
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH80: "Tell me what you want"

(NO! I also want revenge!!) Bing-Bi say loudly in my head.

'Bing-Bi, and also Yuena, listen carefully, I'll always, Always, prioritize life before death... Snowy life is more important than any revenge-nonsense. We wanna save her, don't we?' I ask in an imposing-yet-composed tone, kinda like a harsh-loving-teacher, and a deadly silence erupt.

'Yuena, you as well, your clan's life is way above revenge against anyone, right?' I ask in my head.

<Ayn, it seems they have taken your words to heart, shown a sad-understanding-emotion, as far as my ability to read creature-ly emotions goes to, and they went into meditative-state, so please do not worry, you were heard and understood>.

'Thanks Infi, I love you, please keep them safe, and tell me if something, even a little thing, happens' I ask of Infi, and relax, as I return my focus to Rongrong.

"So, you remember my friend, right? DuGuBo? He said he met with the Shrek-academy, and they went to join another academy, not Tian-dou-academy" I tell her, as she come back with a piece of cake.

"You don't mean the poison-douluo by any chance, right?" Fengzhi, Rongrong's father, asks while narrowing his eyes at me.

"Yeah, that one, at least that's what he called himself... kinda funny... who give names to everyone who pass level 90?" I ask them, mostly aiming it to the two grandpas.

"Titled-douluo gets a title from spirit-hall, and are written down in the 'hall of history' there" Grandpa-sword answers to me with a weird-smile, as it's obvious they presume the spirit-hall as enemy, yet this spirit-hall act like a goody-two-shoes, conspiring in the shadows, wishing to conquer the whole continent.

"I wish to train with you, if you don't mind" I look at the two grandpas, who smiles happily, while Rongrong feed me cake, looking wickedly evil to me, like they wish to beat me up.

*Chuckle*, "Just your looks gives me pain already" I joke with them.

Fengzhi laugh, while Rongrong get into the conversation in confusion, see her grandpas stares, and stare daggers back at them, and they quickly change their faces to puppy-faces.

"Maybe Rongrong should join the training as well?" I suggest as a joke, keep trying break the ice between us, and finally they open up, laughing a bit, but Rongrong says "I wanna go to the academy, I'm still too ignorant of the world, and you're all too powerful for me... and Wu and Zhuqing, I miss them..".

"Me too, and it's close to here anyway... But I do hope you'll make a new secret-base soon.." I tell her, and open up a chat with all of us once again, as we begin discussing the clan's issues.


"See ya later" I tell Rongrong after lunch, as we're alone in the garden, kiss her lips, and *Teleport*.




For the next days, I keep traveling between my women, islands, and worlds, dividing my time between my important things in life.

'As my women spread across lands, worlds, and even different parts of the same islands, it spread me as well ... But am I suppose to stand in the way of their wishes, of their way of life?.. I don't think so ... At least not until I can offer them a better path ...' I ponder to myself while I move between places...


At soul-land, the 4 women grouped together, and Yuena is in her space, and right now she's inside Infinity's space, so it's kinda easy to meet them all.


At Earth, Robin and Nami became really good friends, living happily in Paradise, and also travel a lot, but Alison seems always busy lately, telling me she'll soon have all the time in the world for both of us to be together, so I let her do her thing for now.

Her newfound powers keep assimilate into her, and it seems she go around the city at night, in disguise, having fun or even acting like some 'neighborhood superhero'.


At West-city, Lazuli and Chi-Chi live for the fullest, enjoying life and pursuit their new dream, building 'Restart-institution' rapidly, as they hold all they need in hand - money, power, and technology.

If anything, it seems like Bulma actually is here a lot, with her baby, sharing a room here, always sleeping in the house, always lingering around, and surprisingly, Chi-Chi's son, Gohan, always at their house, training with her husband daily.

We got kinda close, but I would never touch a married woman, no matter how chemistry we have between us, or how awful her marriage life is, but our friendship is as close as any of my women, as she's kinda like Mia, serious-mom-yet-childish-cute, or maybe kinda like Nami, who love to tease.


