
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH82: Academy-lifestyle

Erlong push me away, whispering "You're talking about things you don't know".

"Don't know?" I tell her, "What's there to know? You're a mature sexy lady, in the prime of your life, who wish for someone who doesn't wish for you, left you in the day of your wedding, and feel heartbroken, what's more there's to say here?.. You've been single for 20 years since then.. that's just..".

"OKAY, okay, let's calm down here" Mia cut into my words, "Now, Ayn, say sorry! And then, you and Erlong, go for a walk around town! You both look out-of-it!".

I say "Sorry", and then look at Mia with narrow-eyes, planning to ask what she's planning, but it fit me good, as she's a perfect alibi, plus I can sniff around town while we're at it.

"You better be a perfect gentleman!" Mia warn me with a smile, but then pause, acting cutely, requesting "Can.. You please create a house here? Near Erlong house?".

"Hmm, sure, but it will be ready tomorrow, not today... Are you living with her now?" I ask Mia, who nod 'yeah', and I hear Erlong mumble "..but..but..", and I tell her "relax, I'll build a house right next to yours, it won't change a thing", and think 'except me also being here..'.

"Okay! You're mission is ... Change her look! that's number one ... Make her smile! that's two ... And, if you can make it, then number three is... making Xiao-Gang see her looking fresh and smiling!" Mia say in joyful mood, effecting us with her cheered-up-vibes.

"Let's go" I tell Erlong as I stand up, take her hand, and pull her up as well, "this naughty rabbit won't take no for an answer".

Erlong look right and left, seeing it's already decided for her, *sigh*, and go take her bag, lock the door of the house, and say "let's go.." in an annoyed manner, as Mia push us from behind till we finally go outside the academy.

Our walk feels off, as the mood turn to gloomy again, and we walk quietly, as she always answers in short-close-words.

We go to a barber-shop, where she sit in silent and get her hair cut neatly, and I wait silently till she comes out, seeing the city kinda messy, but not that much chaos happening, just some people running around, but not even looking at me.

"Red hair.. Red clothes.. Red earrings.. Red hang-bag.. I won't be surprised if you're undergarments are also Red" I say with a smile, while she come out of the barber-shop, and she look like she want to kill me.

I quickly point on a clothing store, saying "let's go", and walk inside, opening the door for her, and she follow, with the irritated-vibe of hers never leaving her face.

"This,this,this,this,this, and this" I tell the seller, while looking at Erlong, "at her size, of course".

"I! No! What! Wait!" Erlong protest with her broken words, but she does seems interested in clothing, as she grab a Red-kimono and go try it on, with the seller following her.

I sit on a couch, thinking to myself 'Bing-Bi! Any finds?? Tell me everything! Oh, and while you're at it, please find me some jewelries that fit that woman'.

(It's Snowy! I'm sure it's Snowy! But, but, she's seems too weak to respond, and we try find a solution here... oh, and your filthy rich now, I think, I don't know how much you need to have to be rich, so maybe ask Rongrong's father, and there's soul-weapons and the other cocoons are perfect to get soul-rings from them, ... ) Bing-Bi keep talking nonstop.

'Okay, let's think for a while, we'll find solutions for all ... we already did the hardest thing for now, so what about the jewels? She'll come out soon...' I ask, and feel Infi signal me to a space where I can just pick it up, and do so, getting a wooden-box.

I take a quick look inside, happy about their choice, while walking to the changing-booth, knocking on the door, and saying "Here, take this as well" to Erlong, who popped her head out.

"You didn't need to!" she say, grab it, and close the door, mad as always.

Few minutes later, she walks out, in Red-kimono, standing in front of a mirror, looking shyly at herself, looking like a different woman.

The red-fury-glow of hers simmer down by green-jewelries now, plus a flower-pin on her hair, and as I'm mesmerized by her hidden beauty, it seems she's as well.

I *chuckle* at her, saying "You never knew you're that beautiful or something?", but she doesn't respond, just touching herself, like she's making sure it's really her, then *hmpfh*, and walk back inside.

"No, nonono, why red again? It takes the redness of your silky hair again" I tell Erlong after she came out again, wearing a red-shirt with black-skirt, black-leggings, and red-high-heels.

