
The overbearing CEO is in love with me

The overbearing CEO is in love with me

isolatedisland · Urban
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107 Chs

Call me by name

Dongfang Chen looks at Xia Zimo and his eyes are full of smiles. He reaches out and touches her head, just like a little kitten.

He looked at Wang Yang and said, "You'll leave here after I sign."

Wang Yang asked her sexy pointed chin: "OK, I've eaten all the food. Don't you want to stay overnight? I don't have any suggestions, just don't know about you, CEO..."

Dongfang Chen doesn't want to listen to her nonsense. After taking the document, he swipes his pen and writes like a dragon.

"You can go now."

Wang Yangmei happily took the document, "I'm leaving, little girl. Come to Qingcang to find me when you are free, and I'll treat you to dinner."

Xia Zimo's head comes out from Dongfang Chen's armpit and says goodbye to Wang Yang.

"Bye bye," Wang Yang twisted his waist bag and left, blowing a kiss to Xia Zimo.

"Let's go and see."

Dongfang Chen suspects that she is not interested in men, but in women.

"Actually, Miss Wang is really a good person. Hmm..."

Before he finished speaking, his lips were sealed.

Xia Zimo is pressed on the sofa by Dongfang Chen and attacks her.

Xia Zimo did not resist. When she closed her eyes and was ready to accept her fate, Dongfang Chen grabbed her waist again and picked her up.

"Where to?"

Dongfang Chen didn't speak, took her out and walked to the edge of the hyacinth filled flower bed of housekeeper Lan.

On a stone stool, he put her down.

"It's a little cold outside, why do you want to come out?" Xia Zimo is really cold, and the wind is a little strong at night.

Dongfang Chen took her and sat in his arms: "Woman, you forgot that there are fireworks tonight."

Steward Lan is the most dedicated steward in the world. When he saw his young master carrying the beauty out, he immediately went to light fireworks.

"Mr. Dongfang, do you really like me..." Xia Zimo looked up at Dongfang Chen's charming features in the night.

Dongfang Chen didn't answer her immediately, but kissed her first: "Call me by name."

"East... Chen."

"Call it a word."


Xia Zimo blushed and burned after calling, and dared not look at him.

Dongfang Chen holds her soft hand and holds down the hottest part of his chest.

His heart is beating for her.

Xia Zimo doesn't know anything about love anymore, but she also finds that Dongfang Chen's domineering possession of her is sincere. She just doesn't know that there are several parts of this sincerity, whether it is pure interest or temporary novelty.

Maybe she once had the experience of being favored but suddenly lost. Xia Zimo was especially insecure. To tell the truth, she did not believe from her heart that Dongfang Chen, who was so superior, would have a special liking for her.

She actually wants to ask, do you love me?

"Bang", a dazzling light suddenly appeared in the sky, and all around was white.

The gorgeous fireworks are blooming overhead, and Xia Zimo can't help admiring: "How beautiful it is."

In fact, the fireworks were specially prepared by Dongfang Chen called Lan Yin to make up for Xia Zimo's birthday.

If he is willing to say anything, Xia Zimo will not doubt his sincerity.

The fireworks of various figures bloom in turn. Xia Zimo is crazy.

Fireworks are beautiful because they are fleeting.

Love is beautiful because it stays in the past.

The reason why love is beautiful is that it stays in the past, just like this night, a beautiful night, starting tomorrow, it is the past.


She put her head in Dongfang Chen's arms. Can they call it 'love'?

It was a beautiful night.

Before the fireworks were put out, Dongfang Chen took her back to the room.

He almost knocked the door open as he kissed and walked away.

Xia Zimo was so dizzy from being kissed that she collapsed in his arms and could not lift her strength.

The big bed fell, and they fell together.

Dongfang Chen kissed bitterly and hurriedly. It was stormy. It seemed that Xia Zimo would be drowned and suffocated.

She was stripped out like jade porcelain. Dongfang Chen held the blush and bit her without knowing how serious it was.

"Ah..." Xia Zimo cried out painfully.

Dongfang Chen immediately stopped and looked up to see her green and confused face.

Her cheeks were tinged like the last layer of roses in bloom.

A pair of beautiful eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, and looked at him with a slight pleading.

Dongfang Chen's pure desire turned into thousands of pities in an instant. His diamond like eyes slowly fainted, but it was enough to drown people's tenderness.

He began to kiss her gently and delicately, one inch at a time.

Xia Zimo could feel his burning heat and concentration. He looked at her like this, as if she was a peerless treasure. He could only worship her inch by inch for fear of crushing her.

Xia Zimo's reason slowly melted.

Dongfang Chen's impulse began to get out of control. Her skin was as pink as a baby under the lamp, which made him fascinated.

Predicting the coming violence, Xia Zimo subconsciously grasped the corner.

Dongfang Chen's hand fumbled in the cupboard beside the bed.

Summer purple ink faintly smells a fresh smell of fruit.

He was wearing a condom.


Dongfang Chen went straight into the deep place and gasped in her ear: "Woman, don't take the contraceptive pill. It will hurt your body."

He found a box of contraceptives at Xia Zimo's home.

In fact, Xia Zimo has been afraid since she saw that Yuxuan had an induced labor operation. She went to the drugstore to buy a box of medicine. She doesn't want to be like Yuxuan.

Xia Zimo's body is sensitive and smooth. Dongfang Chen has pity on her and quickly loses her sense.

The wind and waves grew stronger and stronger, and seemed to submerge the whole room.

Xia Zimo's finger frame tightly clings to his back, as if to sink into his flesh.

Seeing her expression began to change, Dongfang Chen became more fierce: "Call me by my name..."


"Call again."

"Chen... Ah..."

The wind and waves are endless. Xia Zimo doesn't know whether she has slept or fainted.


At 8:30 the next morning, Xia Zimo, who had a cramp in her waist and legs, was forcibly picked up by Dongfang Chen after eating a sandwich and brought to the company as a salute.

The whole Qingcang Building is empty, obviously.

The president is here to work overtime.

Qingcang has done such a big thing. Dongfang Chen must give an explanation to those shareholders as soon as possible.

Chen Tezhu also came.

The secretary outside was also called yesterday.

The president said that he would pay three times his salary on holidays.

Change to Xia Zimo, and would like to come.

Xia Zimo is in Dongfang Chen's office. Seeing the desk opposite him and the hyacinths on the desk, she is moved.

It was set up for her. Although she hardly used it, Dongfang Chen never withdrew.

The desk is very clean, and there is no dust. Xia Zimo sits there and opens the computer to access the Internet.

The secretary came in with a cup of coffee and saw a flash of surprise in her eyes.

She must be thinking, why is this woman again? She has great ability.

Dongfang Chen looked up and saw that the secretary was carrying coffee. He said, "Change her a cup of hot milk."

She naturally refers to Xia Zimo, who caught her milk in the morning before she could finish it.