
The Phoenix in MHA

A guy who gets to reincarnate in MHA with Phoenix as his quirk. I just wrote this for my own pleasure so if there is any plot holes or something that ticks you off then leave a comment. Also I tried my best with correcting English so don't mind if it's bad.

Evilest_God · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Quirk and Training

The next day, Ao went home with everyone. Everyone was present and they continued with the due birthday celebration. They cut the cake and presented gifts for the twins.

After that incident, Ao had to keep his eyes shut as he couldn't touch anything around him. Plus his OH when he had his eyes open was amplified by 10 times. He as of now could 'see' everything within 10 meters while his eyes were closed so opening his eyes would make that 100 meters.

So he requested an eye band from his mother who after knowing his quirk bought one immediately. In the end his looks matched just like that of Gojo Satoru from JJK.

He was happy since now he knew that he would be handsome as he grows up.

Today he and Shoto were going to have their quirk tested. Enji and Akiho were going to be there as everyone else had to go to work or school.

After 4 hours of testing, the results for the twins came out.

"Endeavor-san, your sons are blessed with powerful quirks." The doctor said with a smile on his face. "Shoto-kun is born with both fire and ice on each side. His quirk will not have any weakness like yours or Mrs. Rei. On the other hand, Ao is born with all the quirks from the past 2 generations. Also it is amplified to a high degree."

Everyone except Ao had their mouths open. This would mean Ao had 4 different quirks and since it was amplified… They could not believe how powerful he would be.

Seeing the shock expression the doctor corrected his words, "Though I said he has all quirks from 2 generations, in reality it is a mutation which became one. He can use flames and become completely intangible, at normal it appears to be warm but he can control his flame's temperature to -100 to +100 degree Celsius when in intangible mode. This also means he can freeze the gasses around him with the right temperature. He can also heal with the use of these normal warm flames. In all, his flames are the one that took these properties so in a sense we can say that he has one quirk that can do many things."

The doctor explained about Ao's quirk. This still amazed them. Enji laughed again but this time Akiho didn't say anything.

"I'll train Ao-chan." Akiho's sudden statement made Enji's laugh go away.

"Why? He is my son and he is going to train in my agency with Shoto and Toya." Enji argued with his mother.

"Ara ara, Enji-chan is going against me? I trained you to become number 1, didn't I. Though because of All Might you couldn't reach it but I'm much better at this than you anyways." Akiho made her stance clear and looked at Enji who couldn't make any more arguments.

"But don't you have to go back to US? You aren't thinking of taking Ao with you are you?" Enji said with doubt and hope. He knew Rei would never let that happen so Ao's training will be done by him.

"No. I'm going to stay in Japan from now on. Plus your father and I are going to retire and settle in Japan after 2 more years so it fits me well." Akiho said and pulled Ao towards her. "You will train with grandma right?"

"Yup. Rather than with my father, it's more fun to practice with my beautiful grandma." Ao said while enjoying her embrace.

"Look at you, all cheeky." Akiho said with a pleased smile.

"What about me grandma?" Shoto asked with puppy eyes.

"Oh, you can come too if you want. But I'm only training your brother to control his quirk properly. I know how the intangible and temperature control of his quirk works so I'm the right person to teach him. As for your Ice and Fire, Kori-san and Enji should be enough." Akiho said with a smile. "Plus after every month we will have a small competition to see which one of you is better. It will be a match where the winner can ask for anything."

After thinking with a cute face, Shoto said, "Ok. When we fight, I'll beat Nii-chan."

"Oh. It will be the other way around, dear brother." Ao said with a smile.

"Is it just me or has your way of talking changed." Enji said.

"You might be thinking too much, dad." Ao said.

"Is that so? But you never called me dad before."

"Well then from now I'll call you dad."

"Do as you wish." Enji said with a light blush.

"Look at you getting shy at that age. It's gross." Akiho teased after noticing Enji's blush.

"Hump" Enji growled and went out of the room.

"So kids, let's go have some ice cream." Ahiko said as she was in a good mood.


"Before we start your training, I would like to fully understand your quirk. The test you had yesterday gave us a general idea of what it can do and what it cannot but if you want to use your quirk, you must first fully understand it." Akiho explained with a serious face.

After deciding that instead of Enji she will be the one to train Ao, she had already planned to make her grandson the strongest hero. Like every kid, Ao also showed great interest to learn about his quirk and become a powerful hero which helped in her cause.

What Akiho didn't know was that Ao knew what his quirk could do and what limit it would reach. After all, he was the one to ask for it.

The only thing he didn't know was what changes or additional powers they would have due to being different from the OP anime world.

He didn't have any knowledge of this world because he wanted to keep things interesting and real, but he knew that this world was something he watched back on earth.

Ao listened to Akiho's explanation while his mind was wandering between useless thoughts.

'How the hell is she so young? Does she have a secret quirk of anti-aging or something?' He was listening and thinking at the same time.

Unknown to Ao, his mind was more capable and faster than anyone else.


After half an hour, the grandmother and grandson were getting ready to explore Ao's quirk.

"Let's start with the easiest one. Let's start with the temperature control of your flames. We have a custom made thermometer. It is used to measure the temperature of your flames. We don't have any tool to measure coldness for now but it should be here by next week." Akiho pointed at the metal in front of her.

Ao knew that his flames could go higher than 100 degrees by 100 times so he gave his best. Ao grabbed the rod that was the head of the thermometer. After giving it all the result was 55 degrees. Being in tangible mode made him half efficient.

Akiho was happy to see this. He was already making progress. This can also mean that like his father, he can increase it at a pace where the farthest he is from his peak, the faster his quirk grows.

In other words, he had much more potential than they initially guessed.

Ahiko was impressed with her grandson but didn't let it show on his face, "Now for the cold. Since we don't have anything to measure accurately, for now just freeze the pond water. Your goal will be to freeze the entire lake."

Since his quirk relied on flames to do so, Akiho wanted to know if there were other things that could trigger it. After a couple of minutes trying, Ao barely could do so in an area of half a meter.

Akiho was still pleased to know this and added to the training course she designed for Ao.

They then tested his healing factor. He could heal rather quickly and small cuts Akiho made were healed in seconds. This was when his body used the flames on its own. Ao could accelerate this healing even faster when controlling it.

The most amazing thing about his quirk came when he removed his blindfold, the power of his quirk was doubled. The 55 degrees became 110 and he healed in a split second. Almost like he was never injured.

The downside was that he couldn't eat, taste or touch anything. He tried concentrating on his flames to be able to do so but only his fingertip was able to touch for like half a second.

He was happy to know that it wasn't an absolute fact that his flames on intangible mode was a passive skill.

Akiho began to train Ao to concentrate on his control over flames after testing everything. They would train for 7 hours straight from morning till noon and then train to break his limits every day.

Akiho was happy to know that Ao was a genius at his controls and he also had the drive to get better. Despite her strict attitude and intense training, even when his hands were buried badly from her quirk, Ao didn't complain.

Shoto and Toya would often join them but soon give up since it was at least 3 times more intense than Enji's training.

Enji wasn't thinking of driving the two boys towards his goal that much so his training lessened by a large margin. He was also afraid that his mother might find out and beat the heck out of him.

The three kids would often spar with and without their quirks. Toya would win the formal one while Ao would win the latter. Shoto was always frustrated to see them win so he would often ask Enji to train him. Which he was happy to do.

Their days were always filled with the same routine - training, sparing and eating.

I don't think I'll follow the temperature template as he grows. Just remember that Phoenix Flames can burn anything like amaterasu and freze anything like Nirvana at higher and lower temperature.

Evilest_Godcreators' thoughts