
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH48: Lovely you, Love me do

"What I'm trying to say... is..." I think hard while breathing deeply before I continue, saying decisively "Is that I am immature about love. I have it, I want it, I love it, but I don't think I really know about it... and I think I must know, or at least understand...".

"No no no, I mean, that's okay and all, I mean, what did you mean about your first soul-fruit?" Mia asks in a firm tone.

I again breath hard, canceling my dragon transformation, sitting next to her on the sofa, while pulling Robin along with me, and answer "I'm afraid that I somehow manipulate you, unknowingly, unintentionally, with my own energies".

Mia look like she thinks to herself, but Robin's burst in laughter, shaking us both out of our thinking.

"What?" I ask, and Robin say "For real? I guess you're really immature, but think about it... once you leave, and we're alone, then we're without that said influence, no manipulation. IF ANYTHING, it's you, it manipulate you, or your desires, in some way... and that's for you to discover... And do you really think we had no feelings even before you ate it?...".

'AH, She's right, it's me being manipulated, not them..' I think before asking "then, please help me, why do you accept and love me?".

Robin keep her mouth close, while Mia answers "I think my commitment for you, and intimacy, blew-up with my sexual passion, making me fall in love with you? BUT, that's nonsense, probably, love is love?", and by the end of her monologue she just mumble, confused herself, yet suddenly yell "I LOVE YOU, YOU LOVE ME, or are you saying otherwise??".

"Nope", I say as I hug her to my chest, "I love you so much I'm afraid to lose you. I love you to the point I can't believe it, how can such perfect women choose me? accepting me so wholesomely?".

Robin finally seems about to speak, but before she can, I pull her with my other hand, hugging her close to me, and she beam a beautiful smile.

"I... I made a promise... and I know Mia too... but it was never about love... or relationship... So... Ours, absolutely mine, and I'm sure Mia's too, is pure... I love you... there's no reason, there's just love..." Robin stutter, which is unlike her, and even more unlike her is how much she blush, turning from pink to red, and fidget.

I turn my head to Mia, who nods decisively, affirming her words, with a gentle smile.

"Am I a coward? For being so afraid of this polygamy going wrong, from all those society's norms implemented into me, affecting my senses?" I ask them, and Robin *chuckle*, saying "even if you had 1 woman, those fears will be the same... And... Love is more than a momentary feeling, so be sure to nurture it, like a plant, who needs more than a sun, water, and soil, as there's a whole world who also affect it".

Mia keep nodding, and says "I think you, or probably us, all, need this talk, so... Alison?".

Alison open her eyes, smirking like a kid who was caught with his hand inside the hidden-cookie-jar, saying "I was the most skeptical about all of this, maybe still am, but I feel love, I feel loved, and good, and happy, so, that joy...".

Alison *breath deeply* for a moment, and continue speaking, "I... I love you! I love Robin and Mia! ... I Haven't met the others, but it's our world here, so who cares about other's idealism?.. LOVE, Love me do..." Alison start singing aloud, "Love, Love me do... You know? I love you... Always be true!.. So please?.. Love me do, whoaaa, love me do...", making a quiet-version out of this song, making it sound so romantic.

"...I love you and that's all that I know.." Robin sings just a line, to Alison, right after she stop singing, smiling happily, and Alison nods 'yeah', beaming a smile back to her.

Mia stand from the sofa, letting me and Alison hug and kiss, but then sit on me, kissing me, and a moment later Robin too.

"Hmmm", I make a sound, while picking Robin and Alison up while standing, and Mia hang on my neck, laughing, as she cover my face with her breast, and I bite a nipple in revenge, making her laugh harder.

I walk out slowly, to the living-quarter-building, climb to the master-bedroom-floor, and drop us all to bed, ready for a fucking lovely night.


In the morning, after a lovely morning as well, I say goodbye to the 3, planning to visit all the women, and discuss my unsaid feelings, about love, worries, and whatnot, wishing to expose all, go all-in, consolidate it or discover the hidden words that was never said, and might break apart things, willing to carry the risk. *Teleport*.


