
The pillager

the destroyer of worlds , the evil god of the ninth heaven , demon lord of the underworld he is the pillager, the overall king of doom Okay this is my first time writing a novel so I apologize if this novel isn't intriguing enough for you but I bet you the story line is amazing and I know you would love the future of this book so pls just be patient and there .might be some mistakes at first but pls know that they are typos I hope you enjoy it Pls note that this book has some mythology characters

Infinite_0ne · Action
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46 Chs

Chapter 42 : Amazonian Warrior

Two days later

Inside the temple buried in the desert sand Mawson layed there his greenish skin had already returned to its original colour and his body had started to heal as his wounds had closed and his organs had started functioning again he was amazed to see himself alive as he layed there regaining his energy but little did he know that inside his body there was an active energy ball of golden lightning spinning inside him the ball of lightning had sparked after he had died and it had started healing his wounds ever since then and it had just finished healing him when he opened his eyes feeling new as he had a hint of blue in his eyes and he felt a calm and gentle feeling move within him the feeling might have just been new and it seemed gentle but Mawson knew that whatever it was it was a very strong alter ego and this wasn't his first time feeling an alternate self within his body his demon had always been his alter ego when it woke up but this second one felt serene. After a long rest Mawson raised the upper half of his body he had been laying there for days and his body was already stiff. Sitting there Mawson massaged his legs for another minute before he raised them and stood up from the ground he seemed to be okay as he was walking alright so he walked towards the chest looking into it all the poison had left already so he just peered into the chest and at the bottom there was a green skull shaped diamond with a heavy chain holding it in place, dipping his hands into it Mawson used his full strength to break the chain before dragging the skull out as he breathed heavily the chains where like holding fire in your hands it had burnt his hands leaving a red burn scar mark on his palm, looking at it Mawson sighed he was already tired he had been here for so long he felt tired and weak he was hungry and needed a bathe all he wanted to do was to head back home and rest maybe even sleep so he stood and listened on all the noises that where heard on the earth looking for Josie's voice hearing her voice Mawson immediately flew up the opening he had created when he entered had been filled by desert sand so this time he just flew straight out of the temple as he emerged from the sand dusting his clothes as he flew back towards Triton.

He had just only left the temple heading back for Triton when an unexpected force brought him right out of the sky causing him to crash onto the desert sand creating a large crater in the sand. Getting up Mawson found a silver shield beside him it had an eagle carving on it but before he could reach it the shield moved at it flew back into the distance as a lady emerged from the dust holding a staff as she aimed it at Mawson

"you can't leave here with that I wouldn't allow it" she said walking towards him

"so you aren't just in the desert for fun you know all the temples and which treasures they hold" Mawson replied shaking his heads "and to think i almost trusted you" he added

"I don't care about your trust all I care about is that you return that artifact" she replied

"if I don't return it what are you going to do" Mawson asked frowning

"I guess you are going to find out demon" she said throwing her shield at Mawson although the shield seemed heavy it was very fast as it hit Mawson right in the face as it tore his lips making him bleed but before he could recover from the attack she had already landed a few more she was fast and agile when she attacked Mawson he didn't seem to be able to predict her movements as he kept hitting air she used her staff to hit the side of his face throwing him off balance before kicking him directly to the face sending him a few steps back before he could gain his footing she had thrown a round kick that sent him flying to the ground Mawson didn't know why but he couldn't bring his body to fight back or even avoid been hit as he felt stuck and he couldn't do anything about it. Getting up he ran towards her only to be thrown away as she hit both hands together flinging him back and that was when his demon ego got out of control as he got filled with anger and hatred all he wanted to do was to tear her in two as his deadly aura emanated from him and the air was filled with anger and before she could withdraw from her position he had grabbed her throat as he flung her away getting to her body before she fell he punched her breaking her bone but before he could hit her again she hit him.with her shield before sending a kick his way she was surprisingly fast and strong and her main goal was to weaken him before snatching the artifact from him but that soon turned to he biggest mistake as she punched him in the face which made him lose his grip over the skull as it fell and she walked towards it and picked it up but before she could raise herself up she felt a hand touch her as she began to feel immense pain she felt her energy been zapped out of her body as an immense amount of pain followed it she couldn't yell or shout as her mouth wouldn't open she didn't even see who held her as she received a heavy punch that knocked her out making her eyes close as she passed out.

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