
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH46: A wet journey

"...All I've got left in life is... just my grand-daughter, Yan...", DuGuBo tells us his story in a broken-voice.

"My late-father told me we're a poisonous family, and we can only become strong.. or die young... and of course, he died... so I had to train really hard... but what's funny, it just made the poison stronger... and now, they're all dead, all except of Yan...", his words keep being happy, but the tone, voice, and everything else signal deep sadness.

"..funny ..I'm a titled-douluo since age 70, called 'The Poison Douluo', praised and admired by all ..but it's my own poison that kills me, us, even now, when I'm already titled-douluo, and I fear that soon.. Yan will die too.." his voice stop in his throat.

He wipe his face like he's tired, but we can see he's crying, and his sorrow sip into me, making me feel teary.

After a short quiet moment, he raise his voice, saying "Until you broke my poison just now", *breath heavily*, "and I know it's presumptuous of me, but please, please, save Yan, I'll promise you anything".

"Okay" I answer.

*CHOP*, *SCRATCH*, Yuena hand-chop me on the head, while Bing-Bi twist my arm with her fingernails.

"You trust his words way too fast!!", "How can you believe him like that?", they both argue against it, but honestly, all the powers I have, feeling emotions, intents, and reading memories, signal me his words are trustworthy.

I ask DuguBo "Let me touch you, but don't move, and don't resist!", and I go put my head on his forehead, locking eyes with him.

Reading all of his mind, even his desires, and urges, I find how much misery there's in his life.

I step to Yuena and Bing-Bi, put my forehead on them, and pass those memories and life-desires, and they both shed a tear, mumbling "..okay..","..yeah..".

"Let's be friends" I tell DuguBo, and he laugh bitterly, making a confused look.

"I'll heal her, at least try, and you as well, but I'm new at it, so give me time" I tell him, as he look at me in surprise, still not understanding why the mood changed so drastically in a moment after I touched his head.

"Don't sweat it.. Let's see... what I took from you, that's it, we're even, okay? And it seems you got no idea about this place, so just keep it a secret, and we can live here peacefully, like it was until now, just don't ever speak or bring anyone here".

He nods, accepting it, and it seems Yuena and Bing-Bi also, so I smile, pour us all wine, and *cling*, "CHEERS", and we drink, changing the mood back to the cheerfulness it had before.

"I'll get back now, and come visit, You stay here and train, see you soon" Yuena tell me, kiss my lips, and fly away.

"I'll also go back" Bing-Bi says, kiss my cheek, and disappear.

"Another drink?" DuguBo asks, and I agree, so we get into a hot-spring, enjoying the steamy peaceful mood, while small-talking.

'It seems both of us are a loners... I can't even remember when I had a relaxing time with any male, except with my father some times, since ... ever?' I think to myself, 'it's nice to try having a friend, and I have read his mind, so I know it's safe'.

"I'll stay here, and hopefully, by next month, I'll find some solution to this poison, and we can go meet Yan" I tell him before going to train.

"No problem, thanks, maybe I can even agree for her to be your wife" he tells me, smiling bitterly, knowing I got few wives already.

"Only if we both agree, so your permission isn't needed really, See ya later friend" I say, as we separate, me to train, him to finish healing.

'That snake looks dead from just biting me, but he said he can massacre a whole city?' I wonder as I get near the Ice-Fire-Pool with the tiny-green-snake in my hand.

<Informing you that your blood is poisonous, and also, please give me the bracelet and ring you got, it's beneficial to me, and for you> Infi voice remind me of the space-storage-items, so I throw the content of the ring to my space-pocket, and give Infi those items, as they're sucked into my chest.

'I've been only in my wet underwear since I came here, like I'm a nudist, or Tarzan' I laugh at myself, only noticing it now.

I begin to meditate, understanding my own poison-experience, and find out how dangerous my blood is, but also how blessed it is to cure poison, and just from that I can almost cure all poisons.

I go mix few herbs with the lake's water, and add a drop of my blood, boil it with my fire, and test it on the tiny-green-snake, and it seems she's healed, and even became kinda tamed, sleeping inside my shirt, and I find this cutie-snake a great idea for a pet.

