
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH47: Why is it even happening?

"I... You... For real? YOU ALMOST DIED!!! AGAIN!", *Huffff*, Mia gaze at me in shock.

"I guess that if it doesn't kill you, it only make you stronger... and I don't want to tell you to be a coward and run away.. plus, Yuena seems absurdly strong.. But, that psycho who just attack to kill, wow for you about forgiving, no matter if he got a reason or not" Robin tells me, as I finish transferring my memories of the last days.

We continue speaking after a really-long-hug, while discussing to-do-not-to-do for future adventures, relaxing the tension mood.

... "A giant mermaid princess? The reincarnation of the sea-kings's queen?? And Wow, that ethereal-technique, I'll explore it deeply, together with the plant-garden... I think we're up to a major power up to all of us" Robin conclude the talk with the most important pieces for now.

"So I'll go on a round, visiting everyone before I'll go back to train for another week" I tell them my plans, and they nod in agreement, while Robin gives me the plans they thought of, plus letters to all the people I'm involved with, like asking to collect newspapers, eternal-log-compasses, asking if they need things, etc.

I give her the loots I collected, while being asked again and again to use maximum safety steps in my adventures, but she seems happy about our devil-fruits collections, yet she haven't decided if to let Mia eat one yet, just using it for pure research, and I see she even made plans for Don-flamingo factories, but we still need more information about them.


For the next 2 days I dedicate my time between Robin, Mia, Alison, Lazuli, Hancock, Roxanne, Viola, Rebecca, Shirahoshi, Wu, Zhuqing, Rongrong, and now, waking-up next to Yuena, in our love-bird-nest-bed, I say farewell, planning to go back for training, and *teleport*.


Arriving back to the Ice-Fire-Pool, training for around a day, I find myself already in level 60, and after consolidating my power, I decide to tour the Red-line, wishing to find my next power-up, hopefully a devil-fruit of space, or time. *Teleport*


Flying above the ocean, after leaving Water-7, I hold an 'eternal-pose', who points to a new place, named 'Long-ring-long-land'.

In a few hours, I arrive to a strange view, seeing a group of islands in a circle, without nothing in the middle of them.

Landing on one of the islands, where I can see activity from the sky, I watch a strange creatures, who is just too long, in height, and the one next to him is just too long, in length, and same is for the trees and plants, but I see it ain't so for humans, or objects, like stones or houses, for some reason.

Near the shore, 2 different pirate-ships are camping together, playing around some weird game, and I find it interesting by the buzz they've got, and also the mere fact that pirates are a question in my mind.

'..Even if you're a pirate, why would you have a flag? and skulls? Even put it on your sails? ... If I would've been a pirate, I would hide it for sure ... this world's-people are pretty dumb...' I think as I watch the game.

The two pirate's-group end the game, as one member of the losing team pirate-crew go, and join the winning team group, swearing loyalty to their captain, intriguing my curiosity, so I turn invisible, and go watch this weird thing happening between them.

"HAHA, Losing a game of 'Davy-back-fight' is even better for a lousy crew like you!" a long-nose pirate laugh at the losers, together with a gorilla-looking-pirate, and I understand they bet crew-members.

'Fucking idiots, just fight, stupid pirates' I think, while hearing a pirate cry "WE, we shouldn't agree, fuck honor", and a pirate next to him yell at him back "HAVE SOME DIGNITY!".

I enter the 2 ships, thinking 'maybe I'm the real pirate here, hehe', while stealing lots of stuff from both of them, as those idiots camp on land, playing another game, barely leaving any guards on ship, and I return back, to watch them playing a new game.

'Not only this team got at least 10x members, they also choose the games, and they also cheat so openly...', I wonder how retarded this thing is, '...And why would they even play it?.. Aren't they suppose to be like a family? Like musketeers, all-for-one+one-for-all? ..How can they even accept those rules?', I keep enjoying the show while having dinner near-by, disguised as one of them.

They play now a carting-race, where they've built it from a barrel and 3-small-wheels, riding way-too-many-people on each cart, and move with sticks slowly, 90% of the times they all cheat, throwing bombs, cutting with swords, and whatnot.

The weaker-losing-team is suddenly bombed, but survive and almost reach the winning-line from it, but just then, the long-nose pirate, who seems to be the captain, shout "Slow-Slow-Beam!".

A light-beam goes out of his hand, even though he isn't even a participant, absolutely cheating, but I'm more focused on his beam, shouting in my mind 'TIME CONCEPT POWERS!', and to make me even more sure, he shout to everyone "THIS IS MY DEVIL FRUIT, SLOW-SLOW-FRUIT! BUHAHAHA".