At Red-line, I haft to spread across places,

(1) Rusukaina (the 'training-island'), which I just let stay empty for now, but it's ready for migration into it if needed,

(2) Amazon-lily, who house most of my women, 4 of them, plus the undecided 'Baby-5' (Lya), who keep chasing me to announce our marriage, but I know there's work to be done on her, mentally, before anything else,

(3) Fishman-island, where I spend time between Shirahoshi and Shyarly,

(4) Sky-island, which kinda control itself, as the two 'administrators', Raki and Conis, together with the 'Previous god', named 'Gun fall', and the chief of the other tribe, makes a steady development.

My relationship with Raki is getting better, and we even go hang-out together, with Aisa as well, like a married couple who go with their daughter.

Conis is kinda proactive, and tease me so much, I'm sure I'll eat her up soon, as she comes at me with such clothes, she take my breath away every time,

(5) Sabaody is the same as always, but nobody there, and I just let the place calm-down for now, even though I got a really good base there, cause the endless presence of Marines and criminals lately only getting stronger,

(6) Dressrosa, that sooner or later will haft to reach a solution, as I keep weakening it from the shadows, is yet to show clear signs of weakness, and it seems Don-Flamingo armies 'hold the fort', probably by his well-guarded artificial-devil-fruit factory,

(7) Alabasta, where Vivi is, and also where I am right now, is having a rapid-growth and stability.

I plan to leave tomorrow to Soul-land, for a period of time, as Information about Snowy start to surface, and focus on my activities there, so Vivi is my last spot before doing so.


"I'll meet you here in an hour, wait for me on the parking-lot, we'll go with the car" Vivi tells me with a smirk, as we've finished having dinner together, and it seems she's got something planned for us for the night.

"Sure" I answer, and she leave the door while hopping in joy, making me wonder what's going on.

At the time we schedule, I'm waiting in the entrance of our villa here, near the Restart-institution, which changed from it's former-glory of Rain-dinners casino, into a hotel-restaurant-shopping mall, plus the offices for the non-profit-organization.

'Restart-organization became one of this country most influential and fundamental entity here...' I think as I keep seeing the reports and documents in my hand, and how my ideas for this country development implemented by it, like water-systems, hospitals, child-day-cares, school, and more upcoming projects.

I see the black-hover-car coming into the driveway of the Villa, the door opens, and two sexy legs, in silvery high-heels, step out, showing a blue-painted-nails.

Vivi's head pop out of the driver seat, looking at me, and I stare at her shining presence, wearing silver dress, and decorated with silver jewelries all over her.

As I stand behind the car, walking toward her, I can see from the side how revealing her dress is, showing the full glory of her side-boob, exposed, and how much volume her bosom has.

I stand before her, stretching a hand to help her get up, and she gives me her painted-blue-nails hand, show a cute smile over her beautiful face, and by the angle she's getting up I can see her bountiful, juicily, body, who covered in that skimpy silver-dress, exposing almost everything, even the fact she's bra-less.

"You don't expect us to arrive anywhere if you tempt me like this, right?" I ask as I softly kiss her neck and the side of her face.

*Chuckle*, "You sure you want to miss what's coming next?" Vivi smirks and hold 2 shopping-bags in her hands, and I *INHALE*, *Exhale*, and say "No, my queen, your lead tonight", smile, and go open her the passenger-seat-door.

I return to the driver-seat, ignite the car, and ready to start driving, as we small-talk, but Vivi keep flirting with me, saying teasingly "You didn't said anything about my dress", and I look to the side, seeing her pulling the shoulder-string of her dress, almost exposing to me her nipple.

"It's not something I'm goona say..." I say while narrowing my eyes, smile, and move my eyes back to the road "...It's what I'm goona do to you", and I move my hand to rub her thigh.

*Giggle*, "Let me help you before we get there", Vivi whisper to my ear, as she lowers her head, while her hands slide the zipper of my pants down, letting my erection breath the air, but a moment later she suffocate my dick, inside her narrow mouth.

