
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Anime & Comics
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227 Chs

CH122: Child-plays

"Where'd ya going, Ayn-tan?" Serafall asks me, as I try to sneak out of bed in the morning, crawling over to me, dropping the phone she was playing on, and I notice her shy smirk, not sure what she has in her mind.

'For real?' I think in surprise by reading her floating thoughts, realizing she wish to mock my morning-boner, and how innocent she is in her romantic life, or more like, non-existent-love-life.

I grab her hand, pulling it toward me, and it make her fall-down, giggling. I quickly go out of the bed, but just then, I look at her bubbly-butt, and in the spar of the moment, take a bite.

"OH NO YOU DIDN'T!" Serafall roll around quickly, trying to grab me with her stretched hand, but I laugh, escaping outside the bedroom.

I run outside, to the artificial-lake, and jump into the water, diving in, wondering if she'll actually come after me.

*Splash!*, in the moment my head pop out of the water, Serafall, in a blue-bikini, with a fabric-gown tied to her waist, laugh, "hahaha, Iv'e got you!".

We begin a harsh water fight, making waves all over the lake, using our powers to mess around, and I discover her ice-magic is really powerful, and I wonder 'Is her ice-power stronger than mine? She got more energy, but the quality of my energy is better, having absolute-ice...'.

Suddenly, she creates a huge magic-circle, and I quickly revoke it, using the dragon-technique, who make the magic-circle start to break, and Serafall fall down, sitting in the shallow waters, gazing at me with open eyes, asking "What was that?".

"It's the power of love!" I joke with her, and sit next to her.

She stare at me, a bit confused, and I put my hands on her waist, pulling her to me, to sit between my legs, side ways, looking at each other eyes, and I realize "I have feelings for her?.. Is it love?.. Or just affection?..", but suddenly realize I mumble-out-loud.

Serafall stand, beaming a smile at me, saying "I like you too, Ayn-tan", but I feel a contradiction between her shy-blush, to her childish, innocent, behavior, feeling she's just as confuse as I am, about those feelings, and seeing her walking away, I follow her, as I notice where she's going to.

"I love this hot spring!" Serafall tells me in the moment I get inside the hot-spring, who's right next to the artificial-lake, connected to the tree-house-living-room-balcony, and I smile, telling her "Iv'e built it with some otherworldly technology... They call it 'dials', some natural-tools, who can create energies, like pulling water, or heating them...".

While listening to me talking, adding her remarks, and just chatting about nothingness, Serafall floats on the water, near the place I stand at, looking peaceful, charming, and in another spark of unexplained vibe, I divert the conversation to her love-life, by teasing her, saying "I bet lots of men try to get close to a wonderful woman like you... Lucky me?".

She *giggle*, blush a bit, and respond "Yeah! You're lucky!", and that make me smile, more than her reaction, her floating thoughts about how man step back from her, which probably means they feels she's out-of-reach for them, leaving her single for so long, and I think 'Beautiful women sure has it tough... Men just afraid to get close to them... And the ones who do, probably are scums, or failures...'.

"You're beautiful, I'm sure whoever gets you, will be one lucky man" I tell her, and walk outside, planning to wash myself quickly, and go eat breakfast, feeling my stomach grumbling.

"Wash my back!" Serafall say, and I turn my head, covered with soap, wiping my face to look at her, and amazed to see her clothes slowly disappears, plus, her bikini-underwear, which I didn't see before, actually have a huge hole, heart-shape, exposing her butt-crack.

"Sure" I tell her, grab some soap from my body, and begin rubbing her back, washing it thoughtfully, and once done, I grab more soap, washing her hand, all the way to her fingers, also her arm-pit, which make her giggle cutely, and then her other hand, before grabbing more soap, and move downward, washing her waist.

She stand, so I keep washing her with soap, moving down to her hips, and once done, I move up again, rubbing her bubbly-butt sides, and slowly wash toward the middle, through the exposed-underwear, washing her crack gently.

"mmmm..." Serafall kinda moan, and I notice she try to block her mouth from making noises, so I continue, washing between her legs, from down her hips upward, rubbing her pussy through her underwear, "Mmmmm...", a moan escapes her mouth, even though she block her mouth with her hand.

