
The overbearing CEO is in love with me

The overbearing CEO is in love with me

isolatedisland · Urban
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107 Chs

What do you say to do?

Xia Zimo drinks milk and secretly looks at Dongfang Chen in the opposite direction.

His earnest work is particularly charming. No wonder there are so many peach blossoms around him.

"What are you looking at, woman?" Feeling her gaze, Dongfang Chen also looked at her.

Xia Zimo thought about how to speak. Yesterday, she first met Wang Yang and then saw fireworks. What she wanted to say was never said.

It's a matter of mother changing her heart. As long as her mother is good, she will be worth selling for a lifetime.

If Dongfang Chen is just new to her, as long as he is tired of it, she can also leave and spend time with her mother.

If you are really passionate, what should you do.

Xia Zimo hasn't thought about it yet.

Before she said it, Dongfang Chen knocked on the keyboard and said, "I have asked Lan Yin to go to the hospital to learn about your mother's condition. If it is appropriate, I will arrange to send her abroad for a heart change as soon as possible."

Xia Zimo wants to laugh and laugh happily.

But all her emotions merged into a sweet smile, and she took a sip of milk and said, "Thank you."

Now she really wants to sell for a lifetime.

In fact, Dongfang Chen did not give Xia Zimo a feeling that she was selling.

Dongfang Chen also smiled at her: "Don't look at me, play by yourself."

He will concentrate on his work.

The president was very busy, Xia Zimo went online all morning.

Lunch was taken out by the secretary.

Xia Zimo was a little sleepy. After eating, she went to sleep in the lounge. Dongfang Chen was still working.

The afternoon was too long. Xia Zimo knocked on the table and thought about how to tell the president that she wanted to go out. It would be better to walk downstairs.

Although there is an escort in the hospital, she still wants to go to have a look. Otherwise, it would be easy to have a long vacation. Could she just peek at the president's handsome face here.

"Why are you looking at me again?" Dongfang Chen found out.

Xia Zimo was lying on the table with innocent and pitiful eyes open, just about to speak.

There was a knock at the door, and the secretary came in: "President, Miss Xia said she wanted to see you."

Xia Zimo is inside. Obviously, Miss Xia outside must be Xia Ziqing.

"Please ask her to come in," Dongfang Chen said and looked at Xia Zimo. He saw that she had her head down just now, and then she stood up. Her eyes were like cats, full of vigilance and precaution.

He smiled indulgently, but in a voice of command: "Go to the rest room and stay there. Only listen. Don't make any noise."

Xia Zimo is busy going in, not hiding. She just doesn't want to see Xia Ziqing.

The door opened a small crack, and Xia Zimo hid behind the door, and soon heard the sound of thin high-heeled shoes stepping on the ground.

A smell of perfume came to her. Through the crack of the door, she saw Xia Ziqing wearing a black tight dress, which was up to the bottom of her thigh. Fortunately, she also knew that it was cold outside, and she wore a plush coat on her upper body.

"Mr. Dongfang is really a hardworking man. He still works overtime on holidays."

Xia Ziqing seems to have been here for many times. She sits directly opposite Dongfang Chen and takes off the plush coat after sitting down.

Red fruit, ditch lead ah.

"Why is Miss Xia here?" Dongfang Chen looks at Qingcang's stock market picture on the computer and gives her a glance at the end of his eye.

"Mr. Dongfang is really a man who forgets too much. We have an appointment today."

Xia Ziqing's voice sounded more powerful than Wang Yang's, so she stood up and sat directly on Dongfang Chen's desk.

Dongfang Chen looked up at Xia Ziqing from top to bottom.

As soon as Xia Ziqing felt secretly happy, Dongfang Chen looked away and asked, "What are we going to do?"

Her accent just now was' We have an appointment today ', which was full of twists and turns. It made people can't help but fantasize.

Xia Ziqing didn't know what he meant. She sat on the table and twisted her waist. Her voice continued to be charming: "What do you want to do?"

Success throws the problem to Dongfang Chen, which means that you can do whatever you say.

Dongfang Chen's handsome face became cold, and his hand on the keyboard also stopped, looking coldly at Xia Ziqing who was sitting on his desk. "Then Miss Xia said, what is she going to do?"

When he looks cold, he will give people an inexplicable pressure.

Xia Ziqing didn't dare to move any more immediately, even wanted to get off the table, but she still wanted to keep her appearance, so she straightened her face and said, "We have an appointment today to resolve those private disputes together?"

Qingcang was sued and confronted by several small and medium-sized private enterprises, and Xia Group was also involved.

It is about Qingcang's purchase of Xiashi Group's land in Xincheng Development Zone.

I don't know who reported that Qingcang was suppressing Xia Family, illegally occupying Xia Family land, and had ambitions to annex Xia Family.

You should know that Xia Shi has a very wide influence in Z City. Qingcang wanted to merge and operate alone when he first came here. This is related to the fate of many domestic small and medium-sized enterprises, so they fought together.

As soon as the newspaper was published, Xia Ziqing called to say that Xia had never participated in this incident. It must be that someone behind it had set up a bad motive to deal with Xia and Qing Cang together.

Xia Shi sent Xia Ziqing to clarify with Qing Cang.

On the second day of the incident, several senior officials of Qingcang held an emergency meeting. At the meeting, they also decided to cooperate with Xia to break the rumors.

So on the National Day, Xia Ziqing kept following Dongfang Chen in and out.

When Xia Zimo called Dongfang Chen, Xia Ziqing was in Dongfang Chen's office.

But Dongfang Chen just went out of the office once, so Xia Ziqing got the call.

Dongfang Chen looked coldly at Xia Ziqing who was sitting in front of him and smiled: "You don't need to bother Miss Xia about this. Please go back."

"Qing Cang has a way to solve the crisis?" Xia Ziqing was very surprised. She almost didn't sit firmly on the table. What does Dongfang Chen mean? Does he mean he doesn't need Xia Shi to cooperate with Qingcang?

Dongfang Chen smiled again: "Qing Cang has not encountered such a modest crisis for 200 times, but also for 100 times."

Xia Ziqing hasn't responded yet. She gets down from the table and sits at a distance: "President Dongfang is really capable, but Xia is also very sincere."

Xia Shi should be very sincere to cooperate with Qingcang, but looking at the whole Z city, who doesn't want to have a relationship with Qingcang.

The radian of Dongfang Chen's lips was not reduced, so he picked up his mobile phone and said, "Miss Xia, do you know that the M.E sixth generation mobile phone has another function?"

"What function?" Xia Ziqing doesn't understand what he means. Why did he mention the mobile phone.

"There is an anti-theft function. If a stranger touches the phone without pressing the password, the phone will automatically take a picture of the stranger."

Dongfang Chenchang pressed his mobile phone and opened a photo. It was Xia Ziqing's magnified face. Her makeup was meticulous and beautiful.

Dongfang Chen showed her and squinted: "When did Miss Xia touch my mobile phone? This photo was taken at 2:00 p.m. on September 30, the day before the National Day."