"DUGUBO" I yell, and after a minute of no response, I sit back and continue training, using time-energy, for more than a week, but when I see DuguBo back, I discover only a day passed.

"Here" I give him the bottle with the poison-cure I tried on the snake, "Try it?".

He look suspiciously, but take a sip, and a moment later his eyes open wide, and his lips turns to a smile, while saying "it works! what's in it??", but I answer "don't ask, just say thanks and test it", and he nod in agreement, trying to cultivate it into him.

For more than a day outside, weeks for me, I train, plus snack on heavenly-plants, increasing my power, body, soul, and even life, while digesting it into me, before I finally feel bored, plus on the verge of level 60, deciding to take a break, and *Teleport*.


"Ayn!" Shirahoshi yell in joy as I arrive into her room.

I open my wings and fly toward her, mesmerized by her beauty.

"Huh? What happened?" Shirahoshi asks me, looking at me with an infuriated-wondering gaze, before I get to her.

I ask back "what's wrong?", and instead of answering, she point with her finger to the side, where there's a mirror, and seeing myself, I decide to fly closer to it.

'I'm...Taller? I got small horns! The wings got huge! almost the length of my whole body. The color is like my eyes, a mixture of purple-blue-grey, and my scales as well... My tail grew a bit longer, and the scales on it are so sharp, it's like there's knives on it, and a sword on the edge...', I keep inspecting myself, but Shirahoshi comes behind me, whispering "You're... You're beautiful".

"You're beautiful too" I whisper back, locking eyes through the mirror, and I can see her in a blue-shirt, with her giant melons almost spilling out of it, and her pinkish-red-mermaid-tail wagging from side to side.

I turn back, also seeing she only wear a small-white-thong, but focus on her blue-eyes and red-plump-lips.

I fly to her, pushing her back from her shoulder, dropping her into her bed, and land in the middle of her chest, whispering "so beautiful", and kiss her lips.

She close her eyes, shape her lips to a kiss, and kiss my whole head, making me laugh, and she open her eyes, giggling too, yet with a bit of sadness.

"Don't worry, I'll find solution to the size differences really soon...", I tell her as I kiss her lips again, "Wanna go for a date? Eat together? Just chat?".

"I...I...I..." She mumble, but my mind wander somewhere else by the family-picture on her bed-side.

"Is this your mother? She looks lovely" I say, but think shockingly in my head 'HOW CAN HER FATHER AND MOTHER HAVE SEX?! That size difference!! WHAT??', but when I look at Shirahoshi I clean my mind from this, and focus back at her, asking "what's wrong?".

"I...I... Want to see the sun!" she declare with her eyes wide-open, doing a puppy-face, a face I can't really say no to.

"Hmmm", I ponder, thinking in my head 'Infi? Help me, is it possible to go with her to Rusukaina?'.

<It is, but you will probably suffer a backlash, and need to rest few hours in pain, or wait till tomorrow, till I finish assimilate the new items we got>. 'Okay, Thanks'.

"Let's sleep till tomorrow morning, and then go out, I need to collect energy, plus wait for the sun to come out" I tell her with a smile, ready to take the pain, and seeing her beautiful smile on her lovely face tell me it's worth it.

"Maybe if you hug me the whole night I can gather energy better" I flirt with her, and she *giggle*, nodding her head in acceptance, shape her lips for a kiss, and close her eyes.

I stand on her chest, as she's half-sitting-half-laying, and kiss her soft lips, bite them a bit, licking them, and then she also try to take out her tongue, but it gets my whole face wet, and we both burst laughing.

I lie-down on her chest, as she also lie-down, and we make a small-talk, but I notice my erection isn't going down anytime soon, so I decide to try channel my red-energy, coating my whole body with it, slowly infusing it with her body.

I feel her body fidget, swirling on the bed, and she put one hand down, and the other hand around her stomach, looping her giant breast, and in result they squish together, with my lower-body in the middle of them, like a whole-soft-body-massage, which in turn burst even more red-energy into her.

"Mmmm" she silently moan.

"Let me help you" I talk to her quietly, as I stand up, with my lower-body still in the middle of her squishy boobs, and put my face and hands on one of her nipples, kissing it, hugging it, and sending lots of lust into her.

