
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH15: The chicken, The Han, and The Cock

We fell asleep just like that, with Mia connected on top of me, and my finger inside Robin's back door. By the time I woke up, it's already the middle of the night, and I dunno what I should do.

'Damn, my lust is on overdrive' I think as I pull my finger out of Robin, and my dick out of Mia, 'I better find some punching-bag to throw my lust at', and I plan to find some action, yet not life-risking.

'I ain't a beta, not a loser, nor got any hero complex, or a death wish' I think to myself, 'That Soul-land had that cool creatures.. but the Red-land had the woman... do I even need to think about it?' I decide in my head, or maybe in my lower head, where to go, while going to train before tomorrow's trip.

At morning, after breakfast, I ask Robin "Ruby, I need some money from that world, got any idea for me?".

She looks at me amusingly, telling me "You know, gold in that world worth less than gold in this world, so assume you can barter just the differences, and add to that all the jewelry, relics, and what-not ... you're sitting on a gold mine? a teleport mine? ha ha".

"What if I go bounty-hunting, or steal from some rich guy?" I prob, Getting a huge smile with a disappointment nod, making me not sure if they're happy or sad about my question, thinking 'I'll just do whatever I want'.


"Bonn voyage" Robin and Mia say as I *teleport* from the training room to Red-line once again.


'ahh, headache, I gotta train more', I think as I look at Shakky's-rip-off-bar in-front of me, wishing to chance upon Boa, and look-and-behold, Boa and Shakky sit outside the bar, holding drinking mugs, talking.

They turn to look at me, who walks up the hill, and I smile so wide, all my teeth meet the sunlight, and I wave my hands saying 'hello'.

"My fare ladies, Boa, Shakky, such a beautiful sight seeing you today, as every day".

*SMACK* "You better focus on Miss Boa and let Shakky go" Rayleigh hit and smug me.

'Guess he's got a thing to her or something? Maybe they're in a relationship? It doesn't feel like that at all..' I think as I smile awkwardly at him, then smile gently to Shakky, and extremely happy smile aim at Boa, checking her body who's in a tight-purple-dress.

"Miss Boa, could you please come chat with me for a moment?" I ask, and she stare at me like I'm a bug, insignificant being, but nonetheless, comes toward me.

While going a bit down the hill I hear, with my too sensitive hearing, Shakky whispering to Rayleigh "I think she's got the hots for him, why else would she even come here today?".

"What do you want??" Boa glare at me, and I smile, knowing there's more under the surface, so I grab her hand, and burst energy to my feet, jumping high, landing on a giant tree-top branch.

"Miss Boa, there's a serious matter we haft to discuss", I tell her, pausing for importance, "...it can't go on anymore, it's just too much, it".

"Stop!, STOP!, what are you talking about?!" Boa cut my words, and I pause, look deep into her blue-ocean-eyes, saying "My feelings for you".

*BANG*, her leg almost kicked my head, but I swiftly block it, hold it close to my hip, and with my other hand grab her waist.

"Can you show me love more gently please?" I say smiling, and *BAM*, get pushed to the tree-trunk, hitting it, almost falling off.

"ALL MEN ARE CRAZY BUSTARDS", "Mero-Mero-Mellow", and an energy-heart-beam shoot toward me. I quickly think what to do, 'If I dodge I look weak, but if I don't.. it will make my lust go crazy... Let's try something new'.

I grab the energy-beam in my open palms before me, collect all the energy, and shoot it right back at Boa. It looks more like a pistol's bullet than a heart-beam, and it goes fast, hitting her hand.

Boa looks at her hand in surprise, then looks at me, jump, and *BAM*, push me on the tree-trunk, while my thoughts on disarray what would happen now, but suddenly, *CHUU*, Boa kiss me on the lips, but like a novice, just smacking our lips together, yet with lots of lust in it.

I put my hands behind her head and back, tilt my head sideways, and move my mouth, and few seconds later I also push my tongue out, licking her lips, trying to pry her mouth open.

