
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH14: what to expect inside a rip-off bar

A sun ray wakes me up.

Opening my eyes, I see Robin and Mia lay on me with weird position.

Torn clothes are everywhere.

The half unused bed looks stingy and disgustingly wet.

They're still with high heels and ballerina shoes on.

As I start to remember all that happened last night, almost till morning, I get a smile plastered at my face, like I won some world-cup championship.

'I didn't know I got that much lust, so much energy, and an endless stream of power flow in me' I praise myself in my head, as I go close the window curtains.

I almost return to bed, but decide to train instead, so I put on a pants and a shirt, and teleport away.

In the training-room I work hard on my movement, combining teleport in-between, till Mia come inside, hold my hand, and drag me to the showers.

Entering inside, I see Robin already there, in the head-shower, so I hug her from behind, hold her breast with my hands, and pinch her nipples.

"Ahhhmmm .. You're still hungry , you big bad wolf?" Robin moan, talking to me, or maybe to my erection between her ass-cheeks.

"I keep a different place in my stomach for desert" I joke to her, and bite her ear. Mia enters behind me, and slide her hands over my body, saying "desertSSS", and I happily smile and nod, turning to kiss her.

I shove my dick between Robin's ass cheeks, slam-dunk into her hole, and my hands playing with Mia pussy. after some time, we all explode together, and move to soap ourselves.

Mia come sit on my lap, face to face, as I sit on a stool, and *bang*, another slam-duck into the hole, while Robin wash me with soap.

"Mia, I need to wash your ears, where are they?" I ask firmly while my hands on her waist, pushing her up and down.

Suddenly, her bunny-ears pop out, and I grab them, bite one, and Mia just go "uwwwhhhaaAAAA", squirming on me, exploding from it.

Now, In the sitting-bath, water splash all over the bathroom, as I plunge Robin from behind, switching to Mia's behind, as they're on 6, asses in front of me, and I keep altering between my dick and fingers at them.

After a long session, we're all wasted, sitting on the edge of the bath, while they're both licking and sucking my shaft, cleaning me completely, but I just shoot my dirty cum out into their faces, spraying their mouths, and they once again clean me good.

By the time we begin brunch, already missed breakfast, I feel the vibe of our relationship entered a new chapter, nothing like that shy-phase from before, and if that chapter had a name, it's probably lust-phase.

My hands can't keep to themselves around them, touching everywhere, anywhere, and any time.

When we finish eating, I see Mia wash dishes in an apron, with black-leggings, and a cute red-head-bow, looking at me with a red face.

I go behind her, slide her underwear to the side, and shove my dick in.

For 20 minutes we fuck-crazy, before cumming together, and I finally can go train again, containing my ever lasting lust from exploding out again.


A week has passed.

I did not try do anything except train my movement, and teleport, while enjoying every break-time to 'break-time', chasing Robin and Mia to a place between total-bliss and total-exhaustion.

Right now, I'm standing in the training-room, ready to try again to teleport into the Red-Line, and Robin and Mia are beside me, wishing me "Bonn voyage".

'What's going on Infi? Doing something good?' I ask, as we gotten pretty close in the passing week, and I enjoy that personality who acts innocently-childish, yet knows-it-all.

<Going on where? What is your perception of good? My doing is operating Infinity, but there is barely energies now, so nothing much happens, slowly growth. How are you?>.

'I'm fine, ready to take-off. Think we can reach Red-line this time? without hiccups?' I say, and hear <No problem should arise. Let's take-off>, making me happy Infi finally understand 'space-ship humor', without retorting.


Dizzy. Headache.

'Less pain than before, like I still got a bit energy left. Amazing, training is going great' I assess myself, while opening my eyes, looking around.

I'm standing in the middle of a wide stone-tiled street, like mid-century Europe, with classical stone-buildings all around, with lots of trees, near a water-fountain.

I see a young women, tall but young, and go speak to her.

"Excuse me Miss, care giving me direction? I'm a bit lost" I ask politely.