*Slurp... Slurp... Slurp...* Vivi goes down on me, sucking my whole dick, while playing gently with my balls, as I drive really slowly, taking a detour without her knowing, to enjoy more of it, and steal glances on her alluring back, and my free hand play with her breast.

"Ahhhhh" I moan as I cum, and *Gulp,gulp...*, Vivi drink it all, then sit back up, correcting her dress, and also wash her mouth with a small alcohol drink, gurgling it.

I park the car near a fancy pub in the city, and Vivi whisper to my ear "..maybe one quicky before we go in?", and I right away take my seat all the way back, pulling her to my lap, and whisper back at her "We're invisible now, even the car, so go wild, show me how much you love me".

Vivi gets so turned on, she quickly unzip my pants again, move her tiny-thong to the side, and *fwishh*, drop down on me, letting my dick meet her womb in one swing.

"AHH! You see? You see ... how much... I love you... Mmm... Mmm... Mmm..." Vivi bounce on my lap, fucking me good, and I watch her pretty face smiling and her jiggling boobs jumping.

"Is that all your love for me?" I ask with a smile, while putting my hands behind my head, relaxing in the chair, and let her do all the work.

Vivi begin to fuck me harder, her boobs makes a full swings, making a *peng, peng, peng,..* noise every time she drop down, and the silvery-jewel jingle with them.

"I love.. AHHH... love... OHHHH ... YouUUUUUU... AHAHAHHH...", every time Vivi tries to speak, I hump her from below, enjoying breaking her.

She grab her own boobs, pinching her nipple through the dress, in a tease, and I suddenly have a nasty idea in mind.

*bzzzzt*, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, AHHHHH, YESSSS!!!! FUCKKK MEEEE!!! MMMMAHH", Vivi break apart, as I send a tingling electric shock through my dick, and she shots her love-juice all over my suit, painting me white with her love, and as I keep sending vibration shock waves into her, she fidget, shivering, on me, and look at me with an ahegao-face and sparkling lustful gaze.

I help her relax, calm down, rearrange herself, as I don't wanna ruin the night she planned for us, and soon leave the car, let her have few minutes to get herself ready, while I change to new clothes.

I open the door for her, while crouching to her eyes-level, and it's like her whole body screams 'LUST!', and her lips shouts 'KISS ME!', and I pull her for a hug, kissing her dearly.

Getting inside, I see stares on Vivi, as she's just too beautiful, too sexy, to ignore, and I almost kill few people with my king-haki unconsciously, while Vivi giggling on me, smudging her body onto me, squishing her giant tits on me.

She signal the hostess, who comes to her, and she step forward to talk to her, as I stand guarding her from behind, discovering she got no underwear now, as I can see her curvy-upper-butt from the v-cut on her dress-back.

She get us the VIP room, who's more private, on the side, promising us no one, not even the owners, will step inside the place, and I give her lots of cash, asking for alcohol and snacks delivered right away, as we get in, following the hostess, but my eyes glued to Vivi.

As soon as we sit down, and the hostess leave, and we're alone, I see the room has glass-walls around, and we can see the whole place, as there's a party, with people dancing, drinking, and having fun, but it got cut-short, as Vivi sits on my lap, face-to-face, blocking the view.

"Tell me what you want" Vivi whispers to me shyly, with a hand on my chest, and the other holds a bubbly champagne glass.

"I want you, I want your happiness, Your smile, To be with you forever, To love you, To you to love me, To", *CHUUUUU*, Vivi blocks my words with her mouth, kissing me deeply, shoving her tongue inside, and I right away turn us invisible, and pore out my passion to her, exposing my lust.

We keep making love, enjoying a slow fucking dance, as Vivi doesn't leave my pole, dancing on it, feeling like we're the only two people who exist in this world.

... "Let's go" Vivi tells me while sitting on my lap, feeding me, and whispers "I got a present for you", and I smile in happiness, cause if she can top what happened until now, it's going to be insane.

I throw an extra tip, as she holds my arm, and we walk outside, to the car, and as she sit down on the hod, she holds something in her hand, looking seductively at me, and says "you can play with it, and when we get there, I'll tell you what it is".

