother leave it it's fine" he said

"I never said you should get a mansion though" he replied

"well you never said not to "she responded

"well it is still okay "Mawson replied looking at the maid as his eyes found their way to her neck she was placing a plate in front of him and her neck was right in front of him when he started to move closer to it his hands was almost touching her neck when he felt a strong grip around them pulling him back. Denver had just entered the dinning room when he saw Mawson reaching out for the maids neck he knew Mawson was going to drain her so he quickly grabbed his hands and dragged him back holding him firmly but that turned out bad as Mawson pushed him back he was already filled with bloodlust and he was still hungry there was no calming him so Denver snapped his neck killing him as he startled both Josie and Arianna. Turning he looked at Arianna before griping her shoulder as he stared into her eyes

"you came here to serve his meal and then you watched him sleep off right at the dinning table because he didn't enjoy your meal so now you would go back to the kitchen and improve your cooking and next time you serve him you would forget whatever happens and only remember that he doesn't like your food" Denver said as he ended the compulsion letting her go back to the kitchen

"what was that why did you kill him" Josie asked

"he was going to rip her head of her body he was already aiming for her neck" Denver replied

"wow seriously I thought he didn't like her" she said looking at his body

"he would need blood" Denver replied

"you aren't saying that she should come back to be feed on" Josie asked

"that is what I am saying if he had bitten her the way he was going the force he was going to use on her neck was going to snap it and it would have killed her" Denver replied watching as Mawson woke up