She squeeze her boobs harder, sending shivers to my lower-body, like half my body having a boob-massage, a body-pizuri, but instead of cumming, I catch both her nipples, trying to hold them both, and sending my lust-energy into them, while also biting each nipple in turn.

"Ahhh, I love you, Shirahoshi" I moan as she tit-fuck me while I lick her nipple.

"ME, ME, ME TOO, I LOVE YOU" she moan back at me, and I can see her other hand slide under her thong, rubbing her pussy-lips slowly.

"IT's, I'm, Cumming" I burst my sperm between her squishy tits, biting her nipple hard, and I see her rubbing herself hard, having a small orgasm.

I climb up, kissing her passionately, and whisper "let me help you too", and jump down to her thong, move her hand aside, and put my mouth on her clit, sucking it hard.

"AHHHAA" she moan.

I rub my 2 hands on her pussy, slowly sliding inside, and my whole body soak in her love-juice.

"NOOO, YESSS, WHAT IS THIS" Shirahoshi spasm a bit, shooting out more juices out of her.

I keep eating her clit, searching with my hands inside her pussy, digging for that g-spot, and when I think I found it, as she fidget hard, screaming "SOMETHING, SOMETHING IS, AHhhhhhhh".

Shirahoshi push me, with her hand on my back, right into her pussy, and I don't resist, as she keep pushing my whole head inside her pussy, as love-juice squirt into me, feeling like a firefighter-hose'-stream hits my face.

I keep digging my hand inside, diving there, till less then a minute later she relax and let me go, pulling my head out.

*Huff,Huff,Huff*, we both breath heavily.

I look at her face, and it's completely red, and she hides it with her hands.

I tell her "love is a beautiful thing, there's no need to feel shy", and I walk to her while taking off my clothes, and wipe myself with a towel.

She steal gazes on me between her fingers, and get even more red.

When I'm stepping closer to her face, she grab me with one hand, pull me to her, but not for a kiss.

Shirahoshi push my dick into her lips, while licking it with the edge of her tongue, like tasting an ice-cream, and I almost cum on this moment.

She then keep licking, till she *suck* it, as I fuck her mouth-pussy, and "Ahhhhhh" I cum inside her mouth, keep pumping my dick between her lips, and the whole time our eyes locked onto each other.

... I hear a *glug*, as she clean my whole dick in one lick, and I hug her by her cheeks, kissing her all over her face, whispering "fuck, I love you so much, that, that was amazing", and she smile at me shyly.

I keep raining kisses on her, also kissing for some time, before we feel tired, so I kiss her one last time before going back to sleep, in between her towering breast, using her shirt as a blanket.

"Good night, I, I, I love you" Shirahoshi says as she fall asleep.


*Chu, Chu, Chu,...*, Shirahoshi open her eyes while I kiss her neck, cheek, lips, nose, and eyes, till she wakes-up.

*Giggle*, "Good morning" she says with a huge smile with a pink shy shade cover her face.

"Good morning, *Chu*, Ready for our adventure?" I ask, and she nods happily, but the movement make me fall down, but luckily I land on a soft bubbly boob, and I sink in joy into it, and *bump*, it's so elastic, I'm thrown onto her other boob, *bump*, I fall in the middle, laughing in pure happiness.

I look up, and see her pout, but then I *chuckle*, and she *giggle*, and then we both *sigh*, like we love each other too much, having too much fun, and we need to move out of bed, but really soon she turn to a huge smile, saying "I'm ready!".

I 'see' a guard coming with a cart full of food, so I hide behind her, and when he leave, and close the door behind him, we eat, then she go get prepared, while I explain her to-do-not-to-do for our adventure, mainly hide, don't push me into water cause of my devil-fruit, and where are we going, and when she get it all, I sit between her boobs, and *teleport*.

Sitting on the shore of Rusukaina, I meditate, trying to gather energies back into me, feeling a huge headache, while meanwhile, in the water, Shirahoshi swims in ecstasy, like a dolphin, jumping from the water and doing huge splashes all around, making me forget about my pain.

