
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH81: Common wealth and Common sense

'This place is amazing!' I think in my mind while touring Tian-dou-city-auction-house.

"OHH, I WANT THIS!" Wu shouts in excitement when she sees a rabbit-statue-jewel.

I smile and tell her "It says in the pamphlet that everything here is going on the auction later, so just write down the number written near it, and we'll bid for it later", and she nod back at me, and write it down on the pamphlet she has in her hand.

"Xiao Wu, you better leave it, it has impurities in it" Mia tell Wu, who look sad, yet understand it's not worth much.

"Father, why we're wearing disguises, and even register as the lowest level here?" Rongrong asks her father, who call all of us near him, saying "An offer is an offer, as money is money, and the seat means nothing, don't attract eyes or attention", and I add "Yeah, secrecy is a must in the moment".

"Are you sure they got it?" I ask Fengzhi, Rongrong's father, while the girls tour the place, except Zhuqing, who follow near me, holding the hem of my shirt in shyness.

"Around 70%, but, it won't go on auction, rather, it's probably hidden away underground, inspected, not yet revealed, as they have no idea what price-tag to attach to it" he answers.

'I should find it first, then think about what's next...' I think in my head.

(Let's try to spread a wisp of my power and see if there's any reaction) Bing-Bi suggest, but I respond 'better not in the open, let's get inside the auction, mingle into all the people here, and do it then, that will be much safer, I think'.

We go for a short round, around all the exhibition, and find few items who worth buying, but suddenly, I freeze in place, with my eyes glued to a caged-area.

'THEY HAVE SLAVES IN THIS WORLD??? AND THEY'RE ALL HUMANOID-CREATURES??' I shout in shock at my head, and hear (HUMPHF!) from Bing-Bi, like it's obvious to her.

<Yuena wish to tell you ... that this is true around this world... that's how corrupted the current gods are .. They forgot who's the true god is, suppressing everyone, but especially those who're not human>.

Mia hugs me from behind, patting my head, looking like she's also sad from seeing it, and so does Wu, but to my pleasant-surprise, they all are, as it seems they're hurt looking at this scene, as even Fengzhi, who usually keep his cool and calm, look in disappointment over the slaves.

"Let's go" Fengzhi says and lead the way, while I say "I'll see you later, create alibi in the academy!" to the girls, not wishing for them to come in with me, as I might encounter danger.

They give me the notes they made, and what I should try to buy, and I give them money I got from this world, mostly from hunting the hunters, those people who go into the forests to hunt creatures, to steal their souls, bodies, and power, which make me, a kinda beast-kin now, they're enemy.

'I must get my 7th spirit-ring as soon as possible... I'm stuck in place lately..' I think as me and Fengzhi sits, close to each other, but in different rows, knowing I can attract danger, so now I can run away, in case anything happens, without harming him in any way.

I focus all my energy into my 6th-sense, and like an enormous sphere, I can slowly 'see' everything, through every wall, floor, ceiling, clothes, box, vault, and whatever in the way, in almost 1 km radius.

'What the ... Look at this!! Can you see it?? Bing-Bi? Yuena?' I ask in my head, but hear (nope, I can see around your body, but not through your powers, and Infi says the same) from Bing-Bi.

'They've got a bank underground, plus vaults after vaults, lots of hidden rooms, few floors deep... But security is impregnable ... Few douluos (level 80-90), and I think I sense titled-douluo (above level 90) in here ... We haft to find an idea ... How do we sneak in ... WAIT' I think while the auction keep on going, and I forget all about buying things.

'I should see if it even worth taking the risk ... Let's try sending the wisp of energy, worst-case scenario I'll just hide or run, Bing-Bi, pass it to me, I'll try sneak it in' I tell her in my head, and feel energy pass through me, in Bing-Bi's soul-ring, and I take that energy and run it through cracks of doors and walls, running around to the underground basement.

'I think she's here... She didn't exactly responded, but the people who experiment and research on a cocoon seems excited it suddenly did something, so maybe it's Snowy ... BUT ... they got lots of cocoons there, for some reason, like, I count more than 10!' I tell them all that happens, wishing for an advice, but hear none.

I let it go for now, and join the auction, and for the next hour I succeeded in buying 4 items, even though it seems useless, but it's for the girls, so I don't mind, and on the way learn in details how the auction-house operate.