She put it in my hand, and go quickly to the driver-seat, so I go sit beside her, while pressing the button on the weird-thing she gave me, and I can see her eyes glowing with lust, making me wonder 'what is it? It's not a a vibrator, cause my dick was there a second ago... I would've notice... and it just got on/off, plus a volume-meter?...'.

Vivi start driving and I kinda let it go, staring at her beauty, telling her "I love you so much, you're so beautiful, You're my happiness, you know that, right?", and she turn her face, smiling at me, nod, and tell me back "I love you, you're my life".

We keep flirting, while I play with the thing she gave me, and in the moment we reach the Villa, which is really fast, she raise her legs to the wind-shield, saying "please lick me".

I right away go down on her, with an idea in mind, as I take out my tongue, let soft electric shock pass through it, and shove it into her clit, and she shiver like crazy, holding my head, shouting "YOU NAUGHTY, YOU ... BIG ... BAD ... DRAGON... UWHAAA..." and orgasm cutely.

I raise my head, go outside, and then open the door to her, as she look at me kinda evilly, smirking, and when I give her my hand to help her up, she pull me to her, unzipping my pants, and push my dick between her boobs, jerking it in them, while also sucking it.

*SLURPPP*, "GRAGHHH", She suddenly deep-throat me, and I put my hands on her head, holding her down, shouting "OH MY..", but leave her, before I bust, and she raise her head slowly, keep licking it a bit, and then stand up.

She start walking ahead of me, into the Villa, when she stop for a moment, turn her head, look at me, then look down, at her ass, and move her dress a bit, and I freeze in place. 'SHE GOT A VIBRATOR IN HER ASS!' I shout to myself in the head, while quickly switching the button she gave me to full-power.

She quickly walk inside, and I follow her.

Inside the house, on the front-desk, poring herself a champagne glass, and drinking with a shy face, I see her slowly breaking down.

She go sit on a couch, raising her legs up, and smile, like everything is fine.

A moment later she lie-down on the couch, sideways, and pull the vibrator-plug from her ass, with her tongue wiggling outside her mouth, whispering with a smile "I think it's ready".

She stand up, put her hand behind her head, the other hand squeezing her boob, and she asks with an open mouth "what are you waiting for?", and I jump at her.

I push her to the air, till her back hit the glass-window, and her drink spill on her front, spilling all the way to her legs, and I don't let her speak, I suck her tongue, while my dick poke her ass, as she raise her legs into the air, while sitting on the window-edge.

"MMMMMM" she moan into my mouth, as my dick slowly go in and out of her ass, from the front.

"MMM.. ouchy.. maybe from.. the back" Vivi moaningly asks, and I let her go, as she move around, now with her back to me, and I slide back into her juicy ass, while massaging her boobs, enjoying those juicy parts of her body to the maximum, fucking her senseless.

"I ! LOVE ! YOU !" I shout and cum inside her ass, pushing my dick all the way inside, and she look back at me, with red-face, so I decide to carry her to bed, thinking 'she's drunk, wasted, and probably the whole first time anal is painful for her...'.

I put her down, lying above her, and she raise her dress, whispering "I wanna sleep with you in me..", and I do so, making love slowly to her.

We even start changing positions, as she now ride on me lovingly, slowly, dosing off, looking extremely cute.

She have a cute little orgasm, roll down, and signal me to big-spoon her, as she point my dick back into her, give me a kiss, and fall asleep while we're still connected.


Opening my eyes in the morning, I see the biggest smile Vivi ever shown to me, while seeing, and feeling, my dick is hiding between her soft huge bosom, and she laugh, with her huge beautiful, perfect, smile, shaking her tits up and down, while holding them from the sides.

"It was so much fun" Vivi says, not stopping to smile, and I wake-up, as the blood rush in my body, roll over her, and start giving her all my morning love.

Shooting into her all my deep hidden love and desire.

Sucking her nipples like I'm a baby.

Fucking her like I wanna break her.

Cumming so much like I'm pissing, marking my territory.

Showing her my true love for her, in the most basic way a creature can.