"What's with this nonsense? I love you too, don't worry so much, idiot" Lazuli tells me as she run away to work, complaining she's late because of me, but still talk with me for more than half an hour, and while leaving, she yells "We're family! and that's above love! bye bye".

I'm left alone in the house, with a giant smile.



Looking at the sleeping face of Gu Yuena put me in peace, into a complete piece, to picture a life that I wish to have and preserve, yet the feelings of fears hurt me like needles to my heart, and I feel a tear-drop roll-down my cheek.

Yuena opens her eyes, looking at me.

"Love is the people you think about when you're sad" Yuena suddenly speaks, shocking me, and now my eyes fully, openly, leak salty-water down to my cheeks, making me taste my bitter thoughts in my mouth, sliding down my throat.

Yuena send her hand to me, dropping me into the nest-bed, and then lick my face, drinking my tears, while hugging me.

"You big baby" she laugh at me, and I pout and mumble "I love you".

She asks me "then why're you crying?", and I shake my head, mumbling "I don't know. I fear to lose you", and she *giggle*, hugging me really tight.

"What do you think about polygamy?" I finally ask my biggest fear of it all, and she respond "normal?".

I think about it, 'well, many society have polygamy, so maybe I'm over-reacting to some of them'.

Yuena break my thoughts, saying "did something happened?", and I tell her "Probably a mental-breakdown... Can you please tell me how you feel about me? and why?".

She think to herself while hugging me with one hand, patting me with the other, and take a minute before she finally says "Like my naughty, crybaby, spoiled, little brother, NO, Like the existence who let my heart see there's good in this life, NO NO, Like, damn, I, I, I love you! Okay?? Happy now?".

'I am totally confused' I think to myself, but then she continue speaking, "I lived for so long, and so much out of spite, and of course also the wish to regain my lost family, so, so, this feeling, is new to me, this.. Love.. I dunno.. Isn't it enough, love?", and I nod my head firmly, signaling her 'YES', and whisper "I love you, Yuena".

After an hour of slow-touches between us on the bed, small-talking about nothing important, we turn to a deep-kiss-session, slowly pealing each other's clothes, leaving us in our underwear, but not stepping behind it, just feeling the love.

*GROWLLL*, my stomach yell at us, grumbling for food, and Yuena *chuckle*, saying "yeah, me too", and we go fill our appetite.

"I'll see you soon, my love" I tell her after 2 hours of lovingly hanging out together, kiss her, and *Teleport*.


Finishing a quick visit to Rebecca and Viola, who seems fine, enjoying their training, and giving them all the things they asked for, and more, I'm now in Hancock's bedroom, waiting for her, as I asked her to call Roxanne also.

"HI" Roxanne say as she jump onto my lap, while I'm sitting in Hancock'-room, on a sofa.

"Hi, Roxy, I missed you, where's Hancock?" I ask, and she respond "she will be here soon... something happened??", asking like she read me like an open book.

"Sort of a breakdown, or fears popping, about... Love.. relationships.. and polygamy" I expose myself straight-forwardly.

"So... nothing happened?" she asks without any tact.

"What do you feel about me?" I pry her feelings open, and she just claim "Love", leaving me overwhelmed, thinking 'how do I even get an answer here?', but just then Hancock coming in.

"Hanny, Hmmm, how do you ... feel about me?" I ask her as she sit down on my other leg, laying her head on my shoulder, and comfort herself to a hug.

"My husband" she says, and I feel it's a knock-out, thinking 'I bet that's the best answer I can get from those 2, haha'.

Roxanne jump up, showing me her moves, Haki, and talk about her time on Amazon-lily, while Hancock kisses me from head to shoulder nonstop.

I just enjoy the time together, fooling around, tickling, small-talking, telling stories about things, eating and drinking, and like that, 3 hours pass and they seem to need to go to some event that's going on, so we say farewell, kiss, and I *teleport*.


I couldn't find Shirahoshi, so I came back to Soul-land, searching for Zhuqing, Wu, or even Rongrong, to talk with them, but find the place is empty, not 'seeing' anyone, so I *teleport* to the secret-plant-garden in the mountains, sit down next to the lake, and take out the 2 devil-fruits.

(Obviously the soul-fruit of the mind is for the mind-spirit-soul) Bing-Bi says and materialize next to me.