'Okay, time for me to also cheat, hehe, I got to get this fruit', and I ponder how to take it, not minding the nonsense they do anymore, '...I have no idea how strong they are, but I know they're all stupid, so...', I *teleport*.


At Earth, breaking into a drug-warehouse, I break the security-camera, steal a huge stock of sedative and sleeping drugs, leaving a 'thank you' note, attached to a gold-bar, in the general-manager office, and *Teleport*.


While the sun already set, and everyone focus on the competition, I turn invisible, and start dosing all the food and drinks, as they prepare a huge banquet to celebrate their winning.

An hour later, when the banquet begins, it seems half of them asleep, but they're too stupid to notice something is wrong, and another hour later, there's barely anyone awake, mostly the catering crew, who begins eating only now.

I disguise as a random pirate there, who's asleep, hide him, and go to the long-nose-captain, who's in a table alone, yelling "Captain! Come quickly! I think there's gold missing!".

He look at me in shock, and start running into the ship, and I follow behind him, wondering if his dosage kicked-in, also wishing to wait till we're deep inside, and once we are, I *KICK!* his back, knocking him into a room.

*BANG,BANG,BANG,...*, I hit him hard, but he's still conscious, so I quickly freeze his whole body, afraid of the slow-beam he can make, and decide to shove dosage after dosage of sleeping-drugs into his mouth, forcing him to swallow it, till he finally looks wasted.

*SIGH*, I stand behind him, using darkness-energy, and suck the devil-fruit out of him, till I have a purple-black fruit in my hand, and I finally start to gather energy to teleport, tired from sucking the devil-fruit out of him.

[STOP], Bro-Ge shout to me in my head.

[Look!], and I feel him activating his 'god-view', showing me the scenery around us, focusing on a sea-horse swimming in the water.

'What's that suppose to mean?' I ask.

[LOOK! The energy! Brain-waves from the people flow to him!] Bro-Ge exhale in excitement.

I focus all my powers on what's happening, suddenly feel amazed by it, wondering 'if I can even get this power, as the sea-horse is in the water, meaning, it ain't a devil-fruit, but rather his ability...'.

'Bing-Bi, Bing-Bi, you hear me? You see this?' I ask.

(Yes... the compability is there, yet, I wonder about his actual life-span, but, are you willing to kill it?) Bing-Bi answers.

'Hmm, that's a fair point, and he's in the water, so I can't even reach him' I think, and let it go, but hear Bro-Ge says [DON'T. Go for it, trust me, just freeze him].

I turn invisible, go to the deck, and fly above the place the sea-horse is, gather lots of ice-energy, focus on him, and once he's close enough to the surface I shoot it all on him, making a huge iceberg out of him, who float up, and I land on it, asking 'what now?'.

[Go to a safe place, we think it's a soul-fruit!] Bro-Ge statement shocks me, cause I just saw him swimming, but do it anyway.

After some time of using darkness-energy, I'm shocked, holding a yellowish-devil-fruit.

"I REALLY GOT A DEVIL FRUIT?!", I shout in surprise, as I can't comprehend the situation, even with all the weird things this world has to offer, as it was a 'golden-rule', 'devil-fruit users can't swim in the ocean'.

'I've got a headache, and it's not from the adventure, it's just... emptiness? even though it was a huge success?', I *SIGH!* in a weird frustration, and just store the devil-fruit, and *Teleport*.


Robin, in her bed, at Paradise, inside the tree-house, is there when I arrive, still wearing all my dirty-clothes, full of sweat, and frustration, about the day, and drop down next to her.

*HUFFFF*, 'I'm too tired of this' I think, as I hug Robin, who's under the blanket.

"Mmm, AH, you stink, go shower" Robin wakes-up.

"Sorry, please just let me stay like this for a moment" I ask cutely.

*Sigh*, Robin resign, "show me what happened".

I put my forehead on her, lock eyes, and pass my memories to her.

"Even the most beautiful journey, where you can have, see, smell, touch, feel, think, every thing the universe has to offer ... is worthless if you pass through it too fast ... You, You're suffering from your own adolescence ... Do you even have a target, or a wish, you aim for, with all your doings?".

Robin words strike me in the emptiness I feel inside from the mindless pursuit I put myself in.

After another quiet minute, she declare to me "Speed x Time = Way".

"What?" I narrow my eyes at her.