"Who are you, amasu?" She reply, and I answer "Ayn, not amasu", but she says "Ayn, amasu", looking at me wondering how to respond. 'I guess amasu is some mental-issue-end-sentence problem?' I think, as not to poke a hornet-nest, just get my information.

"We are right in the middle of 'Mary Geoise', where are you trying to get? amasu" The young lady asks me.

"Hmm, well, a nice place to sit? a bench? hopefully with a beautiful view? though I doubt I'll see something more beautiful than you today" I tell her, wishing my flat-out-flattery will get me out, but it seems I dag a hole to myself, as she blush, pointing to a direction, and says "Come, I just have a bit time to escort you, amasu. So, from what family are you? How come I never seen you in any event before?".

I recall pieces of knowledge Robin told me about, and blubber to her "Well, My elder, mentor, he asks for privacy, so I just do what's told, but I got a leisure free time, and decided to walk the streets, find myself an adventure, hehe".

She looks at me, narrowing her eyes, but didn't ask more.

I see her signal a butler, who walk 100 meters behind us, and plan my escape.

'Infi, Is it possible you help me teleport again, somewhere close by, please?' I think desperately.

<It is possible. Teleport now?>.

'No no no, give me 5 minutes, I need bit more energy' I ask, and continue walking with the young lady, seems noble of some sort, making a small-talk "Young lady, have you seen the latest inventions? I heard there's also an auction soon, wonder what will come to stage".

'Damn, pure garbage-talk, I hope something bait her'.

"HAH, of course something good will be auctioned, or else punishment will befall. Are you going to the auction? care escort me?" she asks, and I respond "it will be my honor. I'll meet you there, excuse me, it seems the elder call upon me".

'INFIII, Teleport please'.


*FLASH*. Headache.

'I hope it's just a quiet place to sit, no energy left in me' I think, open my eyes, and see a giant tree with a sign, '13' on it. I walk a bit on a grass land, reach a hill, and I see a building who looks so weird, like there's a green apple on it.

'Ahh, weird structure, and the sign says rip-off bar, like, who would call his business like that? I better ta', *SMACK*, my thoughts are cut by a hit on my back.

I look who did that, and see an old man staring at me, with a huge scar passing his eye, and glasses, saying "Sorry, sorry, I thought you're someone else. By the way, do I know you? you look familiar. who's your parents?".

'Ahhh, give me a piece of quiet please', I think and say "Never met before. Name's Ayn Adelard. You, sir?", and he respond "haha, you're really polite, no way you're a pirate. Name's Rayleigh. Come, I'll give you a drink on the house", and *smack* me lightly again, taking me to that rip-off bar, making my spider-sense tremble.

"You know, Rayleigh, Your habit to smack my back, is identical to my father's smack" I tell him, getting his laugh.

Looking at his energies, I feel kinda shocked, because he's unfathomable, like my father, but in contrary, he wears normal clothes, yet has a creep beard. 'Who cut his beard striped?' I wonder, 'and why does he take me for a drink.. did he feel something from me? saw me teleport?'.

Entering inside, a mature sexy mid-age women cleans the bar, with a cigarette in her mouth, gazing at me with interest. "Come, sit, I'll get us a drink" Rayleigh tells me, pushing me in, and I sit, feeling awkward from the women's gaze, but with the lack of energy in me, I just need a moment of quiet.

"You're not from around here, ain't ya?" she asks.

"Well, just came here for my first time, not really sure where I am. Care guiding me?" I ask back, and she point at a wall, where a map showing 'Sabaody Archipelago', so I go look at it, and see an arrow point to the middle, showing where we are now.

The bar doors open.

'Who comes in the middle of the day to a rip-off bar?' I wonder and look, seeing a women, a beautiful women, gloriously, glamorously, walking inside.

'She looks amazing', I think and stare at her, on her silky-smooth black hair, burning eyes, huge almost exposed bosom, how high she is, yet still wear high heels, her giant golden earrings looking like snakes, colorful redish belly-shirt and skirt, together with a captain coat flaring behind her, weird sexy combo.