<Informing you that she's correct, as time-concept-fruit can be a good nurture for Infinity's development> Infi says, but I wonder 'What is Infinity?', and hear in response <To a low-level-brain-function-creature, it is a possibility, a chance, with lots of benefits and without drawbacks>, and I *sigh*, thinking 'whatever, so what's first?', hearing in response <Infinity will take time, yet stabilization is important, so start with it to promise a success>.

I bite the purple-black striped 2-horns-fruit, that 'Slow-slow-fruit', but I feel nothing, not a taste nor power, so I just eat it whole, but about 30 seconds after the first bite, a disgusting taste wash my mouth, my throat is on endless gag-reflex, and my face twitch to weird expressions.

I ignore everything, take off my shirt, and look at the middle of my chest, where a new ring slowly form, so I sit to meditate till it settle-down, stabilize, and consolidate in me.

"Okay, you can eat it now" Bing-Bi says as she put the second fruit in front of me, but the fresh memories of the last fruit's taste making me wish to refuse.

"Oh, crybaby, you're goona cry again?" Bing-Bi teases me, and I smirk-evilly, as I store the fruit in my space, and jump at her, dropping her on the floor, with me above her, and threat her "say that again, cutey, and we'll see who'll cry", but just then Bro-Ge materialize, shouting "NO! SHE'S MINE!", and we both look at him, me with repulse, and her 'Also with repulse?' I think.

"WHO'S YOURS??" Bing-Bi shouts back, but before the situation gets out-of-hand, I say "Stop, play time over, I'll go eat the fruit", and take it out, biting it.

"BAHHH, IT HAS A TASTE OF A NIGHTMARE! AN ACTUAL NIGHTMARE" I complain as I feel the taste of that blue-colored-fruit, who maybe looks like a fluffy-cute-cloud, but remind me of my nightmares, yet feeling the power flowing into my head, as it feels more and more like eating a dream.

I activate my soul-rings, and around me there's 4 floating-soul-rings, but we're saddened to discover it's a white-ring, the lowest-tier-ring that exist, 'so why do I feel an inexplicable huge benefits?'.

"I think it can grow?" I half-say-half-ask, and Bing-Bi responds "Of course.. but only time would tell, and I sure hope it will, cause that's really weak, and can block you from progressing in the future, or not, cause your other soul-spirit always ahead, I'm not totally sure, but it ain't good, that's for certain".

"Anyway, let's check it out", I say as I try to use it, but get nothing.

"Hmmm, what's... happening?" I *scratch* the top of my head with a finger, who turn to 5 fingers, and now *Scrath,Scrath,...*, all my 10 fingers scuff my skull, from feeling mad confusion, exhaling "For real?! Nothing?!!?".

"Big stupid dragon, relax a moment, there's probably conditions to activate it. Try it on me" Bing-Bi wake me up, offering herself for an experiment, so I try it on her, and just when I think nothing happen, when we look at each other's eyes, a white glow appears in my eyes, shooting that light into her, connecting to her, and I can see her memories, but a layer deeper than that, I can see her 'dreams', not desires, or urges, but pure dreams, of how and what she wish to happen, even feeling I can 'steal' those 'dreams', or 'memories', whatever those are.

'She dream about... a woman?! WOW, she's hot! 'Snowy'? haha, and she call her 'Icy', funny... Xue-Nu... Snow empress.. Sworn sister.. OMG, REALLY?! Bing-Bi is a... A LESBIAN!!', my thoughts got stuck in her hentai-dream Iv'e found, of her and a otherworldly white-hair-woman, wearing a white-blue-tight-dress, with an ice crown on her head, looking majestic and aloof, yet warm.

This empress doing a hand-job to Bing-Bi, who sits on her lap, and with the other hand rub and pinch her nipple, as Bing-Bi fidget and squirt cum nonstop.

I suddenly feel like I'm 'stealing' her dream, taking that 'dream' from her, I myself am not sure.

I quickly stop, not wishing to harm her, but when I think about my desires for Bing-Bi I feel I can even manipulate her, implant an 'idea', or rather, a 'dream', or 'desire', inside of her mind, but once again stop, not wishing to hurt her.