'Maybe I'm taking it too far..' I think and stop, moving my hands, and Serafall turn her head to me, beaming a smile, which kinda break my concentration, and I just hold her by her waist, pulling her down, to sit on my leg.

We sit, face to face, and I put my hands to the side of her neck, with my thumb on her cheek, while my other hand hugging around her lower-back, holding her close to me. We keep looking into each other eyes, and my eyes move down and up, taking glimpses to her seductive mouth, feeling an urge to push my lips onto hers.

My face slowly gets closer to hers, till it's an inch from it, and I wonder 'How would she react?..'. When she closes her eyes, I also close mine, and a second later, *Chuu*, she put her lips onto mine, making an immature kiss, with her lips all shaped like a kid-kiss, but I don't mind it, rather I'm happy, *Chuu*, kissing her back, *Chuu*, she kiss me again.

*Chuu... Chuu... Chuu...*, we begin some sort of a kissing-fight, filled with passion, and Serafall'-hands rap around my neck, while mine on her hip and waist, and I decide to try and push it forward, *Chuu...*, kissing her with an open-mouth, take my tongue out, licking her lips.

She open her eyes and mouth in surprise, and in that moment, *Chuu...*, I put my lips on hers, sending my tongue into her mouth, licking her tongue, and she quickly closes her eyes, trying to do the same as I do, looping her tongue around mine.

"I like you... Let's go for a date?" I say in the moment we separate our mouths, looking onto each other, and before she can answer, I already stand, while holding her in my hands, and go inside the shower-head, washing the soap from us.

*Giggle*, Serafall, in a princess-carry, inside the shower-head, laugh while playing with my hair, and I peck a kiss on her cheek.

"Hehe, you like me, don't you?.. Just so you know! It was my first kiss!" Serafall bashfully tell me. I smirk, saying "Even more than a mere like...", and kiss her, passionately, while my hands roam around her waist and bosom, finding myself truly attracted to this cheerful-childish-woman.

I stop taking it any farther, putting her down, and once we finish the bath, drying ourselves, and I create clothes for myself, I notice she also creates clothes on her, but shocked to find her in a black-and-pink-sexy-maid-outfit, burst into laughter.

"Don't you like maids?" Serafall dance in a circle, flashing her pink-underwear to me, and I grab her in a hug, into a princess-carry again, kissing her lips, saying "I like what's under the clothes, not the clothes", while walking toward the kitchen.

'She's so... CUTE!' I think happily, feeling Serafall raining kisses on my neck, and I just grab a juice-bottle from the fridge, few glasses, and go to the table, sitting, with Serafall in my lap, asking her "What do you wanna eat?".

*Chuu!*, "Pancakes!! And! And! Maple-syrup! Two sunny-side-up eggs! Apple juice!" Serafall cutely ask for a breakfast-dish, and I smile in joy, thinking 'oh, that sounds great!', and stand, going to the kitchen.


*LAUGHS!*, even I laugh my ass off, seeing Sona splashed with the pancake-mixture, while cooking in the kitchen, with all the girls, who was here in the moment I came back, after I went to bring Maple-syrup, and it seems Serafall made them cook, even Sona.

I grab a towel, going to Sona, wiping all the mixture out of her body, and ask "Let's do it together?", and she look at me cutely, taking her tongue out, and I think 'Oh, she's as cute as Serafall probably... I bet she'll be a fine woman soon enough...'.

Me and Sona soon finish making the mixture, baking pancakes, and soon, we sit down to eat.

... "I'll see you all later" I tell the girls after breakfast, leaving them to clean things up here, and have the day around the house, explore it some more, while I'm planning to get intel about those fallen-angels.

"Wait," Serafall calls me out, coming to me, as I go to the entrance-door, "Maybe it's better if I'll come with you?".

I hold her hand, walking outside, and kiss her lips, whispering "You can relax, I ain't stupid, nor weak... Just be prepared for our date tonight".

She look at me in surprise, who turns to shock, then a smile, and finally she *Chuu!*, kiss my lips, and run back into the house, and I *teleport*.


Outside the church, high in the sky, invisible, I float around the place, trying to fish out any intel I can before stepping inside the building.

<We wanna have fun!> Infi suddenly tells me, and I ask 'What do you mean? and who's we?'. <Hehe, we're in vacation, you know, so, all of us, eating breakfast, Oh! Energy to Snowy, and, ... , Sugar woke-up, she's with the green-hair, her sister, oh, Monet, ... , Anyway, we voted on pranks!..> Infi keeps talking.