She sit down next to me, asking "What's so wrong with red?", but I already answered a second ago, so I just *sigh*, pick the clothes I chose before, and tell her "Your beauty, stop hiding it", and she blush lightly, take it, and walk back inside.

Now, she come back out, making a teasing circle, wearing a red-dress, and I just laugh, feeling the veins in my head will pop out, and she blush, and go back inside.

She come back with red scarf and a brown coat over her, and I just give-up, thinking 'whatever, she can do whatever', but a second later, she suddenly smile at me, while raising her hand up, and throw the scarf and coat off of her, and my eye go out of their socket, totally in shock.

"Hawa..way, why, yoyou, You're", I stop talking, as I turned a bit stupid from the sudden change, amazed how much clothes change a woman, gazing at her in a tight-white-shirt, and a bluish-tight-skirt, like the bluish-necklace and earrings I gave her, making her charm skyrocket.

"You can knock out any man like that .. just look at my reaction.." I say with a gentle smile, and she nod back, kinda smirking at me, and go change again.

She come back with yellow upper-shirt, white scarf, and a black-wide-skirt with black-leggings, white-high-heels on her feet, looking majestic and cute, and I nod, saying "It feels more then clothes, it's like your soul goes out, finally", and she cutely smile, while waving her hair with her fingers.

She take the yellow-blazer-top off, and I see whitish-shirt underneath.

She dance in a circle, in place, and her skirt wave beautifully, and added a shy smile on her face, finally looking completely changed.

"I can't believe an angel like you were hiding in those hag-clothes until now", I laugh at her, taking her hand in mine, and help her dance in circles, and she joyfully, bashfully, let me do so.

From this angle I can see her exposed bountiful bosom, but I keep my cool, and go finish buying everything, trying to create a clear, clean, line.

"We'll take everything she tried on" I tell the seller, and go add a bunch of coats for the ladies, as it's winter, so it's needed, plus it can hide our look.

I also add two cute ones for me and Erlong as well, matching us in a brown-coats who look kinda childish, yet fancy.

"Why?" Erlong asks while I put the coat over her head, and when I can see her face again, I whisper "cause you're so damn beautiful, I can't let you go out to the street like that", and she blush-red, playing with the edge of her hair, like the cutey she is.

"That's why red is a problem, it hide your blushing-face, you shouldn't do that so much" I tell her as I put money on the table, pick all the bags we've got, including a white-bag she just chose, shove that enormous amount to my space, and we finally leave.

... "Why did you gave me a crown?" Erlong asks as we're now sitting in a restaurant, eating some delicious food, drinking wine, feeling the cool afternoon breeze.

"Cause you're a queen? Queens need crowns, you know" I smile to her, and she cutely blush, making me shocked, thinking 'I was sure she's Tsundere-type, or even Mayadere, but now it's more like she's just Dandere, or maybe Deredere?'.

We have joyful time, as we keep hanging out together, which look more and more like a date, no matter how I look at it, and by the time we're walking back to the academy, I feel 'it's like I came back with a different person here'.

Suddenly, when we're walking on a sidewalk around the campus, her eyes locked with Xiao-Gang's eyes, who stand in the far distance, and *Clank*, she step wrongly with her leg, breaking the heel, and start falling down.

Her bags fly into the air, her pink-blouse slide off, showing her white cute shirt underneath, and she turn her head to her back, to me, and without thinking I go grab her, hugging her by the waist, and help her balance herself.

"Ah, that was close" Erlong exhale.

"Well, who knew you had that cute clumsy vibes in you?" I smile at her.

"THAT. WAS. PERFECT" Mia appears out of nowhere, making me think 'did she do that??? on purpose?? In front of him?', and *chuckle* as I look at Mia with a smirk, and Mia shyly hide her face from me, focusing on Erlong.

"Ohhh, that's super cute!!" Mia forgets everything and get excited over Erlong new look, clothes, and jewelries, chatting with her, while helping her change to new shoes, and walk back home, as I follow them from behind, letting them have their moment.

"I'll start the house project" I tell them as we walk near the house in the forest, and they both nod in agreement, and we go inside Erlong's home.

'Soon the sun will set...' I think while putting all the shopping-bags out, plus the gifts I bought the girls, as I know they'll come here soon as well, but I plan do construction-work all-night-long.

'I'll take this one' I choose a tree close to her home, on the edge of a river, wishing for an underground floor with windows to the river.