*BAM*, she hit my chest with both her palms, jumping back, and yelling "WHAT YOU JUST DID, IDIOTIC MAN", with her face bright-red, changing from anger to shy-happy, and back to anger again.

'Damn, crazy women, what's going on with her?' I wonder, and I ask "let's walk for a bit and talk, please?", getting a long gaze, and then a nod of confirmation.

Me and Boa, on a quiet road, walking next to each other, near a river.

Looking at her energies, they're totally red, with some purple, white, and yellow.

"Boa, you know how I feel toward you, and I believe you feel the same, why not explore those feeling together?" I ask politely.

"ALL MAN DESERVE TO DIE" she declare.

"But... Men born for woman, as woman born for men... and I'm not from here, so maybe it's just men from here are bastards? not all men?" I try convince her.

"mm, f...from where..are you?" she asks shyly, showing her conflicted feelings outside.

I pry her red-purple energy out, without touching, keep trying to open her up.

"I came from far far away, different land, with only what I carry on me now, searching for my step-brother, who I heard is in a life-threat who-knows-where, but I believe I have the power and talent to become the greatest merchant here ever existed...", I keep blubbering semi-truths at her, showing sincerity.

She see me stare at the giant bubbles, and explains to me how this island climate works, making the bubbles exist on it, floating.

When we pass a bubble-car-shop, she again see my gaze, and asks "Want to try and rent it?", and as she rent herself 1, and I don't have any money, I just jump into her bubble-car, sitting next to her, smiling, and telling her "You don't expect a novice like me drive this alone, would you, my dear Boa?", and Boa shake her heads in acceptance and regression, while the bubble float forward.

"WOW, AMAZING..." I proclaim, "BUT SCARY", and hug her tightly from behind, making her kinda sit in my lap.

"WHAT?! IT'S BARELY A METER HIGH AND MOVES SLOW!" she yell, but doesn't move me nor hit me. I put my head on her shoulder, sitting cheek to cheek, as I hug her from behind, in silence.

"mmm, happy, I can get used to this" I whisper peacefully to her, putting my hands in the side of her legs, trying to expand her comfort-zone inch by inch.

Boa nods, while I can see energy-smoke rise above her head, making me feel joy about my 'soul fruits' powers and possibilities.

I keep pondering about my abilities, and if it's them who push me, or I push them, but I'm sure that the way women look, treat, think, feel, act, etc, toward me, for sure, changed drastically since I ate the first weird fruit.

'I'm really a degenerate, I just keep advancing to the lust-route with those powers, haha', I contempt myself, as instead of wishing to train, I prefer to 'train', but I feel that's my choice, true desires in life, and my hands now massage Boa shoulders and hands, enjoying the ride with a beauty in my lap.

"Why... Whyy are you able to negate my powers?" Boa asks, and I tell her "I ate a soul fruit, or you call it devil fruit? dunno, never met or saw a devil, maybe an angel named Boa, but never a demon, oh, and that Haki-thing.. it's from a Haki-book my father gave me".

"HAKI-BOOK?? Who's your father? He sounds even more amazing than Rayleigh" Boa asks, as I now massage her back, sending lots of lust energy into her, but discovering she's a bottom-less pit, she's like lust-reincarnation, and I don't even know how she can live with that feelings without raping me at the moment.

"He's strong and all, but our relationship kinda weird, so never mind him, tell me if you wanna read that Haki-book, it's in my room, maybe we can read it together tomorrow?", I dig her a hole, and hoop, "Okay, sounds interesting", Boa fell into the trap.

'Wow, she's innocent to a fault. Does she even consider what going with a man to a room means?' I wonder, afraid for her, but shocked she's alright, but then remember how much she hate man, making me realize I broke some layer, just showing how fearful my powers toward women are.

"I... I never hang with a man before... You're... You're not lusting for me? am I unattractive to you?" Boa asks shyly, and I hug her whole body from behind, kissing her cheek, and say "I want you, very much. You're lovely, Boa, Lovely Boa, my Boa", and push her head to the side, planting a kiss on her lips, and quickly move back to massage her back and shoulders.

"You... NO. You don't know me! You... let's stop" Boa abruptly says, almost leaving my hold.