"You move too fast, so you have less time to enjoy along the way..." she tells me, making me laugh, close my eyes, and try to fall asleep, but my headache keeps me awake, and I can see Robin already asleep, so I leave her room quietly, thinking 'Is energy-drainage is the real cause of my mood?'.

Touring Paradise at night, to the lights of the moon, stars, and the solar-street-lights, I hear sounds from the base-camp, and getting closer, I hear Mia's and Alison's voices, singing widely to a broken tune.

I walk inside the base-camp, open the music-studio-building door, and see lots of drink bottles, junk-food, and costumes, are thrown everywhere.

I keep walking deeper inside, till I find the recording-room, and through the door'-window I can see them singing and dancing, obviously drunk, in a magical-girls-costumes.

"HAHA, HAahahahah, hahahahhahhhhhah" I laugh aloud, thinking '... Wow ... I could miss such beauty while running in some foreign land ... Since when was I so power-driven? When did I lost my goals and purpose? I mean, I'm barely 15-year-old in Earth-time, probably around 18 in real-time, but even that, what... ouch. That headache again'.

"AYNNNNN?!" Alison's red-shy-face, and Mia's shameless-smirk-smile, are in front of me, across the door's window, as my focus return to reality from my thoughts.

I pull the door open, and jump for a hug, but they block me, and declare "You must wear a costume!", "YEAH, go disguise as a villain, you big bad dragon".

I smile-bitterly, walk outside, think for a bit, and walk back inside a minute later, wearing only a pair of black-pants, while in my dragon-form, with the dragon-wings, tail, and soft scales all over my body, plus two horns on my head.

"AHHHH, THE BIG BAD DRAGONN" Mia's cute scream make me laugh evilly, "BUhahahaha".

"WAIT, WHAT, COOOOOOL" Alison's words out-of-play brake the mood a bit, but I continue, declaring "THE BIG BAD DRAGON IS HUNGRY... I WANT TO EAT MY FAVORITE FOOD... MAGICAL GIRLS!".

They both *giggle*, probably of how bad my acting-skills is.

Mia get back in character, yelling "OH NO, WHAT SHOULD WE DO?", making a funny pose, but Alison smile cutely while walking to me, saying "MMmmhhh... Eat me, sexy bad dragon..", and I can see the lust in her eyes exploding.

Alison start dancing, while slowly walking toward me, and stripping her clothes, till she reach me, and strip-dance on me like I'm a pole, or rather, she dance on my pole, with her hands sliding over my pants, her ass wiggling on it, but I notice I'm too high.

'Seems like I got higher again...' I think, 'and because of it, it disrupt my pole being rubbed by that sexy-dancing-ass'.

I feel Mia next to me, touching my wings, whispering "..it got so beautiful..".

"Oh no, WHAT'S THAT MAGIC?!" I act like they've hit me hard, walking back till my back hit the wall, and I crouch a bit.

Alison walk to me, touching my exposed chest, moving her hands up, grabbing me by the horns, and try to pull them.

Seeing they're stable, she turn around, with her back to me, her ass-cheeks now moving up and down on my pole, and her hands raised up high, grabbing me by the horns, and I spread my hands to the sides, not touching or disturbing her acts, acting like I'm paralyzed by some magic.

*Scratch*, a sound of fabric tear apart, and I see Mia ripped off my pants and underwear with a strong pull.

*Giggle*, "LOOK! He has a hidden weapon! We must take it away!" Mia laughingly speaks.

Alison raise her skirt, hiding my weapon under it, between her legs, sliding back and forth, while Mia goes before Alison, crouch down, sitting on her knees, saying "I'll help you", and *Scratch*, tear Alison underwear, put her head closer to our rubbing-point, open her mouth, and put my pole, and Alison's pussy-lips, into her mouth.

*Lick, Suck, Lick, Suck...*, Mia sync with Alison dance, moving forward to swallow my pole, and moving back while licking Alison.

They both dance on me, while I surrender, with my hands to the sides, letting my red-energy explode from the 3-point-connection of us.

As the heavenly dance continues, Alison slowly takes off her clothes, and all she got on is just her high-heels-boots on her long sexy legs.

She put her hand-down, press my pole from below, and when she moves back, *squish*, she slide my pole into her wet-pussy, as Mia's mouth move to lick my balls, and my whole body shiver from excitement.

"Oh No", Alison speaks seductively, "The big bad dragon weapon infused with me".

I put my hands on her breast, massage it, but not moving, just sending my lust to her, while Mia's lick us from below, and I let my blood pump, sending vibration into Alison, till she can't wait anymore, and while her hands on my horns, starts to pump back and forth on me, fucking my pole.