"Okay, let's stop this ... this powers is way too dangerous to use without knowing how it affects..." I tell Bing-Bi, who wakes-up, and the natural glow return to her face, but then she turns shy, then mad, and a second later lunatic.

She jumps at me, with a complete red-face, dropping me to the ground, and start hitting her fists to my chest, slap my cheeks, and shout in cries "no, you didn't see it, never, no, why, how, it's not, ahhaa,....".

I hug her strongly, rubbing her back, patting her head, and brush her hair, while whispering "I didn't see anything, I'm sorry, please, relax, I love you, I will never hurt you, Bing-Bi, shhh, relax, nothing happened...".

I think while she slowly calm down 'Why is she even mad? It was such a beautiful dream, I wish I was in it, huff, what a bummer she's a lesbian', "I'M NOT! I'm.. i'm not.. that.. maybe a bit... bi" Bing-Bi starts yelling, turn to talking, and then mumble-whisper to me.

I keep patting her, thinking deep inside of me how weird it is she knows all I think, and better keep my mind hidden, but just then, she kiss my cheek, whispering "here, see, I'm not... that".

*Chuckle*, "I don't know what you're talking about, my dear princess" I say, and kiss her cheek, sitting with her on my lap, and keep brushing her hair slowly.

"Anyway, why a 400,000 year old women choose to materialize herself as a loli?" I ask to change the subject, but it really intrigue me.

"Because big bad dragons will fall in love with me and try to eat me" she *giggle* while answering, showing she relaxed, and add "By the way, I can now block Infinity's influence over your mind completely, meaning the jerk-Ge won't see anything you see and hear, hahaha".

"Bing-Bi", *chuu,chuu,chuu,...* I rain kisses on her cheek, "Where's Xue-Nu? Let's go get her, so she can join us".

Her face turn sour, tears form in her eyes, and I hug her strongly but cannot stop her exploding sadness.

"She.. She! She tried to turn to a human after 700,000 years, just to turn into a cocoon!! and then! STUPID HUMANS! THEY STOLE HER COCOON!" she burst in screams and cry.

"That's all? So let's find her, and that's it? Why be so sad?" *chuu, chuu,...*, I keep consulting her, till she fell asleep in my arms, making me feel mentally exhausted, so I just close my eyes, falling asleep while sitting, with her on my lap.

'I'm... Awake in my dream? Is this even a dream?', and while exploring this new experience, I discover I can enter Bing-Bi dream, but it's total sadness at the moment, and I spend the whole night hugging Bing-Bi, in reality and in our shared dream.


"Good morning" Bing-Bi smiles like the sunshine, after I affirmed her we will get her friend/sister/lover, plus a hint it can turn easily to trio, and knowing about a 700,000-years-old-snow-empress as a power-up option is enormous, and above all, I plan looting few kingdoms and empires when I'm ready anyway.

'Well, there's one thing I really wish to finish...' I think, and *Teleport*.


"Why do I love you?" Shirahoshi repeat my question, and then asks "Why do you love me?".

"I love you because I love you. I love your character, your innocence, firm-heart, strong-mind, yet how fragile, shy, and friendly you are. I love your beauty, from head to toes. I love the fact that even the worst thing anyone can think of someone, just become another reason I love you, like you brain-washed me! HEY, Did you brainwash me?!" I answer her, and end with a joke, smiling.

Shirahoshi *giggle*, and act-her-part, acting like she's a witch who made a brain-washing-magic.

She lie-down on her belly, with her head on her hand, like she's thinking, just in front of me, as I'm sitting at the edge of her bed, and stare with her deep-blue-eyes into me, with an "O"-mouth-expression.

"I love you .. because you're Ayn!" she decide, and I *chuckle*, asking "and what about polygamy?".

"I don't care if it's Hancock, and she told me about Roxanne, but I don't know about Robin, or Mia, and others, and ... I don't know what I don't know? ... how can I say it's okay if I don't know?" she answers.

I think 'So she's okay with polygamy, it seems', and *exhale*, relaxing.

"Shirahoshi, I... I want us to be together forever... I want to be your husband! and you to be my wife! Please marry me? let's be together, forever!" I propose.