I hug her tight, whispering "I can't, I won't, and I don't care what past you have, I want a future with you in it".

Boa fidget in my hold, stopping the bubble-car in a tree's shade at private place, where no one around.

"You.. You're a man.. I don't believe you" Boa says, but I'm weirded-out, because as she opens up, lots of purple-energy, like Mia's submissive energy, role inside her.

I pry that purple-energy a bit, and she become docile, too docile.

"My dear Boa... I... I love you, even if you're a queen, or even a slave, I love Boa, not the title you carry" I let my thoughts talk freely, surprising myself from that sentence.

*SOBBBBBBB*, Boa explode in tears, saying nothing, like a teenager who's world fell apart.

I feel shock, but just push her deeper in my lap, hugging her tightly, and lick her tears with my tongue, while sucking the purple energy out of her, trying to connect with her, but she become apathetic, so I instead try to expel the energy away, try mixing it with the red-energy, turning it magenta-color, anything I can think of just to stop those painful tears.

I whisper to her "here, here, relax. The past is in the past", and *BOOM*, a wave of Haki's-magenta-energy spread from her, like she awakened her true dominance in life, with a queen-aura allover her.

*Sob*, *sniff*, "..I don't know what you just did to me... but... but I like it" Boa speaks quietly.

"I think... I might ... like you" she whisper while hiding her face.

I smile gently, thinking 'I better not do anything sexual, her past's scars need pure love and care, not lust'.

We continue sitting like that for an hour.

She's acting asleep, but I feel she's awake, as she lay her head on my chest, and I just comb her beautiful silky hair gently, enjoying this blissful moments.

"Boa?" I ask quietly.

"Hancock", Boa Hancock says.

"Hancock... like the name of a famous revolutionary in my land, who's the first to sign for freedom out of slavery. Beautiful name" I tell her, and she look up at me, while I continue speaking "But I think I'll call you Hanny, like Han, and Honey ... my lovely Hanny".

"You're really weird, like you're really from somewhere far away.. is there really such a person who free the slaves where you came from?" Hanny asks, and I nod, "Yeah, there's no slaves, it's a basic human right there. There's even minimal-wage for work, and many other rights to protect everyone".

She start to smile, beautiful free-of-worry smile, poking my cheek with her finger, saying "That sounds like a dream world, I wanna visit this land you came from".

I lower my head, as we are nose to nose, and all I can see is blue, beautiful bluish eyes, until she closes her eyes, and I lower myself and kiss her on her lips.

I push my tongue to her lips, pry her mouth open, and lick her teeth, and she open her mouth in shock, but I lick her tongue, lick everything inside her mouth, till she start chocking, forgetting she can breath from her nose, and I release the kiss.

"I need to go do a few things. Let's go for a date tomorrow morning? Same hour as today, at the rip-off bar? I heard people talk a lot about a Luna-park, so let's go there, my house is also near that place" I asks Hanny, who just nod, making me happy she agreed, hug her, and we drive back to the rip-off bar.

Seeing the giant-tree with '13' sign on it, I kiss her quickly, jump off the bubble-car, and say "see ya tomorrow morning", and right after I *Teleport*.

'I need first, a house, second, a lot of teleport-locations, third, money' I sum my plans.

<Hi, I have a suggestion, I think you can try building a space-pockets now>.

'Hi Infi, how are you? I'd love to try, how do I do it?' I asks happily.

<Find a location, preferable hidden, and then I'll tell you how>.

I run quickly to a good spot.

A giant tree standing near the sea, with a view to it and to the Luna-park.

I climb to almost the top, and start sending energy to it, and to my surprise, it's like all the trees here are connected into 1 huge entity.

I try 'talking' to it, saying 'I wish to build a house on a tree, hidden away, is it okay? I'll give you the energies for it', and like the trees listens, it/they 'open up to me', letting me give it energy, and sculpture my desired house deep in it tree-trunk, keep creating more rooms, furniture, doors, etc.

In the end, I erase the door, deciding to just remember the place, and enter through teleport or opening a door again, leaving just secret windows, making it as secretive as I can.