... "I'll see you later in the house" I tell Fengzhi, and walk away toward the bathroom, where I saw a researcher is, who came outside for an hour, probably for private-matters, and now plan to go back down.

I go into the public-bathroom, wait for him outside the booth's-door, and in the moment he step out I *Mental-shock!*, *CHOP* his neck, drag us both into the booth, and *Teleport*.

In the middle of the forest I change my look to his, wake him up, and look into his memories, learning his name, way of acting, work, talk, etc, and then steal everything he has, knock him out, cripple him, and leave him there, for fate hands, as I know how cruel this human is, experimenting on creatures, like they're not a living-being, and just *Teleport*.

I go out of the bathroom-booth, and walk toward 'my work place', as I act like the researcher, trying to even mimic his way of walking, pretending to be him by more than just my looks, and soon reach the inspection-room, which is more like a research-room, where bunch of scientist circle the cocoon, poking it with metals, doing weird stuff, trying to make it react to them.

'There's no way to act now... and one of them is even a douluo...' I try to think of a plan, yet find none, but a shout from that douluo, who's the head-researcher here, wake me up.

"Go bring me more metals, the most unique ones!" he tells me, and I respond shortly "yes", and quickly walk away in a hurry, wishing to make minimum contact, not to be find out.

I search in the memories I just stole, and with my new powers, of electricity, my mind works in an amazing speed, reading through it all, and find out I'm going to the lowest-floor, to the most secure-vault, where the titled-douluo is, feeling happy, yet nervous.

"The head-researcher wish to try different metals, as he tried everything already from the above floors" I tell a douluo guard, and he nod, go to talk to the titled-douluo, and return, open the vault, and help me in picking up few metal-needless from each container inside.

'There's three hot locations here...' I think while going back to the research-room, 'The lowest-vault, where I just been at, The research-room, where I'm going to now, and The-bank, where all the money is...'.

"Here. They ask you to sign this" I tell the head-researcher, and add "Maybe the bank has metal-coins, which we haven't tried as well? Like the most simple ones? Maybe it will react for that stupid thing?".

"Sure, whatever" he answers back while signing the paper they gave me, and I shout in happiness in my head, planning to map the 'Bank' as well, making the future acts perfect, as luckily, the one I 'took out' is a dumb-researcher nobody give a damn about.

Walking to the 'Bank', the vault where they keep the money at, I find out it's more complicated then I thought, as I only get into the front-desk, and they throw me few bags of metal-coins, sending me off, so I just return down-stairs to the research-room, leave the coins-bags there, and go out.

Like before, I find a chance to knock-out a vault worker, who seems like an indecent-prick, and I do the same M.O, bathroom-forest-steal-going back as him, and enter the vault, but as he's actually the boss here, I'm alone in the vault, just me and the money.

'Money, vault, cocoons.. all together... or wait till night... I'll just hit the bank, and see if I can make a mess out of this place...' I think to myself, and quietly, yet fast, I begin stealing everything in the 'Bank', stashing it into my space, leave a note on the desk, 'I'M QUITTING, FUCK YOU, AND FUCK THIS JOB, THANKS FOR THE MONEY!', and *Teleport*.

Outside the auction-house, invisible, sitting on a tree, while spreading my 6th-sense, I wait for the mess to blast open, waiting for any reaction, and my heart-beat is sky-high, like a war-drum hitting inside my body.

Suddenly, the titled-douluo fly outside, together with 2 douluo guards running around the place, in a hurry, and I smile, and *Teleport*.

Inside the vault, deep underground, I just steal anything my hands and eyes can reach, nonstop, while maintaining maximum alert.

*Fwishhh* I feel a space-distortion, and decide to try blocking it, instead of leaving, as I just got here, and find out it's pretty easy to block space-energies around me, creating some sort of an enclosed-space area, and keep stealing.

*Step,step,step,step,step* I hear and 'see' people running into the underground vault, as I emptied most of the things visible to the eye, and *Teleport*.

In the research-room, while I'm still invisible, standing in place to not make even the slightest noise, or leak any energy, I see few researchers stayed, but the strongest ones left already.