I sketch on paper my plans, to create an underground-floor, a 2-floor on the roof top, all 3 hidden, connected by a hidden-stair-case, and on the ground I'll create an outdoor-deck, with different areas, like an open-kitchen, which can disguise the whole structure from being discovered.

As I keep working, and the sun is setting in the horizon, behind the trees, I keep having a conversation with Bing-Bi, Infi, and also Yuena, who's still in there, as she need a longer time to stabilize in Infinity's-space, as her powers and constitution is different, but soon she could come out, and she wonder if it's better going to Earth or Red-line.

(Maybe try giving Snowy drops from your blood?) Bing-Bi suggest, and I say 'Sure, if that can somehow help', and cut myself open, letting the blood flow to a tube, which I put in space.

<Try sending open-energies stream, who can go to Snowy, empowering her> Infi suggest, and I say 'sure', do so, and I keep on working, on the new house, installing electricity, water-systems, lights, etc, while the 3 in Infinity never stop researching how to cure Snowy's issue.

'Ah, the sun is out' I think as I meditate on the ground, on a 'deck floor', or more like entangled tree-roots who look like so.

Above me there's a hidden 2-floor-house, under me a 1-underground floor, and on the ground there's a beautiful deck-area, like an open living-room, kitchen, dining room, and also utilities like showers, sunbathing chairs, etc, on the river side, with sliding-glass-doors who can circle the whole area to make it closed, which needed, as it's winter now.

'A single night stretched to the maximum with time manipulation... but I'm getting a lot better at it...' I think as I go tour the place before the girls will come, making sure it's perfect.

I then return to the deck, and fall asleep, as my body just need a rest from everything, just a pure humanly rest.

"WOOOOOO!! HOUSE PARTY!!", "ALL DAY LONG!", shouts wake me up, and I open my eyes to the bouncing Wu and Rongrong around the place, and see Zhuqing, Mia, and Erlong in the open-kitchen, cooking breakfast.

"Good morning" Mia calls me, noticing I'm awake first, and I smile to them.

"HOW??" Erlong exhale for her first words at me, and I again, just smile.

"Wait, did you even seen the whole house?" I suddenly ask, and they nod back 'yeah'.

"The whole whole house?" I ask with narrowed-eyes, again, to make sure.

Mia eyes opens up, asking "you did it like in Paradise?!?!".

I nod 'yeah', and she go jump around with Wu and Rongrong, but a moment later freeze in confusion, not sure how to get in there.

"Finish breakfast, and then.." I say as I go wash my face, and return to the table, where they're sitting, ready to eat, and we begin doing so, enjoying the morning, as Zhuqing tells me "Today is a day off, so we plan having fun for ourselves".

I smirk, nodding 'yeah', thinking '...lots of fun indeed'.


"You just jumped into the branches, and then balcony, walking into the house, huh?" I ask Mia, who shyly say "yeah", and I wonder 'should I block it better?'.

I go behind the huge-tree-trunk, slide a piece of hidden-wood, who's hidden really well in between spaces and things, and show them a stair-case-way, who goes up and down.

"OHHHH!" the 5 exhale, and they start rushing down to explore, except one.

Zhuqing holds my hand shyly, walking with me, on the wide-staircase, which get lights from the river's underwater window, and by the middle of the stairs she pull her sweater off, showing me her undergarments, shyly smiling a tease at me, and sits down.

"Meow" I whisper to her ear, and she *Purrr* back at me, and a second later we already smooch, kissing deeply, touching each other.

She stops us, take my hand, and pull me up the stairs, as we go to the upper floor, where she take her sweater off, showing me her glorious body, near a window, and I quickly take my clothes off, walking slowly to her.

She turn around, showing me her back, and walk to the balcony.

When she reach the edge, she bow her head down, standing on her two white-high-heels, with her black-leggings hiding her sexy long legs. She look back at me, and with her two hands she grab her ass, spreading it out, and I can see her thong is sinking between her pussy lips, making my dick jealous in her thong.

Without thinking, I go behind her, crouch down, eating her pussy, till I feel she's wet enough, stand up, slide her thong down, and slide my dick inside her.

"Mmmmm" I moan, and grab her giant tits, starting to make our sweet-morning-love.

