
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH13: Small step for a man, one giant leap of mankind

I teleport myself back to my room, without telling Robin, who's still in the woods, put clothes on, grab a set for her, and teleport back.

"Here, wear this" I tell her as I give her a simple t-shirt and a short sport pants.

"Thanks... WHAT.. you just did? .. How?.. " Robin asks in amazement.

"Let's talk back in the house, with Mia too, I don't wanna explain twice the same thing?" I ask her back, and she nod.

Now, on my room's bed, me, Robin, and Mia, who both came wearing a short satin nightgown, exposing all their assets, sit with our back on the bed-head, and I ,*cough*, before starting to speak.

"It seems my tattoo is more than a tattoo, but rather that 'stone relic' was an artifact, named 'Infinity', and somehow I became it's user. It gives me the power of space, and now I can teleport, everywhere in the world, and that include those 2 lands you came from I believe, BUT, I can only teleport alone, for now at least, until I get stronger ... any thoughts on that?".

*GLARE*, 4 eyes burning me with their gaze, 2 from each side, and their mouth agape.

"Hmm, that's the part where you speak" I tell them jokingly, trying to wake them up.

Nothing happens.

After few minutes, and 1 thousand different faces, I speak again "Do you think I should go there? I think I want to go there, but I need a location, some description, to help me, and a lot of information where I'm going to reach, how to act, and so on".

Mia raise her hand, like she's a student in class, and says "MY DAUGHTER! you haft to go see my daughter, Wu!".

"Okay, sure, tell me everything" I ask her, and for the next hour she speak non-stop about her life, her being a beast-kin, what's the meaning of power that exist on that land, humanity order, beast-kin order, and so on.

I also take a notepad and write a lot down, plus telling her to write a letter, and proof of identity, so they could believe me.

Robin finally speaks, as seems Mia finished speaking for today, and says "There's so much to tell you, but first, do you want to tell your father? ... he's from that land too, or at least lived there for lots of years ... he's kind of a legend there, by the way", she *breath*, looking at my uninterested-stare at her idea, and continues.

"There's way more than that to be told, but just so you know, there's lots of people who might come from that land to here, and rarely some vice versa... Those families have unique family name, as they all add to their middle-name the letter 'D'. You are also named Ayn D. Adelar, hidden as Adelard. Same for your father, and also your mother, but not me, and not Mia of course".

"More than that", Robin continues, not letting me digest the previous words, "Most of your father's research is on how to go back there".

I look at her, sternly, and says "This is a SECRET I will only tell!, my 2 lovers!, and none more!".

Robin quietly nod, whispering "Your decision, but please just think about it", but I right away answer "WHEN he tells me the truth about everything, only then will I even think about it ... It's his choice to keep secrets in the family, not mine", and I remember, or rather don't remember, about my mother, why she died, and what is all the happenings in this world that're hidden from me.

Robin hugs me, and Mia pat my head, feeling my sorrow from growing up with that weird broken family, where my mother is a dead legendary saint, my father is almost never home, and all I get to know is broken stories from school, rather than the truth from them.

'If they prefer that I will live my life as I like, not interfering, so be it' I declare strongly in my mind.

We just sleep, hugging, and by morning we all return to our living routines, as I just train, but stronger than ever.

After lunch I try training my teleportation, and teleport into Paradise, our island's kingdom, near the gigantic tree.

'It's a success!', making me surprised how little energy teleport consume, but it's probably going to cost a lot to move to far away lands, or worlds, or different planets, and is time-consuming, where I need to concentrate on my energy inside.

When I try 'speaking' with the gigantic tree, I see it somehow respond to me.

As I spread some energy into it, I can feel I can shape it's form, and even control the way it grows.

I climb to the top of the tree, watching the whole island under me, and try shaping a floor out of branches in it's top, which I succeed. I try adding out walls, and also, a success, and then a roof, windows, and even doors, rooms, bed, chairs, closet, and a ladder who reach all the way to the bottom of the tree.

Afraid of some satellite picturing me, I added a lot of branches hiding the house inside it, and stabilize everything by empowering the tree trunk, making it like a huge pillar, with the roots going so deep, it feels like the roots are reaching the sea floor, and my energy is wasted by the time the tree finally evolve to survive touching sea's water in his roots, as it can even drink those waters now, and survive from them.

At dinner I tell Robin and Mia about my trip to Paradise, and what I did there, and got a warning to erase the ladder, and claps of joy from wishing to visit the tree-house already.

They both speak to me about the lands they came from, and I keep writing on my notepad lots of data, getting ready to what's about to come.

They especially explain about dangers, how to live 'normally' there, and give me a list of 'do amd don't do'. When it gets over-heated, I pause them, and go for a short break, thinking to myself.

'Infi? Hi? you there?' I speak in my head, wishing to here a response.

<Hi, I am still inside Infinity, I never left here>.

'haha, sorry, I meant if you can hear me, and I get it you do. say, is there are rules for the teleportation? like time-limit? time difference? where can I teleport there? etc' I ask Infi.