"EVERYBODY, COME AFTER ME! NO QUESTIONS! QUICKLYYY!" a man enter the room and shouts at everyone, who are already in a state of panic, probably since the head-researcher and guards left already, and they all run out with the man.

'AWESOME ! ! !' I shout to myself in the head, stealing more then 10 cocoons in a moment, as they're pretty much stuffed together here, plus some equipment all over the place, leave a note 'THANK YOU, I'M QUITTING! GO FUCK YOURSELF!' and *Teleport*.

'The girls should all be in the academy, as they know I did something crazy dangerous, and the whole city will erupt into chaos soon enough...' I think while walking inside the academy.

My blood rush like a hurricane inside of me.

I'm still scared there's some energy-signs-left-over, who can help identify me somehow.

I walk in half a daze, yet, try to act as natural as possible, chatting with everyone I see, to make them remember me being here, when suddenly I feel a hug from behind as I enter a classroom, looking for the girls, just wishing to see them safe, relax, and go into hiding soon.

I look back, and see Wu, who wink at me, with her tongue out, looking cute, wearing a pink-coat, reminding me it's winter now.

"Am I the first you see?" Wu asks, and I nod, saying "yeah, how did you know?", and she laugh.

"At least try to relax a bit, you sweat too much, and your heart-rate is over-the-top" Wu smilingly says, and pull me by the hand after her, arriving to an empty classroom.

"Sit there" Wu says weakly, and I ask back "what? no.. I need to..", "SIT, don't talk, sit!" Wu cut my words and demand with a cute shy act, so I do as she says.

*Chuuu* Wu begin kissing me, sitting on my lap, as she's taking off her pink coat, revealing a blue shirt underneath, and soon she also take the shirt off, while keep kissing me, revealing a cute blue-bra.

I massage her exposed-upper-body, enjoying the moment, and she slowly move her hands down, open up my pants, pulling it down, and move down as well, till my erection slide under her bra, between her boobs, and I can see her lustful gaze, making me happy.

I forget about everything, not even remembering to check up on the cocoons, money, or vault-stuff, that I sent into Infinity's space, only focusing on what's going on around me.

Wu's mouth keep sucking the head of my dick, while her boobs squish it in between them, and her bra already dingle on her neck, letting me see her cute pink nipples.

"I love you" I tell her in a joyful-tone, and *SLURP*, she swallow half my dick into her mouth, vacuuming it, and I brush her hair in love, keep moaning and whispering to her how perfect she is, till I finally cum, "Ahhhhhhhhh", relaxing.

Wu cleans me, then go clean herself, and I see I came all over her, so I pull her wet-wipes and new clothes, helping her out, and soon she leave the room in a hurry, shouting "I LOVE YOU, I'M LATE TO CLASS! SEE YA LATER!", and I laugh, walking outside as well.

While walking in the corridor of the academy, I hear from the side, "So?".

I look to my right, and see Rongrong, in a black-formal-dress, smiling, or more like smirking, at me.

"You got class now?" I ask, and she answers "yeah".

I pout, looking sad, and she whispers "I can just not go", but I responds "no, you better go, we need alibi, the more the better", and she look in shock, then back to smirking again.

"You owe me one..." she smile evilly, "Zhuqing is free right now", she says, kiss my cheek, and run off the corridor, entering a room, and I stand in place, spread my 6th-sense, and find Zhuqing.

"You look like nothing happened" Zhuqing tells me in the moment I enter the empty-classroom she's at.

"Why are you so beautiful?" I ask her, staring at her mesmerizing eyes, her red plump lips, and silky black hair, while slowly hugging her, taking off her upper-coat.

"Not here" she whispers as I kiss her neck, and she push me away, walk outside, and I follow her, wondering 'is it a rejection, or she got another place in mind?'.

Arriving outside, there's few small 'classrooms', or rather, closed-spaces who seems to be used for external-classes, and she walk toward the most remote one, which seems to be just a small-warehouse.

She walk inside, and I'm after her.

She put her stuff down in the entrance, and I just store them in my space, hers as well.

She go to the most remote corner, putting one arm on the wall, with the fingers on her mouth, and with her other hand raise her short-black-skirt, showing me her transparent-leggings, and her white-panties underneath, who kinda dig inside her hole, sinking inside that sweet-juicy-pussy, who I wish to just sink into right now.