She stare at me, letting me see how blue-deep-eyes looks like, showing a beautiful gentle face to me, while saying "Mero mero mellow", and a heart-energy form in her hand, flying toward me.

'It's the most red-purple condensed energy I ever saw' I think, while I quickly catch the energy with my hands, holding it, and checking it out, but my attention moves back to her, seeing her eyes almost pop from their pocket.

The bar-worker-women act like she's trying to hold her back from 'attacking' me, but actually let her do whatever, and luckily, Rayleigh coming back with 2 glasses filled with ice and a bottle of scotch at that moment.

"Hi Miss Boa, nice of you to visit. Would you like a drink?" Rayleigh asks the fierce women who 'attacked' me while entering, and she nods, sitting in front of the women-bar-worker, saying "Hi Shakky, give me something sweet".

As Rayleigh pour our glasses, still checking me out, I see all those 3, Rayleigh, Shakky, and Boa, aren't normal. Even way far from it.

My gaze fall on Boa again, 'she's too beautiful. what the hell is that level, she's on Robin level!' thinking to myself, when suddenly I hear her say "Slave arrow", and see her 'holding' a heart-energy, but not shooting it to me, rather pulling it, then a giant arrow appears, released shooting into my face.

I catch the arrow, like it's the most casual thing ever, as it just move too slow, made of energy I know of, and it just filled with lust, who I got more than enough for her, not needing any more.

I grab the whiskey cup I got from Rayleigh, walk slowly to Boa, and say "In the first shot you got my curiosity, but by the second you have my attention", sitting on a stool next to her, and wait to see her next move.

Boa blush a bit, turn her head to the side, while playing with her hair upward, and look in Shakky's direction, who's saying "Okay, okay, truce, continue this later", so I walk back to sit near Rayleigh.

"So, you're going to tell me why you look so familiar to me?" Rayleigh asks me.

I think 'Better not say anything about my father, let's take the merchant route', saying "I'm a merchant, maybe you bought something from me? by the way, I thought reaching the auction-house soon, care telling me the direction?".

"Care telling me what products you sell?" Rayleigh interrogates me, as the whole room vibe turn gloomy, and I decide saying "Inventions, relics, luxury food, etc". That answer gets the whole room-vibe a bit relaxed, but silent, as we continue drinking.

"So, who's the beautiful lady? Care to introduce me?" I ask Rayleigh, and he laugh, saying "suit yourself, I'll go with you to the auction-house after".

I slide stools, till I'm seated next to Boa, where Shakky walked to the back and I can't see her, leaving Boa alone, and I say "Ayn, Ayn Adelard, and you, miss?", but again, she jump off and attack me, this time with a kick, and a scent spread from her leg, like a cloud of red-energy, but the leg is coated black, 'HAKI' I assume in my mind.

I block her leg as I grab her thigh, breaking that black layer, and shove my red-magenta energy into her, intrigued what will happen, wondering if her attack pattern will work on her, and shocked how well it is.

Her head is tomato-red, her eyes move to the side, then at me, then to the side, and then at me again, with an adorable smile, making my heartbeat crazy. 'Kawaiii, I want her, I want her' my mind screams.

I leave her leg, but next second I grab her waist, sending lots of red-magenta energy with my hand, while whispering in her ear "I never believed at love in first sight is a real thing until today".

"Boa, Boa hancock" Boa says while her mesmerizing blue eyes meets my eyes.

'She looks so disdain, and apathetic, but so venerable and caring' I assess her, saying "I don't know what the past had done, but I enjoy the present, and full of wishes for the future...", I pause, and resume "Care to go on a date with me?".

She looks down, shy, but when she saw my hand on her waist, she become mad, take a step back, and send fists at me, attacking me full-throttle.

I *teleport* behind her, whispering "just say yes, what's the worse that can happen?".

She turn around, gather energy, but before she could do more than that, Shakky and Rayleigh laugh make her stop.

Boa, again, looking at me shyly, making me think 'wow, that's 180 degrees turnovers, one after the other'. Boa says "Shakky, let's go", and I try interpret her feelings, asking "so... is it a yes or a no?", and she shouts back at me "NO!!", and walk away.