<Yes, the rules are 'Space', not 'Time', as you cannot control 'Time'. Also, if you could control 'Time', but you already been in that land, you cannot 'move back in time', only 'forward in time', or 'stay in that time', as you can say 'time freeze'. As back to where, anywhere, you can control 'Space', but you need to push the space to a spot you know of, so beware. It is recommended to let me choose random-middle-coordinate to new lands to prevent mishaps>.

'Wow, that's a lot, and way complicated', I think of all Infi said, and now I think I need random coordinates, but my mind stuck on the 'Time' issue, so I ask Infi 'Is there a way to control 'Time'?'.

<Yes. for you, the shortest route will be what you call 'devil fruit' who has 'Time' concept, allowing you to adhere that principle into you>.

'Wow, that's amazing, thanks Infi, you're amazing' I thank Infi, and can hear <My pleasure>, but in a different tone, like a shy-happy-smirking tune, wonder what an embodiment really is.

At night, once again we're all in my bed, after 'playing' together once with each, I tell them my plans for tomorrow, "I will try going into each land tomorrow after breakfast. I will teleport at random, as it is the safest it seems, and gather information for a short time, finding a safe teleport point, and come back here".

They look worried, afraid of the unknown, but so am I, yet the adventure of a curious soul wish to find what's there.


After breakfast, in the training room, with the most ordinary clothes, a simple bag with basic necessities, and also a sword and a gun on my belt, I'm ready to take off.

I wave to Robin and Mia, and think 'Infi, let's do it, take me to a safe landing please', and <Affirmative>.


'I can't see a thing, and Iv'e got a massive headache, also, I'm wasted, barely any energy left in me', I try to recollect my mind, as my eyes adept to the scene around me.

I talk in my head, 'Infi, It seems we're not in Kansas any more'.

<Yes, but you have never been in Kansas before>.

I smile and think 'hmm, so ... Small step for a man, one giant leap of mankind!', but Infi retort.

<You have not taken a single step in this land yet, and how mankind leaped? please explain>.

I laugh, thinking 'ahhh, never mind Infi, it's just my broken mind', and ask 'Infi, any information to tell me about where I am?'.

<You are on 'Soul Land'. You are standing on a solid ground, in the middle of a road>.

'Well... I'm safe and well at least, seems I won't get more than that out of Infi' I thought, and then hear <you're welcome>, like Infi feel I'm un-thankful? 'ahh, never mind, I need to find a safe haven here, I'm just.. tired' I think as I walk weakly.

As I walk down an empty road, looking like mid-century European road, with a forest to my left, and open grass land to my right, I sense danger.

*Fwosh*, I jump to the right.

*BOOM*, an explosive hit strike where I stood a moment ago.

I see a giant frog, with the tongue out, were that danger.

'It looks so majestic, yet so disgusting. What a weird creature. Should I kill it? run? fight?', and before I can decide the tongue shot at me again, so I pull my sword, cover it with the Haki-energy, and stab it.

*CREAKKK* noise shout from the frog mouth, pulling it tongue quickly, and with a giant leap escape into the dense forest behind it.

'Well, that was something' I think as I continue walking on the road, staying alert.

Half an hour later a carriage pass next to me, and I wave to the driver.

He stops, and I ask "Excuse me sir, mind taking me with you, I seem to be lost in my travel".

He scan me with his eyes, and nod to me, so I climb next to him, and we ride the road to somewhere up ahead. I offer him a sandwich and a water bottle, and he happily agree, while answering my questions.

"We're at the edge of Balack city, soon reaching it, look here" and point at a map he's holding. I quickly take my notepad, photographing the map, and thank him.

In the entrance of the city I thank him, get off, and walk to the city alone.

Seeing no guards, and that I look 'normal', kinda like the people in the street, I walk around till I reach a quiet place, sit on a bench, and mediate, preparing to return back.

After 2 hours I'm ready, and seeing no one around I teleport back to the training room.

"How long was I gone to?", I ask Robin and Mia, who turn quickly to look at me, happily, replying "about 3 hours", so I say "The same time I were there, huh, so time move the same". I show them my notepad, and Mia nod, as she knows where I was.

"Le'ts eat lunch, arrange everything, and I'll go to that Red-line continent next" I say, and we leave to do so.

After finishing all preparation, I wave to Robin and Mia again, thinking 'Huston, Ready to take-off', but no response heard, so I think 'Infi? I'm ready to go to a random place in Red-line land', and I hear <Affirmative>.

*FLASH*, dizzy, tired, feelings again, and I find myself ... in the same spot.

'Infi? what just happened?' I tiredly ask.

<Not enough energy, so when I sensed the movement is risky, I stopped you from entering space>.

'Ahh, thank you' I think, and sit down, almost falling asleep, before saying "Not enough energy, I'm wasted, I'll close my eyes and rest for a bit" to them.

"Wakey wake up, food's ready", I hear Mia's voice as I wake up, seeing I'm sleeping on a yoga mat with Robin hugging me. I wake her up with a soft kiss, and we go have dinner.