Her purple shiny eyes looking at me like 'I want it!!..but I will never say it..so you say it!', so I *chuckle*, go behind her, till my crouch rub on her ass, lower my head, grab her head, and rain kissed, whispering to her "The Big Bad Dragon Goona Eat You Now", and she cutely smile, looking lustfully at me.

For half an hour we shake the weak walls, shouts pierce the place, as I fuck her to submission, hearing her *Purrrrr*, which make me totally relax, hug and kiss her closely, and whisper in joy "I love you so much, you know".

She nods, quietly saying "I Purrr you so much", which make us both laugh.

"Come" she tell me as she stand up and drop all her clothes, while pulling different clothes from her bag, "I'll show you what I do in my free time between classes".

When she finish changing clothes, I can already tell what's going on, yet say nothing, following her to the a room close-by, who's all wooden, from floor, walls, to the ceiling as well, with lots of classical-decorations, few wooden-chairs, and music-box, which she press on.

I look at Zhuqing, in her white ballerina clothes, start dancing in the room, looking like a bird flying, hypnotizing me in her emotional movements, and even though I can see her undergarments, I feel more love then lust for her right now.

*clap,clap,clap*, I make a moderate-noise each time a song changes.

Zhuqing continue dancing for another 20 minutes, before stopping to stretch for few minutes, then quickly put clothes over her ballerina-clothes, and tell me "I got a class now".

"Zhuqing" I say in an emotional-unstable-way, and she stop me, jumping for a hug, raining kisses at me, and saying "I know, me too", and we keep hugging for a minute.

"Mia is with the principal, who's in the forest behind the school... She's cool, but kinda gloomy, and kinda mad, so you've been warned" Zhuqing says with a smile and run off to class.

'Kinda gloomy... Kinda mad... What does that mean?' I think as I enter the forest, and see a small-hut.

"Helllllooo, Mia, anybody, it's Ayn" I say out loud, and hear a *giggle*, then a distance voice, and a moment after a shout, "Here", and I follow the noise.

"You look more like a student then a teacher" I laugh at Mia, who holds a book, wearing a sexy tight black dress, a purple sweater on it, and a black leggings, looking cute.

"Really? Him? I mean... he's good looking and all... But, I thought he'll be more special.." a woman who sits on a picnic-blanket, behind Mia, says.

I look over, and see the women, who look like a fury-dragon, a mad beast hidden inside a sexy women, as her eyes gaze in a frenzy, yet she looks beautiful, or more like sexy-mad.

"Hello, Miss, a pleasure meeting you, I'm Ayn... and special... You want me to grow horns and wings or something? What's special in your book?" I say.

She smile, breaking her serious look, answering "sure, that sounds nice, and add a tail and scales as well. I'm Liu Er Long, by-the-way, the principal, or at least used to be, gave it to that Flander".

"So why's the gloomy mood?" I ask, and Mia *pinch* me, whispering "She had a thing with Xiao-Gang, the Grandmaster, 20 years ago, and it seems she's still got the hots for him, even though they're cousins, as he left her when they found out about it".

"You don't got to whisper it, you know" Erlong says with a sad-smile.

"Who's Flander?" I ask Mia, and the both burst laughing, as Mia and Erlong say "That money-grabber?", "Shrek-academy principal?", "That owl?", "An old friend of mine ... ", and Erlong start telling us about the old days, when she traveled around the world with Flander and Xiao-Gang, plus how they became a couple, but soon broke apart.

"...Forever and ever he said..." Erlong say in melancholy, and Mia go hug her, as we all sit down on the picnic-blanket, and I go to her other side, also hugging her.

"People worst enemy is them-self" I tell her.

"You mean Xiao-Gang problem is in himself?" Erlong asks back.

"Nope. He's just a fool if he can leave a woman like you ..." I answer to her, "It's you who got to see life behind of this, and you should even be thankful you never went farther in your relationship... just imagine... What if he left you after you're married? After you've build a home? or even after you have a child together? ...".

"To me, it kinda seems you got out easy ..." I tell her calmly, "...And sometimes, just one step away, and you can reach the place you always dreamt of... But... Because you feel the pain of the journey till this moment, you just give up, not knowing that in just one more step, and a new world would open in front of your eyes".