'Infi, I'm ready. What do you say about this space?' I asks Infi.

<It's too good, do you even need a space-pocket now? it will give much worse results, you already have a huge hidden tree-house in this tree's trunk>.

'Hmm, teach me anyway, and can I store my things in that space-pocket?' I asks.

<Of course, it is essentially can be the 'space' you live in, so it always with you, but 'moving independent space', like a bag, is not possible for you now. How you do it is .... >.

After an hour, I could create space 'in me', but not physically, rather like a 'space gate' opens in me, or near me, and can contain a small house inside.

I decide to roam the streets, and find many good locations as hide-outs, teleport, and information-gathering. Now, I'm on my way for my third plan of the day, day-light robbery, and not just any robbery, but humanity-scums, the slaves' owners.

Arriving near the human-auction house, I build a quick hide-out tree-spot at the top of the tree.

I wait patiently, watching for more than an hour before I see my first victim, an ugly fat man on a carriage, carried by a muscular chained man. He hit him with a whip, yelling "FASTER. HURRY", making me sure robbing him is doing good for humanity.

By the time they leave the auction's area, I jump behind them, and hit the fat man head with the back of a gun, knocking him out.

I quickly shoot a bullet on the chain, releasing the slave, throw the fat man aside, shove the whole carriage into my space, and *teleport*, back to my close-hide-out again.

I didn't even check what I stole, I was too nervous.

The slave stood there like an idiot for a moment, before starting to run away, but then, *BOOM*, the collar-chain he had exploded, making me shocked and nervous, 'Better be more careful in releasing slaves, 1 wrong move and the slave would have died, and that would have been fucked up..'.

It took 10 minutes for the fat man to wake up, and he limp back to the auction house.

I decide to do 1 more robbery, as another fat man, riding a miserable animal back, rode away.

I did the same M.O. , hit, release, stuff the things in my space, and teleport away, but now to my new tree-house, pushing all the loot on the living-room floor.

"WOW, niceeee, waittt, they had too much money on them?? It's like millions in here but how much does it really worth... I better ask Robin" I talk to myself aloud, going through money, antics, papers, weapons, etc, throwing all back into the space-pocket.


"I'm backkk" I yell as I arrive, seeing no one in the house's training-room.

Mia comes smiling, kissing me, and taking me to the kitchen, when also Robin arrives there.

I put the coin on the table, asking "so how much does it worth?", and Robin laugh hard, saying "between 20 to 20,000 berries is 1 dollar, or even less".

"Damn, so what's money value?" I grumble, but Robin smiles "that land is rich, each place got it own market, but you should know, gold is also super cheap there. Think of it as underdeveloped world, where each place got different market, barely any trading, but berries are global accepted currency".

I smile back, throwing gold coins, jewelry, relics and weapons, on the table, smiling back.

"Mmm, My queen, Ruby, please help me exchange it to money, and, mmm, please gimmi stocks of something I can sell there in a high price?" I ask in a cute voice, like a child pouting for candies.

"HUH .., Mia, Look at him! Maybe we should behave like he's a child again?" Robin joke on my attitude, so I tell her "It's okay. I met that Kuja-pirate again, and she bombed me with her lust-energy, so let us see you say that again tomorrow morning" and I grin evilly.

Mia laugh hard from it, dunno if she's scared, happy, or just enjoying the moment.

"Okay, okay, I'll find a path to circulate the gold, jewelry, etc. I've got few companies who will love to get stock-sale... let's start with alcohol. Try your Rayleigh friend for it, here, take this bottle to him and find it worth to him. There's also a box of it in the storage, take it also" Robin quickly solve everything, making me relax.

"Ah, Queen ruby, you're really a good queen, the king is happy" I tell her while standing behind her, combing her hair as she eat desert now.

"Stop. Let's eat" Robin says, and I respond "That's what I'm doing", while biting her on the neck, then shoulder, hip, raise her body and bite her ass, and from there I start to devour her and Mia, quickly arriving to my room, with 'deserts' in hand, planning to enjoy the 'deserts' all night long.