'I'll train for a few days before anything else' I decide, and after dinner asks "Is there a way to train quick movement?". Robin walk away, coming back with a book, and giving it to me. Opening it, I see a technique to channel energy to the sole of my feet, burst it by leaping forward, so I nod and thank her.

After few hours of training, plus crushing into the wall from mis-controlling the energy bursts, I feel I can grasp that technique in few days, and think to utilize the teleport-through-space into practical usage also, instead of just standing in place and concentrate.

I take a quick shower, and when I enter my room, a surprise waits me.

Mia is wearing a white-silver high-heels, white short-dress, jewelries on her legs, neck, and head, and above her long pony-tail, on her head, there's 2 bunny ears, white inside and pink outside.

I break in cold-sweat. 'I... I can't control my lust' I think while walking toward her, grabbing an ear.

'IT'S REAL', my mind scream, and I take it to my mouth and bite it gently, while letting my tongue inside.

*Squeak* ... *Purrrrrrr* ... Mia's sounds just take me off the edge, making me feel like a wolf, as I keep eating her ear, and my hands grab her everywhere, almost tearing her soft silky dress apart.

"Bonn Appetite" I hear from the side, waking me up, and looking at the sofa, I see Robin in a sexy white fur hunter-like-gown, with a white safari-hat, and a huge shut-gun in her hands, looking at me, slowly revealing her black-bra-shirt and black-mini-pants.

"Wait. Ayn. Stop", Mia says, as I keep playing and eating her ears, *Purrrrr*, "WAIT. Please. Wear this, we got you something too" Mia speak weakly.

On the desk, I see a grey and white onesie. I take off my clothes, wear the overall, put the hoodie on, and stand before the mirror.

'HAHA, a wolf's pajama, now I'm really goona be a wolf' I think, but burst saying "WAIT, why's Robin a hunter?! go change to a red riding hood!".

They laugh, and Robin looks conflicted, but nod and leave the room.

I leap onto my prey, thinking 'my sexy bunny, or a rabbit?, don't care, I'm hungryyy'. I drop her into the bed, shove my head between her ass-cheeks, and start eating.

'She's not wearing underwear, damn, Iv'e never went-down on her before, but I'll do my best, she needs a reward' I mumble in my mind, and lick, bite, eat, her pussy, while my hands grab and part her ass-cheeks.

"Nooo", Mia act her part, but then turn to "YESSSS", as her act breaks apart really soon, "MMM, MM, MORE, YESS", she scream, forgetting the play completely.

She put her hands to the back, pushing my head deep into her ass, and I comply, devouring her, sending all my lusting energy through my tongue.

"AWAAAA", Mia shout, and suddenly a burst of love juice spray from her into my mouth, as I lick and drink it, through a whole minute of bursting, while Mia push my face hard into her ass, not letting me go.

As I'm finally released, and stand up, I hear Robin behind me.

"But if I'm in a red riding hood, don't you need to wear a granny custom?" Robin ask, and looking at me wearing a loose red riding hood, open, showing her transparent white dress under, with red ballerina shoes on her feet.

"It's a new version, where the wolf ain't playing games, because he's HUNGRRRYYY" I say as I jump to her, pushing her on the sofa, and begin by eating her face.

I bite her cheek, lick her nose, and dive my tongue on her lips, till she open her mouth and I shove it down there.

Robin slide her hands in my front, sliding the front zipper of my wolf custom.

I shake it off my upper body, and she slide it off my lower body, together with my underwear, making me completely naked.

I stand to take it all off, and Robin lean forward, kissing my stomach, while her massive boobs cover all of my dick in it. She put her hands to the side of her bosom, squeezing them together, with my dick in the middle, and move them up and down my shaft.

I try pass my lust-energy to my dick, seeing where can it go to, and soon Robin move up, then down, then more down, and lick the head of my dick, with a really wet tongue, then move up again, and down, again meeting the head with her mouth, spreading even more liquid over it, and continue for few minutes before I almost explode.

I stop her, taking her onto my shoulder like a sack of rice, onto the bed, next to Mia, who's lying there face-up, with just her silver high heels now, while playing with her fingers on her body.

I drop Robin, face-down, on top of Mia, and go behind them, standing on my knees, and shove my dick between them, rubbing both pussies together, while tearing Robin dress off.

'Where to put it in first?' I question myself, but I just move forward and back, extremely shocked from what I see in front of me.

'THEY'RE KISSING?? THEY'RE TOUCHING EACH OTHER?? They pinch each other nipple!!!', My eyes shout at my brain, and my heart goes off-pist, beating like a war drum before a heavenly fight.

I slide into a wet-hole, not even looking into who, but "AAAHHHH" scream from Robin tells me I'm probably in her, and in a minute I change and enter Mia now, "ahhhhh", sounds spread from her.

Like that, I continue altering between those 2 lesbian-play goddesses, till I lose control, shove it in the middle, rubbing them both, and spray their stomach white.