
The overbearing CEO is in love with me

The overbearing CEO is in love with me

isolatedisland · Urban
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107 Chs

Qingcang Spokesman

"Little girl, you are so lucky," Wang Yang said.

Xia Zimo felt that Wang Yang was not hated, so she said, "Come on, let's go to eat."

So when Dongfang Chen came down, the two beauties had already sat down.

He looked at Xia Zimo and smiled. He glanced at Wang Yang and frowned slightly, but he didn't say anything.

Sitting on the throne, he reached out and kneaded Xia Zimo's face, saying, "Eat birthday noodles."

Then Dongfang Chen looked at Wang Yang, not as gentle as Xia Zimo, but a little disdainful: "Come on, what's the matter here?"

Wang Yangmei drank the soup happily: "If you eat and talk about things, you will get indigestion."

She then raised her glass and touched Xia Zimo, saying, "Happy birthday, little girl."

Xia Zimo smiled and took a drink with her.

Wang Yang's cup was filled with champagne, while Xia Zimo's cup was filled with red wine, which Bill had brought back from France. Just now, housekeeper Lan poured it for her and said, "Young master has always kept it for Miss Xia, and he would not like to drink it."

When Wang Yang finished drinking the wine in his cup, he saw the red wine in Xia Zimo's cup and said that she would drink it too.

Xia Zimo immediately poured her a cup.

The Chief Executive Officer of Dongfang was not able to react. What happened? His woman even poured wine for others. This woman is too spineless. She said she would pour it for her.

Besides, how can they look like they have a better relationship than him? Dongfang Chen is hurt a little.

Xia Zimo doesn't hate Wang Yang, and even likes her. When she eats, Wang Yang always talks to her, and Xia Zimo always answers her questions.

Dongfang Chen is injured again, and they both ignore him.

Also, doesn't that stupid woman know that Wang Yang is the man who wants to rob her? Doesn't the big president deserve her to be jealous for him.

In fact, Xia Zimo had seen Wang Yang before. No wonder she felt familiar when she first met her. She did not see her on TV, but in real life.

Yuxuan came out of the orphanage, so when she became an adult, she often went to the orphanage to do volunteer work, and Xia Zimo followed her several times.

It was in the orphanage that I saw Wang Yang. She drove a car and pulled a car of Le Xi to the orphanage. She had food, clothes and skirts.

Even high-grade cosmetics were available, and Xuanxuan took two for her own use.

Xia Zimo saw Wang Yang's unusual appearance and asked the dean who he was. The dean didn't call him Wang Yang at that time, but she forgot what he called him.

However, Xia Zimo was impressed by the president's words at that time. The president said, "She is a kind person just like you, and she is a rich kind person. She almost pays for the children in the hospital to go to school."

Xia Zimo now remembers that the donor was Wang Yang.

The dean said she was a kind person with money.

Xia Zimo had a very deep impression at that time.

"Little girl, come to Cheers," Wang Yang again raised his glass and touched her.

Xia Zimo did not refuse to drink with her.

Wang Yang is a good drinker, and she seems to be enjoying herself.

When her wine cup collides with Xia Zimo again, Dongfang Chen reaches out to block it

He has been silent for a long time, ok? Do you treat the CEO as a person.

"Huh?" Xia Zimo looked at him doubtfully.

Dongfang Chen was angry and grabbed her wine glass: "Woman, do you want to get drunk again?"

Wang Yang looked at them and smiled all the time: "The chief executive is angry, little girl, so you'd better not drink."

Xia Zimo is not hungry. He doesn't want to eat a bowl of noodles.

It was Wang Yang who kept eating as if he had never eaten such delicious food before.

Looking at Xia Zimo, she knew that she had not come here twice or once. Dongfang Chen cared about her very much, and even the housekeeper respected her very much.

The little girl is really very lucky.

The layout here no longer reminds Xia Zimo of that terrible night, so she sat on the sofa after dinner and watched TV.

Soon, Wang Yang came too.

"Miss Wang, sit here," Xia Zimo offered a seat beside her.

Wang Yang naturally sat down.

Dongfang Chen came to see that his position had been occupied. He was very unhappy and sat opposite with a foul face.

He said to Wang Yang, "Go ahead and find here. What can I do for you?"

Wang Yang blinked his eyes enchantingly, and Dongfang Chen turned away.

Although others didn't buy her account, Wang Yang smiled and took out a document from her bag.

His voice seemed angry and charming: "Chief Executive, my contract with Qingcang is about to expire, why don't you come to me to renew it?"

Xia Zimo lies on the sofa and presses her mobile phone. Looking at the travel photos sent by Xuanxuan, she hears Dongfang Chen reply: "Sorry, Qingcang is going to change his spokesman."

In fact, Dongfang Chen has no such idea. He is still unhappy that Wang Yang has taken his place.

"Don't be like that, CEO, don't you think that I have made a great contribution to the success of M.E.'s sixth generation mobile phones? Besides, I think no one can match the M.E. brand except me," Ms. Wang said.

For M E endorsement is the dream of many stars, not only because Qingcang has given us that prohibitively high advertising fees.

More because M E is already a symbol of identity and fashion. It is the best in the world, so its spokesman will be the best in the world.

Wang Yang continued to be good at himself: "Don't you think my good appearance, good quality, white and beautiful skin are the best choice for Qingcang?"

"Sorry, I didn't find it for the time being." Dongfang Chen twisted his face and went to read a magazine.

Wang Yang held his breath, just as she wanted to say something.

Xia Zimo said something. She turned and looked at Dongfang Chen: "I think Miss Wang is very good. Her advertisement is very influential. She looks the most beautiful in her long skirt. I don't think she is more suitable to be Qingcang's image spokesman in China."

One thing is that since Dongfang Chen took over Qingcang, all the spokesmen he chose were from the East.

"Ha ha ha, little girl has good taste," Wang Yang laughed.

what? Dongfang Chen puts down the magazine in his hand and looks at Xia Zimo strangely. She bites Miss Wang one at a time. This girl can't be Wang Yang's brain powder, can she.

Sure enough, Xia Zimo continued to say, "Several films made by Miss Wang have sold well at the box office, and one of them has won international awards, which has a wide influence."

Wang Yang was about to burst into laughter.

Xia Zimo sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and opened his bright eyes, seeing Dongfang Chen did not move.

She also sat opposite, put her arms around his arm, leaned her head on him, and said coyly, "Just sign it, OK, OK."

All of this is instinctive, just like when she was a child, she saw a doll and asked her father to buy it for her.

Dongfang Chen became soft when she shook her heart.

In fact, he didn't want to change his spokesman. He has always been very satisfied with the advertisement that Wang Yang shot.