"Let's go" Rayleigh tells me, and we're leaving, as I say "Goodbye fare ladies, wish you well".

Walking on a road between huge trees, grasslands, and weird bubbles, I ask Rayleigh "you think I got a chance with her?", but he just laugh and shrug it off, saying "there's no auction today, and ya know it's a kinda underground business the auction here.. got any acquaints there?".

"Not there, just a plan to meet a young lady" I respond from the top of my head, and by the time we reach there, I enter inside, saying "see ya", turn to a corridor, and *teleport* back home.


"Ahhhhh, I'm so tired" I tell Robin, who's on the training-room balcony, reading the Haki-book.

"Tell me what happened" she asks, while Mia suddenly arrive, and I tell them everything, including my flirtatious acts.

By the end, Robin looks at me with shock, saying "from the holy land, to meeting the dark king, and visiting the human auctioning house ... you jumped right into some crazy things ... just missing jumping into the marines main base ... and ... that women ... she sounds like a Kuja pirate, from women only tribe, you better not poke into it".

"Ahm, Robin, more information please" I ask, and she tells me how the holy land is a sacred land, where world nobles live, how the dark king and my father are best friends who traveled together a lot, why the human auction is so dark, selling slaves, and what the Marines is, sort of police global force, who mainly control order, chase pirates, and listen to what holy land people tell them to do.

"Robin, is Boa, the Kuja pirate, is a criminal? is everybody a criminal, like Rayleigh?", and she answers "Yes, of course, but for Marines, who put bounties on people head, not for countries, and such".

'I don't understand how that works, but I guess it's sort of U.S.A like, where holy land is the rulers, senate, Marines are the federal government, and each country got lots of inside freedom? No, that's wrong, I'm still confused...' I think as I keep asking Robin questions, trying to figure it all out.

"... Robin ... Mia ... I wanna go save my half-brother, wherever he is, and I wanna meet your daughter, but I feel kinda weak. That if I was attacked seriously, and not just tested, bad things will happen. Any idea?" I ask them, as I sit next to Robin, hand on her waist, and the other hand on Mia's ass.

"Mmmm. naughty/ ecchi" , they both moan and say together, making me laugh.

"One hundred percent your fault, and that Boa, she hit me with some aphrodisiac-energy, it drives my lust crazy inside" I tell them, and then pull Robin from her waist to my shoulder, like a rice-bag, and do the same to Mia, and run to my room.

By the time we finish our 'battle through the heavens', sun already set, and night sky shine through the windows.

Robin and Mia hug each other, with me between them, as I enjoy the breasts blanket on my chest, hugging them so their nipples will scrub together, looking at it with joy.

Mia flick my dick with a finger as revenge, and surprising her it wakes up, standing there, looking at her.

"You woke it up, your responsibly" Robin smile at Mia, and act like she's going to sleep, while moving a bit up, putting my head in her bosom.

Mia sit up, go on me, saying "don't mind if I do", and push our body together, connecting me to her deepest part. I start sucking Robin's nipple, not letting her sleep, while Mia jumps up and down, moaning loudly, shaking the bed.

'I've got an idea' I think and smirk, as I put my hand on Robin's ass.

I channel all of my lust energy in it, and start playing with it, slowly rubbing her ass, and sliding gently on her butt-hole.

She shiver, but doesn't shake me off, so I raise my hand to Robin's mouth, wet my fingers in it, and move it back to play with her butt-hole, very slowly shoving my finger inside, pouring my energy inside her, who almost explode from Mia's dance on top of me.

"FUCK, I'M CLOSE, ILOVEYOU, AHHHM" I yell as I cum inside Mia, and meanwhile shove my finger deep into Robin's ass, letting my explosive lust enter her.

"ANNNNNHG" Mia yell, second after me, and I feel her squeezing my dick, strangle it inside her wetness.

"AHgggg" Robin moan, shaking her ass, like she doesn't want that new experience, but enjoy it too much to stop.