We keep fucking, as our liquids flow like the river below us, in the soft shining-sun, enjoying this sunny-day, as it's not yet a full-blown-winter.

In a moment we change position again, we can see the girls already on swimsuits, around the river.

... "AHHHH" Zhuqing cum once again, and suddenly, I see Rongrong turn around, from below, and give us a stare, then walk to Wu, whispering something in her ear.

A second later Wu run inside, while I kiss Zhuqing, massaging her back, and then go fetch us a cup of coffee, while she correct her clothes, and by the time I'm back, she's still in the same position, as I give her the cup of coffee, and she just drink it, while her tail wiggle in the air, enjoying the moment together.

"Me... Me too.." Wu suddenly appears behind us after a few minutes, looking really bashful, yet wearing a black-high-heels, black-tight-pants who expose her fluffy-white-bunny-tail, and her black-shirt pulled-up, exposing her alluring bosom, and on top of her head, those sexy rabbit-ears, wiggle cutely.

Zhuqing push me toward her, and walk away.

I smile, going to hug Wu, slowly touching her body, kissing her all over, till she grab my hand, pulling me to her room.

"How do I look?" Wu asks as she sits down, playing with her ears, hair, and bosom, and I reply "like a perfect wife who really loves her husband".

She cutely smile, and move her hands forward, taking off my underwear.

While I play with her cute rabbit-ears, she's licking, sucking, kissing, my shaft, making me think 'she really like that, huh', and let her pleasure me for a while, till I feel I want more.

I grab Wu up, carry her to the balcony, stand behind her, and rub my erection between her pussy lips, while kissing her back, till I feel she's ready.

We begin to slowly make love. I whisper in her ear "I love you, Wu", and she fidget, sniffing the morning sun who hit the flowing river, saying "I love you too", as we keep making our morning love.

From below, I suddenly see Zhuqing, playing with Rongrong, on the shore, and they turn their heads to us, while Rongrong gives me a smirk, and she keep teasing Zhuqing, laughing happily.

'Fuck, this mink, I gotta make love to her, I want her' I think, but quickly focus back to Wu, giving her all my love at the moment.

"OAHHHH" we both moan together, cumming onto each other, and kiss sweetly, but I feel she want more, she want a fuck, and I *Spank* her ass.

She quickly turn her head to me, looking bashful, yet willing, so I *Spank, Spank* her butt, again, and feel her pussy spasm.

I begin a rough piston, humping her from behind, on the balcony, and I see drool goes out of her mouth, her face change to ahegao face, and she keep having small orgasm, on the verge of a grand cum-eruption.

With one hand I *Spank* her ass, and with the other *Pinch* her clit, and Wu goes "OHHHHHWAAAAAA", shouting way too loud, and cum, while collapsing weakly, squirting her love juice all over, looking blissful and cute.

10 minutes later, when she finally relaxed, and me as well, we clean ourselves, and I go wear a swim-pants, thinking 'Can I swim in this river?', and walk to the shore, putting me leg inside it.

"How do I look?" my mind cut off as I hear Erlong voice, and turn around, seeing her standing next to me in a red-swimming-suit, also wearing the crown I gave her, with a golden bracelet.

"Is she teasing me or she really doesn't know she look perfect.. so sexy.. too sexy" I think out loud, and my mouth drop down in shock, realizing it, yet can't make a sound now.

"HAHAHAHAHA" Mia burst laughing cutely from the side, telling Erlong "Sometime he speak out loud his thoughts, but at least you can know what's truly on his mind".

I look over at Mia, saying "You're so beautiful... I love you in white... But what's with the umbrella? Is it a thing now? Yuena got to you too?", and Mia reply with half-a-smile-half-a-loving-gaze "I love you too". I stand up, hug her to me, and kiss her like I'm hungry for her.

"I wanna try swimming, save me if something happens" I whisper to Mia, who then go next to Erlong, standing on the shore, and jump inside, feeling 'it's probably safe', and make a cannon-ball-jump, aiming next to Rongrong, who float on a swan-swim-ring.

"No! Jerk!" Rongrong laugh happily, as I land near her, and swim to hug her while she's floating.

I feel it's okay to swim in the river, but look back at Mia, like asking 'Please keep a watch on me', wishing in my head 'I must solve this swimming bullshit as soon as possible' to myself.