"AHH, YES, NOO, BIG, BAD, DRAGON" Alison moans every hump she does, almost hanging into the air, while holding my horns.

Mia stand up, removing in a sexual dance her clothes, piece by piece, till she also remain with just a white thong and black high-heels.

"AHH, AHH, MAHHHH", Alison keep fucking me, and Mia come closer to my face, and start to kiss me deeply from the side.

I take a hand and touch her whole body, from her silky hair, to her smooth cheek, sexy neck, ample breast, and slide it between her butt for few moments, before pushing my finger inside her love-hole, syncing my movement with Alison's dance.

"Me too" Alison moan as she turn her head to me, and I kiss her deeply, running my other hand over her body, from top to clit, jerking her off, and I feel her orgasm-dance wet my dick, squeezing it, sucking it like there's a black-hole in there, and my dick feel like a noodle.

"MMHHH" We both moan, as I join her, having orgasm together, sinking into this euphoria-feeling.

We enjoy the orgasm-dance for a minute before returning back to reality, and see Mia's expecting-gaze.

Alison give me few quick kisses, take my weapon out of her, and she go rest on a sofa with a sweet-smile.

"I want to eat a magical bunny" I say as I look at Mia, and she *giggle*, screaming "Oh no, Big bad dragon wanna eat me! NOOOooo", as she run away, but fall on the sofa, near the sitting-Alison, but with her ass up high, and I can see a fluffy-white-ball, 'OH GOD! A BUNNY TAIL?'.

I jump toward Mia, shove my mouth between her ass-cheeks, sucking and licking her pussy, and play with her ass and tail in my hands, laughing into her pussy cause the tail tickle my nose, almost making me sneeze.

I keep going till she's on the edge, before I stand up behind her, raise her hips with my hand, aim my pole with the other, and slide into her.

"Ahhhh", I moan, feeling so good that I can't control my voice.

"MMHhhhAAAA..." Mia moans longingly, as I begin a wild piston, making love like a beast.

*Puck, Puck, Puck, ...* My balls slap her ass, making music echo in the studio.

Her 2 hands on the sofa's back, stabilizing herself not to fall down, and my 2 hands on her head, rubbing her bunny-ears, who suddenly appear, and trigger my lustful-soul, who goes out of control.

I move my hands downward, fondling her bouncing boobs, before moving to hold her by her ass, and rubbing her fluffy-bunny-tail.

After some time, I feel I'm close to explode, raising her from her ass, fucking her while she sits on top of my hands, her legs in the air, and her hands goes up, holding my horns, as we continue to fuck, going deeper, hitting faster, till I'm on the edge, and I feel she's about to orgasm any second now, for the second time since we started.

We try to moan, but our mouths connect, kissing with extreme passion, and in-between the slurping sounds, faded-moans escapes our lips, together with the endless rhythm of the drums-beat, "MMmmm...", *puck, Puck, PUCK,...*, "mmMMHHhhh...", ... , *SQUIRT!*.

... "I can't believe I was worried about you and came to check how you're doing" Robin voice sounds from behind me, and I turn to see her standing at the door, with a sweet-smile on her face.

I lay down Mia on the sofa, next to the sleeping Alison, and walk toward Robin.

"Robin, I love you" I say as I pull her to a hug, and covering her whole body inside my wings, like a cocoon, isolating us inside of it.

"I guess three dosage of my lovely sexy women shook me back to happiness?" I say with a smile, and suddenly feel the urge to ask her "Why are you so good to me? How come you're okay with polygamy? Why are you so lenient with me? Letting me go loose?", but I stop my words, feeling that maybe I 'blame' her, from me going wild, as she never stopped me, not even for a moment, only helped me in my endeavors.

'It's me to blame.. If anything, I feel unknown fear.. why such a beautiful woman, rather, women, choose me as their spouse..' I think about this harem-situation I uncontrollably kept chasing, and if there's a one moment I think it all broke loose ... "Since The Day I Ate The First Devil Fruit?" I think-out-loud.

Robin looks at me in surprise, asking "What?", and I freeze, before speaking to her, slowly, "I'm sorry, I think Iv'e got some grievance I unintentionally put on you, probably because how much I trust and treasure you... I thought why I am the way I am... and why Iv'e got such wonderful, beautiful, amazing, women surrounding me, in such a harem ... and when I thought about the first moment it all started ... it's the day I ate my first devil fruit ... ".

"Hey! Don't disrespect my love like that!" Mia shout from the sofa, but Robin is cool-headed, looking in a straight gaze at me, and asks "What are you trying to say?"