'She really opened up... But.. What's with the vacation in Infinity, without me, Grrr..' I think while keep listening to Infi and the girls tell me their ideas, noticing there's only two women inside the church right now, the short-blondie, Mittelt, and the blue-hair, Kalawarna, which we saw before, and ain't a threat at all, at least for now.

... Sneaking into the church, after a lively conversation with the girls in Infinity, I enter inside the secret-hideout, finding the two fallen-angels chatting, looking relaxed.

I go behind Mittelt, the blondie-girl, who wear a sexy-cute-red-dress, and *Slap!*, hit her butt, and quickly, yet quietly, go to the corner of the room.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR??" Mittelt exhale, looking at Kalawarna in an annoyed expression, gazing at her.

Kalawarna, the blue-hair-woman, who's wearing a beige-tight-shirt-and-skirt, just stand there, close to her, half-smiling-half-questioning her with her expression, asking "What?".

"Why did you do that???" Mittelt question her, narrowing her eyes, and Mittelt exhale again "Why did you just hit me??".

"I didn't" Kalawarna respond coldly, even looking a bit confused, and they keep exchanging words till the situation calm-down, they get back to their business, but just then, I move again.

*Slap! Rip!*, I smack Kalawarna back, with a push into it, ripping a piece of her shirt and skirt, and quickly throw it toward Mittelt direction, and sneak to the corner of the room.

"Do you wanna fight?!" Kalawarna say in anger, and *fwoosh*, draw a golden double edged sword, making a fighting stance, ready to strike Mittelt.

"I ... I didn't!" Mittelt exhale, looking agitated, and *fwoosh*, take out a pair of black-wings, like all fallen-angels probably have, and she seems ready to defend herself.

A few remarks from each of them turns to shouting, and a tense vibe floats around the room, while I think '...That was ...Was it funny for you?', and I hear the girls responds <Yeah! Again! Again!>, giggling happily, not sure if for putting me in this awkward situation, or actually from messing up with those two fallen angels.

While they keep arguing, I ask the girls '..Got any technique I can use? Ideas? ...I prefer not to make direct-contact with them', and suddenly feel an energy flowing my way, letting it go into my mind, as the girls tells me <Just think of it the same of the energy-clothing-technique ... Just backward ...>, and scanning the technique, I feel the urge to laugh evilly.

Right when Mittelt *sigh*, relaxing back to the sofa she's sitting on, averting her eyes, as Kalawarna walks in the direction afar from her, I go between the two, aim to Kalawarna, and *Rip!*, the energy-wave hit Kalawarna, tearing apart her clothes to shreds.

"AHHHHH!!! YOU BITCH!!" Kalawarna shout in anger, looking toward Mittelt, and also to me, as I stand between them, invisible, slowly stepping aside, and smirk to the view I see, as Kalawarna clothes, even her high-heels, disappears completely, and she's standing there, bare naked.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!!? WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE??????" Mittelt takes her black-wings out again, scanning the room with her eyes, looking in high-alert, but Kalawarna already creates new clothes, now in a sexy-purple-dress, with a whip in her hand, jumping toward Mittelt.

*Peng!*, Kalawarna whip hits the sofa, but Mittelt avert the hit in the last second, *fwoosh*, she charge toward Kalawarna with a sword in her hand, trying to stab her.

'Hey, is it because I'm a male?.. Cause I don't find it that funny..' I ask the girls, who burst laughing happily in Infinity, but at least some of them are quiet, probably somehow oppressed by the environment of the cheesy-naughty-girls there.

'Oh... A magic circle...' I think as I sneak to the far side of the room, and see Raynare, the black-hair-woman, appears from the magic-circle, wearing only a black-bikini, with black-high-heels-boots, standing there with her hands hugging her body.

"Have you finally gone insane?" Raynare mock Mittelt and Kalawarna, who stop fighting in the moment she appeared, jumping afar from each other, and look over to Raynare, beginning to shout non-coherent-words, making even me confused about what they're talking about.

"Okay, okay, stop the nonsense. Just... Stop messing with each other. We have important business to do! I think I found a sacred-gear! We need more information, but it's an easy pray for sure!" Raynare say as she make a devilish-pose, smirking evilly.