After an hour, I finally feel better, so I ponder 'what shall we do', as we both walk/swim toward each other.

"Wanna go for a swim to another close-by island?" I ask her, thinking of visiting Amazon-lily, and she nods in agreement, showing her back to me, and I climb to ride her back, as she start swimming to the direction the eternal-log-compass I gave her show.

"WHOOHOOOO" Shirahoshi yells, as she jump above the water, before landing back, almost killing me each time by throwing me off.

"...Just rescue me if I fall, please?.." I laughingly tell her, and she *chuckle*, while finding group of fishes, swimming with them.

Suddenly, *SPLASH,SPLASH,SPLASH,...*, a group of huge, monstrous, fishes, in the size of a high-mountains, start popping-out their heads out of the water, right in front of us, like huge islands just appeared out of nowhere, and Shirahoshi stop moving.

I quickly make preparations to teleport, or even block an attack before that, but just then, a voice appears.

"Oiya, Oiya, Relax", "Shirahoshi-hime, What are you doing here?", "Am I imagining, or that boy can hear us too?", "I doubt it", "Oh, something like that happened not long ago", the giant-monsters converse between themselves, as me and Shirahoshi look with eyes-wide-open.

"Hello?" I asks in shock, "I'm Ayn... You know Shirahoshi?".

"SEE?! He can understand us!" one of them says.

"Me,Me,Me too!" Shirahoshi speaks aloud.

"Why can you understand us?" one of them asks me, and I ask in return "Why can YOU understand me?", and I get gazes from lots of giant-eyes, staring at me, while one of them *chuckle*, shaking the whole water around him, and us as well.

"Tell you the truth, you're the first..., wait, what are you?" I ask them, and now they all *chuckle*, as one of them says "They call us 'Sea-Kings', and Shirahoshi is also one of us, the reincarnation of our queen".

"WH, WA, Wait, What?" Shirahoshi panics.

I pat her head, saying "relax, you're already a princess, so what's so unique about a queen?", and she laugh a bit, while the giant sea-creatures gaze at us flirting, till one asks again "What are you doing on the surface, Shirahoshi-hime?".

I answer instead of her, saying "a date, visiting few islands, why? is it forbidden or something in your tribe?", and they look at each other, saying nothing while slowly diving back, and the last one says before disappearing into the water "Be safe, and keep her safe, weird human".

"Well, that was something" I say when they're gone.

"I,I,I'm,..." Shirahoshi mumble, and I burst laughing, saying "You mumble way too much, my queen, you're a mermaid, they're fish, what's the matter?", and she says nothing, swimming away to Amazon-lily, with me on her back, while both of us in deep-thinking, and I plan consult with Robin about all of this.

"Wait here, don't move" I tell Shirahoshi as we arrive into a deserted shore of the island, and I *teleport* inside Hancock's bed-room, finding her asleep.

*Chu,Chu,Chu,...* I rain kisses on her face till she wakes-up, open her eyes, and smile at me, pouting, and blubber "mmm, I had a rough night, join me?".

"Can't, I Came here with someone, who's waiting outside, and I thought you both can meet?" I ask her, and she nods 'yeah' while rubbing her eyes, but I don't wait, holding her to a princess-carry, and *teleport*.

"WHA" Hancock shout, I laugh, and Shirahoshi is shocked, scared, and confused.

"Shirahoshi, Hancock.. Hancock, Shirahoshi.." I introduce the two to each other, while arranging a huge picnic for us to sit on at the shore, and they both start talking.

We have a fun time till it's mid-day, and after saying goodbye, I return Hancock to her bedroom, and then return, asking Shirahoshi to swim back to Sabaody, hoping to gather energy, and maybe save energy in space-movement by being above Fishman-island, and by half-way there I decide it's enough, and *teleport*.

Arriving to Shirahoshi's bedroom we hear screams, finding out the whole palace in chaos, searching for her.

I decide to hide, telling her "just say you've been in the edge of the palace, touring the place, and they should panic less, and trust you?..", and I go under her huge pillow to rest a bit, feeling a soft headache.

After more than a hour, Shirahoshi return, and we talk, flirt, and kiss for a bit, before I bid farewell, and *Teleport*.