'So devils are actually nice, but fallen-angels are the real 'devils', so, how would angels be like?' I wonder, and while I read Raynare thoughts, still invisible, taking the risk and stand right in front of her face, I hear the girls telling me <Slap her!... Tear her clothes apart!.. Do blablabla...>, and I *Sigh*, relax as I find the intel I wanted, and just *teleport*.


'It's suppose to be here, right?..' I think as I fly above a certain neighborhood, which I saw in Raynare'-floating-thoughts, about a boy she suspects has a sacred-gear.

'Hey, say, what about the sacred-gear we've already got?' I ask.

<Nothing much... It's a darkness-dragon-energy type of tool... Maybe you can assimilate it to your left-arm, as it's already a spirit-bone of a dark-dragon-god?> I hear the girls comment, and decide to try it out once I'm home, but for now, I just scan around with my 6th-sense.

'YUCK!' I exhale in disgust, seeing three young teenagers sitting in a room, with their backs to the bed, and their faces toward the television, watching a porn movie together, while the lights are off. 'Is this what kids my age do this days? ... Are they gay?? ... But they watch a man with multiple women porn video, so probably not? ... What ...' I try to organize my mind, almost forgetting that one of them has a red-energy, with a greenish-vibes to it, coming out of his hand.

<Hehehehe... Our movies are much better!! ... > the girls comments on the scene before me, as I sneak inside the room, floating in the air, above the three horny teenagers, responding 'You know... That's probably the first porn movie I saw, if it even counts... Maybe I should try to masturbate one time?'.

<NO!!!! .. I DON'T WANT THAT!!! .. I REFUSE!! ..> the girls shout inside my head, and I burst laughing, thinking 'Yeah, it's better if you'll jerk me off!', and hear <Okay... Do something to cut that thing short... Aisa and Sugar are here with us!>.

'Even Sugar?..' I think in confusion, while floating above the television, sending an electricity-pulse into it, making it spark a bit, go haywire, and stop working.

The teenagers move around in shock, trying to fix it for a bit, till their party cut short, and while the one with the sacred-gear goes outside the room, I just *chop* his neck, kidnap him to an empty room nearby, and extract the sacred-gear. Once I'm finished, having a redish-orb in my hand, storing it into Infinity, I decide to leave him a huge stack of money, the same as the other one, as even if he has no difficulties, or even knowledge about his powers, it's still a better sacred-gear, or at least that's what the girls told me, plus, I burned his television.

'You think he will return the money to the police, or something stupid like that?' I ask the girls while I *teleport* to a shopping-mall, planning to buy lots of stuff before I return home.

<Hehehe... We just made a bet here about it... so you must do a follow up!.. some bet on him returning the money, some said he will give his parents, some said he'll save it, but the best guess is an 'inflatable sex doll'! ... hahahahaha ...>.

While the girls chat, with me listening upon the chatting-party in there, I shop around, also getting lots of orders who should arrive to the house, reminding me to build a storage-unit there, and I go buy gifts, ice-creams, games, clothes, gadgets, utilities, groceries, and seeing the time, I tell the girls 'First date from far away... It was fun, I love you all..', and *teleport* when I'm outside.

"Yo!" I call the girls when I enter Kouh-tree-house.

I write a note 'Build a storage unit in the entrance of the formal-house', stick it to the fridge, and suddenly Rias arrives, read the note, asking me "You know that people of my peerage, is living there, right?".

"Nope,", I respond, "But I don't mind, rather, it's even better, letting us have some alibi, a decoy... Should I go say hi?.. Ah, never mind, I'll trust whatever you decide to do .. anyway..", and I give her gifts I just bought.

"Hey, what about.." Akeno come to tease me, but before she finish her sentence, I shove a few bags to her, saying "Do you really think I can forget about you?".

I give Koneko few bags as well, and while they open it up, checking the things I bought, which are mostly girly-stuff, clothes, make-ups, perfume, but also gadgets, like tablets, I ask them "Did Serafall, Grayfia, or Sona and Tsubaki, been here? Said anything? Coming soon?".

"Nope, but they said they'll come back for dinner yesterday" Akeno tells me, and I go out for a bit, then come back to eat something, while preparing dinner, listening to the girls in Infinity telling me about the sacred-gear we just got.